// overhead by at all times even when counters aren't enabled.
// On disable, PollingCounters will stop polling for values so it should be fine to leave them around.
- _cpuTimeCounter = _cpuTimeCounter ?? new PollingCounter("CPU Usage", this, () => RuntimeEventSourceHelper.GetCpuUsage());
- _workingSetCounter = _workingSetCounter ?? new PollingCounter("Working Set", this, () => Environment.WorkingSet);
- _gcHeapSizeCounter = _gcHeapSizeCounter ?? new PollingCounter("GC Heap Size", this, () => GC.GetTotalMemory(false));
- _gen0GCCounter = _gen0GCCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("Gen 0 GC Count", this, () => GC.CollectionCount(0));
- _gen1GCCounter = _gen1GCCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("Gen 1 GC Count", this, () => GC.CollectionCount(1));
- _gen2GCCounter = _gen2GCCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("Gen 2 GC Count", this, () => GC.CollectionCount(2));
- _exceptionCounter = _exceptionCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("Exception Count", this, () => Exception.GetExceptionCount());
+ _cpuTimeCounter = _cpuTimeCounter ?? new PollingCounter("cpu-usage", this, () => RuntimeEventSourceHelper.GetCpuUsage()) { DisplayName = "CPU Usage" };
+ _workingSetCounter = _workingSetCounter ?? new PollingCounter("working-set", this, () => (double)(Environment.WorkingSet / 1000000)) { DisplayName = "Working Set" };
+ _gcHeapSizeCounter = _gcHeapSizeCounter ?? new PollingCounter("gc-heap-size", this, () => (double)(GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1000000)) { DisplayName = "GC Heap Size" };
+ _gen0GCCounter = _gen0GCCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("gen-0-gc-count", this, () => GC.CollectionCount(0)) { DisplayName = "Gen 0 GC Count", DisplayRateTimeScale = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) };
+ _gen1GCCounter = _gen1GCCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("gen-1-gc-count", this, () => GC.CollectionCount(1)) { DisplayName = "Gen 1 GC Count", DisplayRateTimeScale = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) };
+ _gen2GCCounter = _gen2GCCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("gen-2-gc-count", this, () => GC.CollectionCount(2)) { DisplayName = "Gen 2 GC Count", DisplayRateTimeScale = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) };
+ _exceptionCounter = _exceptionCounter ?? new IncrementingPollingCounter("exception-count", this, () => Exception.GetExceptionCount()) { DisplayName = "Exception Count", DisplayRateTimeScale = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1) };