- \fn int QBoxLayout::findWidget(QWidget *widget)
- Use indexOf(\a widget) instead.
Sets the stretch factor for \a widget to \a stretch and returns
true if \a widget is found in this layout (not including child
layouts); otherwise returns false.
- \fn QWidget *QLayout::mainWidget() const
- Use parentWidget() instead.
- \fn void QLayout::remove(QWidget *widget)
- Use removeWidget(\a widget) instead.
- \fn void QLayout::add(QWidget *widget)
- Use addWidget(\a widget) instead.
- \fn QLayoutIterator QLayout::iterator()
- Use a QLayoutIterator() constructor instead.
- \fn int QLayout::defaultBorder() const
- Use spacing() instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::addRowSpacing(int row, int minsize)
- Use addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, minsize), row, 0) instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::addColSpacing(int col, int minsize)
- Use addItem(new QSpacerItem(minsize, 0), 0, col) instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::addMultiCellWidget(QWidget *widget, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0)
- Use an addWidget() overload that allows you to specify row and
- column spans instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::addMultiCell(QLayoutItem *l, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0)
- Use an addItem() overload that allows you to specify row and
- column spans instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::addMultiCellLayout(QLayout *layout, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0)
- Use an addLayout() overload that allows you to specify row and
- column spans instead.
- \fn int QGridLayout::numRows() const
- Use rowCount() instead.
- \fn int QGridLayout::numCols() const
- Use columnCount() instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::setColStretch(int col, int stretch)
- Use setColumnStretch() instead.
- \fn int QGridLayout::colStretch(int col) const
- Use columnStretch() instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::setColSpacing(int col, int minSize)
- Use setColumnMinimumWidth() instead.
- \fn int QGridLayout::colSpacing(int col) const
- Use columnMinimumWidth() instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::setRowSpacing(int row, int minSize)
- Use setRowMinimumHeight(\a row, \a minSize) instead.
- \fn int QGridLayout::rowSpacing(int row) const
- Use rowMinimumHeight(\a row) instead.
- \fn QRect QGridLayout::cellGeometry(int row, int column) const
- Use cellRect(\a row, \a column) instead.
- \fn void QGridLayout::setOrigin(Qt::Corner corner)
- Use setOriginCorner(\a corner) instead.
- \fn Qt::Corner QGridLayout::origin() const
- Use originCorner() instead.