#include "vc_mgr_client.h"
#include "vc_mgr_tidl.h"
#include "vc_mgr_data.h"
-#include "vc_mgr_player.h"
#include "vc_mgr_ducking.h"
#include "voice_control_command.h"
#include "voice_control_command_expand.h"
return ret;
- /* for TTS feedback */
-/* ret = vc_mgr_player_init();
- if (0 != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Fail to initialize VC mgr player : %d", ret);
- }
ret = vc_mgr_ducking_create();
if (VC_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[INFO] Fail to ducking create : %d", ret);
SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Fail to finalize DB, ret(%d)", ret);
- /* for TTS feedback */
-/* ret = vc_mgr_player_release();
- if (0 != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Fail to release VC mgr player(%d)", ret);
- }
ret = vc_mgr_ducking_destroy();
if (VC_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[INFO] Fail to ducking destroy : %d", ret);
/* check state */
RETVM_IF(VC_STATE_READY != state, VC_ERROR_INVALID_STATE, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Start feedback : Current state is not 'Ready' (%d)", state);
-#if 1
bool is_exist = ecore_thread_check(g_feedback_thread);
if (NULL == g_feedback_thread || TRUE == is_exist) {
SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[INFO] ecore thread run : __tts_feedback_thread");
g_feedback_thread = ecore_thread_run(__tts_feedback_thread, __end_tts_feedback_thread, __cancel_tts_feedback_thread, NULL);
- /* start playing TTS feedback */
- int ret = -1;
- ret = vc_mgr_player_play();
- if (0 != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Fail to player play, ret(%d)", ret);
- }
/* check state */
RETVM_IF(VC_STATE_READY != state, VC_ERROR_INVALID_STATE, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Stop feedback : Current state is not 'Ready' (%d)", state);
-#if 1
if (g_feedback_thread) {
g_feedback_thread = NULL;
- /* request to stop playing TTS feedback */
- int ret = -1;
- ret = vc_mgr_player_stop();
- if (0 != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[ERROR] Fail to player stop, ret(%d)", ret);
- }
return ret;
+++ /dev/null
-* Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-#include <audio_io.h>
-#include <Ecore.h>
-#include <dlog.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "vc_main.h"
-#include "vc_mgr_player.h"
-#include "vc_mgr_data.h"
-typedef enum {
-} audio_state_e;
-typedef struct {
- vc_feedback_state_e state;
- vc_feedback_event_e event;
- int idx;
-} player_s;
-static bool g_player_init = false;
-static player_s* g_playing_info;
-static audio_state_e g_audio_state;
-static vc_audio_type_e g_audio_type;
-static vc_audio_channel_e g_audio_channel;
-static int g_sampling_rate;
-static audio_out_h g_audio_h;
-static int __create_audio_out(int rate, vc_audio_channel_e channel, vc_audio_type_e audio_type)
- int ret = -1;
- audio_channel_e sample_channel = 0;
- audio_sample_type_e sample_type = 0;
- if (VC_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MONO == channel) {
- sample_channel = AUDIO_CHANNEL_MONO;
- } else if (VC_AUDIO_CHANNEL_STEREO == channel) {
- sample_channel = AUDIO_CHANNEL_STEREO;
- }
- if (VC_AUDIO_TYPE_PCM_S16_LE == audio_type) {
- sample_type = AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_S16_LE;
- } else {
- sample_type = AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_U8;
- }
- /* create audio_out new */
- ret = audio_out_create_new(rate, sample_channel, sample_type, &g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_NONE;
- g_audio_h = NULL;
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to create audio. ret(%d)", ret);
- return -1;
- } else {
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Create audio");
- }
- g_audio_channel = channel;
- g_audio_type = audio_type;
- g_sampling_rate = rate;
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_READY;
- return 0;
-static int __destroy_audio_out()
- if (NULL == g_audio_h) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Current handle is not valid");
- return -1;
- }
- int ret = -1;
- ret = audio_out_destroy(g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to destroy audio. ret(%d)", ret);
- return -1;
- } else {
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Destroy audio");
- }
- g_audio_channel = 0;
- g_audio_type = 0;
- g_sampling_rate = 0;
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_NONE;
- g_audio_h = NULL;
- return 0;
-int vc_mgr_player_init(int rate, vc_audio_channel_e channel, vc_audio_type_e audio_type)
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_NONE;
- g_audio_h = NULL;
- ecore_thread_max_set(1);
- int ret = -1;
- ret = __create_audio_out(rate, channel, audio_type);
- if (0 != ret) {
- }
- g_player_init = true;
- return VC_ERROR_NONE;
-int vc_mgr_player_release()
- if (false == g_player_init) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Not initialized");
- }
- int ret = -1;
- int thread_count = ecore_thread_active_get();
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Active thread count : %d", thread_count);
- int count = 0;
- while (0 < thread_count) {
- usleep(10000);
- count++;
- if (20 == count) {
- SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_VCM, "[Player WARN] Thread is blocked. Player release continue");
- break;
- }
- thread_count = ecore_thread_active_get();
- }
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Thread is release");
- ret = __destroy_audio_out();
- if (0 != ret) {
- }
- g_player_init = false;
- return VC_ERROR_NONE;
-static void __play_feedback_thread(void* data, Ecore_Thread* thread)
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Start thread");
- if (NULL == g_playing_info) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] No current player");
- return;
- }
- player_s* player = g_playing_info;
- vc_feedback_data_s* feedback_data = NULL;
- int ret = -1;
- int idx = 0;
- while (1) {
- /* get feedback data */
- ret = vc_mgr_data_get_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- if (0 != ret || NULL == feedback_data) {
- /* empty queue */
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] No feedback data. Waiting mode");
- /* waiting */
- while (1) {
- usleep(10000);
- if (0 < vc_mgr_data_get_feedback_data_size()) {
- SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[Player INFO] Resume thread");
- break;
- }
- if (AUDIO_STATE_PLAY == g_audio_state) {
- /* release audio & recover session */
- ret = audio_out_unprepare(g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to unprepare audio");
- } else {
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Unprepare audio");
- }
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_READY;
- }
- }
- SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[Player INFO] Finish to wait for new feedback data come");
- /* resume play thread */
- player->state = VC_FEEDBACK_STATE_PLAYING;
- continue;
- }
- if (VC_FEEDBACK_EVENT_START == feedback_data->event ||
- (VC_FEEDBACK_EVENT_FINISH == player->event && VC_FEEDBACK_EVENT_FINISH == feedback_data->event)) {
- int pid = vc_mgr_data_get_pid();
- SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Start utterance (%d)", pid);
- }
- player->event = feedback_data->event;
- idx = 0;
- /* If no feedback data and EVENT_FINISH */
- if (NULL == feedback_data->data || 0 >= feedback_data->data_size) {
- if (VC_FEEDBACK_EVENT_FINISH == feedback_data->event) {
- int pid = vc_mgr_data_get_pid();
- if (pid <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] No sound data");
- }
- SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[Player INFO] Finish utterance");
- vc_mgr_data_clear_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- continue;
- }
- if (g_sampling_rate != feedback_data->rate || g_audio_type != feedback_data->audio_type || g_audio_channel != feedback_data->channel) {
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] change audio handle");
- if (NULL != g_audio_h) {
- __destroy_audio_out();
- }
- if (0 > __create_audio_out(feedback_data->rate, feedback_data->channel, feedback_data->audio_type)) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to create audio out");
- vc_mgr_data_clear_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- return;
- }
- }
- while (VC_FEEDBACK_STATE_PLAYING == player->state) {
- if ((unsigned int)idx >= feedback_data->data_size)
- break;
- if ((unsigned int)idx + SOUND_BUFFER_LENGTH > feedback_data->data_size) {
- len = feedback_data->data_size - idx;
- } else {
- }
- if (AUDIO_STATE_READY == g_audio_state) {
- /* request prepare */
- ret = audio_out_prepare(g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to prepare audio");
- vc_mgr_data_clear_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- return;
- }
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Prepare audio");
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_PLAY;
- }
- char* temp_data = feedback_data->data;
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] data(%p), idx(%d), len(%d)", temp_data, idx, len);
- ret = audio_out_write(g_audio_h, &temp_data[idx], len);
- if (0 > ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_VCM, "[Player WARN] Fail to audio write - %d", ret);
- } else {
- idx += len;
- }
- if (NULL == g_playing_info) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Current player is NULL");
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_READY;
- ret = audio_out_unprepare(g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to unprepare audio");
- }
- vc_mgr_data_clear_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (NULL == g_playing_info && VC_FEEDBACK_STATE_READY == player->state) {
- /* player stop */
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_READY;
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Stop play thread");
- /* request to unprepare audio */
- ret = audio_out_unprepare(g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to unprepare audio");
- } else {
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Unprepare audio");
- }
- vc_mgr_data_clear_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- return;
- }
- if ((VC_FEEDBACK_STATE_PLAYING == player->state) && (VC_FEEDBACK_EVENT_FINISH == feedback_data->event)) {
- int pid = vc_mgr_data_get_pid();
- if (pid <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] Finish utterance");
- }
- vc_mgr_data_clear_feedback_data(&feedback_data);
- if (NULL == g_playing_info) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Current player is NULL");
- g_audio_state = AUDIO_STATE_READY;
- ret = audio_out_unprepare(g_audio_h);
- if (AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE != ret) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Fail to unprepare audio");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
-static void __end_play_feedback_thread(void* data, Ecore_Thread* thread)
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] End thread");
-int vc_mgr_player_play()
- if (false == g_player_init) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Not initialized");
- }
- if (NULL != g_playing_info) {
- SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_VCM, "[Player WARN] Stop old player");
- vc_mgr_player_stop();
- }
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] start play");
- /* check sound queue size */
- int data_size = vc_mgr_data_get_feedback_data_size();
- if (0 == data_size) {
- SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_VCM, "[Player WARN] A sound queue of current player is empty");
- } else if (0 < data_size) {
- SLOG(LOG_INFO, TAG_VCM, "[Player INFO] Run thread");
- ecore_thread_run(__play_feedback_thread, __end_play_feedback_thread, NULL, NULL);
- }
- return VC_ERROR_NONE;
-int vc_mgr_player_stop()
- if (false == g_player_init) {
- SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_VCM, "[Player ERROR] Not initialized");
- }
- if (NULL != g_playing_info) {
- g_playing_info = NULL;
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] No more current playing");
- }
- SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_VCM, "[Player DEBUG] stop play");
- int thread_count = ecore_thread_active_get();
- int count = 0;
- while (0 < thread_count) {
- usleep(10000);
- count++;
- if (30 == count) {
- SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_VCM, "[Player WARN] Thread is blocked. Player release continue");
- break;
- }
- thread_count = ecore_thread_active_get();
- }
- return VC_ERROR_NONE;