#include <iomanip>
#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::ocl;
using namespace std;
#if !defined HAVE_OPENCL
-void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int flags)
+void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat &, oclMat &, Size , int )
#elif !defined HAVE_CLAMDFFT
-void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int flags)
+void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat&, oclMat&, Size, int)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "OpenCL DFT is not implemented");
-#include <clAmdFft.h>
+#include "clAmdFft.h"
namespace cv
namespace ocl
+ void fft_setup();
+ void fft_teardown();
enum FftType
C2R = 1, // complex to complex
struct FftPlan
- friend void fft_setup();
- friend void fft_teardown();
- ~FftPlan();
+ clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle;
+ FftPlan& operator=(const FftPlan&);
+ public:
FftPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type);
+ ~FftPlan();
+ inline clAmdFftPlanHandle getPlanHandle() { return plHandle; }
const Size dft_size;
const int src_step, dst_step;
const int flags;
const FftType type;
- clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle;
- static vector<FftPlan *> planStore;
- static bool started;
- static clAmdFftSetupData *setupData;
+ };
+ class PlanCache
+ {
+ protected:
+ PlanCache();
+ ~PlanCache();
+ friend class auto_ptr<PlanCache>;
+ static auto_ptr<PlanCache> planCache;
+ bool started;
+ vector<FftPlan *> planStore;
+ clAmdFftSetupData *setupData;
+ friend void fft_setup();
+ friend void fft_teardown();
+ static PlanCache* getPlanCache()
+ {
+ if( NULL == planCache.get())
+ planCache.reset(new PlanCache());
+ return planCache.get();
+ }
// return a baked plan->
// if there is one matched plan, return it
// if not, bake a new one, put it into the planStore and return it.
- static clAmdFftPlanHandle getPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type);
+ static FftPlan* getPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type);
+ // remove a single plan from the store
+ // return true if the plan is successfully removed
+ // else
+ static bool removePlan(clAmdFftPlanHandle );
-bool cv::ocl::FftPlan::started = false;
-vector<cv::ocl::FftPlan *> cv::ocl::FftPlan::planStore = vector<cv::ocl::FftPlan *>();
-clAmdFftSetupData *cv::ocl::FftPlan::setupData = 0;
+auto_ptr<PlanCache> PlanCache::planCache;
void cv::ocl::fft_setup()
- if(FftPlan::started)
+ PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
+ if(pCache.started)
- FftPlan::setupData = new clAmdFftSetupData;
- openCLSafeCall(clAmdFftInitSetupData( FftPlan::setupData ));
- FftPlan::started = true;
+ pCache.setupData = new clAmdFftSetupData;
+ openCLSafeCall(clAmdFftInitSetupData( pCache.setupData ));
+ pCache.started = true;
void cv::ocl::fft_teardown()
- if(!FftPlan::started)
+ PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
+ if(!pCache.started)
- delete FftPlan::setupData;
- for(int i = 0; i < FftPlan::planStore.size(); i ++)
+ delete pCache.setupData;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < pCache.planStore.size(); i ++)
- delete FftPlan::planStore[i];
+ delete pCache.planStore[i];
- FftPlan::planStore.clear();
+ pCache.planStore.clear();
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftTeardown( ) );
- FftPlan::started = false;
+ pCache.started = false;
// bake a new plan
cv::ocl::FftPlan::FftPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type)
- : dft_size(_dft_size), src_step(_src_step), dst_step(_dst_step), flags(_flags), type(_type), plHandle(0)
+ : plHandle(0), dft_size(_dft_size), src_step(_src_step), dst_step(_dst_step), flags(_flags), type(_type)
- if(!FftPlan::started)
- {
- // implicitly do fft setup
- fft_setup();
- }
+ fft_setup();
bool is_1d_input = (_dft_size.height == 1);
int is_row_dft = flags & DFT_ROWS;
- int is_scaled_dft = flags & DFT_SCALE;
- int is_inverse = flags & DFT_INVERSE;
+ int is_scaled_dft = flags & DFT_SCALE;
+ int is_inverse = flags & DFT_INVERSE;
- clAmdFftResultLocation place;
+ //clAmdFftResultLocation place;
clAmdFftLayout inLayout;
clAmdFftLayout outLayout;
clAmdFftDim dim = is_1d_input || is_row_dft ? CLFFT_1D : CLFFT_2D;
size_t batchSize = is_row_dft ? dft_size.height : 1;
size_t clLengthsIn[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
size_t clStridesIn[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
- size_t clLengthsOut[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
+ //size_t clLengthsOut[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
size_t clStridesOut[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
clLengthsIn[0] = dft_size.width;
clLengthsIn[1] = is_row_dft ? 1 : dft_size.height;
clStridesOut[1] = clStridesIn[1];
case R2C:
- CV_Assert(!is_row_dft); // this is not supported yet
inLayout = CLFFT_REAL;
clStridesIn[1] = src_step / sizeof(float);
clStridesOut[1] = dst_step / sizeof(std::complex<float>);
case C2R:
- CV_Assert(!is_row_dft); // this is not supported yet
outLayout = CLFFT_REAL;
clStridesIn[1] = src_step / sizeof(std::complex<float>);
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanInStride ( plHandle, dim, clStridesIn ) );
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanOutStride ( plHandle, dim, clStridesOut ) );
- openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanDistance ( plHandle, clStridesIn[ dim ], clStridesIn[ dim ]) );
+ openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanDistance ( plHandle, clStridesIn[ dim ], clStridesOut[ dim ]) );
+ float scale_ = is_scaled_dft ? 1.f / _dft_size.area() : 1.f;
+ openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanScale ( plHandle, is_inverse ? CLFFT_BACKWARD : CLFFT_FORWARD, scale_ ) );
+ //ready to bake
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftBakePlan( plHandle, 1, &(Context::getContext()->impl->clCmdQueue), NULL, NULL ) );
- for(int i = 0; i < planStore.size(); i ++)
- {
- if(planStore[i]->plHandle == plHandle)
- {
- planStore.erase(planStore.begin() + i);
- }
- }
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftDestroyPlan( &plHandle ) );
-clAmdFftPlanHandle cv::ocl::FftPlan::getPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type)
+ : started(false),
+ planStore(vector<cv::ocl::FftPlan *>()),
+ setupData(NULL)
+ fft_teardown();
+FftPlan* cv::ocl::PlanCache::getPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type)
+ PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
+ vector<FftPlan *>& pStore = pCache.planStore;
// go through search
- for(int i = 0; i < planStore.size(); i ++)
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < pStore.size(); i ++)
- FftPlan *plan = planStore[i];
+ FftPlan *plan = pStore[i];
plan->dft_size.width == _dft_size.width &&
plan->dft_size.height == _dft_size.height &&
plan->src_step == _src_step &&
plan->dst_step == _dst_step &&
plan->type == _type
- )
+ )
- return plan->plHandle;
+ return plan;
// no baked plan is found
FftPlan *newPlan = new FftPlan(_dft_size, _src_step, _dst_step, _flags, _type);
- planStore.push_back(newPlan);
- return newPlan->plHandle;
+ pStore.push_back(newPlan);
+ return newPlan;
+bool cv::ocl::PlanCache::removePlan(clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle)
+ PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
+ vector<FftPlan *>& pStore = pCache.planStore;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < pStore.size(); i ++)
+ {
+ if(pStore[i]->getPlanHandle() == plHandle)
+ {
+ pStore.erase(pStore.begin() + i);
+ delete pStore[i];
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size dft_size, int flags)
// check if the given dft size is of optimal dft size
CV_Assert(dft_size.area() == getOptimalDFTSize(dft_size.area()));
+ // the two flags are not compatible
+ CV_Assert( !((flags & DFT_SCALE) && (flags & DFT_ROWS)) );
// similar assertions with cuda module
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32F || src.type() == CV_32FC2);
- // we don't support DFT_SCALE flag
- CV_Assert(!(DFT_SCALE & flags));
- bool is_1d_input = (src.rows == 1);
- int is_row_dft = flags & DFT_ROWS;
- int is_scaled_dft = flags & DFT_SCALE;
+ //bool is_1d_input = (src.rows == 1);
+ //int is_row_dft = flags & DFT_ROWS;
+ //int is_scaled_dft = flags & DFT_SCALE;
int is_inverse = flags & DFT_INVERSE;
bool is_complex_input = src.channels() == 2;
bool is_complex_output = !(flags & DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
// We don't support real-to-real transform
CV_Assert(is_complex_input || is_complex_output);
FftType type = (FftType)(is_complex_input << 0 | is_complex_output << 1);
dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC2);
case R2C:
- CV_Assert(!is_row_dft); // this is not supported yet
dst.create(src.rows, src.cols / 2 + 1, CV_32FC2);
case C2R:
CV_Assert(dft_size.width / 2 + 1 == src.cols && dft_size.height == src.rows);
- CV_Assert(!is_row_dft); // this is not supported yet
dst.create(src.rows, dft_size.width, CV_32FC1);
throw exception();
- clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle = FftPlan::getPlan(dft_size, src.step, dst.step, flags, type);
+ clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle = PlanCache::getPlan(dft_size, src.step, dst.step, flags, type)->getPlanHandle();
//get the buffersize
size_t buffersize = 0;
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize(plHandle, &buffersize ) );
//allocate the intermediate buffer
+ // TODO, bind this with the current FftPlan
cl_mem clMedBuffer = NULL;
if (buffersize)
openCLSafeCall( medstatus );
openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftEnqueueTransform( plHandle,
- 1,
- &src.clCxt->impl->clCmdQueue,
- 0, NULL, NULL,
- (cl_mem *)&src.data, (cl_mem *)&dst.data, clMedBuffer ) );
+ 1,
+ &src.clCxt->impl->clCmdQueue,
+ 0, NULL, NULL,
+ (cl_mem *)&src.data, (cl_mem *)&dst.data, clMedBuffer ) );
openCLSafeCall( clFinish(src.clCxt->impl->clCmdQueue) );
+ //fft_teardown();
// Dft
-PARAM_TEST_CASE(Dft, cv::Size, bool)
+PARAM_TEST_CASE(Dft, cv::Size, int)
cv::Size dft_size;
- bool dft_rows;
- //std::vector<cv::ocl::Info> oclinfo;
+ int dft_flags;
virtual void SetUp()
- //int devnums = getDevice(oclinfo);
- // CV_Assert(devnums > 0);
- dft_size = GET_PARAM(0);
- dft_rows = GET_PARAM(1);
+ dft_size = GET_PARAM(0);
+ dft_flags = GET_PARAM(1);
TEST_P(Dft, C2C)
- cv::Mat a = randomMat(dft_size, CV_32FC2, 0.0, 10.0);
+ cv::Mat a = randomMat(dft_size, CV_32FC2, 0.0, 100.0);
cv::Mat b_gold;
- int flags = 0;
- flags |= dft_rows ? cv::DFT_ROWS : 0;
cv::ocl::oclMat d_b;
- cv::dft(a, b_gold, flags);
- cv::ocl::dft(cv::ocl::oclMat(a), d_b, a.size(), flags);
+ cv::dft(a, b_gold, dft_flags);
+ cv::ocl::dft(cv::ocl::oclMat(a), d_b, a.size(), dft_flags);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(b_gold, cv::Mat(d_b), a.size().area() * 1e-4, "");
+TEST_P(Dft, R2C)
+ cv::Mat a = randomMat(dft_size, CV_32FC1, 0.0, 100.0);
+ cv::Mat b_gold, b_gold_roi;
+ cv::ocl::oclMat d_b, d_c;
+ cv::ocl::dft(cv::ocl::oclMat(a), d_b, a.size(), dft_flags);
+ cv::dft(a, b_gold, cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT | dft_flags);
+ b_gold_roi = b_gold(cv::Rect(0, 0, d_b.cols, d_b.rows));
+ EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(b_gold_roi, cv::Mat(d_b), a.size().area() * 1e-4, "");
+ cv::Mat c_gold;
+ cv::dft(b_gold, c_gold, cv::DFT_INVERSE | cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT | cv::DFT_SCALE);
+ EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(b_gold_roi, cv::Mat(d_b), a.size().area() * 1e-4, "");
TEST_P(Dft, R2CthenC2R)
cv::Mat a = randomMat(dft_size, CV_32FC1, 0.0, 10.0);
- int flags = 0;
- //flags |= dft_rows ? cv::DFT_ROWS : 0; // not supported yet
cv::ocl::oclMat d_b, d_c;
- cv::ocl::dft(cv::ocl::oclMat(a), d_b, a.size(), flags);
- cv::ocl::dft(d_b, d_c, a.size(), flags + cv::DFT_INVERSE + cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
+ cv::ocl::dft(cv::ocl::oclMat(a), d_b, a.size(), 0);
+ cv::ocl::dft(d_b, d_c, a.size(), cv::DFT_SCALE | cv::DFT_INVERSE | cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(a, d_c, a.size().area() * 1e-4, "");
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ocl_DFT, Dft, testing::Combine(
- testing::Values(cv::Size(5, 4), cv::Size(20, 20)),
- testing::Values(false, true)));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(OCL_ImgProc, Dft, testing::Combine(
+ testing::Values(cv::Size(2, 3), cv::Size(5, 4), cv::Size(25, 20), cv::Size(512, 1), cv::Size(1024, 768)),
+ testing::Values(0, (int)cv::DFT_ROWS, (int)cv::DFT_SCALE) ));