Change-Id: I9c8fd6c6399dcb5f3b7ec0e464776f988d29393d
const unsigned int TOOLKIT_MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
const unsigned int TOOLKIT_MINOR_VERSION = 2;
-const unsigned int TOOLKIT_MICRO_VERSION = 15;
+const unsigned int TOOLKIT_MICRO_VERSION = 16;
const char * const TOOLKIT_BUILD_DATE = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
Name: dali-addon
Summary: DALi module for Node.JS
-Version: 1.2.15
+Version: 1.2.16
Release: 1
Group: Development/Libraries
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Name: NDalic
Summary: dali wrapper
-Version: 1.2.15
+Version: 1.2.16
Release: 1
Group: uifw/graphic
Name: dali-toolkit
Summary: The OpenGLES Canvas Core Library Toolkit
-Version: 1.2.15
+Version: 1.2.16
Release: 1
Group: System/Libraries
License: Apache-2.0 and BSD-2-Clause and MIT