after follow the tsim example readme, doing verilator install by 'sudo apt-get-install verilator'
Once enable 'debug' or manually add 'printf' logic in chisel module, verilator would report
following error.
'syntax error, unexpected INTEGER NUMBER, expecting IDENTIFIER'
upgrade verilator to 4.012, issue fixed.
Link README.md verilator install steps with verilator home website
install instruction.
sudo apt install verilator sbt
+Verilator version check
+verilator --version
+the supported version of Verilator should be at least 4.012,
+if homebrew (OSX) or package-manager (Linux) does not support that version,
+please install Verilator 4.012 or later from binary or source base on following
+instruction of Verilator wiki.
## Setup in TVM
1. Install `verilator` and `sbt` as described above