Local<String> message = OneByteString(env->isolate(), msg);
- Local<String> cons1 =
+ Local<String> cons =
String::Concat(estring, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), ", "));
- Local<String> cons2 = String::Concat(cons1, message);
+ cons = String::Concat(cons, message);
- if (path) {
- Local<String> cons3 =
- String::Concat(cons2, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), " '"));
- Local<String> cons4 =
- String::Concat(cons3, String::NewFromUtf8(env->isolate(), path));
- Local<String> cons5 =
- String::Concat(cons4, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "'"));
- e = Exception::Error(cons5);
- } else {
- e = Exception::Error(cons2);
+ Local<String> path_string;
+ if (path != nullptr) {
+ // FIXME(bnoordhuis) It's questionable to interpret the file path as UTF-8.
+ path_string = String::NewFromUtf8(env->isolate(), path);
+ if (path_string.IsEmpty() == false) {
+ cons = String::Concat(cons, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), " '"));
+ cons = String::Concat(cons, path_string);
+ cons = String::Concat(cons, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "'"));
+ }
+ e = Exception::Error(cons);
Local<Object> obj = e->ToObject(env->isolate());
obj->Set(env->errno_string(), Integer::New(env->isolate(), errorno));
obj->Set(env->code_string(), estring);
- if (path != nullptr) {
- obj->Set(env->path_string(), String::NewFromUtf8(env->isolate(), path));
+ if (path_string.IsEmpty() == false) {
+ obj->Set(env->path_string(), path_string);
if (syscall != nullptr) {