EXPECT_THAT(*Locations, IsEmpty());
+TEST(GoToDefinition, WithPreamble) {
+ // Test stragety: AST should always use the latest preamble instead of last
+ // good preamble.
+ MockFSProvider FS;
+ IgnoreDiagnostics DiagConsumer;
+ MockCompilationDatabase CDB;
+ ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest());
+ auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp");
+ auto FooCppUri = URIForFile{FooCpp};
+ // The trigger locations must be the same.
+ Annotations FooWithHeader(R"cpp(#include "fo^o.h")cpp");
+ Annotations FooWithoutHeader(R"cpp(double [[fo^o]]();)cpp");
+ FS.Files[FooCpp] = FooWithHeader.code();
+ auto FooH = testPath("foo.h");
+ auto FooHUri = URIForFile{FooH};
+ Annotations FooHeader(R"cpp([[]])cpp");
+ FS.Files[FooH] = FooHeader.code();
+ runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, FooWithHeader.code());
+ // GoToDefinition goes to a #include file: the result comes from the preamble.
+ cantFail(runFindDefinitions(Server, FooCpp, FooWithHeader.point())),
+ ElementsAre(Location{FooHUri, FooHeader.range()}));
+ // Only preamble is built, and no AST is built in this request.
+ Server.addDocument(FooCpp, FooWithoutHeader.code(), WantDiagnostics::No);
+ // We build AST here, and it should use the latest preamble rather than the
+ // stale one.
+ cantFail(runFindDefinitions(Server, FooCpp, FooWithoutHeader.point())),
+ ElementsAre(Location{FooCppUri, FooWithoutHeader.range()}));
+ // Reset test environment.
+ runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, FooWithHeader.code());
+ // Both preamble and AST are built in this request.
+ Server.addDocument(FooCpp, FooWithoutHeader.code(), WantDiagnostics::Yes);
+ // Use the AST being built in above request.
+ cantFail(runFindDefinitions(Server, FooCpp, FooWithoutHeader.point())),
+ ElementsAre(Location{FooCppUri, FooWithoutHeader.range()}));
} // namespace
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang