uid [ unknown] Linus Torvalds <torvalds@kernel.org>
sub rsa2048 2011-09-20 [E]
-Next, open the `PGP pathfinder`_. In the "From" field, paste the key
-fingerprint of Linus Torvalds from the output above. In the "To" field,
-paste the key-id you found via ``gpg --search`` of the unknown key, and
-check the results:
-- `Finding paths to Linus`_
+Next, find a trust path from Linus Torvalds to the key-id you found via ``gpg
+--search`` of the unknown key. For this, you can use several tools including
+https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/docs/kernel/pgpkeys.git/tree/graphs, and
If you get a few decent trust paths, then it's a pretty good indication
that it is a valid key. You can add it to your keyring from the
fact, this goes against :ref:`devs_not_infra`). However, if you
do not carefully maintain your own web of trust, then it is a marked
improvement over blindly trusting keyservers.
-.. _`PGP pathfinder`: https://pgp.cs.uu.nl/
-.. _`Finding paths to Linus`: https://pgp.cs.uu.nl/paths/79BE3E4300411886/to/C94035C21B4F2AEB.html