_e_smart_cb_monitor_resized(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event __UNUSED__)
E_Smart_Data *sd;
- Evas_Coord w, h, nw, nh;
- Eina_List *l;
- /* E_Randr_Crtc_Info *crtc; */
+ Eina_List *l = NULL;
+ Evas_Object *mon;
+ Eina_Rectangle o;
if (!(sd = data)) return;
- /* get randr output info for this monitor */
- /* crtc = e_smart_monitor_crtc_get(obj); */
- /* printf("Monitor Output Policy: %d\n", crtc->policy); */
- /* grab size of this monitor object */
- evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
- /* convert to layout coords */
- e_layout_coord_canvas_to_virtual(sd->o_layout, w, h, &nw, &nh);
+ /* get the geometry of this monitor */
+ e_layout_child_geometry_get(obj, &o.x, &o.y, &o.w, &o.h);
/* freeze layout */
- /* search for this monitor */
-// if ((l = eina_list_data_find_list(sd->items, obj)))
+ /* find any monitors to the right or below this one */
+ /* NB: We do not have to worry about monitors to the left or above as their
+ * size will not change because of this resize event */
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, mon)
- Evas_Object *mon;
- Evas_Coord mx, my;
- Eina_Rectangle rm;
+ Eina_Rectangle m;
+ /* skip if it's the current monitor */
+ if ((mon == obj)) continue;
- e_layout_child_geometry_get(obj, &mx, &my, NULL, NULL);
- /* printf("Monitor New Geom: %d %d %d %d\n", mx, my, nw, nh); */
- EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&rm, mx, my, nw, nh);
+ /* get the geometry of this monitor */
+ e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, &m.x, &m.y, &m.w, &m.h);
- /* found monitor, check for one the will intersect */
- EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, mon)
+ if ((m.x >= (o.x + o.w)))
+ {
+ /* if this monitor is to the right, move it */
+ e_layout_child_move(mon, (o.x + o.w), m.y);
+ }
+ else if ((m.y >= (o.y + o.h)))
- /* E_Randr_Crtc_Info *cinfo; */
- Evas_Coord cx, cy, cw, ch;
- Eina_Rectangle rc;
- if ((mon == obj)) continue;
- /* cinfo = e_smart_monitor_crtc_get(mon); */
- /* printf("\tChild Policy: %d\n", cinfo->policy); */
- e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
- /* printf("\tNext Mon Geom: %d %d %d %d\n", cx, cy, cw, ch); */
- EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&rc, cx, cy, cw, ch);
- if (eina_rectangles_intersect(&rm, &rc))
- {
- printf("\nMONITORS INTERSECT !!\n");
- /* if position of new monitor overlaps the existing one's
- * X position, we need to move the existing one over */
- if ((mx + nw) >= cx)
- cx = (mx + nw);
- else if ((my + nh) >= cy)
- cy = (my + nh);
- /* update This monitors position based on new size
- * of the previous one (that was resized) */
- /* e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, &cx, &cy, NULL, NULL); */
- e_layout_child_move(mon, cx, cy);
- }
+ /* if this monitor is below, move it */
+ e_layout_child_move(mon, m.x, (o.y + o.h));
+ }
+ else if (eina_rectangles_intersect(&o, &m))
+ {
+ /* they intersect, we need to move this one */
+ /* NB: This can happen when monitors get moved manually */
+ if ((m.x < (o.x + o.w)))
+ e_layout_child_move(mon, (o.x + o.w), m.y);
+ else if ((m.y <= (o.y + o.h)))
+ e_layout_child_move(mon, m.x, (o.y + o.h));
+/* callback received from the monitor object to let us know that it was
+ * rotated, and we should adjust position of any adjacent monitors */
static void
_e_smart_cb_monitor_rotated(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event __UNUSED__)
+ printf("Monitor Rotated\n");
+/* callback received from the monitor object to let us know that it was
+ * moved, and we should adjust position of any adjacent monitors */
static void
_e_smart_cb_monitor_moved(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event __UNUSED__)
+ printf("Monitor Moved\n");
+/* callback received from the monitor object to let us know that it was
+ * deleted, and we should cleanup */
static void
_e_smart_cb_monitor_deleted(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event __UNUSED__)