-class GlobalHandles::Node : public Malloced {
+class GlobalHandles::Node {
+ // State transition diagram:
+ enum State {
+ NORMAL, // Normal global handle.
+ WEAK, // Flagged as weak but not yet finalized.
+ PENDING, // Has been recognized as only reachable by weak handles.
+ NEAR_DEATH // Callback has informed the handle is near death.
+ };
- void Initialize(Object* object) {
- // Set the initial value of the handle.
- object_ = object;
- class_id_ = v8::HeapProfiler::kPersistentHandleNoClassId;
- independent_ = false;
- state_ = NORMAL;
- parameter_or_next_free_.parameter = NULL;
- callback_ = NULL;
- }
- Node() {
- state_ = DESTROYED;
+ // Maps handle location (slot) to the containing node.
+ static Node* FromLocation(Object** location) {
+ ASSERT(OFFSET_OF(Node, object_) == 0);
+ return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(location);
- explicit Node(Object* object) {
- Initialize(object);
- // Initialize link structure.
- next_ = NULL;
- }
+ Node() {}
- ~Node() {
- if (state_ != DESTROYED) Destroy(Isolate::Current()->global_handles());
#ifdef DEBUG
+ ~Node() {
+ // TODO(1428): if it's a weak handle we should have invoked its callback.
// Zap the values for eager trapping.
object_ = NULL;
- next_ = NULL;
+ class_id_ = v8::HeapProfiler::kPersistentHandleNoClassId;
+ index_ = 0;
+ independent_ = false;
+ in_new_space_list_ = false;
parameter_or_next_free_.next_free = NULL;
+ callback_ = NULL;
+ }
+ void Initialize(int index, Node** first_free) {
+ index_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(index);
+ ASSERT(static_cast<int>(index_) == index);
+ state_ = FREE;
+ in_new_space_list_ = false;
+ parameter_or_next_free_.next_free = *first_free;
+ *first_free = this;
+ }
+ void Acquire(Object* object, GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
+ ASSERT(state_ == FREE);
+ object_ = object;
+ class_id_ = v8::HeapProfiler::kPersistentHandleNoClassId;
+ independent_ = false;
+ state_ = NORMAL;
+ parameter_or_next_free_.parameter = NULL;
+ callback_ = NULL;
+ IncreaseBlockUses(global_handles);
- void Destroy(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
- if (state_ == WEAK || IsNearDeath()) {
+ void Release(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
+ ASSERT(state_ != FREE);
+ if (IsWeakRetainer()) {
if (object_->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
- state_ = DESTROYED;
+ state_ = FREE;
+ parameter_or_next_free_.next_free = global_handles->first_free_;
+ global_handles->first_free_ = this;
+ DecreaseBlockUses(global_handles);
+ }
+ // Object slot accessors.
+ Object* object() const { return object_; }
+ Object** location() { return &object_; }
+ Handle<Object> handle() { return Handle<Object>(location()); }
+ // Wrapper class ID accessors.
+ bool has_wrapper_class_id() const {
+ return class_id_ != v8::HeapProfiler::kPersistentHandleNoClassId;
+ }
+ uint16_t wrapper_class_id() const { return class_id_; }
+ void set_wrapper_class_id(uint16_t class_id) {
+ class_id_ = class_id;
+ }
+ // State accessors.
+ State state() const { return state_; }
+ bool IsNearDeath() const {
+ // Check for PENDING to ensure correct answer when processing callbacks.
+ return state_ == PENDING || state_ == NEAR_DEATH;
+ }
+ bool IsWeak() const { return state_ == WEAK; }
+ bool IsRetainer() const { return state_ != FREE; }
+ bool IsStrongRetainer() const { return state_ == NORMAL; }
+ bool IsWeakRetainer() const {
+ return state_ == WEAK || state_ == PENDING || state_ == NEAR_DEATH;
- // Accessors for next_.
- Node* next() { return next_; }
- void set_next(Node* value) { next_ = value; }
- Node** next_addr() { return &next_; }
+ void MarkPending() {
+ ASSERT(state_ == WEAK);
+ state_ = PENDING;
+ }
+ // Independent flag accessors.
+ void MarkIndependent() {
+ ASSERT(state_ != FREE);
+ independent_ = true;
+ }
+ bool is_independent() const { return independent_; }
+ // In-new-space-list flag accessors.
+ void set_in_new_space_list(bool v) { in_new_space_list_ = v; }
+ bool is_in_new_space_list() const { return in_new_space_list_; }
+ // Callback accessor.
+ WeakReferenceCallback callback() { return callback_; }
+ // Callback parameter accessors.
+ void set_parameter(void* parameter) {
+ ASSERT(state_ != FREE);
+ parameter_or_next_free_.parameter = parameter;
+ }
+ void* parameter() const {
+ ASSERT(state_ != FREE);
+ return parameter_or_next_free_.parameter;
+ }
// Accessors for next free node in the free list.
Node* next_free() {
- ASSERT(state_ == DESTROYED);
+ ASSERT(state_ == FREE);
return parameter_or_next_free_.next_free;
void set_next_free(Node* value) {
- ASSERT(state_ == DESTROYED);
+ ASSERT(state_ == FREE);
parameter_or_next_free_.next_free = value;
- // Returns a link from the handle.
- static Node* FromLocation(Object** location) {
- ASSERT(OFFSET_OF(Node, object_) == 0);
- return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(location);
- }
- // Returns the handle.
- Handle<Object> handle() { return Handle<Object>(&object_); }
- // Make this handle weak.
- void MakeWeak(GlobalHandles* global_handles, void* parameter,
+ void MakeWeak(GlobalHandles* global_handles,
+ void* parameter,
WeakReferenceCallback callback) {
- LOG(global_handles->isolate(),
- HandleEvent("GlobalHandle::MakeWeak", handle().location()));
- ASSERT(state_ != DESTROYED);
- if (state_ != WEAK && !IsNearDeath()) {
+ ASSERT(state_ != FREE);
+ if (!IsWeakRetainer()) {
if (object_->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
void ClearWeakness(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
- LOG(global_handles->isolate(),
- HandleEvent("GlobalHandle::ClearWeakness", handle().location()));
- ASSERT(state_ != DESTROYED);
- if (state_ == WEAK || IsNearDeath()) {
+ ASSERT(state_ != FREE);
+ if (IsWeakRetainer()) {
if (object_->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
- void MarkIndependent(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
- LOG(global_handles->isolate(),
- HandleEvent("GlobalHandle::MarkIndependent", handle().location()));
- ASSERT(state_ != DESTROYED);
- independent_ = true;
- }
- bool IsNearDeath() {
- // Check for PENDING to ensure correct answer when processing callbacks.
- return state_ == PENDING || state_ == NEAR_DEATH;
- }
- bool IsWeak() {
- return state_ == WEAK;
- }
- bool CanBeRetainer() {
- return state_ != DESTROYED && state_ != NEAR_DEATH;
- }
- void SetWrapperClassId(uint16_t class_id) {
- class_id_ = class_id;
- }
- // Returns the id for this weak handle.
- void set_parameter(void* parameter) {
- ASSERT(state_ != DESTROYED);
- parameter_or_next_free_.parameter = parameter;
- }
- void* parameter() {
- ASSERT(state_ != DESTROYED);
- return parameter_or_next_free_.parameter;
- }
- // Returns the callback for this weak handle.
- WeakReferenceCallback callback() { return callback_; }
bool PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(Isolate* isolate,
GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
if (state_ != Node::PENDING) return false;
- LOG(isolate, HandleEvent("GlobalHandle::Processing", handle().location()));
WeakReferenceCallback func = callback();
if (func == NULL) {
- Destroy(global_handles);
+ Release(global_handles);
return false;
void* par = parameter();
v8::Persistent<v8::Object> object = ToApi<v8::Object>(handle());
- // Forbid reuse of destroyed nodes as they might be already deallocated.
- // It's fine though to reuse nodes that were destroyed in weak callback
- // as those cannot be deallocated until we are back from the callback.
- global_handles->set_first_free(NULL);
- if (global_handles->first_deallocated()) {
- global_handles->first_deallocated()->set_next(global_handles->head());
- }
// Check that we are not passing a finalized external string to
// the callback.
ASSERT(!object_->IsExternalAsciiString() ||
return true;
- // Place the handle address first to avoid offset computation.
- Object* object_; // Storage for object pointer.
+ private:
+ inline NodeBlock* FindBlock();
+ inline void IncreaseBlockUses(GlobalHandles* global_handles);
+ inline void DecreaseBlockUses(GlobalHandles* global_handles);
+ // Storage for object pointer.
+ // Placed first to avoid offset computation.
+ Object* object_;
+ // Next word stores class_id, index, state, and independent.
+ // Note: the most aligned fields should go first.
+ // Wrapper class ID.
uint16_t class_id_;
- // Transition diagram:
- enum State {
- NORMAL, // Normal global handle.
- WEAK, // Flagged as weak but not yet finalized.
- PENDING, // Has been recognized as only reachable by weak handles.
- NEAR_DEATH, // Callback has informed the handle is near death.
- };
- State state_ : 4; // Need one more bit for MSVC as it treats enums as signed.
+ // Index in the containing handle block.
+ uint8_t index_;
+ // Need one more bit for MSVC as it treats enums as signed.
+ State state_ : 4;
bool independent_ : 1;
+ bool in_new_space_list_ : 1;
- private:
// Handle specific callback.
WeakReferenceCallback callback_;
- // Provided data for callback. In DESTROYED state, this is used for
+ // Provided data for callback. In FREE state, this is used for
// the free list link.
union {
void* parameter;
Node* next_free;
} parameter_or_next_free_;
- // Linkage for the list.
- Node* next_;
+class GlobalHandles::NodeBlock {
- TRACK_MEMORY("GlobalHandles::Node")
+ static const int kSize = 256;
+ explicit NodeBlock(NodeBlock* next)
+ : next_(next), used_nodes_(0), next_used_(NULL), prev_used_(NULL) {}
-class GlobalHandles::Pool {
- public:
- Pool() {
- current_ = new Chunk();
- current_->previous = NULL;
- next_ = current_->nodes;
- limit_ = current_->nodes + kNodesPerChunk;
+ void PutNodesOnFreeList(Node** first_free) {
+ for (int i = kSize - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ nodes_[i].Initialize(i, first_free);
+ }
- ~Pool() {
- if (current_ != NULL) {
- Release();
- }
+ Node* node_at(int index) {
+ ASSERT(0 <= index && index < kSize);
+ return &nodes_[index];
+ }
+ void IncreaseUses(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
+ ASSERT(used_nodes_ < kSize);
+ if (used_nodes_++ == 0) {
+ NodeBlock* old_first = global_handles->first_used_block_;
+ global_handles->first_used_block_ = this;
+ next_used_ = old_first;
+ prev_used_ = NULL;
+ if (old_first == NULL) return;
+ old_first->prev_used_ = this;
+ }
- Node* Allocate() {
- if (next_ < limit_) {
- return next_++;
+ void DecreaseUses(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
+ ASSERT(used_nodes_ > 0);
+ if (--used_nodes_ == 0) {
+ if (next_used_ != NULL) next_used_->prev_used_ = prev_used_;
+ if (prev_used_ != NULL) prev_used_->next_used_ = next_used_;
+ if (this == global_handles->first_used_block_) {
+ global_handles->first_used_block_ = next_used_;
- return SlowAllocate();
+ }
- void Release() {
- Chunk* current = current_;
- ASSERT(current != NULL); // At least a single block must by allocated
- do {
- Chunk* previous = current->previous;
- delete current;
- current = previous;
- } while (current != NULL);
- current_ = NULL;
- next_ = limit_ = NULL;
- }
+ // Next block in the list of all blocks.
+ NodeBlock* next() const { return next_; }
- private:
- static const int kNodesPerChunk = (1 << 12) - 1;
- struct Chunk : public Malloced {
- Chunk* previous;
- Node nodes[kNodesPerChunk];
- };
- Node* SlowAllocate() {
- Chunk* chunk = new Chunk();
- chunk->previous = current_;
- current_ = chunk;
- Node* new_nodes = current_->nodes;
- next_ = new_nodes + 1;
- limit_ = new_nodes + kNodesPerChunk;
- return new_nodes;
- }
+ // Next/previous block in the list of blocks with used nodes.
+ NodeBlock* next_used() const { return next_used_; }
+ NodeBlock* prev_used() const { return prev_used_; }
- Chunk* current_;
- Node* next_;
- Node* limit_;
+ private:
+ Node nodes_[kSize];
+ NodeBlock* const next_;
+ int used_nodes_;
+ NodeBlock* next_used_;
+ NodeBlock* prev_used_;
+GlobalHandles::NodeBlock* GlobalHandles::Node::FindBlock() {
+ intptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this);
+ ptr = ptr - index_ * sizeof(Node);
+ NodeBlock* block = reinterpret_cast<NodeBlock*>(ptr);
+ ASSERT(block->node_at(index_) == this);
+ return block;
+void GlobalHandles::Node::IncreaseBlockUses(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
+ FindBlock()->IncreaseUses(global_handles);
+void GlobalHandles::Node::DecreaseBlockUses(GlobalHandles* global_handles) {
+ FindBlock()->DecreaseUses(global_handles);
+class GlobalHandles::NodeIterator {
+ public:
+ explicit NodeIterator(GlobalHandles* global_handles)
+ : block_(global_handles->first_used_block_),
+ index_(0) {}
+ bool done() const { return block_ == NULL; }
+ Node* node() const {
+ ASSERT(!done());
+ return block_->node_at(index_);
+ }
+ void Advance() {
+ ASSERT(!done());
+ if (++index_ < NodeBlock::kSize) return;
+ index_ = 0;
+ block_ = block_->next_used();
+ }
+ private:
+ NodeBlock* block_;
+ int index_;
: isolate_(isolate),
- head_(NULL),
+ first_block_(NULL),
+ first_used_block_(NULL),
- first_deallocated_(NULL),
- pool_(new Pool()),
- post_gc_processing_count_(0),
- object_groups_(4) {
+ post_gc_processing_count_(0) {}
GlobalHandles::~GlobalHandles() {
- delete pool_;
- pool_ = 0;
+ NodeBlock* block = first_block_;
+ while (block != NULL) {
+ NodeBlock* tmp = block->next();
+ delete block;
+ block = tmp;
+ }
+ first_block_ = NULL;
Handle<Object> GlobalHandles::Create(Object* value) {
- Node* result;
- if (first_free()) {
- // Take the first node in the free list.
- result = first_free();
- set_first_free(result->next_free());
- } else if (first_deallocated()) {
- // Next try deallocated list
- result = first_deallocated();
- set_first_deallocated(result->next_free());
- ASSERT(result->next() == head());
- set_head(result);
- } else {
- // Allocate a new node.
- result = pool_->Allocate();
- result->set_next(head());
- set_head(result);
+ if (first_free_ == NULL) {
+ first_block_ = new NodeBlock(first_block_);
+ first_block_->PutNodesOnFreeList(&first_free_);
+ }
+ ASSERT(first_free_ != NULL);
+ // Take the first node in the free list.
+ Node* result = first_free_;
+ first_free_ = result->next_free();
+ result->Acquire(value, this);
+ if (isolate_->heap()->InNewSpace(value) &&
+ !result->is_in_new_space_list()) {
+ new_space_nodes_.Add(result);
+ result->set_in_new_space_list(true);
- result->Initialize(value);
return result->handle();
void GlobalHandles::Destroy(Object** location) {
if (location == NULL) return;
- Node* node = Node::FromLocation(location);
- node->Destroy(this);
- // Link the destroyed.
- node->set_next_free(first_free());
- set_first_free(node);
+ Node::FromLocation(location)->Release(this);
void GlobalHandles::MarkIndependent(Object** location) {
- Node::FromLocation(location)->MarkIndependent(this);
+ Node::FromLocation(location)->MarkIndependent();
void GlobalHandles::SetWrapperClassId(Object** location, uint16_t class_id) {
- Node::FromLocation(location)->SetWrapperClassId(class_id);
+ Node::FromLocation(location)->set_wrapper_class_id(class_id);
void GlobalHandles::IterateWeakRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
- // Traversal of GC roots in the global handle list that are marked as
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->state_ == Node::WEAK
- || current->state_ == Node::PENDING
- || current->state_ == Node::NEAR_DEATH) {
- v->VisitPointer(¤t->object_);
- }
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->IsWeakRetainer()) v->VisitPointer(it.node()->location());
-void GlobalHandles::IterateWeakIndependentRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
- // Traversal of GC roots in the global handle list that are independent
- // and marked as WEAK, PENDING or NEAR_DEATH.
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (!current->independent_) continue;
- if (current->state_ == Node::WEAK
- || current->state_ == Node::PENDING
- || current->state_ == Node::NEAR_DEATH) {
- v->VisitPointer(¤t->object_);
+void GlobalHandles::IterateNewSpaceWeakIndependentRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < new_space_nodes_.length(); ++i) {
+ Node* node = new_space_nodes_[i];
+ ASSERT(node->is_in_new_space_list());
+ if (node->is_independent() && node->IsWeakRetainer()) {
+ v->VisitPointer(node->location());
void GlobalHandles::IterateWeakRoots(WeakReferenceGuest f,
WeakReferenceCallback callback) {
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->IsWeak() && current->callback() == callback) {
- f(current->object_, current->parameter());
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->IsWeak() && it.node()->callback() == callback) {
+ f(it.node()->object(), it.node()->parameter());
void GlobalHandles::IdentifyWeakHandles(WeakSlotCallback f) {
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->state_ == Node::WEAK) {
- if (f(¤t->object_)) {
- current->state_ = Node::PENDING;
- LOG(isolate_,
- HandleEvent("GlobalHandle::Pending", current->handle().location()));
- }
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->IsWeak() && f(it.node()->location())) {
+ it.node()->MarkPending();
-void GlobalHandles::IdentifyWeakIndependentHandles(WeakSlotCallbackWithHeap f) {
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->state_ == Node::WEAK && current->independent_) {
- if (f(isolate_->heap(), ¤t->object_)) {
- current->state_ = Node::PENDING;
- LOG(isolate_,
- HandleEvent("GlobalHandle::Pending", current->handle().location()));
- }
+void GlobalHandles::IdentifyNewSpaceWeakIndependentHandles(
+ WeakSlotCallbackWithHeap f) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < new_space_nodes_.length(); ++i) {
+ Node* node = new_space_nodes_[i];
+ ASSERT(node->is_in_new_space_list());
+ if (node->is_independent() && node->IsWeak() &&
+ f(isolate_->heap(), node->location())) {
+ node->MarkPending();
// Process weak global handle callbacks. This must be done after the
// GC is completely done, because the callbacks may invoke arbitrary
// API functions.
- // At the same time deallocate all DESTROYED nodes.
ASSERT(isolate_->heap()->gc_state() == Heap::NOT_IN_GC);
const int initial_post_gc_processing_count = ++post_gc_processing_count_;
bool next_gc_likely_to_collect_more = false;
- Node** p = &head_;
- while (*p != NULL) {
- // Skip dependent handles. Their weak callbacks might expect to be
- // called between two global garbage collection callbacks which
- // are not called for minor collections.
- if (collector == SCAVENGER && !(*p)->independent_) {
- p = (*p)->next_addr();
- continue;
- }
- if ((*p)->PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(isolate_, this)) {
- if (initial_post_gc_processing_count != post_gc_processing_count_) {
- // Weak callback triggered another GC and another round of
- // PostGarbageCollection processing. The current node might
- // have been deleted in that round, so we need to bail out (or
- // restart the processing).
- break;
+ if (collector == SCAVENGER) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < new_space_nodes_.length(); ++i) {
+ Node* node = new_space_nodes_[i];
+ ASSERT(node->is_in_new_space_list());
+ // Skip dependent handles. Their weak callbacks might expect to be
+ // called between two global garbage collection callbacks which
+ // are not called for minor collections.
+ if (!node->is_independent()) continue;
+ if (node->PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(isolate_, this)) {
+ if (initial_post_gc_processing_count != post_gc_processing_count_) {
+ // Weak callback triggered another GC and another round of
+ // PostGarbageCollection processing. The current node might
+ // have been deleted in that round, so we need to bail out (or
+ // restart the processing).
+ return next_gc_likely_to_collect_more;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!node->IsRetainer()) {
+ next_gc_likely_to_collect_more = true;
- if ((*p)->state_ == Node::DESTROYED) {
- // Delete the link.
- Node* node = *p;
- *p = node->next(); // Update the link.
- if (first_deallocated()) {
- first_deallocated()->set_next(node);
+ } else {
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(isolate_, this)) {
+ if (initial_post_gc_processing_count != post_gc_processing_count_) {
+ // See the comment above.
+ return next_gc_likely_to_collect_more;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!it.node()->IsRetainer()) {
+ next_gc_likely_to_collect_more = true;
- node->set_next_free(first_deallocated());
- set_first_deallocated(node);
- next_gc_likely_to_collect_more = true;
- } else {
- p = (*p)->next_addr();
- set_first_free(NULL);
- if (first_deallocated()) {
- first_deallocated()->set_next(head());
+ // Update the list of new space nodes.
+ int last = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < new_space_nodes_.length(); ++i) {
+ Node* node = new_space_nodes_[i];
+ ASSERT(node->is_in_new_space_list());
+ if (node->IsRetainer() && isolate_->heap()->InNewSpace(node->object())) {
+ new_space_nodes_[last++] = node;
+ } else {
+ node->set_in_new_space_list(false);
+ }
+ new_space_nodes_.Rewind(last);
return next_gc_likely_to_collect_more;
void GlobalHandles::IterateStrongRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
- // Traversal of global handles marked as NORMAL.
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->state_ == Node::NORMAL) {
- v->VisitPointer(¤t->object_);
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->IsStrongRetainer()) {
+ v->VisitPointer(it.node()->location());
void GlobalHandles::IterateAllRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->state_ != Node::DESTROYED) {
- v->VisitPointer(¤t->object_);
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->IsRetainer()) {
+ v->VisitPointer(it.node()->location());
-void GlobalHandles::IterateStrongAndDependentRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if ((current->independent_ && current->state_ == Node::NORMAL) ||
- (!current->independent_ && current->state_ != Node::DESTROYED)) {
- v->VisitPointer(¤t->object_);
+void GlobalHandles::IterateNewSpaceStrongAndDependentRoots(ObjectVisitor* v) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < new_space_nodes_.length(); ++i) {
+ Node* node = new_space_nodes_[i];
+ if (node->IsStrongRetainer() ||
+ (node->IsWeakRetainer() && !node->is_independent())) {
+ v->VisitPointer(node->location());
void GlobalHandles::IterateAllRootsWithClassIds(ObjectVisitor* v) {
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- if (current->class_id_ != v8::HeapProfiler::kPersistentHandleNoClassId &&
- current->CanBeRetainer()) {
- v->VisitEmbedderReference(¤t->object_, current->class_id_);
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ if (it.node()->has_wrapper_class_id() && it.node()->IsRetainer()) {
+ v->VisitEmbedderReference(it.node()->location(),
+ it.node()->wrapper_class_id());
-void GlobalHandles::TearDown() {
- // Reset all the lists.
- set_head(NULL);
- set_first_free(NULL);
- set_first_deallocated(NULL);
- pool_->Release();
void GlobalHandles::RecordStats(HeapStats* stats) {
*stats->global_handle_count = 0;
*stats->weak_global_handle_count = 0;
*stats->pending_global_handle_count = 0;
*stats->near_death_global_handle_count = 0;
- *stats->destroyed_global_handle_count = 0;
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
+ *stats->free_global_handle_count = 0;
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
*stats->global_handle_count += 1;
- if (current->state_ == Node::WEAK) {
+ if (it.node()->state() == Node::WEAK) {
*stats->weak_global_handle_count += 1;
- } else if (current->state_ == Node::PENDING) {
+ } else if (it.node()->state() == Node::PENDING) {
*stats->pending_global_handle_count += 1;
- } else if (current->state_ == Node::NEAR_DEATH) {
+ } else if (it.node()->state() == Node::NEAR_DEATH) {
*stats->near_death_global_handle_count += 1;
- } else if (current->state_ == Node::DESTROYED) {
- *stats->destroyed_global_handle_count += 1;
+ } else if (it.node()->state() == Node::FREE) {
+ *stats->free_global_handle_count += 1;
int near_death = 0;
int destroyed = 0;
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
- if (current->state_ == Node::WEAK) weak++;
- if (current->state_ == Node::PENDING) pending++;
- if (current->state_ == Node::NEAR_DEATH) near_death++;
- if (current->state_ == Node::DESTROYED) destroyed++;
+ if (it.node()->state() == Node::WEAK) weak++;
+ if (it.node()->state() == Node::PENDING) pending++;
+ if (it.node()->state() == Node::NEAR_DEATH) near_death++;
+ if (it.node()->state() == Node::FREE) destroyed++;
PrintF("Global Handle Statistics:\n");
PrintF(" # weak = %d\n", weak);
PrintF(" # pending = %d\n", pending);
PrintF(" # near_death = %d\n", near_death);
- PrintF(" # destroyed = %d\n", destroyed);
+ PrintF(" # free = %d\n", destroyed);
PrintF(" # total = %d\n", total);
void GlobalHandles::Print() {
PrintF("Global handles:\n");
- for (Node* current = head_; current != NULL; current = current->next()) {
- PrintF(" handle %p to %p (weak=%d)\n",
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(current->handle().location()),
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(*current->handle()),
- current->state_ == Node::WEAK);
+ for (NodeIterator it(this); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
+ PrintF(" handle %p to %p%s\n",
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(it.node()->location()),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(it.node()->object()),
+ it.node()->IsWeak() ? " (weak)" : "");
v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info) {
#ifdef DEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- ASSERT(!Node::FromLocation(handles[i])->independent_);
+ ASSERT(!Node::FromLocation(handles[i])->is_independent());
if (length == 0) {
Object*** children,
size_t length) {
#ifdef DEBUG
- ASSERT(!Node::FromLocation(BitCast<Object**>(parent))->independent_);
+ ASSERT(!Node::FromLocation(BitCast<Object**>(parent))->is_independent());
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- ASSERT(!Node::FromLocation(children[i])->independent_);
+ ASSERT(!Node::FromLocation(children[i])->is_independent());
if (length == 0) return;
+void GlobalHandles::TearDown() {
+ // TODO(1428): invoke weak callbacks.
} } // namespace v8::internal