+ PRECONDITION(!(withFlags & ExternalObjectContext::Flags_Collected));
+ PRECONDITION(!(withFlags & ExternalObjectContext::Flags_Detached));
} gc;
::ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc));
+ // Only add objects that are in the correct thread
+ // context, haven't been detached from the cache, and have
+ // the appropriate flags set.
+ // Define a macro predicate since it used in multiple places.
+ // If an instance is in the hashmap, it is active. This invariant
+ // holds because the GC is what marks and removes from the cache.
+#define SELECT_OBJECT(XX) XX->ThreadContext == threadContext \
+ && !XX->IsSet(ExternalObjectContext::Flags_Detached) \
+ && (withFlags == ExternalObjectContext::Flags_None || XX->IsSet(withFlags))
+ // Determine the count of objects to return.
+ SIZE_T objCountMax = 0;
+ {
+ LockHolder lock(this);
+ Iterator end = _hashMap.End();
+ for (Iterator curr = _hashMap.Begin(); curr != end; ++curr)
+ {
+ ExternalObjectContext* inst = *curr;
+ if (SELECT_OBJECT(inst))
+ {
+ objCountMax++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate enumerable type to return.
+ gc.arrRef = (PTRARRAYREF)AllocateObjectArray((DWORD)objCountMax, g_pObjectClass);
CQuickArrayList<ExternalObjectContext*> localList;
- // Determine objects to return
+ // Iterate over the hashmap again while populating the above array
+ // using the same predicate as before and holding onto context instances.
+ SIZE_T objCount = 0;
+ if (0 < objCountMax)
LockHolder lock(this);
Iterator end = _hashMap.End();
for (Iterator curr = _hashMap.Begin(); curr != end; ++curr)
ExternalObjectContext* inst = *curr;
- // Only add objects that are in the correct thread
- // context and have the appropriate flags set.
- if (inst->ThreadContext == threadContext
- && (withFlags == ExternalObjectContext::Flags_None || inst->IsSet(withFlags)))
+ if (SELECT_OBJECT(inst))
- STRESS_LOG1(LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "Add EOC to Enumerable: 0x%p\n", inst);
+ gc.arrRef->SetAt(objCount, inst->GetObjectRef());
+ objCount++;
+ STRESS_LOG1(LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO1000, "Add EOC to Enumerable: 0x%p\n", inst);
+ // There is a chance more objects were added to the hash while the
+ // lock was released during array allocation. Once we hit the computed max
+ // we stop to avoid looking longer than needed.
+ if (objCount == objCountMax)
+ break;
- // Allocate enumerable type to return.
- gc.arrRef = (PTRARRAYREF)AllocateObjectArray((DWORD)localList.Size(), g_pObjectClass);
- // Insert objects into enumerable.
- // The ExternalObjectContexts in the hashmap are only
- // removed and associated objects collected during a GC. Since
- // this code is running in Cooperative mode they will never
- // be null.
- for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < localList.Size(); i++)
+ // During the allocation of the array to return, a GC could have
+ // occurred and objects detached from this cache. In order to avoid
+ // having null array elements we will allocate a new array.
+ // This subsequent allocation is okay because the array we are
+ // replacing extends all object lifetimes.
+ if (objCount < objCountMax)
- ExternalObjectContext* inst = localList[i];
- gc.arrRef->SetAt(i, inst->GetObjectRef());
+ gc.arrRefTmp = (PTRARRAYREF)AllocateObjectArray((DWORD)objCount, g_pObjectClass);
+ void* dest = gc.arrRefTmp->GetDataPtr();
+ void* src = gc.arrRef->GetDataPtr();
+ SIZE_T elementSize = gc.arrRef->GetComponentSize();
+ memmoveGCRefs(dest, src, objCount * elementSize);
+ gc.arrRef = gc.arrRefTmp;
+ // All objects are now referenced from the array so won't be collected
+ // at this point. This means we can safely iterate over the ExternalObjectContext
+ // instances.
// Separate the wrapper from the tracker runtime prior to
// passing them onto the caller. This call is okay to make