EVAS_3D_INDEX_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_SHORT /**< Index is of type unsigned short */
} Evas_3D_Index_Format;
+ * Frustum modes
+ *
+ * @since 1.12
+ * @ingroup Evas_3D_Types
+ */
+typedef enum _Evas_3D_Frustum_Mode
+} Evas_3D_Frustum_Mode;
* Vertex assembly modes
eo_do(obj, evas_3d_object_change(EVAS_3D_STATE_CAMERA_PROJECTION, NULL));
+EOLIAN static Eina_Bool
+_evas_3d_camera_node_visible_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Evas_3D_Camera_Data *pd, Evas_3D_Node *camera_node, Evas_3D_Node *node, Evas_3D_Frustum_Mode key)
+ Evas_Mat4 matrix_vp;
+ Evas_Vec4 planes[6];
+ Evas_3D_Node_Data *pd_node = eo_data_scope_get(node, EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS);
+ Evas_3D_Node_Data *pd_camera = eo_data_scope_get(camera_node, EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS);
+ Evas_Vec3 central_point;
+ if (!node || pd_node->type != EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_MESH)
+ {
+ ERR("Mesh node %p type mismatch.", node);
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!camera_node || pd_camera->type != EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA)
+ {
+ ERR("Camera node %p type mismatch.", camera_node);
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ /*get need matrix like multiply projection matrix with view matrix*/
+ evas_mat4_multiply(&matrix_vp, &pd->projection, &pd_camera->data.camera.matrix_world_to_eye);
+ evas_frustum_calculate(planes, &matrix_vp);
+ return evas_is_sphere_in_frustum(&pd_node->bsphere, planes);
+ else if (key == EVAS_3D_FRUSTUM_MODE_AABB)
+ return evas_is_box_in_frustum(&pd_node->aabb, planes);
+ {
+ central_point.x = (pd_node->aabb.p0.x + pd_node->aabb.p1.x) / 2;
+ central_point.y = (pd_node->aabb.p0.y + pd_node->aabb.p1.y) / 2;
+ central_point.z = (pd_node->aabb.p0.z + pd_node->aabb.p1.z) / 2;
+ return evas_is_point_in_frustum(¢ral_point, planes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERR("Unknown frustun mode.");
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ }
#include "canvas/evas_3d_camera.eo.c"
Evas_Real dfar; /*@ Distance to far clipping plane. */
+ node_visible_get {
+ /*@
+ Check is bounding sphere of given node inside frustum of camera node.
+ *
+ * @param camera The given camera node.
+ * @param node The given node.
+ * @return @c EINA_TRUE in frustum, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise
+ * If the nodes are @ NULL or nodes type mismatch error wrong type of nodes will be generated and returned @ EINA_FALSE.
+ * @ingroup Evas_3D_Camera
+ */
+ return: bool;
+ params {
+ @in Evas_3D_Node *camera_node;
+ @in Evas_3D_Node *node;
+ @in Evas_3D_Frustum_Mode key;
+ }
+ }
implements {
Eina_Bool transform_dirty = EINA_FALSE, mesh_geom_dirty = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool mesh_frame_dirty = EINA_FALSE, member_dirty = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool frame_found = EINA_FALSE, is_change_orientation = EINA_FALSE;
+ Eina_Bool parent_dirty = EINA_FALSE;
const Eina_List *m, *l;
Evas_3D_Mesh *mesh;
int frame, count, size, i, j;
transform_dirty = evas_3d_object_dirty_get(EVAS_3D_STATE_NODE_TRANSFORM),
mesh_geom_dirty = evas_3d_object_dirty_get(EVAS_3D_STATE_NODE_MESH_GEOMETRY),
mesh_frame_dirty = evas_3d_object_dirty_get(EVAS_3D_STATE_NODE_MESH_FRAME),
+ parent_dirty = evas_3d_object_dirty_get(EVAS_3D_STATE_NODE_PARENT),
member_dirty = evas_3d_object_dirty_get(EVAS_3D_STATE_NODE_MEMBER));
- if (transform_dirty ||
+ if (transform_dirty ||
mesh_geom_dirty ||
mesh_frame_dirty ||
- member_dirty)
+ member_dirty ||
+ parent_dirty)
if (pd->type == EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_MESH)
- if (pd->orientation.x || pd->orientation.y || pd->orientation.z)
+ if (pd->orientation_world.x || pd->orientation_world.y || pd->orientation_world.z)
- evas_vec4_set(&orientation, pd->orientation.x, pd->orientation.y, pd->orientation.z, pd->orientation.w);
+ evas_vec4_set(&orientation, pd->orientation_world.x, pd->orientation_world.y, pd->orientation_world.z, pd->orientation_world.w);
is_change_orientation = EINA_TRUE;
evas_vec3_quaternion_rotate(&pd->obb.p0, &pd->obb.p0, &orientation);
evas_vec3_quaternion_rotate(&pd->obb.p1, &pd->obb.p1, &orientation);
- if ((pd->scale.x != 1 || pd->scale.y != 1 || pd->scale.z != 1))
+ if ((pd->scale_world.x != 1 || pd->scale_world.y != 1 || pd->scale_world.z != 1))
Evas_Vec3 scale;
- evas_vec3_set(&scale, pd->scale.x, pd->scale.y, pd->scale.z);
+ evas_vec3_set(&scale, pd->scale_world.x, pd->scale_world.y, pd->scale_world.z);
evas_vec3_multiply(&pd->obb.p0, &scale, &pd->obb.p0);
evas_vec3_multiply(&pd->obb.p1, &scale, &pd->obb.p1);
evas_vec3_multiply(&pd->aabb.p0, &scale, &pd->aabb.p0);
evas_vec3_multiply(&pd->aabb.p1, &scale, &pd->aabb.p1);
- if ((pd->position.x || pd->position.y || pd->position.z))
+ if ((pd->position_world.x || pd->position_world.y || pd->position_world.z))
Evas_Vec3 position;
- evas_vec3_set(&position, pd->position.x, pd->position.y, pd->position.z);
+ evas_vec3_set(&position, pd->position_world.x, pd->position_world.y, pd->position_world.z);
evas_vec3_add(&pd->obb.p0, &position, &pd->obb.p0);
evas_vec3_add(&pd->obb.p1, &position, &pd->obb.p1);
evas_vec3_add(&pd->aabb.p0, &position, &pd->aabb.p0);
Eina_List *current;
Evas_3D_Node *datanode;
- /* Update AABB and OBB of this node. */
+ /* Update AABB, OBB, bounding sphere of this node. */
evas_box3_union(&pd->aabb, &pd->aabb, &datapd->aabb);
+ evas_build_sphere(&pd->obb, &pd->bsphere);
return EINA_TRUE;
if (z2) *z2 = pd->aabb.p1.z;
-EOLIAN static int
-_evas_3d_node_obb_frustum_check(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Evas_3D_Node_Data *pd, Evas_3D_Node *camera_node)
+EOLIAN static void
+_evas_3d_node_bounding_sphere_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Evas_3D_Node_Data *pd, Evas_Real *x, Evas_Real *y, Evas_Real *z, Evas_Real *r)
- Evas_Mat4 matrix_eye = { { 0 } };
- Evas_Mat4 matrix_local_to_world;
- Evas_Mat4 matrix_mv;
- Evas_Mat4 matrix_mvp;
- Evas_Vec4 plane_right, plane_left, plane_bottom, plane_top, plane_far, plane_near, tmp;
- int frustum = 0;
- Evas_3D_Node_Data *camera_pd = eo_data_scope_get(camera_node, EVAS_3D_CAMERA_CLASS);
- Evas_3D_Camera_Data *camera = eo_data_scope_get(camera_pd->data.camera.camera, EVAS_3D_CAMERA_CLASS);
- if (camera_pd->type != EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA)
- {
- ERR("Nodes type mismatch.");
- return -1;
- }
-#define CHECK_IN_FRUSTUM_MIN(name) \
- (((plane_##name.x * pd->obb.p0.x + plane_##name.y * pd->obb.p0.y + plane_##name.z * pd->obb.p0.z + plane_##name.w) >= 0) ? EINA_TRUE : EINA_FALSE)
-#define CHECK_IN_FRUSTUM_MAX(name) \
- (((plane_##name.x * pd->obb.p1.x + plane_##name.y * pd->obb.p1.y + plane_##name.z * pd->obb.p1.z + plane_##name.w) >= 0) ? EINA_TRUE : EINA_FALSE)
-#define NORMALIZE(name) \
- evas_vec4_copy(&tmp, &plane_##name); \
- plane_##name.x = plane_##name.x / sqrtf(evas_vec4_length_square_get(&tmp)); \
- plane_##name.y = plane_##name.y / sqrtf(evas_vec4_length_square_get(&tmp)); \
- plane_##name.z = plane_##name.z / sqrtf(evas_vec4_length_square_get(&tmp)); \
- plane_##name.w = plane_##name.w / sqrtf(evas_vec4_length_square_get(&tmp));
- /*get need matrix like multiply view matrix with projection matrix*/
- evas_mat4_inverse_build(&matrix_eye, &camera_pd->position_world, &camera_pd->orientation_world, &camera_pd->scale_world);
- evas_mat4_build(&matrix_local_to_world, &pd->position_world, &pd->orientation_world, &pd->scale_world);
- evas_mat4_multiply(&matrix_mv, &matrix_eye, &matrix_local_to_world);
- evas_mat4_multiply(&matrix_mvp, &camera->projection, &matrix_mv);
- /*get planes and normilize results*/
- evas_vec4_set(&plane_right, matrix_mvp.m[3] - matrix_mvp.m[0],
- matrix_mvp.m[7] - matrix_mvp.m[4],
- matrix_mvp.m[11] - matrix_mvp.m[8],
- matrix_mvp.m[15] - matrix_mvp.m[12]);
- NORMALIZE(right)
- evas_vec4_set(&plane_left, matrix_mvp.m[3] + matrix_mvp.m[0],
- matrix_mvp.m[7] + matrix_mvp.m[4],
- matrix_mvp.m[11] + matrix_mvp.m[8],
- matrix_mvp.m[15] + matrix_mvp.m[12]);
- evas_vec4_set(&plane_bottom, matrix_mvp.m[3] + matrix_mvp.m[1],
- matrix_mvp.m[7] + matrix_mvp.m[5],
- matrix_mvp.m[11] + matrix_mvp.m[9],
- matrix_mvp.m[15] + matrix_mvp.m[13]);
- NORMALIZE(bottom)
- evas_vec4_set(&plane_top, matrix_mvp.m[3] - matrix_mvp.m[1],
- matrix_mvp.m[7] - matrix_mvp.m[5],
- matrix_mvp.m[11] - matrix_mvp.m[9],
- matrix_mvp.m[15] - matrix_mvp.m[13]);
- evas_vec4_set(&plane_far, matrix_mvp.m[3] - matrix_mvp.m[2],
- matrix_mvp.m[7] - matrix_mvp.m[6],
- matrix_mvp.m[11] - matrix_mvp.m[10],
- matrix_mvp.m[15] - matrix_mvp.m[14]);
- evas_vec4_set(&plane_near, matrix_mvp.m[3] + matrix_mvp.m[2],
- matrix_mvp.m[7] + matrix_mvp.m[6],
- matrix_mvp.m[11] + matrix_mvp.m[10],
- matrix_mvp.m[15] + matrix_mvp.m[14]);
- /*check OBB points in frustum (Ax + By + Cz + D >= 0)*/
- frustum |= 1;
- frustum |= 2;
- return frustum;
+ if (x) *x = pd->bsphere.center.x;
+ if (y) *y = pd->bsphere.center.y;
+ if (z) *z = pd->bsphere.center.z;
+ if (r) *r = pd->bsphere.radius;
#include "canvas/evas_3d_node.eo.c"
- * Get axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the given node.
+ Get axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the given node.
* @param node The given node.
- * @param x Pointer to receive X coordinate of the first point of AABB.
- * @param y Pointer to receive Y coordinate of the first point of AABB.
- * @param z Pointer to receive Z coordinate of the first point of AABB.
+ * @param x Pointer to receive X coordinate of the first point of AABB.
+ * @param y Pointer to receive Y coordinate of the first point of AABB.
+ * @param z Pointer to receive Z coordinate of the first point of AABB.
* @param x2 Pointer to receive X coordinate of the second point of AABB.
* @param y2 Pointer to receive Y coordinate of the second point of AABB.
* @param z2 Pointer to receive Z coordinate of the second point of AABB.
- obb_frustum_check {
+ bounding_sphere_get {
- * Check is the obb of node in frustum of camera node.
+ Get bounding sphere of the given node.
- * @param camera_node The given node of camera.
- * @param node The given node.
- * @return @c 0 if the obb is not in frustum, @c 1 if only min coordinate of obb is in frustum,
- * @c 2 if only max coordinate of obb is in frustum, @c 3 if both coordinates of obb is in frustum.
+ * @param node The given node.
- * If the camera_node is not of type EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA error wrong type of node will be generated and returned @ -1.
+ * @param x Pointer to receive X coordinate of the center of sphere.
+ * @param y Pointer to receive Y coordinate of the center of sphere.
+ * @param z Pointer to receive Z coordinate of center of sphere.
+ * @param r Pointer to receive radius of center of sphere.
- * @ingroup Evas_3D_Node
+ @ingroup Evas_3D_Node
- return: int;
params {
- @in Evas_3D_Node *camera_node;
+ @in Evas_Real *x; /*@ Coordinates of vector.*/
+ @in Evas_Real *y;
+ @in Evas_Real *z;
+ @in Evas_Real *r;
typedef struct _Evas_Mat4 Evas_Mat4;
typedef struct _Evas_Box2 Evas_Box2;
typedef struct _Evas_Box3 Evas_Box3;
+typedef struct _Evas_Line3 Evas_Line3;
typedef struct _Evas_Triangle3 Evas_Triangle3;
typedef struct _Evas_Ray3 Evas_Ray3;
+typedef struct _Evas_Sphere Evas_Sphere;
struct _Evas_Color
Evas_Vec3 p1;
+struct _Evas_Line3
+ Evas_Vec3 point;
+ Evas_Vec3 direction;
struct _Evas_Triangle3
Evas_Vec3 p0;
Evas_Vec3 dir;
+struct _Evas_Sphere
+ Evas_Vec3 center;
+ Evas_Real radius;
/* 2D vector */
static inline void
evas_vec2_set(Evas_Vec2 *dst, Evas_Real x, Evas_Real y)
return EINA_TRUE;
+static inline Evas_Real
+evas_determinant_3D(Evas_Real matrix[3][3])
+ return (matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][1] * matrix[2][2]) +
+ (matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][2] * matrix[2][0]) +
+ (matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][0] * matrix[2][1]) -
+ (matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][1] * matrix[2][0]) -
+ (matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][0] * matrix[2][2]) -
+ (matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][2] * matrix[2][1]);
static inline Eina_Bool
evas_box3_ray3_intersect(const Evas_Box3 *box, const Evas_Ray3 *ray)
u.i = 0x5f3759df - (u.i >> 1);
return u.f * (1.5f - u.f * u.f * x * 0.5f);
+static inline void
+evas_build_sphere(const Evas_Box3 *box, Evas_Sphere *sphere)
+ Evas_Vec3 tmp;
+ evas_vec3_set(&sphere->center, (0.5 * (box->p0.x + box->p1.x)), (0.5 * (box->p0.y + box->p1.y)), (0.5 * (box->p0.z + box->p1.z)));
+ evas_vec3_set(&tmp, sphere->center.x - box->p0.x, sphere->center.y - box->p0.y, sphere->center.z - box->p0.z);
+ sphere->radius = sqrtf(evas_vec3_dot_product(&tmp, &tmp));
+static inline void
+evas_plane_normalize(Evas_Vec4 *plane)
+ Evas_Vec3 tmp;
+ Evas_Real length;
+ evas_vec3_set(&tmp, plane->x, plane->y, plane->z);
+ length = evas_vec3_length_get(&tmp);
+ plane->x = plane->x / length;
+ plane->y = plane->y / length;
+ plane->z = plane->z / length;
+ plane->w = plane->w / length;
+static inline Eina_Bool
+evas_intersection_line_of_two_planes(Evas_Line3 *line, Evas_Vec4 *plane1, Evas_Vec4 *plane2)
+ //TODO:parallel case
+ Evas_Vec3 planes3D[2];
+ evas_vec3_set(&planes3D[0], plane1->x, plane1->y, plane1->z);
+ evas_vec3_set(&planes3D[1], plane2->x, plane2->y, plane2->z);
+ evas_vec3_cross_product(&line->direction, &planes3D[0], &planes3D[1]);
+#define SOLVE_EQUATION(x, y, z) \
+ line->point.x = 0; \
+ line->point.y = (plane2->w * plane1->z - plane1->w * plane2->z) / line->direction.x; \
+ line->point.z = (plane2->y * plane1->w - plane1->y * plane2->w) / line->direction.x;
+ if (line->direction.x && plane1->z)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (line->direction.y && plane1->x)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+static inline Eina_Bool
+evas_intersection_point_of_three_planes(Evas_Vec3 *point, Evas_Vec4 *plane1, Evas_Vec4 *plane2, Evas_Vec4 *plane3)
+ //TODO:parallel case
+ int i;
+ Evas_Real delta, deltax, deltay, deltaz;
+ Evas_Real matrix_to_det[3][3];
+ Evas_Vec4 planes[3];
+ planes[0] = *plane1;
+ planes[1] = *plane2;
+ planes[2] = *plane3;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ matrix_to_det[0][i] = planes[i].x;
+ matrix_to_det[1][i] = planes[i].y;
+ matrix_to_det[2][i] = planes[i].z;
+ }
+ delta = evas_determinant_3D(matrix_to_det);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ matrix_to_det[0][i] = planes[i].w;
+ deltax = evas_determinant_3D(matrix_to_det);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ matrix_to_det[0][i] = planes[i].x;
+ matrix_to_det[1][i] = planes[i].w;
+ }
+ deltay = evas_determinant_3D(matrix_to_det);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ matrix_to_det[1][i] = planes[i].y;
+ matrix_to_det[2][i] = planes[i].w;
+ }
+ deltaz = evas_determinant_3D(matrix_to_det);
+ evas_vec3_set(point, -deltax/delta, -deltay/delta, -deltaz/delta);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+static inline Evas_Real
+evas_point_plane_distance(Evas_Vec3 *point, Evas_Vec4 *plane)
+ return plane->x * point->x + plane->y * point->y + plane->z * point->z + plane->w;
+static inline Evas_Real
+evas_point_line_distance(Evas_Vec3 *point, Evas_Line3 *line)
+ Evas_Vec3 temp, sub;
+ evas_vec3_subtract(&sub, point, &line->point);
+ evas_vec3_cross_product(&temp, &sub, &line->direction);
+ return evas_vec3_length_get(&temp) / evas_vec3_length_get(&line->direction);
+static inline Eina_Bool
+evas_is_sphere_in_frustum(Evas_Sphere *bsphere, Evas_Vec4 *planes)
+ int i;
+ Evas_Line3 line;
+ Evas_Vec3 point, sub;
+ Evas_Real distances[6] = {0};
+ int intersected_planes[3];
+ int intersected_planes_count = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ distances[i] = evas_point_plane_distance(&bsphere->center, &planes[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ if (distances[i] <= -bsphere->radius)
+ {
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (distances[i] <= 0)
+ {
+ intersected_planes[intersected_planes_count] = i;
+ intersected_planes_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((intersected_planes_count == 0) || (intersected_planes_count == 1))
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ else if (intersected_planes_count == 2)
+ {
+ evas_intersection_line_of_two_planes(&line, &planes[intersected_planes[0]], &planes[intersected_planes[1]]);
+ return (evas_point_line_distance(&bsphere->center, &line) < bsphere->radius) ? EINA_TRUE : EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (intersected_planes_count == 3)
+ {
+ evas_intersection_point_of_three_planes(&point, &planes[intersected_planes[0]], &planes[intersected_planes[1]], &planes[intersected_planes[2]]);
+ evas_vec3_subtract(&sub, &point, &bsphere->center);
+ return (evas_vec3_length_get(&sub) < bsphere->radius) ? EINA_TRUE : EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+static inline Eina_Bool
+evas_is_point_in_frustum(Evas_Vec3 *point, Evas_Vec4 *planes)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ if (evas_point_plane_distance(point, &planes[i]) <= 0) return EINA_FALSE;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+static inline Eina_Bool
+evas_is_box_in_frustum(Evas_Box3 *box, Evas_Vec4 *planes)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p0.x + planes[i].y * box->p0.y + planes[i].z * box->p0.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p1.x + planes[i].y * box->p0.y + planes[i].z * box->p0.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p1.x + planes[i].y * box->p1.y + planes[i].z * box->p0.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p0.x + planes[i].y * box->p1.y + planes[i].z * box->p0.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p0.x + planes[i].y * box->p0.y + planes[i].z * box->p1.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p1.x + planes[i].y * box->p0.y + planes[i].z * box->p1.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p1.x + planes[i].y * box->p1.y + planes[i].z * box->p1.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (planes[i].x * box->p0.x + planes[i].y * box->p1.y + planes[i].z * box->p1.z + planes[i].w > 0)
+ continue;
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+static inline void
+evas_frustum_calculate(Evas_Vec4 *planes, Evas_Mat4 *matrix_vp)
+ int i;
+ evas_vec4_set(&planes[0], matrix_vp->m[3] - matrix_vp->m[0],
+ matrix_vp->m[7] - matrix_vp->m[4],
+ matrix_vp->m[11] - matrix_vp->m[8],
+ matrix_vp->m[15] - matrix_vp->m[12]);
+ evas_vec4_set(&planes[1], matrix_vp->m[3] + matrix_vp->m[0],
+ matrix_vp->m[7] + matrix_vp->m[4],
+ matrix_vp->m[11] + matrix_vp->m[8],
+ matrix_vp->m[15] + matrix_vp->m[12]);
+ evas_vec4_set(&planes[2], matrix_vp->m[3] + matrix_vp->m[1],
+ matrix_vp->m[7] + matrix_vp->m[5],
+ matrix_vp->m[11] + matrix_vp->m[9],
+ matrix_vp->m[15] + matrix_vp->m[13]);
+ evas_vec4_set(&planes[3], matrix_vp->m[3] - matrix_vp->m[1],
+ matrix_vp->m[7] - matrix_vp->m[5],
+ matrix_vp->m[11] - matrix_vp->m[9],
+ matrix_vp->m[15] - matrix_vp->m[13]);
+ evas_vec4_set(&planes[4], matrix_vp->m[3] - matrix_vp->m[2],
+ matrix_vp->m[7] - matrix_vp->m[6],
+ matrix_vp->m[11] - matrix_vp->m[10],
+ matrix_vp->m[15] - matrix_vp->m[14]);
+ evas_vec4_set(&planes[5], matrix_vp->m[3] + matrix_vp->m[2],
+ matrix_vp->m[7] + matrix_vp->m[6],
+ matrix_vp->m[11] + matrix_vp->m[10],
+ matrix_vp->m[15] + matrix_vp->m[14]);
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ evas_plane_normalize(&planes[i]);
+ }
Evas_Box3 aabb;
Evas_Box3 obb;
+ Evas_Sphere bsphere;
Evas_3D_Node_Type type;