--- /dev/null
+import os
+import sys
+import base64
+import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
+from common.buildtrigger import trigger_info
+from common.send_mail import prepare_mail
+def send_mail_buildstatus(info):
+ """ send mail about buildstatus """
+ EMAIL_TITLE = "SR[%s] %s %s"
+ EMAIL_BODY = "The status of SR has been updated.\n" \
+ "Please check the following details.\n\n" \
+ "SR tag: %s\n" \
+ "Packages : %s\n\n" \
+ "Result\n" \
+ "Build : %s\n" \
+ "Image : %s\n" \
+ "For more details, please refer to %s"
+ EMAIL_FOOTER = '\n\n--------------------------------------------------------\n'\
+ 'Automatically generated by backend service.\n'\
+ 'Please DO NOT Reply!'
+ imgsuccess, imgfailed, imgstatus = 0, 0, ''
+ buildsuccess, buildfailed, buildstatus = 0, 0, ''
+ submitters = info.get('submitter')
+ if info.get('buildstatus'):
+ for status in info.get("buildstatus"):
+ buildstatus += "\n %s arch: %s (%s:%s)" \
+ % (status.get('repo'),status.get('arch'), \
+ status.get('code'),status.get('count') \
+ )
+ if status.get('code') != 'succeeded':
+ buildfailed += 1
+ else:
+ buildsuccess += 1
+ buildstatus += '\n'
+ if buildfailed > 0:
+ title_build = 'Build(Failed)'
+ else:
+ title_build = 'Build(Succeeded)'
+ else:
+ title_build=None
+ buildstatus=None
+ if info.get('images'):
+ for image in info.get('images'):
+ if image['status'] == 'success':
+ imgsuccess += 1
+ if image['status'] == 'failed':
+ imgfailed += 1
+ if imgfailed > 0:
+ title_image = 'Image(Failed)'
+ else:
+ title_image = 'Image(Succeeded)'
+ imgstatus += "\n success (%s) failed (%s) \n" % (imgsuccess, imgfailed)
+ else:
+ title_image=None
+ imgstatus=None
+ dashboard_url = os.path.join(os.getenv('DASHBOARD_URL'), "index.code?sr=" + info.get('git_tag'))
+ #make a message
+ title = EMAIL_TITLE % (info.get('git_tag'), title_build, title_image)
+ email_body = EMAIL_BODY % ( info.get('git_tag'), info.get('packages'), buildstatus, imgstatus, dashboard_url)
+ msg = 'Hello \n\n' + email_body + EMAIL_FOOTER
+ print submitters
+ print title
+ print msg
+ if submitters:
+ prepare_mail("%s.env" % os.getenv('BUILD_TAG'), title, msg,
+ os.getenv('NOREPLY_EMAIL_SENDER'), submitters)
+def main():
+ """The main body"""
+ saved_info = trigger_info(os.getenv('TRIGGER_INFO'))
+ project = saved_info.get('obs_url').split('project=')[-1]
+ if project is None:
+ raise LocalError('Please check the project (%s)' \
+ % (project))
+ send_mail_buildstatus(saved_info)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())