+// We only re-use a cached function for some script source code if the
+// script originates from the same place. This is to avoid issues
+// when reporting errors, etc.
+static bool HasOrigin(Handle<JSFunction> boilerplate,
+ Handle<Object> name,
+ int line_offset,
+ int column_offset) {
+ Handle<Script> script =
+ Handle<Script>(Script::cast(boilerplate->shared()->script()));
+ // If the script name isn't set, the boilerplate script should have
+ // an undefined name to have the same origin.
+ if (name.is_null()) {
+ return script->name()->IsUndefined();
+ }
+ // Do the fast bailout checks first.
+ if (line_offset != script->line_offset()->value()) return false;
+ if (column_offset != script->column_offset()->value()) return false;
+ // Check that both names are strings. If not, no match.
+ if (!name->IsString() || !script->name()->IsString()) return false;
+ // Compare the two name strings for equality.
+ return String::cast(*name)->Equals(String::cast(script->name()));
+static Handle<JSFunction> Lookup(Handle<String> source,
+ CompilationCache::Entry entry) {
+ // Make sure not to leak the table into the surrounding handle
+ // scope. Otherwise, we risk keeping old tables around even after
+ // having cleared the cache.
+ Object* result;
+ { HandleScope scope;
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> table = GetTable(entry);
+ result = table->Lookup(*source);
+ }
+ if (result->IsJSFunction()) {
+ return Handle<JSFunction>(JSFunction::cast(result));
+ } else {
+ return Handle<JSFunction>::null();
+ }
+// TODO(245): Need to allow identical code from different contexts to be
+// cached. Currently the first use will be cached, but subsequent code
+// from different source / line won't.
Handle<JSFunction> CompilationCache::LookupScript(Handle<String> source,
Handle<Object> name,
int line_offset,
int column_offset) {
- // TODO(245): Start caching scripts again but make it local to a
- // global context to avoid sharing code between independent
- // environments.
- return Handle<JSFunction>::null();
+ Handle<JSFunction> result = Lookup(source, SCRIPT);
+ if (result.is_null()) {
+ Counters::compilation_cache_misses.Increment();
+ } else if (HasOrigin(result, name, line_offset, column_offset)) {
+ Counters::compilation_cache_hits.Increment();
+ } else {
+ result = Handle<JSFunction>::null();
+ Counters::compilation_cache_misses.Increment();
+ }
+ return result;
void CompilationCache::PutScript(Handle<String> source,
- Entry entry,
Handle<JSFunction> boilerplate) {
- // TODO(245): Start caching scripts again but make it local to a
- // global context to avoid sharing code between independent
- // environments.
+ HandleScope scope;
+ ASSERT(boilerplate->IsBoilerplate());
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> table = GetTable(SCRIPT);
+ CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION_VOID(table->Put(*source, *boilerplate));