- ../dali-toolkit/dali-toolkit-test-utils/toolkit-text-model.cpp
+ dali-toolkit-test-utils/toolkit-text-model.cpp
+ dali-toolkit-test-utils
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "toolkit-text-model.h"
+#include <dali/devel-api/text-abstraction/font-client.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/bidirectional-support.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/character-set-conversion.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/layouts/layout-engine.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/layouts/layout-parameters.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/metrics.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/multi-language-support.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/segmentation.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/shaper.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-controller-impl.h>
+namespace Dali
+namespace Toolkit
+namespace Text
+ * @brief Frees previously allocated bidirectional resources.
+ *
+ * @param[in] bidirectionalLineInfo Bidirectional info per line.
+ * @param[in] index Index to the first line with bidirectional info to be freed.
+ */
+void FreeBidirectionalLineInfoResources( Vector<BidirectionalLineInfoRun> bidirectionalLineInfo,
+ uint32_t index )
+ // Free the allocated memory used to store the conversion table in the bidirectional line info run.
+ for( Vector<BidirectionalLineInfoRun>::Iterator it = bidirectionalLineInfo.Begin() + index,
+ endIt = bidirectionalLineInfo.End();
+ it != endIt;
+ ++it )
+ {
+ BidirectionalLineInfoRun& bidiLineInfo = *it;
+ free( bidiLineInfo.visualToLogicalMap );
+ }
+ * @brief Clear all the model data except for LogicalModel::mText.
+ *
+ * @param[in] characterIndex Clear data starting from the index.
+ */
+void ClearModelData( CharacterIndex characterIndex,
+ LogicalModelPtr logicalModel,
+ VisualModelPtr visualModel )
+ // n.b. This does not Clear the mText from mLogicalModel
+ // Frees previously allocated resources.
+ FreeBidirectionalLineInfoResources( logicalModel->mBidirectionalLineInfo, 0u );
+ logicalModel->mScriptRuns.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mFontRuns.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mWordBreakInfo.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mBidirectionalParagraphInfo.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mCharacterDirections.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mBidirectionalLineInfo.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mLogicalToVisualMap.Clear();
+ logicalModel->mVisualToLogicalMap.Clear();
+ visualModel->mGlyphs.Clear();
+ visualModel->mGlyphsToCharacters.Clear();
+ visualModel->mCharactersToGlyph.Clear();
+ visualModel->mCharactersPerGlyph.Clear();
+ visualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter.Clear();
+ visualModel->mGlyphPositions.Clear();
+ visualModel->mLines.Clear();
+ visualModel->mColorRuns.Clear();
+ visualModel->ClearCaches();
+void CreateTextModel( const std::string& text,
+ const Size& textArea,
+ const Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptions,
+ const LayoutOptions& options,
+ Size& layoutSize,
+ LogicalModelPtr logicalModel,
+ VisualModelPtr visualModel )
+ // 1) Convert to utf32
+ Vector<Character>& utf32Characters = logicalModel->mText;
+ utf32Characters.Resize( text.size() );
+ const uint32_t numberOfCharacters = Utf8ToUtf32( reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t* const>( text.c_str() ),
+ text.size(),
+ &utf32Characters[0u] );
+ utf32Characters.Resize( numberOfCharacters );
+ // 2) Set the break and paragraph info.
+ Vector<LineBreakInfo>& lineBreakInfo = logicalModel->mLineBreakInfo;
+ lineBreakInfo.Resize( numberOfCharacters );
+ SetLineBreakInfo( utf32Characters,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ lineBreakInfo );
+ if( 0u == numberOfCharacters )
+ {
+ // Nothing else to do if the number of characters is zero.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Retrieves the word break info. The word break info is used to layout the text (where to wrap the text in lines).
+ Vector<WordBreakInfo>& wordBreakInfo = logicalModel->mWordBreakInfo;
+ wordBreakInfo.Resize( numberOfCharacters );
+ SetWordBreakInfo( utf32Characters,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ wordBreakInfo );
+ // 3) Set the script info.
+ MultilanguageSupport multilanguageSupport = MultilanguageSupport::Get();
+ Vector<ScriptRun>& scripts = logicalModel->mScriptRuns;
+ multilanguageSupport.SetScripts( utf32Characters,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ scripts );
+ // 4) Set the font info
+ Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptionRuns = logicalModel->mFontDescriptionRuns;
+ fontDescriptionRuns = fontDescriptions;
+ Vector<FontRun>& validFonts = logicalModel->mFontRuns;
+ // The default font id.
+ FontDefaults fontDefaults;
+ fontDefaults.mFontDescription.family = "";
+ fontDefaults.familyDefined = true;
+ fontDefaults.mDefaultPointSize = 12.f;
+ fontDefaults.sizeDefined = true;
+ TextAbstraction::FontClient fontClient = TextAbstraction::FontClient::Get();
+ fontClient.SetDpi( 96u, 96u );
+ const FontId defaultFontId = fontDefaults.GetFontId( fontClient );
+ // Validates the fonts. If there is a character with no assigned font it sets a default one.
+ // After this call, fonts are validated.
+ multilanguageSupport.ValidateFonts( utf32Characters,
+ scripts,
+ fontDescriptionRuns,
+ defaultFontId,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ validFonts );
+ // 5) Set the bidirectional info per paragraph.
+ Vector<Character> mirroredUtf32Characters;
+ bool textMirrored = false;
+ // Reserve some space for the vector of paragraph's bidirectional info.
+ Vector<BidirectionalParagraphInfoRun>& bidirectionalInfo = logicalModel->mBidirectionalParagraphInfo;
+ // Calculates the bidirectional info for the whole paragraph if it contains right to left scripts.
+ SetBidirectionalInfo( utf32Characters,
+ scripts,
+ lineBreakInfo,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ bidirectionalInfo );
+ // Create the paragraph info.
+ logicalModel->CreateParagraphInfo( 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters );
+ // 6) Set character directions.
+ Vector<CharacterDirection>& characterDirections = logicalModel->mCharacterDirections;
+ if( 0u != bidirectionalInfo.Count() )
+ {
+ // Only set the character directions if there is right to left characters.
+ GetCharactersDirection( bidirectionalInfo,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ characterDirections );
+ // This paragraph has right to left text. Some characters may need to be mirrored.
+ textMirrored = GetMirroredText( utf32Characters,
+ characterDirections,
+ bidirectionalInfo,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ mirroredUtf32Characters );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There is no right to left characters. Clear the directions vector.
+ characterDirections.Clear();
+ }
+ // 7) Shape the text.
+ Vector<GlyphInfo>& glyphs = visualModel->mGlyphs;
+ Vector<CharacterIndex>& glyphsToCharactersMap = visualModel->mGlyphsToCharacters;
+ Vector<Length>& charactersPerGlyph = visualModel->mCharactersPerGlyph;
+ Vector<GlyphIndex> newParagraphGlyphs;
+ const Vector<Character>& textToShape = textMirrored ? mirroredUtf32Characters : utf32Characters;
+ ShapeText( textToShape,
+ lineBreakInfo,
+ scripts,
+ validFonts,
+ 0u,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ glyphs,
+ glyphsToCharactersMap,
+ charactersPerGlyph,
+ newParagraphGlyphs );
+ // Create the 'number of glyphs' per character and the glyph to character conversion tables.
+ visualModel->CreateGlyphsPerCharacterTable( 0u, 0u, numberOfCharacters );
+ visualModel->CreateCharacterToGlyphTable( 0u, 0u, numberOfCharacters );
+ const Length numberOfGlyphs = glyphs.Count();
+ // 8) Get the glyph metrics
+ MetricsPtr metrics = Metrics::New( fontClient );
+ GlyphInfo* glyphsBuffer = glyphs.Begin();
+ metrics->GetGlyphMetrics( glyphsBuffer, numberOfGlyphs );
+ // Update the width and advance of all new paragraph characters.
+ for( Vector<GlyphIndex>::ConstIterator it = newParagraphGlyphs.Begin(),
+ endIt = newParagraphGlyphs.End();
+ it != endIt;
+ ++it )
+ {
+ const GlyphIndex index = *it;
+ GlyphInfo& glyph = *( glyphsBuffer + index );
+ glyph.xBearing = 0.f;
+ glyph.width = 0.f;
+ glyph.advance = 0.f;
+ }
+ // 9) Layout the text
+ LayoutEngine layoutEngine;
+ layoutEngine.SetMetrics( metrics );
+ layoutEngine.SetLayout( LayoutEngine::MULTI_LINE_BOX );
+ // Set the layout parameters.
+ const Vector<GlyphIndex>& charactersToGlyph = visualModel->mCharactersToGlyph;
+ const Vector<Length>& glyphsPerCharacter = visualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter;
+ LayoutParameters layoutParameters( textArea,
+ utf32Characters.Begin(),
+ lineBreakInfo.Begin(),
+ wordBreakInfo.Begin(),
+ ( 0u != characterDirections.Count() ) ? characterDirections.Begin() : NULL,
+ glyphs.Begin(),
+ glyphsToCharactersMap.Begin(),
+ charactersPerGlyph.Begin(),
+ charactersToGlyph.Begin(),
+ glyphsPerCharacter.Begin(),
+ numberOfGlyphs );
+ Vector<LineRun>& lines = visualModel->mLines;
+ Vector<Vector2>& glyphPositions = visualModel->mGlyphPositions;
+ glyphPositions.Resize( numberOfGlyphs );
+ layoutParameters.isLastNewParagraph = TextAbstraction::IsNewParagraph( *( utf32Characters.Begin() + ( numberOfCharacters - 1u ) ) );
+ // The initial glyph and the number of glyphs to layout.
+ layoutParameters.startGlyphIndex = 0u;
+ layoutParameters.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfGlyphs;
+ layoutParameters.startLineIndex = 0u;
+ layoutParameters.estimatedNumberOfLines = logicalModel->mParagraphInfo.Count();
+ layoutEngine.LayoutText( layoutParameters,
+ glyphPositions,
+ lines,
+ layoutSize );
+ // 10) Reorder the lines
+ if( 0u != bidirectionalInfo.Count() )
+ {
+ Vector<BidirectionalLineInfoRun>& bidirectionalLineInfo = logicalModel->mBidirectionalLineInfo;
+ // Get the lines
+ const Length numberOfLines = lines.Count();
+ // Reorder the lines.
+ bidirectionalLineInfo.Reserve( numberOfLines ); // Reserve because is not known yet how many lines have right to left characters.
+ ReorderLines( bidirectionalInfo,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ lines,
+ bidirectionalLineInfo );
+ // Set the bidirectional info per line into the layout parameters.
+ layoutParameters.lineBidirectionalInfoRunsBuffer = bidirectionalLineInfo.Begin();
+ layoutParameters.numberOfBidirectionalInfoRuns = bidirectionalLineInfo.Count();
+ // Set the bidirectional info into the model.
+ logicalModel->SetVisualToLogicalMap( layoutParameters.lineBidirectionalInfoRunsBuffer,
+ layoutParameters.numberOfBidirectionalInfoRuns,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters );
+ if( options.reorder )
+ {
+ // Re-layout the text. Reorder those lines with right to left characters.
+ layoutEngine.ReLayoutRightToLeftLines( layoutParameters,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ glyphPositions );
+ }
+ }
+ if( options.align )
+ {
+ layoutEngine.Align( textArea,
+ 0u,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ lines );
+ }
+} // namespace Text
+} // namespace Toolkit
+} // namespace Dali
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/logical-model-impl.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/visual-model-impl.h>
+namespace Dali
+namespace Toolkit
+namespace Text
+ * @brief Some layout options.
+ */
+struct LayoutOptions
+ LayoutOptions()
+ : reorder( true ),
+ align( true )
+ {}
+ bool reorder : 1; ///< Whether to reorder the bidirectional lines.
+ bool align : 1; ///< Whether to align the lines.
+ * @brief Creates and fills all the vectors of a text model: characters in utf32, segmentation info,
+ * scripts, fonts, bidi info, glyphs, conversion tables, etc.
+ *
+ * @param[in] text The given text.
+ * @param[in] textArea The area where to layout the text.
+ * @param[in] fontDescriptions The fonts to be used.
+ * @param[in] options Layout options.
+ * @param[out] layoutSize The laid-out size.
+ * @param[out] logicalModel Pointer to a logical text model instance.
+ * @param[out] visualModel Pointer to a visual text model instance.
+ */
+void CreateTextModel( const std::string& text,
+ const Size& textArea,
+ const Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptions,
+ const LayoutOptions& options,
+ Size& layoutSize,
+ LogicalModelPtr logicalModel,
+ VisualModelPtr visualModel );
+} // namespace Text
+} // namespace Toolkit
+} // namespace Dali
- dali-toolkit-test-utils/toolkit-text-model.cpp
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include "toolkit-text-model.h"
-#include <dali/devel-api/text-abstraction/font-client.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/bidirectional-support.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/character-set-conversion.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/layouts/layout-engine.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/layouts/layout-parameters.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/metrics.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/multi-language-support.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/segmentation.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/shaper.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-controller-impl.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Text
- * @brief Frees previously allocated bidirectional resources.
- *
- * @param[in] bidirectionalLineInfo Bidirectional info per line.
- * @param[in] index Index to the first line with bidirectional info to be freed.
- */
-void FreeBidirectionalLineInfoResources( Vector<BidirectionalLineInfoRun> bidirectionalLineInfo,
- uint32_t index )
- // Free the allocated memory used to store the conversion table in the bidirectional line info run.
- for( Vector<BidirectionalLineInfoRun>::Iterator it = bidirectionalLineInfo.Begin() + index,
- endIt = bidirectionalLineInfo.End();
- it != endIt;
- ++it )
- {
- BidirectionalLineInfoRun& bidiLineInfo = *it;
- free( bidiLineInfo.visualToLogicalMap );
- }
- * @brief Clear all the model data except for LogicalModel::mText.
- *
- * @param[in] characterIndex Clear data starting from the index.
- */
-void ClearModelData( CharacterIndex characterIndex,
- LogicalModelPtr logicalModel,
- VisualModelPtr visualModel )
- // n.b. This does not Clear the mText from mLogicalModel
- // Frees previously allocated resources.
- FreeBidirectionalLineInfoResources( logicalModel->mBidirectionalLineInfo, 0u );
- logicalModel->mScriptRuns.Clear();
- logicalModel->mFontRuns.Clear();
- logicalModel->mWordBreakInfo.Clear();
- logicalModel->mBidirectionalParagraphInfo.Clear();
- logicalModel->mCharacterDirections.Clear();
- logicalModel->mBidirectionalLineInfo.Clear();
- logicalModel->mLogicalToVisualMap.Clear();
- logicalModel->mVisualToLogicalMap.Clear();
- visualModel->mGlyphs.Clear();
- visualModel->mGlyphsToCharacters.Clear();
- visualModel->mCharactersToGlyph.Clear();
- visualModel->mCharactersPerGlyph.Clear();
- visualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter.Clear();
- visualModel->mGlyphPositions.Clear();
- visualModel->mLines.Clear();
- visualModel->mColorRuns.Clear();
- visualModel->ClearCaches();
-void CreateTextModel( const std::string& text,
- const Size& textArea,
- const Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptions,
- const LayoutOptions& options,
- Size& layoutSize,
- LogicalModelPtr logicalModel,
- VisualModelPtr visualModel )
- // 1) Convert to utf32
- Vector<Character>& utf32Characters = logicalModel->mText;
- utf32Characters.Resize( text.size() );
- const uint32_t numberOfCharacters = Utf8ToUtf32( reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t* const>( text.c_str() ),
- text.size(),
- &utf32Characters[0u] );
- utf32Characters.Resize( numberOfCharacters );
- // 2) Set the break and paragraph info.
- Vector<LineBreakInfo>& lineBreakInfo = logicalModel->mLineBreakInfo;
- lineBreakInfo.Resize( numberOfCharacters );
- SetLineBreakInfo( utf32Characters,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- lineBreakInfo );
- if( 0u == numberOfCharacters )
- {
- // Nothing else to do if the number of characters is zero.
- return;
- }
- // Retrieves the word break info. The word break info is used to layout the text (where to wrap the text in lines).
- Vector<WordBreakInfo>& wordBreakInfo = logicalModel->mWordBreakInfo;
- wordBreakInfo.Resize( numberOfCharacters );
- SetWordBreakInfo( utf32Characters,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- wordBreakInfo );
- // 3) Set the script info.
- MultilanguageSupport multilanguageSupport = MultilanguageSupport::Get();
- Vector<ScriptRun>& scripts = logicalModel->mScriptRuns;
- multilanguageSupport.SetScripts( utf32Characters,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- scripts );
- // 4) Set the font info
- Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptionRuns = logicalModel->mFontDescriptionRuns;
- fontDescriptionRuns = fontDescriptions;
- Vector<FontRun>& validFonts = logicalModel->mFontRuns;
- // The default font id.
- FontDefaults fontDefaults;
- fontDefaults.mFontDescription.family = "";
- fontDefaults.familyDefined = true;
- fontDefaults.mDefaultPointSize = 12.f;
- fontDefaults.sizeDefined = true;
- TextAbstraction::FontClient fontClient = TextAbstraction::FontClient::Get();
- fontClient.SetDpi( 96u, 96u );
- const FontId defaultFontId = fontDefaults.GetFontId( fontClient );
- // Validates the fonts. If there is a character with no assigned font it sets a default one.
- // After this call, fonts are validated.
- multilanguageSupport.ValidateFonts( utf32Characters,
- scripts,
- fontDescriptionRuns,
- defaultFontId,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- validFonts );
- // 5) Set the bidirectional info per paragraph.
- Vector<Character> mirroredUtf32Characters;
- bool textMirrored = false;
- // Reserve some space for the vector of paragraph's bidirectional info.
- Vector<BidirectionalParagraphInfoRun>& bidirectionalInfo = logicalModel->mBidirectionalParagraphInfo;
- // Calculates the bidirectional info for the whole paragraph if it contains right to left scripts.
- SetBidirectionalInfo( utf32Characters,
- scripts,
- lineBreakInfo,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- bidirectionalInfo );
- // Create the paragraph info.
- logicalModel->CreateParagraphInfo( 0u,
- numberOfCharacters );
- // 6) Set character directions.
- Vector<CharacterDirection>& characterDirections = logicalModel->mCharacterDirections;
- if( 0u != bidirectionalInfo.Count() )
- {
- // Only set the character directions if there is right to left characters.
- GetCharactersDirection( bidirectionalInfo,
- numberOfCharacters,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- characterDirections );
- // This paragraph has right to left text. Some characters may need to be mirrored.
- textMirrored = GetMirroredText( utf32Characters,
- characterDirections,
- bidirectionalInfo,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- mirroredUtf32Characters );
- }
- else
- {
- // There is no right to left characters. Clear the directions vector.
- characterDirections.Clear();
- }
- // 7) Shape the text.
- Vector<GlyphInfo>& glyphs = visualModel->mGlyphs;
- Vector<CharacterIndex>& glyphsToCharactersMap = visualModel->mGlyphsToCharacters;
- Vector<Length>& charactersPerGlyph = visualModel->mCharactersPerGlyph;
- Vector<GlyphIndex> newParagraphGlyphs;
- const Vector<Character>& textToShape = textMirrored ? mirroredUtf32Characters : utf32Characters;
- ShapeText( textToShape,
- lineBreakInfo,
- scripts,
- validFonts,
- 0u,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- glyphs,
- glyphsToCharactersMap,
- charactersPerGlyph,
- newParagraphGlyphs );
- // Create the 'number of glyphs' per character and the glyph to character conversion tables.
- visualModel->CreateGlyphsPerCharacterTable( 0u, 0u, numberOfCharacters );
- visualModel->CreateCharacterToGlyphTable( 0u, 0u, numberOfCharacters );
- const Length numberOfGlyphs = glyphs.Count();
- // 8) Get the glyph metrics
- MetricsPtr metrics = Metrics::New( fontClient );
- GlyphInfo* glyphsBuffer = glyphs.Begin();
- metrics->GetGlyphMetrics( glyphsBuffer, numberOfGlyphs );
- // Update the width and advance of all new paragraph characters.
- for( Vector<GlyphIndex>::ConstIterator it = newParagraphGlyphs.Begin(),
- endIt = newParagraphGlyphs.End();
- it != endIt;
- ++it )
- {
- const GlyphIndex index = *it;
- GlyphInfo& glyph = *( glyphsBuffer + index );
- glyph.xBearing = 0.f;
- glyph.width = 0.f;
- glyph.advance = 0.f;
- }
- // 9) Layout the text
- LayoutEngine layoutEngine;
- layoutEngine.SetMetrics( metrics );
- layoutEngine.SetLayout( LayoutEngine::MULTI_LINE_BOX );
- // Set the layout parameters.
- const Vector<GlyphIndex>& charactersToGlyph = visualModel->mCharactersToGlyph;
- const Vector<Length>& glyphsPerCharacter = visualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter;
- LayoutParameters layoutParameters( textArea,
- utf32Characters.Begin(),
- lineBreakInfo.Begin(),
- wordBreakInfo.Begin(),
- ( 0u != characterDirections.Count() ) ? characterDirections.Begin() : NULL,
- glyphs.Begin(),
- glyphsToCharactersMap.Begin(),
- charactersPerGlyph.Begin(),
- charactersToGlyph.Begin(),
- glyphsPerCharacter.Begin(),
- numberOfGlyphs );
- Vector<LineRun>& lines = visualModel->mLines;
- Vector<Vector2>& glyphPositions = visualModel->mGlyphPositions;
- glyphPositions.Resize( numberOfGlyphs );
- layoutParameters.isLastNewParagraph = TextAbstraction::IsNewParagraph( *( utf32Characters.Begin() + ( numberOfCharacters - 1u ) ) );
- // The initial glyph and the number of glyphs to layout.
- layoutParameters.startGlyphIndex = 0u;
- layoutParameters.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfGlyphs;
- layoutParameters.startLineIndex = 0u;
- layoutParameters.estimatedNumberOfLines = logicalModel->mParagraphInfo.Count();
- layoutEngine.LayoutText( layoutParameters,
- glyphPositions,
- lines,
- layoutSize );
- // 10) Reorder the lines
- if( 0u != bidirectionalInfo.Count() )
- {
- Vector<BidirectionalLineInfoRun>& bidirectionalLineInfo = logicalModel->mBidirectionalLineInfo;
- // Get the lines
- const Length numberOfLines = lines.Count();
- // Reorder the lines.
- bidirectionalLineInfo.Reserve( numberOfLines ); // Reserve because is not known yet how many lines have right to left characters.
- ReorderLines( bidirectionalInfo,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- lines,
- bidirectionalLineInfo );
- // Set the bidirectional info per line into the layout parameters.
- layoutParameters.lineBidirectionalInfoRunsBuffer = bidirectionalLineInfo.Begin();
- layoutParameters.numberOfBidirectionalInfoRuns = bidirectionalLineInfo.Count();
- // Set the bidirectional info into the model.
- logicalModel->SetVisualToLogicalMap( layoutParameters.lineBidirectionalInfoRunsBuffer,
- layoutParameters.numberOfBidirectionalInfoRuns,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters );
- if( options.reorder )
- {
- // Re-layout the text. Reorder those lines with right to left characters.
- layoutEngine.ReLayoutRightToLeftLines( layoutParameters,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- glyphPositions );
- }
- }
- if( options.align )
- {
- layoutEngine.Align( textArea,
- 0u,
- numberOfCharacters,
- lines );
- }
-} // namespace Text
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/logical-model-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/visual-model-impl.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Text
- * @brief Some layout options.
- */
-struct LayoutOptions
- LayoutOptions()
- : reorder( true ),
- align( true )
- {}
- bool reorder : 1; ///< Whether to reorder the bidirectional lines.
- bool align : 1; ///< Whether to align the lines.
- * @brief Creates and fills all the vectors of a text model: characters in utf32, segmentation info,
- * scripts, fonts, bidi info, glyphs, conversion tables, etc.
- *
- * @param[in] text The given text.
- * @param[in] textArea The area where to layout the text.
- * @param[in] fontDescriptions The fonts to be used.
- * @param[in] options Layout options.
- * @param[out] layoutSize The laid-out size.
- * @param[out] logicalModel Pointer to a logical text model instance.
- * @param[out] visualModel Pointer to a visual text model instance.
- */
-void CreateTextModel( const std::string& text,
- const Size& textArea,
- const Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptions,
- const LayoutOptions& options,
- Size& layoutSize,
- LogicalModelPtr logicalModel,
- VisualModelPtr visualModel );
-} // namespace Text
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali