Here is a simple example illustrating the syntax:
- @code
- buffer : fat (alpha);
- grow (8, dst = fat);
- blur (12, src = fat, color = darkblue);
- blur (4, color = cyan);
- blend ();
- @endcode
+ @include filter_example_1.txt
This example will display a cyan and dark blue glow surrounding the
main text (its color depends on the object's theme).
If @a src is an alpha buffer and @a dst is an RGBA buffer, then the @a color option should be set.
- @code
- blend (color = #3399FF);
- @endcode
+ @include filter_blend.txt
@image html filter_blend.png
If @a src is an alpha buffer and @a dst is an RGBA buffer, then the color option should be set.
@a ox and @a oy can be used to move the blurry output by a few pixels, like a drop shadow. Example:
- @code
- blur (10, color = black, oy = 5, ox = 5);
- blend ();
- @endcode
+ @include filter_blur.txt
@image html filter_blur.png
@note As of 2014/02/11, the ALPHA to RGBA support is of much better quality than ALPHA only, but @b very slow. RGBA sources are not supported yet.
Here is a full example for a size 100 font, of a very simple bevel effect:
- @code
- buffer : a (alpha);
- blur (5, dst = a);
- bump (map = a, compensate = yes, color = cyan, specular = 10.0);
- @endcode
+ @include filter_bump.txt
@image html filter_bump.png
If ignored, y(x = 0) is 0 and y(x = 255) is 255.
The following example will generate a 4px thick stroke around text letters:
- @code
- buffer : a (alpha);
- blur (4, dst = a);
- curve (0:0 - 20:0 - 60:255 - 160:255 - 200:0 - 255:0, src = a, dst = a);
- blend(src = a, color = black);
- @endcode
+ @include filter_curve.txt
@image html filter_curve.png
@param dst Destination buffer for blending. This must be of same size and colorspace as @a src.
- @code
- buffer : fat (alpha);
- grow (4, dst = fat);
- blend (src = fat, color = black);
- blend (color = white);
- @endcode
+ @include filter_grow.txt
This will first grow the letters in the buffer @c input by 4px, and then draw
this buffer in black in the background. Blending white on top of that will
give a simple impression of stroked text.
Note that @a src and @a mask are interchangeable, if they have the same dimensions.
- @code
- buffer: a (alpha);
- blur(5, dst = a);
- curve(points = 0:255 - 128:255 - 255:0, src = a, dst = a);
- blend(color = black);
- mask(mask = a, color = cyan);
- @endcode
+ @include filter_mask.txt
This will create a simple cyan inner glow effect on black text.
@param oy Y offset.
- @code
- buffer : t (alpha);
- transform (oy = 20, dst = t);
- blend (src = t, color = silver);
- blend (color = white);
- @endcode
+ @include filter_transform.txt
This will create a mirrored text effect, for a font of 50px.