graph bindings specified in [1]. Each port node shall have a single endpoint.
- Port 0 is the DPI input port. Its endpoint subnode shall contain a
- pclk-sample property and a remote-endpoint property as specified in [1].
+ pclk-sample and bus-width property and a remote-endpoint property as specified
+ in [1].
+ - If pclk-sample is not defined, pclk-sample = 0 should be assumed for
+ backward compatibility.
+ - If bus-width is not defined then bus-width = 24 should be assumed for
+ backward compatibility.
+ bus-width = 24: 24 data lines are connected and single-edge mode
+ bus-width = 12: 12 data lines are connected and dual-edge mode
- Port 1 is the DVI output port. Its endpoint subnode shall contain a
remote-endpoint property is specified in [1].
tfp410_in: endpoint@0 {
pclk-sample = <1>;
+ bus-width = <24>;
remote-endpoint = <&dpi_out>;