--- /dev/null
+# This script validates shaders (if successfully compiled) using spirv-val.
+# It is not meant to preclude the possible addition of the validator to
+# glslang.
+declare -r EXE='../build/install/bin/glslangValidator'
+# search common locations for spirv-tools: keep first one
+for toolsdir in '../External/spirv-tools/build/tools' '../../SPIRV-Tools/build/tools' '/usr/local/bin'; do
+ [[ -z "$VAL" && -x "${toolsdir}/spirv-val" ]] && declare -r VAL="${toolsdir}/spirv-val"
+ [[ -z "$DIS" && -x "${toolsdir}/spirv-dis" ]] && declare -r DIS="${toolsdir}/spirv-dis"
+declare -r gtests='../gtests/Hlsl.FromFile.cpp ../gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp'
+declare -r targetenv='vulkan1.0'
+function fatal() { echo "ERROR: $@"; exit 5; }
+function usage
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [options...] shaders..."
+ echo
+ echo " Validates shaders (if successfully compiled) through spirv-val."
+ echo
+ echo "General options:"
+ echo " --help prints this text"
+ echo " --no-color disables output colorization"
+ echo " --dump-asm dumps all successfully compiled shader assemblies"
+ echo " --dump-val dumps all validation results"
+ echo " --dump-comp dumps all compilation logs"
+ echo "Spam reduction options:"
+ echo " --no-summary disables result summaries"
+ echo " --skip-ok do not print successful validations"
+ echo " --skip-comperr do not print compilation errors"
+ echo " --skip-valerr do not print validation errors"
+ echo " --quiet synonym for --skip-ok --skip-comperr --skip-valerr --no-summary"
+ echo " --terse print terse single line progress summary"
+ echo "Disassembly options:"
+ echo " --raw-id uses raw ids for disassembly"
+ echo
+ echo "Usage examples. Note most non-hlsl tests fail to compile for expected reasons."
+ echo " Exercise all hlsl.* files:"
+ echo " $(basename $0) hlsl.*"
+ echo " Exercise all hlsl.* files, tersely:"
+ echo " $(basename $0) --terse hlsl.*"
+ echo " Print validator output for myfile.frag:"
+ echo " $(basename $0) --quiet --dump-val myfile.frag"
+ echo " Exercise hlsl.* files, only printing validation errors:"
+ echo " $(basename $0) --skip-ok --skip-comperr hlsl.*"
+ exit 5
+function status()
+ printf "%-40s: %b\n" "$1" "$2"
+# make sure we can find glslang
+[[ -x "$EXE" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate $(basename "$EXE") executable"
+[[ -x "$VAL" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate spirv-val executable"
+[[ -x "$DIS" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate spirv-dis executable"
+for gtest in $gtests; do
+ [[ -r "$gtest" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate source file: $(basename $gtest)"
+# temp files
+declare -r spvfile='out.spv' \
+ complog='comp.out' \
+ vallog='val.out' \
+ dislog='dis.out' \
+# options
+declare opt_vallog=false \
+ opt_complog=false \
+ opt_dislog=false \
+ opt_summary=true \
+ opt_stat_comperr=true \
+ opt_stat_ok=true \
+ opt_stat_valerr=true \
+ opt_color=true \
+ opt_raw_id=false \
+ opt_quiet=false \
+ opt_terse=false
+# clean up on exit
+trap "rm -f ${spvfile} ${complog} ${vallog} ${dislog}" EXIT
+# Language guesser: there is no fixed mapping from filenames to language,
+# so this examines the file and return one of:
+# hlsl
+# glsl
+# bin
+# unknown
+# This is easier WRT future expansion than a big explicit list.
+function FindLanguage()
+ local test="$1"
+ # If it starts with hlsl, assume it's hlsl.
+ if [[ "$test" == *hlsl.* ]]; then
+ echo hlsl
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ "$test" == *.spv ]]; then
+ echo bin
+ return;
+ fi
+ # If it doesn't start with spv., assume it's GLSL.
+ if [[ ! "$test" == spv.* && ! "$test" == remap.* ]]; then
+ echo glsl
+ return
+ fi
+ # Otherwise, attempt to guess from shader contents, since there's no
+ # fixed mapping of filenames to languages.
+ local contents="$(cat "$test")"
+ if [[ "$contents" == *#version* ]]; then
+ echo glsl
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ "$contents" == *SamplerState* ||
+ "$contents" == *cbuffer* ||
+ "$contents" == *SV_* ]]; then
+ echo hlsl
+ return
+ fi
+ echo unknown
+# Attempt to discover entry point
+function FindEntryPoint()
+ local test="$1"
+ # if it's not hlsl, always use main
+ if [[ "$language" != 'hlsl' ]]; then
+ echo 'main'
+ return
+ fi
+ # Try to find it in test sources
+ awk -F '[ (){",]+' -e "\$2 == \"${test}\" { print \$3; found=1; } END { if (found==0) print \"main\"; } " $gtests
+# command line options
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+ case "$1" in
+ # -c) glslang="$2"; shift 2;;
+ --help|-?) usage;;
+ --no-color) opt_color=false; shift;;
+ --no-summary) opt_summary=false; shift;;
+ --skip-ok) opt_stat_ok=false; shift;;
+ --skip-comperr) opt_stat_comperr=false; shift;;
+ --skip-valerr) opt_stat_valerr=false; shift;;
+ --dump-asm) opt_dislog=true; shift;;
+ --dump-val) opt_vallog=true; shift;;
+ --dump-comp) opt_complog=true; shift;;
+ --raw-id) opt_raw_id=true; shift;;
+ --quiet) opt_quiet=true; shift;;
+ --terse) opt_quiet=true
+ opt_terse=true
+ shift;;
+ --*) fatal "Unknown command line option: $1";;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+# this is what quiet means
+if $opt_quiet; then
+ opt_stat_ok=false
+ opt_stat_comperr=false
+ opt_stat_valerr=false
+ $opt_terse || opt_summary=false
+if $opt_color; then
+ declare -r white="\e[1;37m" cyan="\e[1;36m" red="\e[0;31m" no_color="\e[0m"
+ declare -r white="" cyan="" red="" no_color=""
+# stats
+declare -i count_ok=0 count_err=0 count_nocomp=0 count_total=0
+declare -r dashsep='------------------------------------------------------------------------'
+# if no shaders given, look for everything in current directory
+[[ ${#testfiles[*]} == 0 ]] && testfiles=(*.frag *.vert *.tesc *.tese *.geom *.comp)
+$opt_summary && printf "\nValidating: ${#testfiles[*]} shaders\n\n"
+# Loop through the shaders we were given, compiling them if we can.
+for test in ${testfiles[*]}
+ if [[ ! -r "$test" ]]; then
+ $opt_quiet || status "$test" "${red}FILE NOT FOUND${no_color}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ ((++count_total))
+ $opt_terse && printf "\r[%-3d/%-3d : ${white}comperr=%-3d ${red}valerr=%-3d ${cyan}ok=%-3d${no_color}]" \
+ ${count_total} ${#testfiles[*]} ${count_nocomp} ${count_err} ${count_ok}
+ language="$(FindLanguage $test)"
+ entry="$(FindEntryPoint $test)"
+ langops=''
+ case "$language" in
+ hlsl) langops='-D --hlsl-iomap --hlsl-offsets';;
+ glsl) ;;
+ bin) continue;; # skip binaries
+ *) $opt_quiet || status "$test" "${red}UNKNOWN LANGUAGE${no_color}"; continue;;
+ esac
+ # compile the test file
+ if compout=$("$EXE" -e "$entry" $langops -V -o "$spvfile" "$test" 2>&1)
+ then
+ # successful compilation: validate
+ if valout=$("$VAL" --target-env ${targetenv} "$spvfile" 2>&1)
+ then
+ # validated OK
+ $opt_stat_ok && status "$test" "${cyan}OK${no_color}"
+ ((++count_ok))
+ else
+ # validation failure
+ $opt_stat_valerr && status "$test" "${red}VAL ERROR${no_color}"
+ printf "%s\n%s:\n%s\n" "$dashsep" "$test" "$valout" >> "$vallog"
+ ((++count_err))
+ fi
+ if $opt_dislog; then
+ printf "%s\n%s:\n" "$dashsep" "$test" >> "$dislog"
+ $opt_raw_id && id_opt=--raw-id
+ "$DIS" ${id_opt} "$spvfile" >> "$dislog"
+ fi
+ else
+ # compile failure
+ $opt_stat_comperr && status "$test" "${white}COMP ERROR${no_color}"
+ printf "%s\n%s\n" "$dashsep" "$compout" >> "$complog"
+ ((++count_nocomp))
+ fi
+$opt_terse && echo
+# summarize
+$opt_summary && printf "\nSummary: ${white}${count_nocomp} compile errors${no_color}, ${red}${count_err} validation errors${no_color}, ${cyan}${count_ok} successes${no_color}\n"
+# dump logs
+$opt_vallog && [[ -r $vallog ]] && cat "$vallog"
+$opt_complog && [[ -r $complog ]] && cat "$complog"
+$opt_dislog && [[ -r $dislog ]] && cat "$dislog"
+# exit code
+[[ ${count_err} -gt 0 ]] && exit 1
+exit 0