- Log.d(TAG, "Wating current installation process");
+ Log.d(TAG, "Waiting current installation process");
InstallCallbackInterface WaitQuery = new InstallCallbackInterface() {
private LoaderCallbackInterface mUserAppCallback = Callback;
public String getPackageName()
Log.d(TAG, "OpenCV package was not installed!");
mStatus = LoaderCallbackInterface.MARKET_ERROR;
+ Log.d(TAG, "Init finished with status " + mStatus);
+ Log.d(TAG, "Unbind from service");
+ mAppContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection);
+ Log.d(TAG, "Calling using callback");
+ mUserAppCallback.onManagerConnected(mStatus);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
mStatus = LoaderCallbackInterface.INIT_FAILED;
+ Log.d(TAG, "Init finished with status " + mStatus);
+ Log.d(TAG, "Unbind from service");
+ mAppContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection);
+ Log.d(TAG, "Calling using callback");
+ mUserAppCallback.onManagerConnected(mStatus);
- Log.d(TAG, "Init finished with status " + mStatus);
- Log.d(TAG, "Unbind from service");
- mAppContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection);
- Log.d(TAG, "Calling using callback");
- mUserAppCallback.onManagerConnected(mStatus);
/** OpenCV loader can not start Google Play Market. **/
case LoaderCallbackInterface.MARKET_ERROR:
- Log.d(TAG, "Google Play service is not installed! You can get it here");
+ Log.e(TAG, "Package installation failed!");
AlertDialog MarketErrorMessage = new AlertDialog.Builder(mAppContext).create();
MarketErrorMessage.setTitle("OpenCV Manager");
MarketErrorMessage.setMessage("Package installation failed!");