return _cache_dir + "MEDIA/media.1/media";
+ TmpDir SuseTagsImpl::downloadMetadata()
+ {
+ TmpDir tmpdir;
+ int copy_result;
+ MIL << "Downloading metadata to " << tmpdir.path() << std::endl;
+ Pathname local_dir = tmpdir.path();
+ Pathname new_media_file = provideFile("media.1/media");
+ // before really download all the data and init the cache, check
+ // if the source has really changed, otherwise, make it quick
+ Pathname cached_media_file = mediaFile();
+ if ( cacheExists() )
+ {
+ CheckSum old_media_file_checksum( "SHA1", filesystem::sha1sum(cached_media_file));
+ CheckSum new_media_file_checksum( "SHA1", filesystem::sha1sum(new_media_file));
+ if ( (new_media_file_checksum == old_media_file_checksum) && (!new_media_file_checksum.empty()) && (! old_media_file_checksum.empty()))
+ {
+ MIL << "susetags source " << alias() << " has not changed. Refresh completed. SHA1 of media.1/media file is " << old_media_file_checksum.checksum() << std::endl;
+ //return;
+ }
+ }
+ MIL << "susetags source " << alias() << " has changed. Re-reading metadata into " << local_dir << endl;
+ // (#163196)
+ // before we used _descr_dir, which is is wrong if we
+ // store metadata already running from cache
+ // because it points to a local file and not
+ // to the media. So use the original media descr_dir.
+ Pathname media_src = provideDirTree("media.1");
+ Pathname descr_src = provideDirTree(_orig_descr_dir);
+ Pathname content_src = provideFile( _path + "content");
+ initCacheDir(local_dir);
+ // get the list of cache keys
+ std::list<std::string> files;
+ dirInfo( 1, files, _path);
+ if (0 != assert_dir((local_dir + "DATA"), 0755))
+ {
+ ZYPP_THROW(Exception("Cannot create cache DATA directory: " + (local_dir + "DATA").asString()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filesystem::copy_dir(descr_src, local_dir + "DATA");
+ MIL << "cached descr directory" << std::endl;
+ filesystem::copy(content_src, local_dir + "DATA/content");
+ MIL << "cached content file" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (0 != assert_dir((local_dir + "PUBLICKEYS"), 0755))
+ {
+ ZYPP_THROW(Exception("Cannot create cache PUBLICKEYS directory: " + (local_dir + "PUBLICKEYS").asString()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cache all the public keys
+ for( std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ std::string filename = *it;
+ if ( filename.substr(0, 10) == "gpg-pubkey" )
+ {
+ Pathname key_src = provideFile(_path + filename);
+ MIL << "Trying to cache " << key_src << std::endl;
+ filesystem::copy(key_src, local_dir + "PUBLICKEYS/" + filename);
+ MIL << "cached " << filename << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if( (filename == "content.asc") || (filename == "content.key"))
+ {
+ Pathname src_data = provideFile(_path + filename);
+ filesystem::copy( src_data, local_dir + "DATA/" + filename);
+ MIL << "cached " << filename << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 != assert_dir((local_dir + "MEDIA"), 0755))
+ {
+ ZYPP_THROW(Exception("Cannot create cache MEDIA directory: " + (local_dir + "MEDIA").asString()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filesystem::copy_dir(media_src, local_dir + "MEDIA");
+ MIL << "cached media directory" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return tmpdir;
+ }
void SuseTagsImpl::initCacheDir(const Pathname & cache_dir_r)
// refuse to use stupid paths as cache dir