* @since_tizen 3.0
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[in] data_len Length of the memory to be randomized
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[in] value_len Length of the parameter value
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context, invalid param)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[out] value_len Length of the parameter value will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context, invalid param)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] output_len Required length of the output
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context, invalid input_len)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[in] len Length to compare
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE when buffers are equal otherwise #YACA_ERROR_DATA_MISMATCH
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_DATA_MISMATCH Buffers are different
int yaca_memcmp(const void *first, const void *second, size_t len);
* @param[in] algo Digest algorithm that will be used
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[in] data_len Length of the data
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[in] iv Initialization vector that will be used
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, bcm, invalid sym_key or iv)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[in] iv Initialization vector that was used to encrypt the data
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, bcm, invalid sym_key or iv)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[out] iv_bits Recommended IV length in bits
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* invalid algo, bcm or key_bits)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[out] key_type Key type
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Either of the params is NULL
int yaca_key_get_type(const yaca_key_h key, yaca_key_type_e *key_type);
* @param[out] key_bits Key length in bits
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Either of the params is NULL
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[out] key Returned key (must be freed with yaca_key_free())
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect key_type or data_len too big)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] data_len Size of the output data
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect key formats or data_len too big)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] key Newly generated key (must be freed with yaca_key_free())
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT key is NULL, incorrect key_type or
* key_bits is not dividable by 8
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] pub_key Extracted public key (must be freed with yaca_key_free())
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT prv_key is of incorrect type or pub_key is NULL
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[out] key Newly generated key (must be freed with yaca_key_free())
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect algo or key_bits not dividable by 8)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] iv Generated initialization vector that will be used
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, bcm, sym_key_bits, invalid prv_key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @param[in] iv Initialization vector that was used for the encryption
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, bcm, sym_key_bits,
* invalid prv_key, sym_key or iv)
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[in] data_len Length of the data
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* actual number of bytes written will be returned here
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[in] data_len Length of the data
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[in] signature_len Size of the signature
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL,
* incorrect context)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] digest_len Length of message digest (depends on algorithm)
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] cipher_len Length of the encrypted data (may be larger than decrypted)
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo, bcm, invalid sym_key, iv)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] plain_len Length of the decrypted data
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo, bcm, invalid sym_key, iv)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] signature_len Length of the signature
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[in] signature_len Length of the signature
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] mac_len Length of the MAC
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
* @param[out] mac_len Length of the MAC
* @return #YACA_ERROR_NONE on success, negative on error
- * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Succesful
+ * @retval #YACA_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Required parameters have bogus values (NULL, 0
* incorrect algo, invalid key)
* @retval #YACA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory error
signature_len) != YACA_ERROR_NONE)
printf("[Simple API] %s verification failed\n", algo);
- printf("[Simple API] %s verification succesful\n", algo);
+ printf("[Simple API] %s verification successful\n", algo);
if (yaca_memcmp(signature1, signature2, signature_len) != YACA_ERROR_NONE)
printf("[Simple API] HMAC verification failed\n");
- printf("[Simple API] HMAC verification succesful\n");
+ printf("[Simple API] HMAC verification successful\n");
if (yaca_memcmp(signature1, signature2, signature_len) != YACA_ERROR_NONE)
printf("[Simple API] CMAC verification failed\n");
- printf("[Simple API] CMAC verification succesful\n");
+ printf("[Simple API] CMAC verification successful\n");
if (yaca_verify_final(ctx, signature, signature_len) != YACA_ERROR_NONE)
printf("[Advanced API] %s verification failed\n", algo);
- printf("[Advanced API] %s verification succesful\n", algo);
+ printf("[Advanced API] %s verification successful\n", algo);
if (yaca_memcmp(signature1, signature2, signature_len) != YACA_ERROR_NONE)
printf("[Advanced API] HMAC verification failed\n");
- printf("[Advanced API] HMAC verification succesful\n");
+ printf("[Advanced API] HMAC verification successful\n");
if (yaca_memcmp(signature1, signature2, signature_len) != YACA_ERROR_NONE)
printf("[Advanced API] CMAC verification failed\n");
- printf("[Advanced API] CMAC verification succesful\n");
+ printf("[Advanced API] CMAC verification successful\n");