+ * Test SegmentList with multiple inherited segmentURLs
+ *
+ */
+GST_START_TEST (dash_mpdparser_multiple_inherited_segmentURL)
+ GList *adaptationSets;
+ GstAdaptationSetNode *adapt_set;
+ GstActiveStream *activeStream;
+ GstMediaFragmentInfo fragment;
+ GstClockTime expectedDuration;
+ GstClockTime expectedTimestamp;
+ GstFlowReturn flow;
+ /*
+ * Period duration is 30 seconds
+ * Period start is 10 seconds. Thus, period duration is 20 seconds.
+ *
+ * There are 2 segments in the AdaptationSet segment list and 2 in the
+ * Representation's segment list.
+ * Segment duration is 5s for the Adaptation segments and 8s for
+ * Representation segments.
+ * Separately, each segment list (duration 2*5=10 or 2*8=16) fits comfortably
+ * in the Period's 20s duration.
+ *
+ * We expect the Representation segments to overwrite the AdaptationSet segments.
+ */
+ const gchar *xml =
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<MPD xmlns=\"urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011\""
+ " profiles=\"urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011\""
+ " availabilityStartTime=\"2015-03-24T0:0:0\""
+ " mediaPresentationDuration=\"P0Y0M0DT0H0M30S\">"
+ "<Period start=\"P0Y0M0DT0H0M10S\">"
+ " <AdaptationSet mimeType=\"video/mp4\">"
+ " <SegmentList duration=\"5\">"
+ " <SegmentURL"
+ " media=\"TestMedia0\" mediaRange=\"10-20\""
+ " index=\"TestIndex0\" indexRange=\"100-200\""
+ " ></SegmentURL>"
+ " <SegmentURL"
+ " media=\"TestMedia1\" mediaRange=\"20-30\""
+ " index=\"TestIndex1\" indexRange=\"200-300\""
+ " ></SegmentURL>"
+ " </SegmentList>"
+ " <Representation>"
+ " <SegmentList duration=\"8\">"
+ " <SegmentURL"
+ " media=\"TestMedia2\" mediaRange=\"30-40\""
+ " index=\"TestIndex2\" indexRange=\"300-400\""
+ " ></SegmentURL>"
+ " <SegmentURL"
+ " media=\"TestMedia3\" mediaRange=\"40-50\""
+ " index=\"TestIndex3\" indexRange=\"400-500\""
+ " ></SegmentURL>"
+ " </SegmentList>"
+ " </Representation></AdaptationSet></Period></MPD>";
+ gboolean ret;
+ GstMpdClient *mpdclient = gst_mpd_client_new ();
+ ret = gst_mpd_parse (mpdclient, xml, (gint) strlen (xml));
+ assert_equals_int (ret, TRUE);
+ /* process the xml data */
+ ret = gst_mpd_client_setup_media_presentation (mpdclient, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE,
+ -1, NULL);
+ assert_equals_int (ret, TRUE);
+ /* get the list of adaptation sets of the first period */
+ adaptationSets = gst_mpd_client_get_adaptation_sets (mpdclient);
+ fail_if (adaptationSets == NULL);
+ /* setup streaming from the first adaptation set */
+ adapt_set = (GstAdaptationSetNode *) g_list_nth_data (adaptationSets, 0);
+ fail_if (adapt_set == NULL);
+ ret = gst_mpd_client_setup_streaming (mpdclient, adapt_set);
+ assert_equals_int (ret, TRUE);
+ activeStream = gst_mpdparser_get_active_stream_by_index (mpdclient, 0);
+ fail_if (activeStream == NULL);
+ expectedDuration = duration_to_ms (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0);
+ expectedTimestamp = duration_to_ms (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ /* the representation contains 2 segments defined in the Representation
+ *
+ * Both will have the duration specified in the Representation (8)
+ */
+ /* check first segment */
+ ret = gst_mpd_client_get_next_fragment (mpdclient, 0, &fragment);
+ assert_equals_int (ret, TRUE);
+ assert_equals_string (fragment.uri, "/TestMedia2");
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.range_start, 30);
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.range_end, 40);
+ assert_equals_string (fragment.index_uri, "/TestIndex2");
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.index_range_start, 300);
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.index_range_end, 400);
+ assert_equals_uint64 (fragment.duration, expectedDuration * GST_MSECOND);
+ assert_equals_uint64 (fragment.timestamp, expectedTimestamp * GST_MSECOND);
+ gst_media_fragment_info_clear (&fragment);
+ /* advance to next segment */
+ flow = gst_mpd_client_advance_segment (mpdclient, activeStream, TRUE);
+ assert_equals_int (flow, GST_FLOW_OK);
+ /* second segment starts after previous ends */
+ expectedTimestamp = expectedTimestamp + expectedDuration;
+ /* check second segment */
+ ret = gst_mpd_client_get_next_fragment (mpdclient, 0, &fragment);
+ assert_equals_int (ret, TRUE);
+ assert_equals_string (fragment.uri, "/TestMedia3");
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.range_start, 40);
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.range_end, 50);
+ assert_equals_string (fragment.index_uri, "/TestIndex3");
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.index_range_start, 400);
+ assert_equals_int64 (fragment.index_range_end, 500);
+ assert_equals_uint64 (fragment.duration, expectedDuration * GST_MSECOND);
+ assert_equals_uint64 (fragment.timestamp, expectedTimestamp * GST_MSECOND);
+ gst_media_fragment_info_clear (&fragment);
+ /* try to advance to the next segment. There isn't any, so it should fail */
+ flow = gst_mpd_client_advance_segment (mpdclient, activeStream, TRUE);
+ assert_equals_int (flow, GST_FLOW_EOS);
+ gst_mpd_client_free (mpdclient);
* Test parsing empty xml string
tcase_add_test (tc_complexMPD, dash_mpdparser_segment_list);
tcase_add_test (tc_complexMPD, dash_mpdparser_segment_template);
tcase_add_test (tc_complexMPD, dash_mpdparser_segment_timeline);
+ tcase_add_test (tc_complexMPD, dash_mpdparser_multiple_inherited_segmentURL);
/* tests checking the parsing of missing/incomplete attributes of xml */
tcase_add_test (tc_negativeTests, dash_mpdparser_missing_xml);