from torch.autograd import Variable, Function, detect_anomaly, kineto_available
from torch.autograd.function import InplaceFunction
import torch.autograd.forward_ad as fwAD
-from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import (
- unpack_variables,
- mask_not_all_zeros,
- S)
+from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import mask_not_all_zeros
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import (instantiate_device_type_tests, skipCUDAIfRocm,
onlyCPU, onlyCUDA, onlyOnCPUAndCUDA, dtypes, dtypesIfCUDA,
deviceCountAtLeast, skipCUDAIfCudnnVersionLessThan,
import pickle
def graph_desc(fn):
if fn is None:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, 'Simulate error'):
- # TODO: Create OpInfos for these ops
- def test_broadcast_tensors(self):
- f_args_variable = (torch.randn(3, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True),
- torch.randn(1, 2, 1, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True),
- torch.randn(1, 1, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True),
- torch.randn(5, 1, 1, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True))
- f_args_tensor = deepcopy(unpack_variables(f_args_variable))
- run_functional_checks(self, "test_broadcast_tensors", "broadcast",
- lambda a, b, c, d: torch.broadcast_tensors(a, b, c, d),
- True, f_args_variable, f_args_tensor)
- def test_block_diag(self):
- f_args_variable = (torch.randn(1, S, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True),
- torch.randn(2, S, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True),
- torch.randn(3, S, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True))
- f_args_tensor = deepcopy(unpack_variables(f_args_variable))
- run_functional_checks(self, "test_block_diag", "block_diag",
- lambda a, b, c: torch.block_diag(a, b, c),
- True, f_args_variable, f_args_tensor)
- def test_cat_empty_legacy(self):
- f_args_variable = (torch.randn(0, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True),
- torch.randn(S, S, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True))
- # gradgradcheck doesn't work, probably because legacy size tracking is wrong somewhere,
- # hence False passed below, but gradcheck checked explicitly.
- f_args_tensor = deepcopy(unpack_variables(f_args_variable))
- run_functional_checks(self, "test_cat_empty_legacy", "cat",
- lambda a, b:, b)),
- False, f_args_variable, f_args_tensor, check_forward_ad=True)
- self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda a, b:, b)), f_args_variable, eps=1e-6, atol=PRECISION))
def test_var_mean_differentiable(self):
dim = [2, 4]
keepdim = False
return torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.uint8).bernoulli_()
-def gradgradcheck_method_precision_override(test_name):
- # these are just empirical observations, we should improve
- gradgradcheck_precision_override = {
- 'test_norm': {'atol': 2e-2, 'rtol': 1e-2},
- 'test_norm_1_5': {'atol': 1.5e-2, 'rtol': 1e-2},
- 'test_norm_3': {'atol': 5e-2, 'rtol': 1e-2},
- 'test_dist': {'atol': 5e-2, 'rtol': 1e-2},
- 'test_dist_4': {'atol': 8e-2, 'rtol': 1e-2},
- }
- non_broadcasted_test_name = test_name.split("_broadcast")[0]
- override = gradgradcheck_precision_override.get(non_broadcasted_test_name)
- if override:
- if 'broadcast_lhs' in test_name or 'broadcast_rhs' in test_name:
- # errors accumulated across 1 dimension
- override = {'atol': override['atol'] * S, 'rtol': override['atol'] * S}
- elif 'broadcast_all' in test_name:
- # errors accumulated across multiple dimensions
- override = {'atol': override['atol'] * S * S, 'rtol': override['atol'] * S * S}
- return override
-def run_grad_and_gradgrad_checks(test_case, name, test_name, apply_method, output_variable,
- input_variables, run_gradgradcheck=True, check_batched_grad=True,
- check_forward_ad=False):
- test_case.assertTrue(gradcheck(apply_method, input_variables, eps=1e-6, atol=PRECISION,
- check_batched_grad=check_batched_grad, check_forward_ad=check_forward_ad))
- gradgradcheck_precision_override = gradgradcheck_method_precision_override(test_name)
- if gradgradcheck_precision_override is not None:
- atol = gradgradcheck_precision_override['atol']
- rtol = gradgradcheck_precision_override['rtol']
- test_case.assertTrue(gradgradcheck(apply_method, input_variables, None, atol=atol, rtol=rtol,
- gen_non_contig_grad_outputs=True,
- check_batched_grad=check_batched_grad))
- else:
- test_case.assertTrue(gradgradcheck(apply_method, input_variables,
- gen_non_contig_grad_outputs=True,
- check_batched_grad=check_batched_grad))
-def run_functional_checks(test_case, test_name, name, apply_fn, run_grad_checks,
- f_args_variable, f_args_tensor, *, check_forward_ad=False):
- output_variable = apply_fn(*f_args_variable)
- if run_grad_checks:
- run_grad_and_gradgrad_checks(test_case, name, test_name, apply_fn,
- output_variable, f_args_variable, check_forward_ad=check_forward_ad)
- self_variable = f_args_variable[0]
- if isinstance(output_variable, torch.Tensor) and output_variable.requires_grad and self_variable is not None:
- output_variable.backward(torch.randn_like(output_variable))
- test_case.assertEqualTypeString(self_variable, self_variable.grad)
- test_case.assertEqual(self_variable.size(), self_variable.grad.size())
class TestAutogradFunctional(TestCase):
def _assert_same_struct(self, res, base):
# base and res should be Tensors or tuple of Tensors with the same size
make_tensor(size, device, dtype, low=None, high=None, requires_grad=requires_grad),
args=(shape,)) for size, shape in test_cases)
+def sample_inputs_broadcast_tensors(op_info, device, dtype, requires_grad, **kwargs):
+ make_arg = partial(make_tensor, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)
+ test_cases: Tuple[tuple] = (((3,), (1, 2, 1), (1, 1), (5, 1, 1),),)
+ samples: List[SampleInput] = []
+ for shape, *other_shapes in test_cases:
+ samples.append(SampleInput(make_arg(shape), args=tuple(make_arg(s) for s in other_shapes)))
+ return samples
+def sample_inputs_block_diag(op_info, device, dtype, requires_grad, **kwargs):
+ make_arg = partial(make_tensor, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)
+ test_cases: Tuple[tuple] = (((1, S), (2, S), (3, S),),)
+ samples: List[SampleInput] = []
+ for shape, *other_shapes in test_cases:
+ samples.append(SampleInput(make_arg(shape), args=tuple(make_arg(s) for s in other_shapes)))
+ return samples
def sample_inputs_bitwise_shift(op_info, device, dtype, requires_grad, **kwargs):
test_cases = (
(S, S, S),
+ OpInfo('broadcast_tensors',
+ dtypes=all_types_and_complex_and(torch.bool, torch.float16, torch.bfloat16),
+ supports_out=False,
+ supports_forward_ad=True,
+ skips=(
+ # JIT does not support variadic tensors.
+ DecorateInfo(unittest.skip("Skipped!"), 'TestJit', 'test_variant_consistency_jit', dtypes=[torch.float32]),
+ ),
+ sample_inputs_func=sample_inputs_broadcast_tensors),
+ OpInfo('block_diag',
+ dtypes=all_types_and_complex_and(torch.bool, torch.float16, torch.bfloat16),
+ supports_out=False,
+ supports_forward_ad=True,
+ skips=(
+ # JIT does not support variadic tensors.
+ DecorateInfo(unittest.skip("Skipped!"), 'TestJit', 'test_variant_consistency_jit', dtypes=[torch.float32]),
+ ),
+ sample_inputs_func=sample_inputs_block_diag),