From: "Jerry D. Hedden" <>
Message-ID: <>
(Check Win32::GetLastError() rather than $^E for Cygwin, on which $^E
is the last posix error (the same as $!), not the last Win32 error)
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@31956
require DynaLoader;
@ISA = qw|Exporter DynaLoader|;
- $VERSION = '0.32';
+ $VERSION = '0.32_01';
if (Win32::IsWinNT()) {
my $domain = eval { Win32::DomainName() };
- skip 'The Workstation service has not been started', 2 if $^E == 2138;
+ skip('The Workstation service has not been started', 2) if (Win32::GetLastError() == 2138);
is( $@, '', "Win32::DomainName()" );
like( $domain, '/^[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&()_\'{}.~-]+$/', " - checking returned domain" );