--- /dev/null
+Downhill Simplex Method
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. ocv:class:: optim::DownhillSolver
+This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained *minimization* of a function, given on an *n*-dimensional Euclidean space,
+using the **Nelder-Mead method**, also known as **downhill simplex method**. The basic idea about the method can be obtained from
+(`http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelder-Mead\_method <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelder-Mead_method>`_). It should be noted, that
+this method, although deterministic, is rather a heuristic and therefore may converge to a local minima, not necessary a global one.
+It is iterative optimization technique, which at each step uses an information about the values of a function evaluated only at
+*n+1* points, arranged as a *simplex* in *n*-dimensional space (hence the second name of the method). At each step new point is
+chosen to evaluate function at, obtained value is compared with previous ones and based on this information simplex changes it's shape
+, slowly moving to the local minimum.
+Algorithm stops when the number of function evaluations done exceeds ``termcrit.maxCount``, when the function values at the
+vertices of simplex are within ``termcrit.epsilon`` range or simplex becomes so small that it
+can enclosed in a box with ``termcrit.epsilon`` sides, whatever comes first, for some defined by user
+positive integer ``termcrit.maxCount`` and positive non-integer ``termcrit.epsilon``.
+ class CV_EXPORTS Solver : public Algorithm
+ {
+ public:
+ class CV_EXPORTS Function
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Function() {}
+ //! ndim - dimensionality
+ virtual double calc(const double* x) const = 0;
+ };
+ virtual Ptr<Function> getFunction() const = 0;
+ virtual void setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f) = 0;
+ virtual TermCriteria getTermCriteria() const = 0;
+ virtual void setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit) = 0;
+ // x contain the initial point before the call and the minima position (if algorithm converged) after. x is assumed to be (something that
+ // after getMat() will return) row-vector or column-vector. *It's size and should
+ // be consisted with previous dimensionality data given, if any (otherwise, it determines dimensionality)*
+ virtual double minimize(InputOutputArray x) = 0;
+ };
+ class CV_EXPORTS DownhillSolver : public Solver
+ {
+ public:
+ //! returns row-vector, even if the column-vector was given
+ virtual void getInitStep(OutputArray step) const=0;
+ //!This should be called at least once before the first call to minimize() and step is assumed to be (something that
+ //! after getMat() will return) row-vector or column-vector. *It's dimensionality determines the dimensionality of a problem.*
+ virtual void setInitStep(InputArray step)=0;
+ };
+It should be noted, that ``optim::DownhillSolver`` is a derivative of the abstract interface ``optim::Solver``, which in
+turn is derived from the ``Algorithm`` interface and is used to encapsulate the functionality, common to all non-linear optimization
+algorithms in the ``optim`` module.
+Getter for the optimized function. The optimized function is represented by ``Solver::Function`` interface, which requires
+derivatives to implement the sole method ``calc(double*)`` to evaluate the function.
+.. ocv:function:: Ptr<Solver::Function> optim::DownhillSolver::getFunction()
+ :return: Smart-pointer to an object that implements ``Solver::Function`` interface - it represents the function that is being optimized. It can be empty, if no function was given so far.
+Setter for the optimized function. *It should be called at least once before the call to* ``DownhillSolver::minimize()``, as
+default value is not usable.
+.. ocv:function:: void optim::DownhillSolver::setFunction(const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f)
+ :param f: The new function to optimize.
+Getter for the previously set terminal criteria for this algorithm.
+.. ocv:function:: TermCriteria optim::DownhillSolver::getTermCriteria()
+ :return: Deep copy of the terminal criteria used at the moment.
+Set terminal criteria for downhill simplex method. Two things should be noted. First, this method *is not necessary* to be called
+before the first call to ``DownhillSolver::minimize()``, as the default value is sensible. Second, the method will raise an error
+if ``termcrit.type!=(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS)``, ``termcrit.epsilon<=0`` or ``termcrit.maxCount<=0``. That is,
+both ``epsilon`` and ``maxCount`` should be set to positive values (non-integer and integer respectively) and they represent
+tolerance and maximal number of function evaluations that is allowed.
+Algorithm stops when the number of function evaluations done exceeds ``termcrit.maxCount``, when the function values at the
+vertices of simplex are within ``termcrit.epsilon`` range or simplex becomes so small that it
+can enclosed in a box with ``termcrit.epsilon`` sides, whatever comes first.
+.. ocv:function:: void optim::DownhillSolver::setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit)
+ :param termcrit: Terminal criteria to be used, represented as ``TermCriteria`` structure (defined elsewhere in openCV). Mind you, that it should meet ``(termcrit.type==(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS) && termcrit.epsilon>0 && termcrit.maxCount>0)``, otherwise the error will be raised.
+Returns the initial step that will be used in downhill simplex algorithm. See the description
+of corresponding setter (follows next) for the meaning of this parameter.
+.. ocv:function:: void optim::getInitStep(OutputArray step)
+ :param step: Initial step that will be used in algorithm. Note, that although corresponding setter accepts column-vectors as well as row-vectors, this method will return a row-vector.
+Sets the initial step that will be used in downhill simplex algorithm. Step, together with initial point (givin in ``DownhillSolver::minimize``)
+are two *n*-dimensional vectors that are used to determine the shape of initial simplex. Roughly said, initial point determines the position
+of a simplex (it will become simplex's centroid), while step determines the spread (size in each dimension) of a simplex. To be more precise,
+if :math:`s,x_0\in\mathbb{R}^n` are the initial step and initial point respectively, the vertices of a simplex will be: :math:`v_0:=x_0-\frac{1}{2}
+s` and :math:`v_i:=x_0+s_i` for :math:`i=1,2,\dots,n` where :math:`s_i` denotes projections of the initial step of *n*-th coordinate (the result
+of projection is treated to be vector given by :math:`s_i:=e_i\cdot\left<e_i\cdot s\right>`, where :math:`e_i` form canonical basis)
+.. ocv:function:: void optim::setInitStep(InputArray step)
+ :param step: Initial step that will be used in algorithm. Roughly said, it determines the spread (size in each dimension) of an initial simplex.
+The main method of the ``DownhillSolver``. It actually runs the algorithm and performs the minimization. The sole input parameter determines the
+centroid of the starting simplex (roughly, it tells where to start), all the others (terminal criteria, initial step, function to be minimized)
+are supposed to be set via the setters before the call to this method or the default values (not always sensible) will be used.
+.. ocv:function:: double optim::DownhillSolver::minimize(InputOutputArray x)
+ :param x: The initial point, that will become a centroid of an initial simplex. After the algorithm will terminate, it will be setted to the
+ point where the algorithm stops, the point of possible minimum.
+ :return: The value of a function at the point found.
+Explain parameters.
+This function returns the reference to the ready-to-use ``DownhillSolver`` object. All the parameters are optional, so this procedure can be called
+even without parameters at all. In this case, the default values will be used. As default value for terminal criteria are the only sensible ones,
+``DownhillSolver::setFunction()`` and ``DownhillSolver::setInitStep()`` should be called upon the obtained object, if the respective parameters
+were not given to ``createDownhillSolver()``. Otherwise, the two ways (give parameters to ``createDownhillSolver()`` or miss the out and call the
+``DownhillSolver::setFunction()`` and ``DownhillSolver::setInitStep()``) are absolutely equivalent (and will drop the same errors in the same way,
+should invalid input be detected).
+.. ocv:function:: Ptr<optim::DownhillSolver> optim::createDownhillSolver(const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,InputArray initStep, TermCriteria termcrit)
+ :param f: Pointer to the function that will be minimized, similarly to the one you submit via ``DownhillSolver::setFunction``.
+ :param step: Initial step, that will be used to construct the initial simplex, similarly to the one you submit via ``DownhillSolver::setInitStep``.
+ :param termcrit: Terminal criteria to the algorithm, similarly to the one you submit via ``DownhillSolver::setTermCriteria``.
:maxdepth: 2
+ downhill_simplex_method
namespace cv{namespace optim
+class CV_EXPORTS Solver : public Algorithm
+ class CV_EXPORTS Function
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Function() {}
+ //! ndim - dimensionality
+ virtual double calc(const double* x) const = 0;
+ };
+ virtual Ptr<Function> getFunction() const = 0;
+ virtual void setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f) = 0;
+ virtual TermCriteria getTermCriteria() const = 0;
+ virtual void setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit) = 0;
+ // x contain the initial point before the call and the minima position (if algorithm converged) after. x is assumed to be (something that
+ // after getMat() will return) row-vector or column-vector. *It's size and should
+ // be consisted with previous dimensionality data given, if any (otherwise, it determines dimensionality)*
+ virtual double minimize(InputOutputArray x) = 0;
+//! downhill simplex class
+class CV_EXPORTS DownhillSolver : public Solver
+ //! returns row-vector, even if the column-vector was given
+ virtual void getInitStep(OutputArray step) const=0;
+ //!This should be called at least once before the first call to minimize() and step is assumed to be (something that
+ //! after getMat() will return) row-vector or column-vector. *It's dimensionality determines the dimensionality of a problem.*
+ virtual void setInitStep(InputArray step)=0;
+// both minRange & minError are specified by termcrit.epsilon; In addition, user may specify the number of iterations that the algorithm does.
+CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<DownhillSolver> createDownhillSolver(const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f=Ptr<Solver::Function>(),
+ InputArray initStep=Mat_<double>(1,1,0.0),
+ TermCriteria termcrit=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS,5000,0.000001));
//!the return codes for solveLP() function
--- /dev/null
+namespace cv{namespace optim{
+#ifdef ALEX_DEBUG
+#define dprintf(x) printf x
+static void print_matrix(const Mat& x){
+ printf("\ttype:%d vs %d,\tsize: %d-on-%d\n",x.type(),CV_64FC1,x.rows,x.cols);
+ for(int i=0;i<x.rows;i++){
+ printf("\t[");
+ for(int j=0;j<x.cols;j++){
+ printf("%g, ",x.at<double>(i,j));
+ }
+ printf("]\n");
+ }
+#define dprintf(x)
+#define print_matrix(x)
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
+#include <debug.hpp>
namespace cv{namespace optim{
using std::vector;
-#define dprintf(x) printf x
-static void print_matrix(const Mat& x){
- print(x);
- printf("\n");
static void print_simplex_state(const Mat& c,const Mat& b,double v,const std::vector<int> N,const std::vector<int> B){
printf("\tprint simplex state\n");
-#define dprintf(x)
-#define print_matrix(x)
#define print_simplex_state(c,b,v,N,B)
--- /dev/null
+#include "precomp.hpp"
+#include "debug.hpp"
+namespace cv{namespace optim{
+ class DownhillSolverImpl : public DownhillSolver
+ {
+ public:
+ void getInitStep(OutputArray step) const;
+ void setInitStep(InputArray step);
+ Ptr<Function> getFunction() const;
+ void setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f);
+ TermCriteria getTermCriteria() const;
+ DownhillSolverImpl();
+ void setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit);
+ double minimize(InputOutputArray x);
+ protected:
+ Ptr<Solver::Function> _Function;
+ TermCriteria _termcrit;
+ Mat _step;
+ private:
+ inline void compute_coord_sum(Mat_<double>& points,Mat_<double>& coord_sum);
+ inline void create_initial_simplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step);
+ inline double inner_downhill_simplex(cv::Mat_<double>& p,double MinRange,double MinError,int& nfunk,
+ const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,int nmax);
+ inline double try_new_point(Mat_<double>& p,Mat_<double>& y,Mat_<double>& coord_sum,const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,int ihi,
+ double fac,Mat_<double>& ptry);
+ };
+ double DownhillSolverImpl::try_new_point(
+ Mat_<double>& p,
+ Mat_<double>& y,
+ Mat_<double>& coord_sum,
+ const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,
+ int ihi,
+ double fac,
+ Mat_<double>& ptry
+ )
+ {
+ int ndim=p.cols;
+ int j;
+ double fac1,fac2,ytry;
+ fac1=(1.0-fac)/ndim;
+ fac2=fac1-fac;
+ for (j=0;j<ndim;j++)
+ {
+ ptry(j)=coord_sum(j)*fac1-p(ihi,j)*fac2;
+ }
+ ytry=f->calc((double*)ptry.data);
+ if (ytry < y(ihi))
+ {
+ y(ihi)=ytry;
+ for (j=0;j<ndim;j++)
+ {
+ coord_sum(j) += ptry(j)-p(ihi,j);
+ p(ihi,j)=ptry(j);
+ }
+ }
+ return ytry;
+ }
+ /*
+ Performs the actual minimization of Solver::Function f (after the initialization was done)
+ The matrix p[ndim+1][1..ndim] represents ndim+1 vertices that
+ form a simplex - each row is an ndim vector.
+ On output, nfunk gives the number of function evaluations taken.
+ */
+ double DownhillSolverImpl::inner_downhill_simplex(
+ cv::Mat_<double>& p,
+ double MinRange,
+ double MinError,
+ int& nfunk,
+ const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,
+ int nmax
+ )
+ {
+ int ndim=p.cols;
+ double res;
+ int i,ihi,ilo,inhi,j,mpts=ndim+1;
+ double error, range,ysave,ytry;
+ Mat_<double> coord_sum(1,ndim,0.0),buf(1,ndim,0.0),y(1,ndim,0.0);
+ nfunk = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<ndim+1;++i)
+ {
+ y(i) = f->calc(p[i]);
+ }
+ nfunk = ndim+1;
+ compute_coord_sum(p,coord_sum);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ ilo=0;
+ /* find highest (worst), next-to-worst, and lowest
+ (best) points by going through all of them. */
+ ihi = y(0)>y(1) ? (inhi=1,0) : (inhi=0,1);
+ for (i=0;i<mpts;i++)
+ {
+ if (y(i) <= y(ilo))
+ ilo=i;
+ if (y(i) > y(ihi))
+ {
+ inhi=ihi;
+ ihi=i;
+ }
+ else if (y(i) > y(inhi) && i != ihi)
+ inhi=i;
+ }
+ /* check stop criterion */
+ error=fabs(y(ihi)-y(ilo));
+ range=0;
+ for(i=0;i<ndim;++i)
+ {
+ double min = p(0,i);
+ double max = p(0,i);
+ double d;
+ for(j=1;j<=ndim;++j)
+ {
+ if( min > p(j,i) ) min = p(j,i);
+ if( max < p(j,i) ) max = p(j,i);
+ }
+ d = fabs(max-min);
+ if(range < d) range = d;
+ }
+ if(range <= MinRange || error <= MinError)
+ { /* Put best point and value in first slot. */
+ std::swap(y(0),y(ilo));
+ for (i=0;i<ndim;i++)
+ {
+ std::swap(p(0,i),p(ilo,i));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nfunk >= nmax){
+ dprintf(("nmax exceeded\n"));
+ return y(ilo);
+ }
+ nfunk += 2;
+ /*Begin a new iteration. First, reflect the worst point about the centroid of others */
+ ytry = try_new_point(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,-1.0,buf);
+ if (ytry <= y(ilo))
+ { /*If that's better than the best point, go twice as far in that direction*/
+ ytry = try_new_point(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,2.0,buf);
+ }
+ else if (ytry >= y(inhi))
+ { /* The new point is worse than the second-highest, but better
+ than the worst so do not go so far in that direction */
+ ysave = y(ihi);
+ ytry = try_new_point(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,0.5,buf);
+ if (ytry >= ysave)
+ { /* Can't seem to improve things. Contract the simplex to good point
+ in hope to find a simplex landscape. */
+ for (i=0;i<mpts;i++)
+ {
+ if (i != ilo)
+ {
+ for (j=0;j<ndim;j++)
+ {
+ p(i,j) = coord_sum(j) = 0.5*(p(i,j)+p(ilo,j));
+ }
+ y(i)=f->calc((double*)coord_sum.data);
+ }
+ }
+ nfunk += ndim;
+ compute_coord_sum(p,coord_sum);
+ }
+ } else --(nfunk); /* correct nfunk */
+ dprintf(("this is simplex on iteration %d\n",nfunk));
+ print_matrix(p);
+ } /* go to next iteration. */
+ res = y(0);
+ return res;
+ }
+ void DownhillSolverImpl::compute_coord_sum(Mat_<double>& points,Mat_<double>& coord_sum){
+ for (int j=0;j<points.cols;j++) {
+ double sum=0.0;
+ for (int i=0;i<points.rows;i++){
+ sum += points(i,j);
+ coord_sum(0,j)=sum;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void DownhillSolverImpl::create_initial_simplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step){
+ for(int i=1;i<=step.cols;++i)
+ {
+ simplex.row(0).copyTo(simplex.row(i));
+ simplex(i,i-1)+= 0.5*step.at<double>(0,i-1);
+ }
+ simplex.row(0) -= 0.5*step;
+ dprintf(("this is simplex\n"));
+ print_matrix(simplex);
+ }
+ double DownhillSolverImpl::minimize(InputOutputArray x){
+ dprintf(("hi from minimize\n"));
+ CV_Assert(_Function.empty()==false);
+ dprintf(("termcrit:\n\ttype: %d\n\tmaxCount: %d\n\tEPS: %g\n",_termcrit.type,_termcrit.maxCount,_termcrit.epsilon));
+ dprintf(("step\n"));
+ print_matrix(_step);
+ Mat x_mat=x.getMat();
+ CV_Assert(MIN(x_mat.rows,x_mat.cols)==1);
+ CV_Assert(MAX(x_mat.rows,x_mat.cols)==_step.cols);
+ CV_Assert(x_mat.type()==CV_64FC1);
+ Mat_<double> proxy_x;
+ if(x_mat.rows>1){
+ proxy_x=x_mat.t();
+ }else{
+ proxy_x=x_mat;
+ }
+ int count=0;
+ int ndim=_step.cols;
+ Mat_<double> simplex=Mat_<double>(ndim+1,ndim,0.0);
+ simplex.row(0).copyTo(proxy_x);
+ create_initial_simplex(simplex,_step);
+ double res = inner_downhill_simplex(
+ simplex,_termcrit.epsilon, _termcrit.epsilon, count,_Function,_termcrit.maxCount);
+ simplex.row(0).copyTo(proxy_x);
+ dprintf(("%d iterations done\n",count));
+ if(x_mat.rows>1){
+ Mat(x_mat.rows, 1, CV_64F, (double*)proxy_x.data).copyTo(x);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ DownhillSolverImpl::DownhillSolverImpl(){
+ _Function=Ptr<Function>();
+ _step=Mat_<double>();
+ }
+ Ptr<Solver::Function> DownhillSolverImpl::getFunction()const{
+ return _Function;
+ }
+ void DownhillSolverImpl::setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f){
+ _Function=f;
+ }
+ TermCriteria DownhillSolverImpl::getTermCriteria()const{
+ return _termcrit;
+ }
+ void DownhillSolverImpl::setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit){
+ CV_Assert(termcrit.type==(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS) && termcrit.epsilon>0 && termcrit.maxCount>0);
+ _termcrit=termcrit;
+ }
+ // both minRange & minError are specified by termcrit.epsilon; In addition, user may specify the number of iterations that the algorithm does.
+ Ptr<DownhillSolver> createDownhillSolver(const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f, InputArray initStep, TermCriteria termcrit){
+ DownhillSolver *DS=new DownhillSolverImpl();
+ DS->setFunction(f);
+ DS->setInitStep(initStep);
+ DS->setTermCriteria(termcrit);
+ return Ptr<DownhillSolver>(DS);
+ }
+ void DownhillSolverImpl::getInitStep(OutputArray step)const{
+ step.create(1,_step.cols,CV_64FC1);
+ _step.copyTo(step);
+ }
+ void DownhillSolverImpl::setInitStep(InputArray step){
+ //set dimensionality and make a deep copy of step
+ Mat m=step.getMat();
+ dprintf(("m.cols=%d\nm.rows=%d\n",m.cols,m.rows));
+ CV_Assert(MIN(m.cols,m.rows)==1 && m.type()==CV_64FC1);
+ int ndim=MAX(m.cols,m.rows);
+ if(ndim!=_step.cols){
+ _step=Mat_<double>(1,ndim);
+ }
+ if(m.rows==1){
+ m.copyTo(_step);
+ }else{
+ Mat step_t=Mat_<double>(ndim,1,(double*)_step.data);
+ m.copyTo(step_t);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include "test_precomp.hpp"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+static void mytest(cv::Ptr<cv::optim::DownhillSolver> solver,cv::Ptr<cv::optim::Solver::Function> ptr_F,cv::Mat& x,cv::Mat& step,
+ cv::Mat& etalon_x,double etalon_res){
+ solver->setFunction(ptr_F);
+ int ndim=MAX(step.cols,step.rows);
+ solver->setInitStep(step);
+ cv::Mat settedStep;
+ solver->getInitStep(settedStep);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(settedStep.rows==1 && settedStep.cols==ndim);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(std::equal(step.begin<double>(),step.end<double>(),settedStep.begin<double>()));
+ std::cout<<"step setted:\n\t"<<step<<std::endl;
+ double res=solver->minimize(x);
+ std::cout<<"res:\n\t"<<res<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"x:\n\t"<<x<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"etalon_res:\n\t"<<etalon_res<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"etalon_x:\n\t"<<etalon_x<<std::endl;
+ double tol=solver->getTermCriteria().epsilon;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(res-etalon_res)<tol);
+ /*for(cv::Mat_<double>::iterator it1=x.begin<double>(),it2=etalon_x.begin<double>();it1!=x.end<double>();it1++,it2++){
+ ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs((*it1)-(*it2))<tol);
+ }*/
+ std::cout<<"--------------------------\n";
+class SphereF:public cv::optim::Solver::Function{
+ double calc(const double* x)const{
+ return x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1];
+ }
+class RosenbrockF:public cv::optim::Solver::Function{
+ double calc(const double* x)const{
+ return 100*(x[1]-x[0]*x[0])*(x[1]-x[0]*x[0])+(1-x[0])*(1-x[0]);
+ }
+TEST(Optim_Downhill, regression_basic){
+ cv::Ptr<cv::optim::DownhillSolver> solver=cv::optim::createDownhillSolver();
+#if 1
+ {
+ cv::Ptr<cv::optim::Solver::Function> ptr_F(new SphereF());
+ cv::Mat x=(cv::Mat_<double>(1,2)<<1.0,1.0),
+ step=(cv::Mat_<double>(2,1)<<-0.5,-0.5),
+ etalon_x=(cv::Mat_<double>(1,2)<<-0.0,0.0);
+ double etalon_res=0.0;
+ mytest(solver,ptr_F,x,step,etalon_x,etalon_res);
+ }
+#if 1
+ {
+ cv::Ptr<cv::optim::Solver::Function> ptr_F(new RosenbrockF());
+ cv::Mat x=(cv::Mat_<double>(2,1)<<0.0,0.0),
+ step=(cv::Mat_<double>(2,1)<<0.5,+0.5),
+ etalon_x=(cv::Mat_<double>(2,1)<<1.0,1.0);
+ double etalon_res=0.0;
+ mytest(solver,ptr_F,x,step,etalon_x,etalon_res);
+ }