return BoundsOrNone(operand_node);
- Bounds ContextOperand(Node* node) {
- Bounds result = BoundsOrNone(NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node));
- DCHECK(result.upper->Maybe(Type::Internal()));
- // TODO(rossberg): More precisely, instead of the above assertion, we should
- // back-propagate the constraint that it has to be a subtype of Internal.
- return result;
- }
+ Bounds WrapContextBoundsForInput(Node* node);
Type* Weaken(Type* current_type, Type* previous_type);
Zone* zone() { return typer_->zone(); }
+Bounds Typer::Visitor::WrapContextBoundsForInput(Node* node) {
+ Bounds outer = BoundsOrNone(NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node));
+ if (outer.upper->Is(Type::None())) {
+ return Bounds(Type::None());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(outer.upper->Maybe(Type::Internal()));
+ return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ }
Bounds Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateFunctionContext(Node* node) {
- Bounds outer = ContextOperand(node);
- return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ return WrapContextBoundsForInput(node);
Bounds Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateCatchContext(Node* node) {
- Bounds outer = ContextOperand(node);
- return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ return WrapContextBoundsForInput(node);
Bounds Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateWithContext(Node* node) {
- Bounds outer = ContextOperand(node);
- return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ return WrapContextBoundsForInput(node);
Bounds Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateBlockContext(Node* node) {
- Bounds outer = ContextOperand(node);
- return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ return WrapContextBoundsForInput(node);
Bounds Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateModuleContext(Node* node) {
// TODO(rossberg): this is probably incorrect
- Bounds outer = ContextOperand(node);
- return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ return WrapContextBoundsForInput(node);
Bounds Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateScriptContext(Node* node) {
- Bounds outer = ContextOperand(node);
- return Bounds(Type::Context(outer.upper, zone()));
+ return WrapContextBoundsForInput(node);