VP.AddValue((PC & 4095) | (LastSameByte << 12));
static void AddValueForCmp(uintptr_t PC, uint64_t Arg1, uint64_t Arg2) {
VP.AddValue((PC & 4095) | (__builtin_popcountl(Arg1 ^ Arg2) << 12));
void Reset() { memset(Map, 0, sizeof(Map)); }
// Computed a hash function of Value and sets the corresponding bit.
- void AddValue(uintptr_t Value) {
+ inline void AddValue(uintptr_t Value) {
uintptr_t Idx = Value < kMapSizeInBits ? Value : Value % kMapSizeInBits;
uintptr_t WordIdx = Idx / kBitsInWord;
uintptr_t BitIdx = Idx % kBitsInWord;
// Merges 'Other' into 'this', clears 'Other',
// returns the number of set bits in 'this'.
+ __attribute__((target("popcnt")))
size_t MergeFrom(ValueBitMap &Other) {
uintptr_t Res = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMapSizeInWords; i++) {