// The initial start point is zero. However it needs a correction according the 'x' bearing of the first glyph.
// i.e. if the bearing of the first glyph is negative it may exceed the boundaries of the text area.
// It needs to add as well space for the cursor if the text is in edit mode and extra space in case the text is outlined.
- tmpLineLayout.penX = -glyphMetrics.xBearing + mCursorWidth + parameters.outlineWidth;
+ tmpLineLayout.penX = ( 0.f > glyphMetrics.xBearing ) ? -glyphMetrics.xBearing : 0.f + mCursorWidth + parameters.outlineWidth;
// Initialize the advance of the previous glyph.
tmpLineLayout.previousAdvance = 0.f;
- tmpLineLayout.penX += tmpLineLayout.previousAdvance + tmpLineLayout.wsLengthEndOfLine;
tmpLineLayout.previousAdvance = ( glyphMetrics.advance + parameters.interGlyphExtraAdvance );
- tmpLineLayout.length = tmpLineLayout.penX + glyphMetrics.xBearing + glyphMetrics.width;
+ tmpLineLayout.penX += tmpLineLayout.previousAdvance + tmpLineLayout.wsLengthEndOfLine;
+ tmpLineLayout.length = tmpLineLayout.penX;
// Clear the white space length at the end of the line.
tmpLineLayout.wsLengthEndOfLine = 0.f;
// so the penX position needs to be moved to the right.
const GlyphInfo& glyph = *glyphsBuffer;
- float penX = -glyph.xBearing + mCursorWidth + outlineWidth;
+ float penX = ( 0.f > glyph.xBearing ) ? -glyph.xBearing : 0.f + mCursorWidth + outlineWidth;
for( GlyphIndex i = 0u; i < numberOfGlyphs; ++i )
const CharacterIndex characterVisualIndex = bidiLine.characterRun.characterIndex + *bidiLine.visualToLogicalMap;
const GlyphInfo& glyph = *( layoutParameters.glyphsBuffer + *( layoutParameters.charactersToGlyphsBuffer + characterVisualIndex ) );
- float penX = -glyph.xBearing + layoutParameters.outlineWidth + mCursorWidth;
+ float penX = ( 0.f > glyph.xBearing ) ? -glyph.xBearing : 0.f + layoutParameters.outlineWidth + mCursorWidth;
Vector2* glyphPositionsBuffer = glyphPositions.Begin();