snpe_subplugin::configure_instance (const GstTensorFilterProperties *prop)
- nns_logi ("SNPE Version: %s",
- zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getLibraryVersion ().asString ().c_str ());
+ zdl::DlSystem::Version_t ver = zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getLibraryVersion ();
+ nns_logi ("SNPE Version: %s", ver.asString ().c_str ());
+ if (ver.Major != 1) {
+ cleanup ();
+ const std::string err_msg = "Invalid SNPE version, version 1.x is supported but has "
+ + std::to_string (ver.Major) + ".x.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
+ throw std::runtime_error (err_msg);
+ }
if (!set_output_tensor_names (&prop->output_meta)) {
- nns_loge ("Failed to set output tensor names");
cleanup ();
- return;
+ const std::string err_msg = "Failed to set output tensor names.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
+ throw std::invalid_argument (err_msg);
if (!configure_option (prop)) {
cleanup ();
- throw std::invalid_argument ("Failed to configure SNPE option.");
- return;
+ const std::string err_msg = "Failed to configure SNPE option.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
+ throw std::invalid_argument (err_msg);
if (!empty_model) {
- /* Already opened */
+ /* Already opened, clear old model. */
+ cleanup ();
if (!prop->model_files[0] || prop->model_files[0][0] == '\0') {
- std::cerr << "Model path is not given." << std::endl;
- throw std::invalid_argument ("Model path is not given.");
+ const std::string err_msg = "SNPE model path is not given.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
+ throw std::invalid_argument (err_msg);
- cleanup ();
if (!g_file_test (prop->model_files[0], G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
- const std::string err_msg
- = "Given file " + (std::string) prop->model_files[0] + " is not valid";
- std::cerr << err_msg << std::endl;
cleanup ();
+ const std::string err_msg
+ = "Given file " + std::string (prop->model_files[0]) + " is not valid.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
throw std::invalid_argument (err_msg);
snpe = snpe_builder.build ();
if (snpe == nullptr) {
cleanup ();
- throw std::runtime_error ("fail to build snpe");
+ const std::string err_msg = "Failed to build SNPE.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
+ throw std::runtime_error (err_msg);
/** configure input and output tensor names */
if (use_user_buffer) {
if (input_data_type != _NNS_FLOAT32 || output_data_type != _NNS_FLOAT32) {
cleanup ();
- throw std::invalid_argument ("user buffer mode only support float32 type");
+ const std::string err_msg = "User buffer mode only supports float32 type.";
+ nns_loge ("%s", err_msg.c_str ());
+ throw std::invalid_argument (err_msg);
/* Configure input and output */