const CXXMethodDecl *MD = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(GD.getDecl());
QualType ThisType = MD->getThisType(getContext());
const FunctionProtoType *FPT = MD->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
- QualType ResultType = CGM.getCXXABI().HasThisReturn(GD)
- ? ThisType
- : CGM.getCXXABI().hasMostDerivedReturn(GD)
- ? CGM.getContext().VoidPtrTy
- : FPT->getReturnType();
+ QualType ResultType;
+ if (IsUnprototyped)
+ ResultType = CGM.getContext().VoidTy;
+ else if (CGM.getCXXABI().HasThisReturn(GD))
+ ResultType = ThisType;
+ else if (CGM.getCXXABI().hasMostDerivedReturn(GD))
+ ResultType = CGM.getContext().VoidPtrTy;
+ else
+ ResultType = FPT->getReturnType();
FunctionArgList FunctionArgs;
// Create the implicit 'this' parameter declaration.
struct C : B { int c; };
C c;
+// Do the same thing, but with an incomplete return type.
+struct B1 { virtual DoNotInstantiate<void> f() = 0; };
+struct B2 { virtual DoNotInstantiate<void> f() = 0; };
+struct S : B1, B2 { DoNotInstantiate<void> f() override; };
+S s;
+// CHECK: @"??_7S@@6BB2@@@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-SAME: void (%struct.S*, ...)* @"?f@S@@W7EAA?AU?$DoNotInstantiate@X@@XZ"
// CHECK: @"??_7C@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
// CHECK-SAME: void (%struct.B*, ...)* @"?foo@B@@W7EAAXUIncomplete@@@Z"
// CHECK-SAME: void (%struct.B*, ...)* @"?bar@B@@W7EAAXU?$DoNotInstantiate@H@@@Z"
// CHECK-SAME: i32 (i8*, i32)* @"?baz@B@@W7EAAHU?$InstantiateLater@H@@@Z"
+// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr dso_local void @"?f@S@@W7EAA?AU?$DoNotInstantiate@X@@XZ"(%struct.S* %this, ...)
+// CHECK: %[[THIS_ADJ_i8:[^ ]*]] = getelementptr i8, i8* {{.*}}, i32 -8
+// CHECK: %[[THIS_ADJ:[^ ]*]] = bitcast i8* %[[THIS_ADJ_i8]] to %struct.S*
+// CHECK: musttail call void (%struct.S*, ...) {{.*}}@"?f@S@@UEAA?AU?$DoNotInstantiate@X@@XZ"
+// CHECK-SAME: (%struct.S* %[[THIS_ADJ]], ...)
+// CHECK: ret void
// The thunks should have a -8 adjustment.
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr dso_local void @"?foo@B@@W7EAAXUIncomplete@@@Z"(%struct.B* %this, ...)