[ ] selection of background "wallpapers" (and support them at all -
doesn't right now - should support regular images, animated gifs,
and edje files)
-[ ] transparency support (theme needs to be told to go into
+[X] transparency support (theme needs to be told to go into
tranpsarency mode and then window alpha enabled)
[ ] visual bell reporting (signals to theme)
[ ] scrollbar (elm scroller that mirrors the term smart size/position
[ ] selection should have handles on the start/end so u can drag and
change its size once there
[ ] improve selection text extraction logic
-[ ] font selector should include font previews in the list -
+[X] font selector should include font previews in the list -
preferably ONLY be a list of previews
[ ] options widgets should be deleted once they are hidden. they stay
in memory at the moment