ref: *template_sha
- '/templates/debian.yml'
+ - '/templates/freebsd.yml'
- '/templates/ci-fairy.yml'
FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: wayland/wayland
- # bump this tag every time you change something which requires rebuilding the
- # base image
- FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: "2021-08-03.0"
# Define the build stages. These are used for UI grouping as well as
FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: 'build-essential pkg-config libexpat1-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev doxygen graphviz xmlto xsltproc docbook-xsl python3-pip python3-setuptools ninja-build'
FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC: 'pip3 install meson==0.52.1'
+ # bump this tag every time you change something which requires rebuilding the
+ # base image
+ FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: "2021-08-03.0"
junit: build-*/meson-logs/testlog.junit.xml
# Full build and test.
+ extends:
+ - .ci-rules
+ stage: "Build and test"
+ script:
+ # Start the VM and copy our workspace to the VM
+ - /app/vmctl start
+ - scp -r $PWD "vm:"
+ # The `set +e is needed to ensure that we always copy the meson logs back to
+ # the workspace to see details about the failed tests.
+ - |
+ set +e
+ /app/vmctl exec "pkg info; cd $CI_PROJECT_NAME ; meson $BUILDDIR --prefix=$PREFIX $MESON_BUILD_TYPE $MESON_ARGS && ninja -C $BUILDDIR -j${FDO_CI_CONCURRENT:-4}"
+ /app/vmctl exec "meson test --print-errorlogs -C $BUILDDIR --num-processes ${FDO_CI_CONCURRENT:-4}" && touch .tests-successful
+ set -ex
+ scp -r vm:$BUILDDIR/meson-logs .
+ /app/vmctl exec "ninja -C $BUILDDIR install"
+ mkdir -p $PREFIX && scp -r vm:$PREFIX/ $PREFIX/
+ # Finally, shut down the VM.
+ - /app/vmctl stop
+ - test -f .tests-successful || exit 1
+ artifacts:
+ name: wayland-$CI_JOB_NAME
+ when: always
+ paths:
+ - meson-logs
+ - prefix-*
+ reports:
+ junit: meson-logs/testlog.junit.xml
+# Full build and test.
- .build-env-debian-x86_64
- .build-env-debian-armv7
- .do-build
- .build-release
+# Base variables used for anything using a FreeBSD environment
+ variables:
+ BUILD_OS: freebsd
+ FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: 'libxslt meson ninja pkgconf expat libffi libepoll-shim libxml2'
+ # bump this tag every time you change something which requires rebuilding the
+ # base image
+ FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: "2021-08-05.0"
+ # Don't build documentation since installing the required tools massively
+ # increases the VM image (and therefore container) size.
+ MESON_ARGS: "-Ddocumentation=false"
+ extends:
+ - .os-freebsd
+ variables:
+ BUILD_ARCH: "x86_64"
+ extends:
+ - .ci-rules
+ - .freebsd-x86_64
+ - .fdo.qemu-build@freebsd@x86_64
+ stage: "Base container"
+ variables:
+ variables:
+ # Compiling with ASan+UBSan appears to trigger an infinite loop in the
+ # compiler shipped with FreeBSD 13.0, so we only use UBSan here.
+ # Additionally, sanitizers can't be used with b_lundef on FreeBSD.
+ MESON_BUILD_TYPE: "-Dbuildtype=debug -Db_sanitize=undefined -Db_lundef=false"
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.suffixed-image@freebsd
+ - .freebsd-x86_64
+ - .build-env
+ needs:
+ - job: x86_64-freebsd-container_prep
+ artifacts: false
+# Full build and test.
+ extends:
+ - .build-env-freebsd-x86_64
+ - .do-build-qemu
+ extends:
+ - .build-env-freebsd-x86_64
+ - .do-build-qemu
+ - .build-release