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- <file type="dir">/usr/share/doc/packages/ivman</file>
- <file>/etc/ivman/IvmConfigActions.xml</file>
- <file>/etc/ivman/IvmConfigBase.xml</file>
- <file>/etc/ivman/IvmConfigConditions.xml</file>
- <file>/etc/ivman/IvmConfigProperties.xml</file>
- <file>/usr/bin/halmount</file>
- <file>/usr/bin/halmount.py</file>
- <file>/usr/bin/ivman</file>
- <file>/usr/bin/ivman-launch</file>
- <file>/usr/share/doc/packages/ivman/AUTHORS</file>
- <file>/usr/share/doc/packages/ivman/ChangeLog</file>
- <file>/usr/share/doc/packages/ivman/README</file>
- <file>/usr/share/doc/packages/ivman/TODO</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ivman.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man5/IvmConfigActions.xml.5.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man5/IvmConfigBase.xml.5.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man5/IvmConfigConditions.xml.5.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man5/IvmConfigProperties.xml.5.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man8/ivman-launch.8.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man8/ivman.8.gz</file>
-<package pkgid="5f64cb2a850f614871e7ce39e5927f2f16b138c7" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
- <file>/sbin/cryptsetup</file>
- <file>/sbin/cryptsetup.sh</file>
- <file>/sbin/hashalot</file>
- <file>/usr/sbin/dmconvert</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/cryptsetup.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/dmconvert.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man1/hashalot.1.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man8/cryptsetup.8.gz</file>
-<package pkgid="e63397586ea3e175876cc4dd476e847eea0e0f2e" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
- <file>/sbin/cryptsetup</file>
- <file>/sbin/cryptsetup.sh</file>
- <file>/sbin/hashalot</file>
- <file>/usr/sbin/dmconvert</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/cryptsetup.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/dmconvert.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man1/hashalot.1.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man8/cryptsetup.8.gz</file>
-<package pkgid="316f825d4fd1220fda20df3e4018da6e4ebbc076" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
- <file>cryptsetup-0.1-dmi.exists.patch</file>
- <file>cryptsetup-0.1-retval.patch</file>
- <file>cryptsetup-0.1-static.patch</file>
- <file>cryptsetup-0.1-timeout.patch</file>
- <file>cryptsetup-0.1.tar.bz2</file>
- <file>cryptsetup.8</file>
- <file>cryptsetup.sh</file>
- <file>dmconvert-0.2-uninitialized.patch</file>
- <file>dmconvert-0.2.tar.bz2</file>
- <file>hashalot-0.3.tar.bz2</file>
- <file>util-linux-crypto.spec</file>
-<package pkgid="8b428d265f0998310d65412f56babd53d4bced53" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
- <file>/sbin/cryptsetup</file>
- <file>/sbin/cryptsetup.sh</file>
- <file>/sbin/hashalot</file>
- <file>/usr/sbin/dmconvert</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/cryptsetup.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/dmconvert.mo</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man1/hashalot.1.gz</file>
- <file>/usr/share/man/man8/cryptsetup.8.gz</file>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<otherdata xmlns="http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/other" packages="47">
-<package pkgid="d401b0253012e812a395ddb043f5b0ab02eff59e" name="opera" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="8.54" rel="0.1"/>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1146744000">- fix #168288 - VUL-0: opera code exec via stylesheet (update to 8.54)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1140436800">- security update to 8.52 (#151788)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134561600">- really use buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1134475200">- add buildroot + norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1132747200">- VUL-0: opera command line url shell command injection (#134905)
-- update to 8.51</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1127563200">- fix version number, really 8.50 :)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1127304000">- update to 8.05, fixing security issue #117980</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1125576000">- go back to the stable version 8.02, register the version
- using the key kindly provided by Opera</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1122984000">- update to 8.10 Preview</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1119268800">- update to 8.01, fixing several security issues (#91179 and others)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1116849600">- major update to 8.0, all platforms</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1108036800">- don't allow tricking the user into running arbitrary commands
- (#49218)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1096977600">- fix Netscape plugins (#46010)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1095249600">- x86 and ppc versions switched to dynamically linked against Qt (#43526)
-- fix local file detection vulnerability (#43923)
-- fix address bar spoofing vulnerability (#42279)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1095163200">- Remove OpenMotif1 and OpenMotif2 plugins [Bug #43311]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1092830400">- updated to 7.54</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1090584000">- update to 7.53 (#42279)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1089374400">- update to 7.52</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1086696000">- security bugfix update (#41628)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1084449600">- updated to 7.50 (all archs)
-- threw away the now unused patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1077537600">- updated to 7.23 for all archs
-- updated the language files
-- got rid of the motifwrapper hack</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1063713600">- Remove broken requires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- pthomas@suse.de" date="1062072000">- Use the operamotifwrapper plugin from opera 7.20b as this
- is linked against the current libXm.so.3.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1061035200">- install desktop file from kappfinder</changelog>
-<changelog author="- pthomas@suse.de" date="1060948800">- Update ix86 and ppc to 7.11.
-- Update sparc to 6.12 beta.
-- Add most of the available language files.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1037188800">- comment out kde2 stuff</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1030536000">- update -> 6.03 for i386 & compatibles</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1029326400">- removed gnome1 support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- Use %ix86 macro</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sndirsch@suse.de" date="1025784000">- added german help module (Bug #16341)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stepan@suse.de" date="1023278400">- patch install script to recognize hammer architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1022673600">- update -> 6.01 (secfix)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1022500800">- added German localization from http://www.blauwal.at/opera
- (bug #16341)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1021464000">- update -> 6.0 final (x86 only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1014379200">- update -> 6.0 (x86 only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1011787200">- build using kde2-compat
-- will need port to kde3 (icon pathes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1000728000">- initial package, x86/sparc/ppc only</changelog>
-<package pkgid="2b8a73c02d8d6b57096be23eed26d5733d67ae80" name="opera" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="8.54" rel="0.1"/>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1146744000">- fix #168288 - VUL-0: opera code exec via stylesheet (update to 8.54)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1140436800">- security update to 8.52 (#151788)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134561600">- really use buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1134475200">- add buildroot + norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1132747200">- VUL-0: opera command line url shell command injection (#134905)
-- update to 8.51</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1127563200">- fix version number, really 8.50 :)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1127304000">- update to 8.05, fixing security issue #117980</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1125576000">- go back to the stable version 8.02, register the version
- using the key kindly provided by Opera</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1122984000">- update to 8.10 Preview</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1119268800">- update to 8.01, fixing several security issues (#91179 and others)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1116849600">- major update to 8.0, all platforms</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1108036800">- don't allow tricking the user into running arbitrary commands
- (#49218)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1096977600">- fix Netscape plugins (#46010)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1095249600">- x86 and ppc versions switched to dynamically linked against Qt (#43526)
-- fix local file detection vulnerability (#43923)
-- fix address bar spoofing vulnerability (#42279)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1095163200">- Remove OpenMotif1 and OpenMotif2 plugins [Bug #43311]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1092830400">- updated to 7.54</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1090584000">- update to 7.53 (#42279)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1089374400">- update to 7.52</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1086696000">- security bugfix update (#41628)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1084449600">- updated to 7.50 (all archs)
-- threw away the now unused patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1077537600">- updated to 7.23 for all archs
-- updated the language files
-- got rid of the motifwrapper hack</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1063713600">- Remove broken requires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- pthomas@suse.de" date="1062072000">- Use the operamotifwrapper plugin from opera 7.20b as this
- is linked against the current libXm.so.3.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1061035200">- install desktop file from kappfinder</changelog>
-<changelog author="- pthomas@suse.de" date="1060948800">- Update ix86 and ppc to 7.11.
-- Update sparc to 6.12 beta.
-- Add most of the available language files.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1037188800">- comment out kde2 stuff</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1030536000">- update -> 6.03 for i386 & compatibles</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1029326400">- removed gnome1 support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- Use %ix86 macro</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sndirsch@suse.de" date="1025784000">- added german help module (Bug #16341)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stepan@suse.de" date="1023278400">- patch install script to recognize hammer architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1022673600">- update -> 6.01 (secfix)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1022500800">- added German localization from http://www.blauwal.at/opera
- (bug #16341)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1021464000">- update -> 6.0 final (x86 only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1014379200">- update -> 6.0 (x86 only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1011787200">- build using kde2-compat
-- will need port to kde3 (icon pathes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1000728000">- initial package, x86/sparc/ppc only</changelog>
-<package pkgid="c67d4bea93ba82482aaff57cae548fb0da1e8f9d" name="opera" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="8.54" rel="0.1"/>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1146744000">- fix #168288 - VUL-0: opera code exec via stylesheet (update to 8.54)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1140436800">- security update to 8.52 (#151788)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134561600">- really use buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1134475200">- add buildroot + norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1132747200">- VUL-0: opera command line url shell command injection (#134905)
-- update to 8.51</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1127563200">- fix version number, really 8.50 :)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1127304000">- update to 8.05, fixing security issue #117980</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1125576000">- go back to the stable version 8.02, register the version
- using the key kindly provided by Opera</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1122984000">- update to 8.10 Preview</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1119268800">- update to 8.01, fixing several security issues (#91179 and others)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1116849600">- major update to 8.0, all platforms</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1108036800">- don't allow tricking the user into running arbitrary commands
- (#49218)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1096977600">- fix Netscape plugins (#46010)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1095249600">- x86 and ppc versions switched to dynamically linked against Qt (#43526)
-- fix local file detection vulnerability (#43923)
-- fix address bar spoofing vulnerability (#42279)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1095163200">- Remove OpenMotif1 and OpenMotif2 plugins [Bug #43311]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1092830400">- updated to 7.54</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1090584000">- update to 7.53 (#42279)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1089374400">- update to 7.52</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1086696000">- security bugfix update (#41628)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1084449600">- updated to 7.50 (all archs)
-- threw away the now unused patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ltinkl@suse.cz" date="1077537600">- updated to 7.23 for all archs
-- updated the language files
-- got rid of the motifwrapper hack</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1063713600">- Remove broken requires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- pthomas@suse.de" date="1062072000">- Use the operamotifwrapper plugin from opera 7.20b as this
- is linked against the current libXm.so.3.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1061035200">- install desktop file from kappfinder</changelog>
-<changelog author="- pthomas@suse.de" date="1060948800">- Update ix86 and ppc to 7.11.
-- Update sparc to 6.12 beta.
-- Add most of the available language files.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1037188800">- comment out kde2 stuff</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1030536000">- update -> 6.03 for i386 & compatibles</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1029326400">- removed gnome1 support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- Use %ix86 macro</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sndirsch@suse.de" date="1025784000">- added german help module (Bug #16341)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stepan@suse.de" date="1023278400">- patch install script to recognize hammer architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1022673600">- update -> 6.01 (secfix)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1022500800">- added German localization from http://www.blauwal.at/opera
- (bug #16341)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1021464000">- update -> 6.0 final (x86 only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1014379200">- update -> 6.0 (x86 only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1011787200">- build using kde2-compat
-- will need port to kde3 (icon pathes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1000728000">- initial package, x86/sparc/ppc only</changelog>
-<package pkgid="47aa34762bfe1b236dc8f97ddbc6c71e1ae1184b" name="pdns" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.9.19" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1146744000">- fixed crash on malformed packets CVE-2006-2069 [#170542]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1130846400">- updated to 2.9.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1118145600">- fixed init scripts
-- used patches from http://www.linuxnetworks.de/pdnsldap/index.html</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1113998400">- fixed to compile on x86_64 with gcc4</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1110542400">- installed html documentation [#71738]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1108555200">- new package</changelog>
-<package pkgid="57c94864f94bbed8681d3498958189a426de15a9" name="pdns" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.9.19" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1146744000">- fixed crash on malformed packets CVE-2006-2069 [#170542]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1130846400">- updated to 2.9.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1118145600">- fixed init scripts
-- used patches from http://www.linuxnetworks.de/pdnsldap/index.html</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1113998400">- fixed to compile on x86_64 with gcc4</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1110542400">- installed html documentation [#71738]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1108555200">- new package</changelog>
-<package pkgid="cc316a1be4793728b58aa0d4f8d74cc334bf1cd9" name="pdns" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.9.19" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1146744000">- fixed crash on malformed packets CVE-2006-2069 [#170542]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1130846400">- updated to 2.9.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1118145600">- fixed init scripts
-- used patches from http://www.linuxnetworks.de/pdnsldap/index.html</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1113998400">- fixed to compile on x86_64 with gcc4</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1110542400">- installed html documentation [#71738]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- nadvornik@suse.cz" date="1108555200">- new package</changelog>
-<package pkgid="4d7988178018b1d5af490ac899d1cdfd2419ff52" name="dovecot" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.0.beta3" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1147780800">- added dovecot-1.0.beta7_directory-traversal.patch:
- Fix Mailbox names list disclosure with mboxes
- (#175188, CVE-2006-2414)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139832000">- added dovecot-1.0.beta3_indexfixes.patch
- * added index sync fixes
- * added fix for ldap urls
- * let dovecot not send header for mails we didnt announce with
- * allow empty protocol line so you can use dovecot for pipe only
-- removed dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- applied upstream
-- replaced all occurences of /usr/libexec with %{_libdir}</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139400000">- update to version 1.0.beta3
- * Dotlock code changed to timeout faster in some situations when
- the lock file is old.
- + Added support for loading SQL drivers dynamically (see INSTALL file
- for how to build them)
- + Keywords are stored to dboxes, and other dbox improvements.
- + dict-sql could actually work now, making quota-in-sql-database
- possibly working now (not fully tested)
- + Added mail storage conversion plugin to convert automatically from
- one mailbox format to another while user logs in. Doesn't preserve
- + Added plugin { .. } section to dovecot.conf for passing parameters
- to plugins (see dovecot-example.conf).
- + Added ssl-build-param binary which is used to generate
- ssl-parameters.dat. Main dovecot binary doesn't anymore link to
- SSL libraries, and this also makes the process title be clearer
- about why the process is eating all the CPU.
- o Fix building without OpenSSL
- o Fixed memory leak in MySQL driver
- o Fixes to checkpassword
- o Broken Content-Length header could have broken mbox opening
- o Fixed potential hangs after APPEND command
- o Fixed potential crashes in dovecot-auth and imap/pop3-login
- o zlib plugin now links with -lz so it could actually work
- o kqueue fixes by Vaclav Haisman
-- update dovecot-lda with latest fixes to compile against b3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1138017600">- update to 1.0.beta2. this is a bugfix release.
- + Added SQLite support. Patch by Jakob Hirsch.
- + Added auth_debug_passwords setting. If it's not enabled,
- hide all password strings from logs.
- + Added mail_cache_min_mail_count and mbox_min_index_size
- settings which can be used to make Dovecot do less disk writes
- in small mailboxes where they don't benefit that much.
- + Added --build-ssl-parameters parameter to dovecot binary
-- SSL parameters were being regenerated every 10 minutes,
- although not with all systems.
-- Fixed dovecot-auth crashing at startup. Happened only with some
- specific compilers.
-- base_dir was supposed to be set world-readable,
- not world-writable
-- disabled epoll for now.
- Jakob Hirsch is working on a patch for this.
-- sqlite3 support enabled
- + dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- fix a signedness warning
-- apply fix for dovecot-lda that allows using default_mail_env
-- includes dovecot-lda changelog</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137758400">- added dovecot-1.0.beta1_sslparam-regeneration.patch
- fix timer for regeneration of ssl params</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- added dovecot-1.0beta1_pie.patch
-- compile with -fstack-protector</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- Update to version package for 1.0.beta1
- this is a complete rewrite see
- /usr/share/doc/packages/dovecot/ChangeLog.gz for all changes
-- added dovecot-cvs_inotify.patch
- fixes a small include for inotify support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- added LDAP_DEPRECATED to CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1117800000">- Compile with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1108382400">- Update to 0.99.14 including:
- o Message address fields are now parsed differently, fixing some
- issues with spaces. Affects only clients which use FETCH ENVELOPE
- command.
- o Message MIME parser was somewhat broken with missing MIME boundaries
- o mbox: Don't allow X-UID headers in mails to override the UIDs we
- would otherwise set. Too large values can break some clients and
- cause other trouble.
- o passwd-file userdb wasn't working
- o PAM crashed with 64bit systems
- o non-SSL inetd startup wasn't working
- o If UID FETCH notices and skips an expunged message, don't return
- a NO reply. It's not needed and only makes clients give error
- messages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1106481600">- Update to 0.99.13 including:
- o GNUTLS support hasn't been working for a while, so it's not even
- tried to be used anymore unless explicitly wanted.
- o Added CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanism.
- o Added SMD5 and LDAP-MD5 password schemes and changed MD5
- scheme to use LDAP-MD5 if the password isn't in MD5crypt format.
- o Workaround for some POP3 client bugs: if message doesn't
- contain the "end of headers" empty line, add it automatically.
- o vpopmail supports now all password schemes, most importantly
- MD5crypt works now without support from libc's crypt()
- o SQL and LDAP authentication was broken
- o SEARCH UNKEYWORD wasn't working</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1102420800">- Update to including:
- o Fix memory leaks in LDAP, MySQL and PGSQL userdb/passdb
- o Fix hanging when parsing mails that have over 4096 bytes in one
- line (SMTP servers normally don't allow over 1000 bytes so it
- shouldn't be much of a problem)
- o FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE sometimes gave a wrong reply
- (eg. with FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE RFC822.SIZE) if it wasn't cached)
- o Never return more than one INBOX in LIST even if there are such
- files. They don't work anyway and it just confuses clients.
- o mbox: Don't allow creating INBOX directory by creating/renaming
- mailboxes under it. They just wouldn't work.
- o POP3: Don't return PLAIN in SASL list. We don't support initial SASL
- responses, so it only breaks with most clients that try to use it.
- o IMAP and POP3 login processes may have sent each line in two IP
- packets, one with the data and another with CR+LF. Some clients
- didn't work because of this.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1100520000">- Use common-* PAM config files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1098532800">- Switch heimdal-* to kerberos-devel-packages in #nfb as pr. requst
- of Mr. Carsten Höger</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1094299200">- Update to dovecot-0.99.11 which mainly is a bugfix release with:
- o 127.* and ::1 IP addresses are treated as secured with
- disable_plaintext_auth = yes
- o auth_debug setting for extra authentication debugging
- o Some documentation and error message updates
- o Create PID file in /var/run/dovecot/master.pid
- o home setting is now optional in static userdb
- o Added mail setting to static userdb
- o After APPENDing to selected mailbox Dovecot didn't always notice the
- new mail immediately which broke some clients
- o THREAD and SORT commands crashed with some mails
- o If APPENDed mail ended with CR character, Dovecot aborted the saving
- o Output streams sometimes sent data duplicated and lost part of it.
- This could have caused various strange problems, but looks like in
- practise it rarely caused real problems.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1093953600">- Don't create unused directories [#44362]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1092052800">- Update to dovecot- with the following item since .6:
- o MySQL compiling got broken in last release
- o More PostgreSQL reconnection fixing
- o LDAP support compiles now with Solaris LDAP library
- o IMAP BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE replies were wrong for MIME parts which
- didn't contain Content-Type header.
- o MySQL and PostgreSQL auth didn't reconnect if connection was lost
- to SQL server
- o Linking fixes for dovecot-auth with some systems
- o Last fix for disconnecting client when downloading mail longer than
- 30 seconds actually made it never disconnect client. Now it works
- properly: disconnect when client hasn't read _any_ data for 30
- seconds.
- o Added outlook-pop3-no-nuls workaround to fix Outlook hang in
- mails with NULs.
- o Config file lines can now contain quoted strings ("value ")
- o If client didn't finish downloading a single mail in 30 seconds,
- Dovecot closed the connection. This was supposed to work so that
- if client hasn't read data at all in 30 seconds, it's disconnected.
- o Maildir: LIST now doesn't skip symlinks</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1087819200">- Update to dovecot- which is a bugfix release</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085832000">- Update to dovecot- which main feature is mysql support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085572800">- Adjust the modules path to a more suitable place, and work the
- configuration a bit.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1084881600">- Initial package of dovecot- Thanks to darix for hints.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="1c550fddb834bce56275ba603276b27296e03cf7" name="dovecot" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.0.beta3" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1147780800">- added dovecot-1.0.beta7_directory-traversal.patch:
- Fix Mailbox names list disclosure with mboxes
- (#175188, CVE-2006-2414)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139832000">- added dovecot-1.0.beta3_indexfixes.patch
- * added index sync fixes
- * added fix for ldap urls
- * let dovecot not send header for mails we didnt announce with
- * allow empty protocol line so you can use dovecot for pipe only
-- removed dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- applied upstream
-- replaced all occurences of /usr/libexec with %{_libdir}</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139400000">- update to version 1.0.beta3
- * Dotlock code changed to timeout faster in some situations when
- the lock file is old.
- + Added support for loading SQL drivers dynamically (see INSTALL file
- for how to build them)
- + Keywords are stored to dboxes, and other dbox improvements.
- + dict-sql could actually work now, making quota-in-sql-database
- possibly working now (not fully tested)
- + Added mail storage conversion plugin to convert automatically from
- one mailbox format to another while user logs in. Doesn't preserve
- + Added plugin { .. } section to dovecot.conf for passing parameters
- to plugins (see dovecot-example.conf).
- + Added ssl-build-param binary which is used to generate
- ssl-parameters.dat. Main dovecot binary doesn't anymore link to
- SSL libraries, and this also makes the process title be clearer
- about why the process is eating all the CPU.
- o Fix building without OpenSSL
- o Fixed memory leak in MySQL driver
- o Fixes to checkpassword
- o Broken Content-Length header could have broken mbox opening
- o Fixed potential hangs after APPEND command
- o Fixed potential crashes in dovecot-auth and imap/pop3-login
- o zlib plugin now links with -lz so it could actually work
- o kqueue fixes by Vaclav Haisman
-- update dovecot-lda with latest fixes to compile against b3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1138017600">- update to 1.0.beta2. this is a bugfix release.
- + Added SQLite support. Patch by Jakob Hirsch.
- + Added auth_debug_passwords setting. If it's not enabled,
- hide all password strings from logs.
- + Added mail_cache_min_mail_count and mbox_min_index_size
- settings which can be used to make Dovecot do less disk writes
- in small mailboxes where they don't benefit that much.
- + Added --build-ssl-parameters parameter to dovecot binary
-- SSL parameters were being regenerated every 10 minutes,
- although not with all systems.
-- Fixed dovecot-auth crashing at startup. Happened only with some
- specific compilers.
-- base_dir was supposed to be set world-readable,
- not world-writable
-- disabled epoll for now.
- Jakob Hirsch is working on a patch for this.
-- sqlite3 support enabled
- + dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- fix a signedness warning
-- apply fix for dovecot-lda that allows using default_mail_env
-- includes dovecot-lda changelog</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137758400">- added dovecot-1.0.beta1_sslparam-regeneration.patch
- fix timer for regeneration of ssl params</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- added dovecot-1.0beta1_pie.patch
-- compile with -fstack-protector</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- Update to version package for 1.0.beta1
- this is a complete rewrite see
- /usr/share/doc/packages/dovecot/ChangeLog.gz for all changes
-- added dovecot-cvs_inotify.patch
- fixes a small include for inotify support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- added LDAP_DEPRECATED to CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1117800000">- Compile with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1108382400">- Update to 0.99.14 including:
- o Message address fields are now parsed differently, fixing some
- issues with spaces. Affects only clients which use FETCH ENVELOPE
- command.
- o Message MIME parser was somewhat broken with missing MIME boundaries
- o mbox: Don't allow X-UID headers in mails to override the UIDs we
- would otherwise set. Too large values can break some clients and
- cause other trouble.
- o passwd-file userdb wasn't working
- o PAM crashed with 64bit systems
- o non-SSL inetd startup wasn't working
- o If UID FETCH notices and skips an expunged message, don't return
- a NO reply. It's not needed and only makes clients give error
- messages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1106481600">- Update to 0.99.13 including:
- o GNUTLS support hasn't been working for a while, so it's not even
- tried to be used anymore unless explicitly wanted.
- o Added CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanism.
- o Added SMD5 and LDAP-MD5 password schemes and changed MD5
- scheme to use LDAP-MD5 if the password isn't in MD5crypt format.
- o Workaround for some POP3 client bugs: if message doesn't
- contain the "end of headers" empty line, add it automatically.
- o vpopmail supports now all password schemes, most importantly
- MD5crypt works now without support from libc's crypt()
- o SQL and LDAP authentication was broken
- o SEARCH UNKEYWORD wasn't working</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1102420800">- Update to including:
- o Fix memory leaks in LDAP, MySQL and PGSQL userdb/passdb
- o Fix hanging when parsing mails that have over 4096 bytes in one
- line (SMTP servers normally don't allow over 1000 bytes so it
- shouldn't be much of a problem)
- o FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE sometimes gave a wrong reply
- (eg. with FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE RFC822.SIZE) if it wasn't cached)
- o Never return more than one INBOX in LIST even if there are such
- files. They don't work anyway and it just confuses clients.
- o mbox: Don't allow creating INBOX directory by creating/renaming
- mailboxes under it. They just wouldn't work.
- o POP3: Don't return PLAIN in SASL list. We don't support initial SASL
- responses, so it only breaks with most clients that try to use it.
- o IMAP and POP3 login processes may have sent each line in two IP
- packets, one with the data and another with CR+LF. Some clients
- didn't work because of this.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1100520000">- Use common-* PAM config files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1098532800">- Switch heimdal-* to kerberos-devel-packages in #nfb as pr. requst
- of Mr. Carsten Höger</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1094299200">- Update to dovecot-0.99.11 which mainly is a bugfix release with:
- o 127.* and ::1 IP addresses are treated as secured with
- disable_plaintext_auth = yes
- o auth_debug setting for extra authentication debugging
- o Some documentation and error message updates
- o Create PID file in /var/run/dovecot/master.pid
- o home setting is now optional in static userdb
- o Added mail setting to static userdb
- o After APPENDing to selected mailbox Dovecot didn't always notice the
- new mail immediately which broke some clients
- o THREAD and SORT commands crashed with some mails
- o If APPENDed mail ended with CR character, Dovecot aborted the saving
- o Output streams sometimes sent data duplicated and lost part of it.
- This could have caused various strange problems, but looks like in
- practise it rarely caused real problems.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1093953600">- Don't create unused directories [#44362]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1092052800">- Update to dovecot- with the following item since .6:
- o MySQL compiling got broken in last release
- o More PostgreSQL reconnection fixing
- o LDAP support compiles now with Solaris LDAP library
- o IMAP BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE replies were wrong for MIME parts which
- didn't contain Content-Type header.
- o MySQL and PostgreSQL auth didn't reconnect if connection was lost
- to SQL server
- o Linking fixes for dovecot-auth with some systems
- o Last fix for disconnecting client when downloading mail longer than
- 30 seconds actually made it never disconnect client. Now it works
- properly: disconnect when client hasn't read _any_ data for 30
- seconds.
- o Added outlook-pop3-no-nuls workaround to fix Outlook hang in
- mails with NULs.
- o Config file lines can now contain quoted strings ("value ")
- o If client didn't finish downloading a single mail in 30 seconds,
- Dovecot closed the connection. This was supposed to work so that
- if client hasn't read data at all in 30 seconds, it's disconnected.
- o Maildir: LIST now doesn't skip symlinks</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1087819200">- Update to dovecot- which is a bugfix release</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085832000">- Update to dovecot- which main feature is mysql support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085572800">- Adjust the modules path to a more suitable place, and work the
- configuration a bit.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1084881600">- Initial package of dovecot- Thanks to darix for hints.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="a4998429399faa5919990fdbc786a114d7a79d40" name="dovecot" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.0.beta3" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1147780800">- added dovecot-1.0.beta7_directory-traversal.patch:
- Fix Mailbox names list disclosure with mboxes
- (#175188, CVE-2006-2414)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139832000">- added dovecot-1.0.beta3_indexfixes.patch
- * added index sync fixes
- * added fix for ldap urls
- * let dovecot not send header for mails we didnt announce with
- * allow empty protocol line so you can use dovecot for pipe only
-- removed dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- applied upstream
-- replaced all occurences of /usr/libexec with %{_libdir}</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139400000">- update to version 1.0.beta3
- * Dotlock code changed to timeout faster in some situations when
- the lock file is old.
- + Added support for loading SQL drivers dynamically (see INSTALL file
- for how to build them)
- + Keywords are stored to dboxes, and other dbox improvements.
- + dict-sql could actually work now, making quota-in-sql-database
- possibly working now (not fully tested)
- + Added mail storage conversion plugin to convert automatically from
- one mailbox format to another while user logs in. Doesn't preserve
- + Added plugin { .. } section to dovecot.conf for passing parameters
- to plugins (see dovecot-example.conf).
- + Added ssl-build-param binary which is used to generate
- ssl-parameters.dat. Main dovecot binary doesn't anymore link to
- SSL libraries, and this also makes the process title be clearer
- about why the process is eating all the CPU.
- o Fix building without OpenSSL
- o Fixed memory leak in MySQL driver
- o Fixes to checkpassword
- o Broken Content-Length header could have broken mbox opening
- o Fixed potential hangs after APPEND command
- o Fixed potential crashes in dovecot-auth and imap/pop3-login
- o zlib plugin now links with -lz so it could actually work
- o kqueue fixes by Vaclav Haisman
-- update dovecot-lda with latest fixes to compile against b3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1138017600">- update to 1.0.beta2. this is a bugfix release.
- + Added SQLite support. Patch by Jakob Hirsch.
- + Added auth_debug_passwords setting. If it's not enabled,
- hide all password strings from logs.
- + Added mail_cache_min_mail_count and mbox_min_index_size
- settings which can be used to make Dovecot do less disk writes
- in small mailboxes where they don't benefit that much.
- + Added --build-ssl-parameters parameter to dovecot binary
-- SSL parameters were being regenerated every 10 minutes,
- although not with all systems.
-- Fixed dovecot-auth crashing at startup. Happened only with some
- specific compilers.
-- base_dir was supposed to be set world-readable,
- not world-writable
-- disabled epoll for now.
- Jakob Hirsch is working on a patch for this.
-- sqlite3 support enabled
- + dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- fix a signedness warning
-- apply fix for dovecot-lda that allows using default_mail_env
-- includes dovecot-lda changelog</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137758400">- added dovecot-1.0.beta1_sslparam-regeneration.patch
- fix timer for regeneration of ssl params</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- added dovecot-1.0beta1_pie.patch
-- compile with -fstack-protector</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- Update to version package for 1.0.beta1
- this is a complete rewrite see
- /usr/share/doc/packages/dovecot/ChangeLog.gz for all changes
-- added dovecot-cvs_inotify.patch
- fixes a small include for inotify support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- added LDAP_DEPRECATED to CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1117800000">- Compile with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1108382400">- Update to 0.99.14 including:
- o Message address fields are now parsed differently, fixing some
- issues with spaces. Affects only clients which use FETCH ENVELOPE
- command.
- o Message MIME parser was somewhat broken with missing MIME boundaries
- o mbox: Don't allow X-UID headers in mails to override the UIDs we
- would otherwise set. Too large values can break some clients and
- cause other trouble.
- o passwd-file userdb wasn't working
- o PAM crashed with 64bit systems
- o non-SSL inetd startup wasn't working
- o If UID FETCH notices and skips an expunged message, don't return
- a NO reply. It's not needed and only makes clients give error
- messages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1106481600">- Update to 0.99.13 including:
- o GNUTLS support hasn't been working for a while, so it's not even
- tried to be used anymore unless explicitly wanted.
- o Added CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanism.
- o Added SMD5 and LDAP-MD5 password schemes and changed MD5
- scheme to use LDAP-MD5 if the password isn't in MD5crypt format.
- o Workaround for some POP3 client bugs: if message doesn't
- contain the "end of headers" empty line, add it automatically.
- o vpopmail supports now all password schemes, most importantly
- MD5crypt works now without support from libc's crypt()
- o SQL and LDAP authentication was broken
- o SEARCH UNKEYWORD wasn't working</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1102420800">- Update to including:
- o Fix memory leaks in LDAP, MySQL and PGSQL userdb/passdb
- o Fix hanging when parsing mails that have over 4096 bytes in one
- line (SMTP servers normally don't allow over 1000 bytes so it
- shouldn't be much of a problem)
- o FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE sometimes gave a wrong reply
- (eg. with FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE RFC822.SIZE) if it wasn't cached)
- o Never return more than one INBOX in LIST even if there are such
- files. They don't work anyway and it just confuses clients.
- o mbox: Don't allow creating INBOX directory by creating/renaming
- mailboxes under it. They just wouldn't work.
- o POP3: Don't return PLAIN in SASL list. We don't support initial SASL
- responses, so it only breaks with most clients that try to use it.
- o IMAP and POP3 login processes may have sent each line in two IP
- packets, one with the data and another with CR+LF. Some clients
- didn't work because of this.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1100520000">- Use common-* PAM config files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1098532800">- Switch heimdal-* to kerberos-devel-packages in #nfb as pr. requst
- of Mr. Carsten Höger</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1094299200">- Update to dovecot-0.99.11 which mainly is a bugfix release with:
- o 127.* and ::1 IP addresses are treated as secured with
- disable_plaintext_auth = yes
- o auth_debug setting for extra authentication debugging
- o Some documentation and error message updates
- o Create PID file in /var/run/dovecot/master.pid
- o home setting is now optional in static userdb
- o Added mail setting to static userdb
- o After APPENDing to selected mailbox Dovecot didn't always notice the
- new mail immediately which broke some clients
- o THREAD and SORT commands crashed with some mails
- o If APPENDed mail ended with CR character, Dovecot aborted the saving
- o Output streams sometimes sent data duplicated and lost part of it.
- This could have caused various strange problems, but looks like in
- practise it rarely caused real problems.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1093953600">- Don't create unused directories [#44362]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1092052800">- Update to dovecot- with the following item since .6:
- o MySQL compiling got broken in last release
- o More PostgreSQL reconnection fixing
- o LDAP support compiles now with Solaris LDAP library
- o IMAP BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE replies were wrong for MIME parts which
- didn't contain Content-Type header.
- o MySQL and PostgreSQL auth didn't reconnect if connection was lost
- to SQL server
- o Linking fixes for dovecot-auth with some systems
- o Last fix for disconnecting client when downloading mail longer than
- 30 seconds actually made it never disconnect client. Now it works
- properly: disconnect when client hasn't read _any_ data for 30
- seconds.
- o Added outlook-pop3-no-nuls workaround to fix Outlook hang in
- mails with NULs.
- o Config file lines can now contain quoted strings ("value ")
- o If client didn't finish downloading a single mail in 30 seconds,
- Dovecot closed the connection. This was supposed to work so that
- if client hasn't read data at all in 30 seconds, it's disconnected.
- o Maildir: LIST now doesn't skip symlinks</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1087819200">- Update to dovecot- which is a bugfix release</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085832000">- Update to dovecot- which main feature is mysql support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085572800">- Adjust the modules path to a more suitable place, and work the
- configuration a bit.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1084881600">- Initial package of dovecot- Thanks to darix for hints.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="57cd740de9f629fae4c0f6b665634ccfd40845fc" name="dovecot" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.0.beta3" rel="13.2"/>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1147780800">- added dovecot-1.0.beta7_directory-traversal.patch:
- Fix Mailbox names list disclosure with mboxes
- (#175188, CVE-2006-2414)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139832000">- added dovecot-1.0.beta3_indexfixes.patch
- * added index sync fixes
- * added fix for ldap urls
- * let dovecot not send header for mails we didnt announce with
- * allow empty protocol line so you can use dovecot for pipe only
-- removed dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- applied upstream
-- replaced all occurences of /usr/libexec with %{_libdir}</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1139400000">- update to version 1.0.beta3
- * Dotlock code changed to timeout faster in some situations when
- the lock file is old.
- + Added support for loading SQL drivers dynamically (see INSTALL file
- for how to build them)
- + Keywords are stored to dboxes, and other dbox improvements.
- + dict-sql could actually work now, making quota-in-sql-database
- possibly working now (not fully tested)
- + Added mail storage conversion plugin to convert automatically from
- one mailbox format to another while user logs in. Doesn't preserve
- + Added plugin { .. } section to dovecot.conf for passing parameters
- to plugins (see dovecot-example.conf).
- + Added ssl-build-param binary which is used to generate
- ssl-parameters.dat. Main dovecot binary doesn't anymore link to
- SSL libraries, and this also makes the process title be clearer
- about why the process is eating all the CPU.
- o Fix building without OpenSSL
- o Fixed memory leak in MySQL driver
- o Fixes to checkpassword
- o Broken Content-Length header could have broken mbox opening
- o Fixed potential hangs after APPEND command
- o Fixed potential crashes in dovecot-auth and imap/pop3-login
- o zlib plugin now links with -lz so it could actually work
- o kqueue fixes by Vaclav Haisman
-- update dovecot-lda with latest fixes to compile against b3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1138017600">- update to 1.0.beta2. this is a bugfix release.
- + Added SQLite support. Patch by Jakob Hirsch.
- + Added auth_debug_passwords setting. If it's not enabled,
- hide all password strings from logs.
- + Added mail_cache_min_mail_count and mbox_min_index_size
- settings which can be used to make Dovecot do less disk writes
- in small mailboxes where they don't benefit that much.
- + Added --build-ssl-parameters parameter to dovecot binary
-- SSL parameters were being regenerated every 10 minutes,
- although not with all systems.
-- Fixed dovecot-auth crashing at startup. Happened only with some
- specific compilers.
-- base_dir was supposed to be set world-readable,
- not world-writable
-- disabled epoll for now.
- Jakob Hirsch is working on a patch for this.
-- sqlite3 support enabled
- + dovecot-1.0.beta2-sqlite_signedness.patch
- fix a signedness warning
-- apply fix for dovecot-lda that allows using default_mail_env
-- includes dovecot-lda changelog</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137758400">- added dovecot-1.0.beta1_sslparam-regeneration.patch
- fix timer for regeneration of ssl params</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- added dovecot-1.0beta1_pie.patch
-- compile with -fstack-protector</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mrueckert@suse.de" date="1137499200">- Update to version package for 1.0.beta1
- this is a complete rewrite see
- /usr/share/doc/packages/dovecot/ChangeLog.gz for all changes
-- added dovecot-cvs_inotify.patch
- fixes a small include for inotify support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- added LDAP_DEPRECATED to CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1117800000">- Compile with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1108382400">- Update to 0.99.14 including:
- o Message address fields are now parsed differently, fixing some
- issues with spaces. Affects only clients which use FETCH ENVELOPE
- command.
- o Message MIME parser was somewhat broken with missing MIME boundaries
- o mbox: Don't allow X-UID headers in mails to override the UIDs we
- would otherwise set. Too large values can break some clients and
- cause other trouble.
- o passwd-file userdb wasn't working
- o PAM crashed with 64bit systems
- o non-SSL inetd startup wasn't working
- o If UID FETCH notices and skips an expunged message, don't return
- a NO reply. It's not needed and only makes clients give error
- messages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1106481600">- Update to 0.99.13 including:
- o GNUTLS support hasn't been working for a while, so it's not even
- tried to be used anymore unless explicitly wanted.
- o Added CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanism.
- o Added SMD5 and LDAP-MD5 password schemes and changed MD5
- scheme to use LDAP-MD5 if the password isn't in MD5crypt format.
- o Workaround for some POP3 client bugs: if message doesn't
- contain the "end of headers" empty line, add it automatically.
- o vpopmail supports now all password schemes, most importantly
- MD5crypt works now without support from libc's crypt()
- o SQL and LDAP authentication was broken
- o SEARCH UNKEYWORD wasn't working</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1102420800">- Update to including:
- o Fix memory leaks in LDAP, MySQL and PGSQL userdb/passdb
- o Fix hanging when parsing mails that have over 4096 bytes in one
- line (SMTP servers normally don't allow over 1000 bytes so it
- shouldn't be much of a problem)
- o FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE sometimes gave a wrong reply
- (eg. with FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE RFC822.SIZE) if it wasn't cached)
- o Never return more than one INBOX in LIST even if there are such
- files. They don't work anyway and it just confuses clients.
- o mbox: Don't allow creating INBOX directory by creating/renaming
- mailboxes under it. They just wouldn't work.
- o POP3: Don't return PLAIN in SASL list. We don't support initial SASL
- responses, so it only breaks with most clients that try to use it.
- o IMAP and POP3 login processes may have sent each line in two IP
- packets, one with the data and another with CR+LF. Some clients
- didn't work because of this.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1100520000">- Use common-* PAM config files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1098532800">- Switch heimdal-* to kerberos-devel-packages in #nfb as pr. requst
- of Mr. Carsten Höger</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1094299200">- Update to dovecot-0.99.11 which mainly is a bugfix release with:
- o 127.* and ::1 IP addresses are treated as secured with
- disable_plaintext_auth = yes
- o auth_debug setting for extra authentication debugging
- o Some documentation and error message updates
- o Create PID file in /var/run/dovecot/master.pid
- o home setting is now optional in static userdb
- o Added mail setting to static userdb
- o After APPENDing to selected mailbox Dovecot didn't always notice the
- new mail immediately which broke some clients
- o THREAD and SORT commands crashed with some mails
- o If APPENDed mail ended with CR character, Dovecot aborted the saving
- o Output streams sometimes sent data duplicated and lost part of it.
- This could have caused various strange problems, but looks like in
- practise it rarely caused real problems.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1093953600">- Don't create unused directories [#44362]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1092052800">- Update to dovecot- with the following item since .6:
- o MySQL compiling got broken in last release
- o More PostgreSQL reconnection fixing
- o LDAP support compiles now with Solaris LDAP library
- o IMAP BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE replies were wrong for MIME parts which
- didn't contain Content-Type header.
- o MySQL and PostgreSQL auth didn't reconnect if connection was lost
- to SQL server
- o Linking fixes for dovecot-auth with some systems
- o Last fix for disconnecting client when downloading mail longer than
- 30 seconds actually made it never disconnect client. Now it works
- properly: disconnect when client hasn't read _any_ data for 30
- seconds.
- o Added outlook-pop3-no-nuls workaround to fix Outlook hang in
- mails with NULs.
- o Config file lines can now contain quoted strings ("value ")
- o If client didn't finish downloading a single mail in 30 seconds,
- Dovecot closed the connection. This was supposed to work so that
- if client hasn't read data at all in 30 seconds, it's disconnected.
- o Maildir: LIST now doesn't skip symlinks</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1087819200">- Update to dovecot- which is a bugfix release</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085832000">- Update to dovecot- which main feature is mysql support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1085572800">- Adjust the modules path to a more suitable place, and work the
- configuration a bit.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1084881600">- Initial package of dovecot- Thanks to darix for hints.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="0591487b293027292fb55d3fd3402e5dd2cb4184" name="avahi" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.5" rel="29.3"/>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147780800">- Fixed invalid UTF-8 hostname DoS (#137781).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147176000">- Fixed buffer overflow in avahi_record_to_string() (#137781#c7).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1145880000">- Replaced Obsoletes by Conflicts for mDNSResponder* (#149676).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1145448000">- Fix compat layer ABI inconsistencies with mDNSResponder (part of
- [#149676])</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144238400">- Wait for daemon initialization in the init script (#150902).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144152000">- Use Provides and Obsoletes instead of Conflicts to allow seamless
- replacement.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1142856000">- Call %insserv_cleanup in %postun.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Provide libdns_sd.so RPM symbol, as mDNSResponder does.
-- Reduced BuildRequires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Fixed circular dependency between avahi and avahi-glib
- (avahi-discover moved to avahi-glib).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1138017600">- Updated to version 0.6.5.
-- Enable howl compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1137412800">- Updated to version 0.6.4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1135080000">- fix build with dbus-1 0.60
-- added libxml2-python to nfb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134734400">- Move libdns_sd.so to avahi-compat-mDNSResponder from
- avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel (fix up requires/provides)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Provide dns_sd.h compatibility symlink.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Enable mDNSResponder compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Call aclocal to compile in PLUS.
-- Enabled qt4 bindings.
-- Fixed file ownership.
-- Disabled parallel build - mono fails often.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133438400">- Bi-arch fix.
-- Build as user.
-- Enabled parallel build.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133352000">- Updated to version 0.6.1.
-- Moved all devel files and Requires to devel subpackage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1129118400">- use gnome2-devel-packages in nfb and cleanup nfb
-- fix build of sharp part on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1128945600">- removed restart_on_update in postinstall
- (only needed in postuninstall)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1128600000">- Initial check in</changelog>
-<package pkgid="4af6068aa9c160924eba7014a5885c2767b51fb0" name="avahi" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.5" rel="29.3"/>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147780800">- Fixed invalid UTF-8 hostname DoS (#137781).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147176000">- Fixed buffer overflow in avahi_record_to_string() (#137781#c7).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1145880000">- Replaced Obsoletes by Conflicts for mDNSResponder* (#149676).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1145448000">- Fix compat layer ABI inconsistencies with mDNSResponder (part of
- [#149676])</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144238400">- Wait for daemon initialization in the init script (#150902).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144152000">- Use Provides and Obsoletes instead of Conflicts to allow seamless
- replacement.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1142856000">- Call %insserv_cleanup in %postun.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Provide libdns_sd.so RPM symbol, as mDNSResponder does.
-- Reduced BuildRequires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Fixed circular dependency between avahi and avahi-glib
- (avahi-discover moved to avahi-glib).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1138017600">- Updated to version 0.6.5.
-- Enable howl compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1137412800">- Updated to version 0.6.4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1135080000">- fix build with dbus-1 0.60
-- added libxml2-python to nfb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134734400">- Move libdns_sd.so to avahi-compat-mDNSResponder from
- avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel (fix up requires/provides)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Provide dns_sd.h compatibility symlink.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Enable mDNSResponder compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Call aclocal to compile in PLUS.
-- Enabled qt4 bindings.
-- Fixed file ownership.
-- Disabled parallel build - mono fails often.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133438400">- Bi-arch fix.
-- Build as user.
-- Enabled parallel build.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133352000">- Updated to version 0.6.1.
-- Moved all devel files and Requires to devel subpackage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1129118400">- use gnome2-devel-packages in nfb and cleanup nfb
-- fix build of sharp part on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1128945600">- removed restart_on_update in postinstall
- (only needed in postuninstall)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1128600000">- Initial check in</changelog>
-<package pkgid="404c792eaaef7fec29a175f2d06fd73de7b727fa" name="avahi" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.5" rel="29.3"/>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147780800">- Fixed invalid UTF-8 hostname DoS (#137781).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147176000">- Fixed buffer overflow in avahi_record_to_string() (#137781#c7).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1145880000">- Replaced Obsoletes by Conflicts for mDNSResponder* (#149676).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1145448000">- Fix compat layer ABI inconsistencies with mDNSResponder (part of
- [#149676])</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144238400">- Wait for daemon initialization in the init script (#150902).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144152000">- Use Provides and Obsoletes instead of Conflicts to allow seamless
- replacement.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1142856000">- Call %insserv_cleanup in %postun.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Provide libdns_sd.so RPM symbol, as mDNSResponder does.
-- Reduced BuildRequires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Fixed circular dependency between avahi and avahi-glib
- (avahi-discover moved to avahi-glib).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1138017600">- Updated to version 0.6.5.
-- Enable howl compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1137412800">- Updated to version 0.6.4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1135080000">- fix build with dbus-1 0.60
-- added libxml2-python to nfb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134734400">- Move libdns_sd.so to avahi-compat-mDNSResponder from
- avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel (fix up requires/provides)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Provide dns_sd.h compatibility symlink.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Enable mDNSResponder compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Call aclocal to compile in PLUS.
-- Enabled qt4 bindings.
-- Fixed file ownership.
-- Disabled parallel build - mono fails often.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133438400">- Bi-arch fix.
-- Build as user.
-- Enabled parallel build.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133352000">- Updated to version 0.6.1.
-- Moved all devel files and Requires to devel subpackage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1129118400">- use gnome2-devel-packages in nfb and cleanup nfb
-- fix build of sharp part on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1128945600">- removed restart_on_update in postinstall
- (only needed in postuninstall)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1128600000">- Initial check in</changelog>
-<package pkgid="a46d02c6fcf43387c9424c35933f9c0476d35a4b" name="avahi" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.5" rel="29.3"/>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147780800">- Fixed invalid UTF-8 hostname DoS (#137781).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1147176000">- Fixed buffer overflow in avahi_record_to_string() (#137781#c7).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1145880000">- Replaced Obsoletes by Conflicts for mDNSResponder* (#149676).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1145448000">- Fix compat layer ABI inconsistencies with mDNSResponder (part of
- [#149676])</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144238400">- Wait for daemon initialization in the init script (#150902).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1144152000">- Use Provides and Obsoletes instead of Conflicts to allow seamless
- replacement.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1142856000">- Call %insserv_cleanup in %postun.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Provide libdns_sd.so RPM symbol, as mDNSResponder does.
-- Reduced BuildRequires.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1139486400">- Fixed circular dependency between avahi and avahi-glib
- (avahi-discover moved to avahi-glib).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1138017600">- Updated to version 0.6.5.
-- Enable howl compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1137412800">- Updated to version 0.6.4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1135080000">- fix build with dbus-1 0.60
-- added libxml2-python to nfb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134734400">- Move libdns_sd.so to avahi-compat-mDNSResponder from
- avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel (fix up requires/provides)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Provide dns_sd.h compatibility symlink.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Enable mDNSResponder compatibility layer as separate packages.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133524800">- Call aclocal to compile in PLUS.
-- Enabled qt4 bindings.
-- Fixed file ownership.
-- Disabled parallel build - mono fails often.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133438400">- Bi-arch fix.
-- Build as user.
-- Enabled parallel build.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sbrabec@suse.cz" date="1133352000">- Updated to version 0.6.1.
-- Moved all devel files and Requires to devel subpackage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1129118400">- use gnome2-devel-packages in nfb and cleanup nfb
-- fix build of sharp part on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1128945600">- removed restart_on_update in postinstall
- (only needed in postuninstall)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- jpr@suse.de" date="1128600000">- Initial check in</changelog>
-<package pkgid="52f27233cfb8fc172c9660f1c6b5dadebdede30e" name="nagios-www" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.3" rel="14.1"/>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1146657600">- fixed possible buffer overflow in CGI scripts (#140494)
- (CVE-2006-2162)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1136808000">- fixed off-by-one overflow (#141124)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1132315200">- update to stable version 1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1128600000">- fixed autobuild warnings about printf format</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1116072000">- fixed compiler errors about usage of uninitialized vars</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1114344000">- Compile with GCC4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1093867200">- removed apache1 traces</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1083585600">- fix compiler-warnings</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1075809600">- update to nagios 1.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1063886400">- /usr/lib/nagios and /usr/lib/nagios/plugins are owned
- by root (#31100)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1063022400">- add apache2 config-files, require http_daemon
- and need apache2-devel-packages for build (#30157)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1061985600">- remove traceroute-lbl from neededforbuild
- traceroute from net-tools is used anyway</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1061208000">- added activation meta-data to sysconfig (#28830)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- change cmdgrp from nogroup to www (the group apache now runs
- under) [#21782]
-- implement try-restart correctly</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1059652800">- use stop/restart macros</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1059480000">- Fix chown invocation.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1059134400">- added bugfixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1055419200">- Make sure plugin directory exist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1055419200">- Add nagios libdir to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1054728000">- update to bugfix release 1.1
- * File descriptor leak in file-based performance routines
- * Timestamp fix for PostgreSQL 7.3
- * Minor bug fixes to cmd and history CGIs
- * Minor documentation fixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1042459200">- added sysconfig-metadata (#22607)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1038830400">- adopted sapmoni.dif for gcc 3.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1038225600">- update to 1.0 final
- * Minor bug fixes in CGIs
- * Minor doc updates
- * Bug fix for flex host downtime
- * Embedded perl bug fixe for arguments with spaces
- * Host escalation logic fix</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1034683200">- running pre-flight configuration check always when
- starting nagios (#20916)
-- added logrotate definitions for logfiles
-- fixed embedded perl (#20916) (thanks to mls)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1032782400">- update to 1.0b6
- * Added wildcards and multiple hosts/hostgroups to host dependency
- and service dependency definitions
- * Added wildcard support for members directive in hostgroup
- definitions
- * Minor bug fixes and cleanups in CGIs
- * Minor cleanups in the core
- * New version of snprintf() included that supports %f
- * Notification interval for escalations now defaults to
- non-escalated value</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1030104000">- update to 1.0b5
- * Fixed memory leak related to processing of passive checks
- * Memory leak fixes in the CGIs
- * Minor interface changes to the status and TAC CGIs
- * Bug fix in the notification CGI
- * Added minimalistic sample object config file (minimal.cfg)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1029499200">- added PreReq (Bug #17938 #17939)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1029153600">- updated sapmoni patch to provide documentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1029153600">- made it work with threaded perl-5.8</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1028808000">- added patch to be able to use nagios-plugins-sap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1027771200">- fix neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1025870400">- update to 1.0b4
- * Address field in host definitions is now optional in
- template-based config format. Defaults to host name if not
- specified.
- * Fixed memory leak when processing passive checks
- * Added illegal_macro_output_chars variable to main config file
- to allow for stripping dangerous shell characters from plugin
- output</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1023883200">- removed -devel subpackage and moved the file to main-package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1023710400">- update to 1.0b3
- * Bug fixes in template-based object code
- * Bug fix in tac CGI for counting host and service states
- properly
- * Default is now to check for external commands as often as
- possible
- * Ping syntax for WAP interface moved to CGI config file
- * Command file user/group defaults to Nagios user/group unless
- overridden with configure script options
- * Sample template-based object config file fixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022587200">- update to 1.0b2
- * Fixed bug with escaping strings for DB support
- (MySQL & PostgreSQL)
- * Several bug fixes in template-based object code
- * Multiple hostgroups supported in host and service escalations
- * Wildcard support in service, service escalation, and host
- escalation definitions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022155200">- install config-file templates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022068800">- initial version of Nagios (the successor of NetSaint)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="3dc9c17696ba449e5f7252881bb11f956f6b893a" name="nagios" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.3" rel="14.1"/>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1146657600">- fixed possible buffer overflow in CGI scripts (#140494)
- (CVE-2006-2162)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1136808000">- fixed off-by-one overflow (#141124)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1132315200">- update to stable version 1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1128600000">- fixed autobuild warnings about printf format</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1116072000">- fixed compiler errors about usage of uninitialized vars</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1114344000">- Compile with GCC4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1093867200">- removed apache1 traces</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1083585600">- fix compiler-warnings</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1075809600">- update to nagios 1.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1063886400">- /usr/lib/nagios and /usr/lib/nagios/plugins are owned
- by root (#31100)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1063022400">- add apache2 config-files, require http_daemon
- and need apache2-devel-packages for build (#30157)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1061985600">- remove traceroute-lbl from neededforbuild
- traceroute from net-tools is used anyway</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1061208000">- added activation meta-data to sysconfig (#28830)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- change cmdgrp from nogroup to www (the group apache now runs
- under) [#21782]
-- implement try-restart correctly</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1059652800">- use stop/restart macros</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1059480000">- Fix chown invocation.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1059134400">- added bugfixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1055419200">- Make sure plugin directory exist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1055419200">- Add nagios libdir to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1054728000">- update to bugfix release 1.1
- * File descriptor leak in file-based performance routines
- * Timestamp fix for PostgreSQL 7.3
- * Minor bug fixes to cmd and history CGIs
- * Minor documentation fixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1042459200">- added sysconfig-metadata (#22607)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1038830400">- adopted sapmoni.dif for gcc 3.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1038225600">- update to 1.0 final
- * Minor bug fixes in CGIs
- * Minor doc updates
- * Bug fix for flex host downtime
- * Embedded perl bug fixe for arguments with spaces
- * Host escalation logic fix</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1034683200">- running pre-flight configuration check always when
- starting nagios (#20916)
-- added logrotate definitions for logfiles
-- fixed embedded perl (#20916) (thanks to mls)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1032782400">- update to 1.0b6
- * Added wildcards and multiple hosts/hostgroups to host dependency
- and service dependency definitions
- * Added wildcard support for members directive in hostgroup
- definitions
- * Minor bug fixes and cleanups in CGIs
- * Minor cleanups in the core
- * New version of snprintf() included that supports %f
- * Notification interval for escalations now defaults to
- non-escalated value</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1030104000">- update to 1.0b5
- * Fixed memory leak related to processing of passive checks
- * Memory leak fixes in the CGIs
- * Minor interface changes to the status and TAC CGIs
- * Bug fix in the notification CGI
- * Added minimalistic sample object config file (minimal.cfg)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1029499200">- added PreReq (Bug #17938 #17939)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1029153600">- updated sapmoni patch to provide documentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1029153600">- made it work with threaded perl-5.8</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1028808000">- added patch to be able to use nagios-plugins-sap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1027771200">- fix neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1025870400">- update to 1.0b4
- * Address field in host definitions is now optional in
- template-based config format. Defaults to host name if not
- specified.
- * Fixed memory leak when processing passive checks
- * Added illegal_macro_output_chars variable to main config file
- to allow for stripping dangerous shell characters from plugin
- output</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1023883200">- removed -devel subpackage and moved the file to main-package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1023710400">- update to 1.0b3
- * Bug fixes in template-based object code
- * Bug fix in tac CGI for counting host and service states
- properly
- * Default is now to check for external commands as often as
- possible
- * Ping syntax for WAP interface moved to CGI config file
- * Command file user/group defaults to Nagios user/group unless
- overridden with configure script options
- * Sample template-based object config file fixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022587200">- update to 1.0b2
- * Fixed bug with escaping strings for DB support
- (MySQL & PostgreSQL)
- * Several bug fixes in template-based object code
- * Multiple hostgroups supported in host and service escalations
- * Wildcard support in service, service escalation, and host
- escalation definitions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022155200">- install config-file templates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022068800">- initial version of Nagios (the successor of NetSaint)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="3bfcce7e5a0d0daf60bc1a89eb2d8e0a4efe6b8a" name="nagios-www" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.3" rel="14.1"/>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1146657600">- fixed possible buffer overflow in CGI scripts (#140494)
- (CVE-2006-2162)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1136808000">- fixed off-by-one overflow (#141124)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1132315200">- update to stable version 1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1128600000">- fixed autobuild warnings about printf format</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1116072000">- fixed compiler errors about usage of uninitialized vars</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1114344000">- Compile with GCC4.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1093867200">- removed apache1 traces</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1083585600">- fix compiler-warnings</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1075809600">- update to nagios 1.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1063886400">- /usr/lib/nagios and /usr/lib/nagios/plugins are owned
- by root (#31100)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1063022400">- add apache2 config-files, require http_daemon
- and need apache2-devel-packages for build (#30157)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1061985600">- remove traceroute-lbl from neededforbuild
- traceroute from net-tools is used anyway</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1061208000">- added activation meta-data to sysconfig (#28830)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- change cmdgrp from nogroup to www (the group apache now runs
- under) [#21782]
-- implement try-restart correctly</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1059652800">- use stop/restart macros</changelog>
-<changelog author="- aj@suse.de" date="1059480000">- Fix chown invocation.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1059134400">- added bugfixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1055419200">- Make sure plugin directory exist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1055419200">- Add nagios libdir to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1054728000">- update to bugfix release 1.1
- * File descriptor leak in file-based performance routines
- * Timestamp fix for PostgreSQL 7.3
- * Minor bug fixes to cmd and history CGIs
- * Minor documentation fixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1042459200">- added sysconfig-metadata (#22607)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1038830400">- adopted sapmoni.dif for gcc 3.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1038225600">- update to 1.0 final
- * Minor bug fixes in CGIs
- * Minor doc updates
- * Bug fix for flex host downtime
- * Embedded perl bug fixe for arguments with spaces
- * Host escalation logic fix</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1034683200">- running pre-flight configuration check always when
- starting nagios (#20916)
-- added logrotate definitions for logfiles
-- fixed embedded perl (#20916) (thanks to mls)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1032782400">- update to 1.0b6
- * Added wildcards and multiple hosts/hostgroups to host dependency
- and service dependency definitions
- * Added wildcard support for members directive in hostgroup
- definitions
- * Minor bug fixes and cleanups in CGIs
- * Minor cleanups in the core
- * New version of snprintf() included that supports %f
- * Notification interval for escalations now defaults to
- non-escalated value</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1030104000">- update to 1.0b5
- * Fixed memory leak related to processing of passive checks
- * Memory leak fixes in the CGIs
- * Minor interface changes to the status and TAC CGIs
- * Bug fix in the notification CGI
- * Added minimalistic sample object config file (minimal.cfg)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1029499200">- added PreReq (Bug #17938 #17939)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1029153600">- updated sapmoni patch to provide documentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1029153600">- made it work with threaded perl-5.8</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1028808000">- added patch to be able to use nagios-plugins-sap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1027771200">- fix neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1025870400">- update to 1.0b4
- * Address field in host definitions is now optional in
- template-based config format. Defaults to host name if not
- specified.
- * Fixed memory leak when processing passive checks
- * Added illegal_macro_output_chars variable to main config file
- to allow for stripping dangerous shell characters from plugin
- output</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1023883200">- removed -devel subpackage and moved the file to main-package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1023710400">- update to 1.0b3
- * Bug fixes in template-based object code
- * Bug fix in tac CGI for counting host and service states
- properly
- * Default is now to check for external commands as often as
- possible
- * Ping syntax for WAP interface moved to CGI config file
- * Command file user/group defaults to Nagios user/group unless
- overridden with configure script options
- * Sample template-based object config file fixes</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022587200">- update to 1.0b2
- * Fixed bug with escaping strings for DB support
- (MySQL & PostgreSQL)
- * Several bug fixes in template-based object code
- * Multiple hostgroups supported in host and service escalations
- * Wildcard support in service, service escalation, and host
- escalation definitions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022155200">- install config-file templates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- stark@suse.de" date="1022068800">- initial version of Nagios (the successor of NetSaint)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="23b988b5b6e50d7cfda50dda22508c5f1dd07307" name="dhcdbd" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.12" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1147176000">- Fix 64-bit build (use pkg-config like we should)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Ask dhclient to set the hostname as required by the sysconfig
- option DHCLIENT_HOSTNAME_OPTION (Novell major bug #139532)
-- Fix possible memory corruption</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1143547200">- Log debugging spew less readily (Novell bug #161138)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1142942400">- Survive DBUS restarts (Novell bug #150042)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1140782400">- Add dhcdbd-no-nr_open-rml.patch to replace NR_OPEN with a call
- to getdtablesize() to fix build on beta and remove use of
- NR_OPEN.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1137672000">- 1.12 (bug fixes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Remove named user from dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136548800">- Use correct lease directory (fix bug #139606)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136376000">- proper permissions on /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Update to 1.11 (fixes build against DBUS 0.60)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134388800">- Remove dhcdbd service file and do not create named user or
- group (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134129600">- create named user and group (since referenced in config)
- fixing (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1132228800">- Upgrade to 1.10 (includes our two patches).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1130760000">- Add patch dhcdbd-quiet-dhclient.patch to pass "-q" option to
- dhclient in order to minimize noise.
-- Add patch dhcdbd-use-daemon.patch to use daemon(3) instead of
- hand-coded daemonizing code. Also ensures that stdout and stderr
- are redirected to /dev/null, not /dev/console.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1129809600">- Update to dhcdbd 1.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1123848000">- changed requires (#104373)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Remove init script for rml, no longer needed</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Change requires for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119614400">- created package taken from FC
-- first steps to adapt init script</changelog>
-<package pkgid="da37d6c81230024f202fbb92107ab88ade872bd3" name="dhcdbd" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.12" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1147176000">- Fix 64-bit build (use pkg-config like we should)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Ask dhclient to set the hostname as required by the sysconfig
- option DHCLIENT_HOSTNAME_OPTION (Novell major bug #139532)
-- Fix possible memory corruption</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1143547200">- Log debugging spew less readily (Novell bug #161138)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1142942400">- Survive DBUS restarts (Novell bug #150042)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1140782400">- Add dhcdbd-no-nr_open-rml.patch to replace NR_OPEN with a call
- to getdtablesize() to fix build on beta and remove use of
- NR_OPEN.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1137672000">- 1.12 (bug fixes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Remove named user from dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136548800">- Use correct lease directory (fix bug #139606)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136376000">- proper permissions on /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Update to 1.11 (fixes build against DBUS 0.60)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134388800">- Remove dhcdbd service file and do not create named user or
- group (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134129600">- create named user and group (since referenced in config)
- fixing (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1132228800">- Upgrade to 1.10 (includes our two patches).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1130760000">- Add patch dhcdbd-quiet-dhclient.patch to pass "-q" option to
- dhclient in order to minimize noise.
-- Add patch dhcdbd-use-daemon.patch to use daemon(3) instead of
- hand-coded daemonizing code. Also ensures that stdout and stderr
- are redirected to /dev/null, not /dev/console.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1129809600">- Update to dhcdbd 1.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1123848000">- changed requires (#104373)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Remove init script for rml, no longer needed</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Change requires for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119614400">- created package taken from FC
-- first steps to adapt init script</changelog>
-<package pkgid="e285ea0354d8c33ec6c631e5ed925142b9e30bf4" name="dhcdbd" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.12" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1147176000">- Fix 64-bit build (use pkg-config like we should)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Ask dhclient to set the hostname as required by the sysconfig
- option DHCLIENT_HOSTNAME_OPTION (Novell major bug #139532)
-- Fix possible memory corruption</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1143547200">- Log debugging spew less readily (Novell bug #161138)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1142942400">- Survive DBUS restarts (Novell bug #150042)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1140782400">- Add dhcdbd-no-nr_open-rml.patch to replace NR_OPEN with a call
- to getdtablesize() to fix build on beta and remove use of
- NR_OPEN.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1137672000">- 1.12 (bug fixes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Remove named user from dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136548800">- Use correct lease directory (fix bug #139606)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136376000">- proper permissions on /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Update to 1.11 (fixes build against DBUS 0.60)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134388800">- Remove dhcdbd service file and do not create named user or
- group (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134129600">- create named user and group (since referenced in config)
- fixing (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1132228800">- Upgrade to 1.10 (includes our two patches).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1130760000">- Add patch dhcdbd-quiet-dhclient.patch to pass "-q" option to
- dhclient in order to minimize noise.
-- Add patch dhcdbd-use-daemon.patch to use daemon(3) instead of
- hand-coded daemonizing code. Also ensures that stdout and stderr
- are redirected to /dev/null, not /dev/console.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1129809600">- Update to dhcdbd 1.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1123848000">- changed requires (#104373)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Remove init script for rml, no longer needed</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Change requires for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119614400">- created package taken from FC
-- first steps to adapt init script</changelog>
-<package pkgid="bca8cb431261bf677ea69c848c1d54a34b16189a" name="dhcdbd" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="1.12" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1147176000">- Fix 64-bit build (use pkg-config like we should)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Ask dhclient to set the hostname as required by the sysconfig
- option DHCLIENT_HOSTNAME_OPTION (Novell major bug #139532)
-- Fix possible memory corruption</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1143547200">- Log debugging spew less readily (Novell bug #161138)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1142942400">- Survive DBUS restarts (Novell bug #150042)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1140782400">- Add dhcdbd-no-nr_open-rml.patch to replace NR_OPEN with a call
- to getdtablesize() to fix build on beta and remove use of
- NR_OPEN.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1137672000">- 1.12 (bug fixes only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Remove named user from dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136548800">- Use correct lease directory (fix bug #139606)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1136376000">- proper permissions on /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dhcdbd.conf</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Update to 1.11 (fixes build against DBUS 0.60)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1134388800">- Remove dhcdbd service file and do not create named user or
- group (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1134129600">- create named user and group (since referenced in config)
- fixing (#136872)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1132228800">- Upgrade to 1.10 (includes our two patches).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1130760000">- Add patch dhcdbd-quiet-dhclient.patch to pass "-q" option to
- dhclient in order to minimize noise.
-- Add patch dhcdbd-use-daemon.patch to use daemon(3) instead of
- hand-coded daemonizing code. Also ensures that stdout and stderr
- are redirected to /dev/null, not /dev/console.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1129809600">- Update to dhcdbd 1.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1123848000">- changed requires (#104373)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Remove init script for rml, no longer needed</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Change requires for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119614400">- created package taken from FC
-- first steps to adapt init script</changelog>
-<package pkgid="a6a40ca62165ceddc09181a9c6d11243b544dbc3" name="openldap2" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.3.19" rel="18.3"/>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1147262400">- Really apply the patch for Bug#160566
-- slapd could crash while processing queries with pre-/postread
- controls (Bug#173877, ITS#4532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1143201600">- Backported fix from CVS for occasional crashes in referral
- chasing code (as used in e.g. back-meta/back-ldap).
- (Bug: #160566, ITS: #4448)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1142251200">- openldap2 must obsolete -back-monitor and -back-ldap to have them
- removed during update (Bug: #157576)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140177600">- Add "external" to the list of supported SASL mechanisms
- (Bug: #151771)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140091200">- Error out when conversion from old configfile to config database
- fails (Bug: #135484,#135490 ITS: #4407)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Don't ignore non-read/write epoll events (Bug: #149993,
- ITS: #4395)
-- Added update message to /usr/share/update-messages/en/ and enable
- it, when update did not succeed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139486400">- OPENLDAP_CHOWN_DIRS honors databases defined in include files
- (Bug: #135473)
-- Fixed version numbers in README.update
-- Fixed GSSAPI binds against Active Directory (Bug: #149390)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138968000">- Cleaned up update procedure
-- man-pages updates and fixes (Fate: #6365)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138363200">- Updated to 2.3.19 (Bug #144371)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138190400">- Updated Admin Guide to latest version
-- build slapcat from openldap-2.2.24 and install it to
- /usr/sbin/openldap-2.2-slapcat to be able to migrate from
- OpenLDAP 2.2.
-- removed slapd-backbdb-dbupgrade which is no longer needed
-- attempt to dump/reload bdb databases in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1137153600">- New sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_KRB5_KEYTAB
-- Cleanup in default configuration and init scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Updated to 2.3.17
-- Remove OPENLDAP_RUN_DB_RECOVER from sysconfig file in %post
- slapd does now automatically recover the database if needed
-- Removed unneeded README.SuSE
-- Small adjustments to the default DB_CONFIG file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136808000">- Updated to 2.3.16</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Fixed filelist (slapd-hdb man-page was missing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134129600">- Fixed build on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133956800">- Merged -back-ldap and -back-monitor subpackages into the main
- package and don't build them as dynamic modules anymore.
-- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133179200">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1130328000">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.11
-- removed the "LDAP_DEPRECATED" workaround</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127736000">- Add "LDAP_DEPRECATED" to ldap.h for now</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127476800">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1124193600">- allow start_tls while chasing referrals (Bug #94355, ITS #3791)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1120478400">- devel-subpackage requires openldap2-client of the same version
- (Bugzilla: #93579)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1120132800">- build with -fPIE (not -fpie) to avoid GOT overflow on s390*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1119441600">- build the server packages with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1118836800">- updated to 2.2.27</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1117022400">- libldap-gethostbyname_r.dif: Use gethostbyname_r instead of
- gethostbyname in libldap. Should fix host lookups through
- nss_ldap (Bugzilla: #76173)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1115985600">- Updated to 2.2.26
-- made /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1114689600">- Added /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf to avoid warnings about
- unconfigured OTP mechanism (Bugzilla: #80588)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1113307200">- added minimal timeout to startproc in init-script to let it
- report the "failed" status correctly in case of misconfiguration
- (Bugzilla: #76393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112616000">- crl-check.dif: Implements CRL checking on client and server side
-- use different base ports for differnt values of BUILD_INCARNATION
- (/.buildenv) to allow parallel runs of the test-suite on a single
- machine</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112616000">- force yielding-select test to yes (test occasionally hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112356800">- disable test suite on ARM (hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112097600">- updated to 2.2.24
-- enabled back-hdb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1109764800">- syncrepl.dif: merged latest syncrepl fixes (Bugzilla: #65928)
-- libldap-reinit-fdset.dif: Re-init fd_sets when select is
- interupted (Bugzilla #50076, ITS: #3524)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1108641600">- checkproc_before_recover.dif: Check if slapd is stopped before
- running db_recover from the init script. (Bugzilla: #50962)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1107259200">- Cleanup back-bdb databases in %post, db-4.3 changed the
- transaction log format again.
-- cosmetic fixes in init script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1106654400">- updated to 2.2.23
-- cleaned up #neededforbuild
-- package should also build on older SuSE Linux releases now
-- increased killproc timeout in init-script (Bugzilla: #47227)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1105617600">- updated to 2.2.20
-- Removed unneeded dependencies</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1102680000">- don't install *.la files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1100088000">- updated to 2.2.18
-- use kerberos-devel-packages in neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1096027200">- re-arranged specfile to sequence (header (package/descr)* rest)
- so the checking parser is not confused ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1096027200">- Added pre_checkin.sh to generate a separate openldap2-client
- spec-file from which the openldap2-client and openldap2-devel
- subpackages are built. Should reduce build time for libldap as
- the test-suite is only executed in openldap2.spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1094817600">- libldap-result.dif: ldapsearch was hanging in select() when
- retrieving results from eDirectory through a StartTLS protected
- connection (Bugzilla #44942)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dobey@suse.de" date="1092052800">- added ntlm support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1091534400">- updated to 2.2.16
-- Updated ACLs in slapd_conf.dif to disable default read access
- to the "userPKCS12" Attribute
-- rc-check-conn.diff: When starting slapd wait until is accepts
- connections, or 10 seconds at maximum (Bugzilla #41354)
-- Backported -o slp={on|off} feature from OpenLDAP Head and added
- new sysconfig variable (OPENLDAP_REGISTER_SLP) to be able
- to switch SLP registration on and off. (Bugzilla #39865)
-- removed unneeded README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1083326400">- updated to 2.2.11
-- remove SLES8 update specific stuff
-- Bugzilla #39652: Updated slapd_conf.dif to contain basic access
- control
-- Bugzilla #39468: Added missing items to yast.schema
-- fixed strict-aliasing compiler warnings (strict-aliasing.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- coolo@suse.de" date="1083240000">- build with several jobs if available</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1082376000">- ldapi_url.dif: Fixed paths for LDAPI-socket, pid-file and
- args-file (Bugzilla #38790)
-- ldbm_modrdn.dif: Fixed back-ldbm modrdn indexing bug (ITS #3059,
- Bugzilla #38915)
-- modify_check_duplicates.dif: check for duplicate attribute
- values in modify requests (ITS #3066/#3097, Bugzilla #38607)
-- updated and renamed yast2userconfig.schema to yast.schema as it
- contains more that only user configuration now
-- syncrepl.dif: addtional fixes for syncrepl (ITS #3055, #3056)
-- test_syncrepl_timeout: increased sleep timeout in syncrepl
- testsuite</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080820800">- added "TLS_REQCERT allow" to /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, to make
- START_TLS work without access to the CA Certificate.
- (Bugzilla: #37393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080302400">- fixed filelist
-- check-build.sh (build on kernel >= 2.6.4 hosts only)
-- yast2user.schema / slapd.conf fixed (#37076)
-- don't check for TLS-options is init-script anymore (#33560)
-- fixed various typos in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1079524800">- fixed build of openldap-2.1-slapcat (using correct db41 include
- files, build backends as on sles8)
-- attempt to update bdb database and reindex ldbm database in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update
-- better default configuration (including default DB_CONFIG file)
-- misc updates for the YaST schema
-- fixed crasher in syncrepl-code (syncrepl.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1079438400">- Fix type mismatch.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1078228800">- updated to 2.2.6
-- build a openldap-2.1-slapcat from 2.1.25 sources to be able to
- migrate from SLES8 and SL 9.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1077192000">- added check-build.sh (build on 2.6 hosts only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1075982400">- updated to 2.2.5
-- adjusted rfc2307bis.schema to support UTF-8 values in most
- attributes
-- enabled proxycache-overlay (wiht fix to work with back-ldbm)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1073995200">- updated to 2.2.4
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073736000">- add %defattr
-- fix build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1070884800">- updated to 2.1.25
-- small fixes for the YaST user schema</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1068552000">- enabled SLP-support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1066392000">- Remove unused des from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1062504000">- Bugzilla #29859: fixed typo in sysconfig metadata,
- usage of OPENLDAP_LDAPS_INTERFACES in init script
-- added /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf permissions handling
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_SLAPD_PARAMS=""
- to support additional slapd start parameters
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_START_LDAPI=NO/yes
- for ldapi:/// (LDAP over IPC) URLs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060862400">- added activation metadata to sysconfig template (Bugzilla #28911)
-- removed lint from specfile</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060257600">- added %stop_on_removal and %restart_on_update calls
-- bdb_addcnt.dif fixes a possible endless loop in id2entry()
-- addonschema.tar.gz: some extra Schema files (YaST, RFC2307bis)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1058356800">- removed fillup_only and call fillup_and_insserv correctly
-- new Options in sysconfig.openldap: OPENLDAP_LDAP_INTERFACES,
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1057060800">- updated to 2.1.22
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version
-- build librewrite with -fPIC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1055764800">- updated to 2.1.21</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1055332800">- fixed requires lines</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053950400">- don't link back-ldap against librewrite.a, it's already linked
- into slapd (package should build on non-i386 Archs again)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053691200">- fixed dynamic build of back-ldap
-- new subpackage back-ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053432000">- updated to version 2.1.20
-- enabled dynamic backend modules
-- new subpackages back-perl, back-meta and back-monitor
-- remove unpacked files from BuildRoot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1052481600">- updated to version 2.1.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050494400">- fixed requires for devel-package ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050408000">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1045137600">- Enable IPv6 again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044964800">- added /etc/openldap to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044273600">- switch default backend to ldbm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1044187200">- fixed requires for devel package (cyrus-sasl2-devel)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044014400">- liblber.dif: Fixes two bugs in liblber by which remote attackers
- could crash the LDAP server (Bugzilla #22469, OpenLDAP ITS #2275
- and #2280)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1042545600">- build using sasl2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1042459200">- updated to version 2.1.12
-- added metadata to sysconfig template (Bug: #22666)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1038484800">- updated to version 2.1.8
-- added additional fix of 64bit archs
-- added secpatch.dif to fix setuid issues in libldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1031313600">- fix for Bugzilla ID #18981, chown to OPENLDAP_USER didn't work
- with multiple database backend directories</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030968000">- removed damoenstart_ipv6.diff and disabled IPv6 support due to
- massive problems with nss_ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030363200">- ldap_user.dif: slapd is now run a the user/group ldap (Bugzilla
- ID#17697)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030104000">- updated to version 2.1.4, which fixes tons of bugs
-- added damoenstart_ipv6.diff (slapd was not starting when
- configured to listen on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces, as done by the
- start script)
-- added README.SuSE with some hints about the bdb-backend
-- updated filelist to include only the man pages of the backends,
- that were built</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1029412800">- removed termcap and readline from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1028808000">- enabled {CRYPT} passwords
-- update filelist (added new manpages)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027598400">- patches for 64 bit architectures</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027080000">- update to 2.1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- fix openldap2-devel requires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025784000">- switched back from cyrus-sasl2 to cyrus-sasl</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025697600">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.1.2
-- added the OpenLDAP Administration Guide
-- enabled additional backends (ldap, meta, monitor)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="1023710400">- hack build/ltconfig to build shared libs on ppc64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1023278400">- created /etc/sysconfig/openldap and OPENLDAP_START_LDAPS variable
- to enable ldap over ssl support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1015502400">- Fix for Bugzilla ID#14569 (added cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel
- to the "Requires" Section of the -devel subpackage)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1014033600">- updated to the latest STABLE release (2.0.23) which fixes some
- nasty bugs see ITS #1562,#1582,#1577,#1578</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1013083200">- updated to the latest release (which fixes a index corruption
- bug)
-- cleanup in neededforbuild
-- small fixes for the init-scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011268800">- updated to the latest stable release (2.0.21)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- egmont@suselinux.hu" date="1011182400">- removed periods and colons from startup/shutdown messages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011096000">- updated to v2.0.20 (which fixes a security hole in ACL
- processing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010750400">- converted archive to bzip2
-- makes use of %{_libdir} now
-- set CFLAGS to -O0 for archs ia64, s390(x) and alpha otherwise
- the test suite fails on these archs
-- changed slapd.conf to store the database under /var/lib/ldap
- (this patch was missing in the last versions by accident)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010404800">- update to v2.0.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1007640000">- eliminated START_LDAP, START_SLURPD variables in rc.config
-- created separate init script for slurpd
-- moved init scripts from dif to separate source tgz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1004097600">- update to v2.0.18</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1003147200">- update to v2.0.17
- added a sleep to the restart section
- moved some manpages to the client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1001937600">- update to v2.0.15</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000296000">- backported the full bugfix from openldap-2.0.14</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000209600">- Bugfix for slurpd millionth second bug (ITS#1323)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000123200">- moved ldapfilter.conf ldaptemplates.conf ldapsearchprefs.conf
- to openldap2-client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="999518400">- update to version 2.0.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="994075200">- bugfix: init script was not LSB compliant, Bugzilla ID#9072</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="992952000">- fixed for autoconf again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="992606400">- update to 2.0.11
-- removed autoconf in specfile, because it doesn't work</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990619200">- update to version 2.0.10 (minor fixes)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to version 2.0.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="988027200">- removed kerberos support
-- added aci support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="987768000">- added kerberos support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="986472000">- moved section 5 and 8 manpages to the server part of package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="984571200">- Move *.so links into -devel package
-- -devel requires -client</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="984052800">- split up into openldap2-client and -devel</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="983275200">- changed neededforbuild <cyrus-sasl> to <cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel></changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="982929600">- added readline/readline-devel to neededforbuild (split from bash)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="978609600">- bugfix: slapd.conf rename /var/lib/openldap-ldbm to
- /var/lib/ldap
- init script: use $remote_fs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="978436800">- use script name in %post</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="976190400">- bugfix from Andreas Jaeger:
- workaround for glibc2.2, detach</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- hacked configure for apparently broken pthread</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- fixed spec</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974980800">- made configs %config(noreplace) (Bug 4112)
-- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974894400">- adopted new init scheme</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974289600">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973857600">- added buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973598400">- long package name
-- new version, 2.0.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="970833600">- first package of openldap2 (v2.0.6)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="2fe6c9ec6a1f7e52edc54154f70421ce9aeb5f96" name="openldap2" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.3.19" rel="18.3"/>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1147262400">- Really apply the patch for Bug#160566
-- slapd could crash while processing queries with pre-/postread
- controls (Bug#173877, ITS#4532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1143201600">- Backported fix from CVS for occasional crashes in referral
- chasing code (as used in e.g. back-meta/back-ldap).
- (Bug: #160566, ITS: #4448)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1142251200">- openldap2 must obsolete -back-monitor and -back-ldap to have them
- removed during update (Bug: #157576)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140177600">- Add "external" to the list of supported SASL mechanisms
- (Bug: #151771)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140091200">- Error out when conversion from old configfile to config database
- fails (Bug: #135484,#135490 ITS: #4407)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Don't ignore non-read/write epoll events (Bug: #149993,
- ITS: #4395)
-- Added update message to /usr/share/update-messages/en/ and enable
- it, when update did not succeed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139486400">- OPENLDAP_CHOWN_DIRS honors databases defined in include files
- (Bug: #135473)
-- Fixed version numbers in README.update
-- Fixed GSSAPI binds against Active Directory (Bug: #149390)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138968000">- Cleaned up update procedure
-- man-pages updates and fixes (Fate: #6365)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138363200">- Updated to 2.3.19 (Bug #144371)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138190400">- Updated Admin Guide to latest version
-- build slapcat from openldap-2.2.24 and install it to
- /usr/sbin/openldap-2.2-slapcat to be able to migrate from
- OpenLDAP 2.2.
-- removed slapd-backbdb-dbupgrade which is no longer needed
-- attempt to dump/reload bdb databases in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1137153600">- New sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_KRB5_KEYTAB
-- Cleanup in default configuration and init scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Updated to 2.3.17
-- Remove OPENLDAP_RUN_DB_RECOVER from sysconfig file in %post
- slapd does now automatically recover the database if needed
-- Removed unneeded README.SuSE
-- Small adjustments to the default DB_CONFIG file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136808000">- Updated to 2.3.16</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Fixed filelist (slapd-hdb man-page was missing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134129600">- Fixed build on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133956800">- Merged -back-ldap and -back-monitor subpackages into the main
- package and don't build them as dynamic modules anymore.
-- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133179200">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1130328000">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.11
-- removed the "LDAP_DEPRECATED" workaround</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127736000">- Add "LDAP_DEPRECATED" to ldap.h for now</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127476800">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1124193600">- allow start_tls while chasing referrals (Bug #94355, ITS #3791)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1120478400">- devel-subpackage requires openldap2-client of the same version
- (Bugzilla: #93579)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1120132800">- build with -fPIE (not -fpie) to avoid GOT overflow on s390*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1119441600">- build the server packages with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1118836800">- updated to 2.2.27</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1117022400">- libldap-gethostbyname_r.dif: Use gethostbyname_r instead of
- gethostbyname in libldap. Should fix host lookups through
- nss_ldap (Bugzilla: #76173)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1115985600">- Updated to 2.2.26
-- made /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1114689600">- Added /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf to avoid warnings about
- unconfigured OTP mechanism (Bugzilla: #80588)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1113307200">- added minimal timeout to startproc in init-script to let it
- report the "failed" status correctly in case of misconfiguration
- (Bugzilla: #76393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112616000">- crl-check.dif: Implements CRL checking on client and server side
-- use different base ports for differnt values of BUILD_INCARNATION
- (/.buildenv) to allow parallel runs of the test-suite on a single
- machine</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112616000">- force yielding-select test to yes (test occasionally hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112356800">- disable test suite on ARM (hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112097600">- updated to 2.2.24
-- enabled back-hdb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1109764800">- syncrepl.dif: merged latest syncrepl fixes (Bugzilla: #65928)
-- libldap-reinit-fdset.dif: Re-init fd_sets when select is
- interupted (Bugzilla #50076, ITS: #3524)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1108641600">- checkproc_before_recover.dif: Check if slapd is stopped before
- running db_recover from the init script. (Bugzilla: #50962)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1107259200">- Cleanup back-bdb databases in %post, db-4.3 changed the
- transaction log format again.
-- cosmetic fixes in init script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1106654400">- updated to 2.2.23
-- cleaned up #neededforbuild
-- package should also build on older SuSE Linux releases now
-- increased killproc timeout in init-script (Bugzilla: #47227)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1105617600">- updated to 2.2.20
-- Removed unneeded dependencies</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1102680000">- don't install *.la files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1100088000">- updated to 2.2.18
-- use kerberos-devel-packages in neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1096027200">- re-arranged specfile to sequence (header (package/descr)* rest)
- so the checking parser is not confused ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1096027200">- Added pre_checkin.sh to generate a separate openldap2-client
- spec-file from which the openldap2-client and openldap2-devel
- subpackages are built. Should reduce build time for libldap as
- the test-suite is only executed in openldap2.spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1094817600">- libldap-result.dif: ldapsearch was hanging in select() when
- retrieving results from eDirectory through a StartTLS protected
- connection (Bugzilla #44942)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dobey@suse.de" date="1092052800">- added ntlm support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1091534400">- updated to 2.2.16
-- Updated ACLs in slapd_conf.dif to disable default read access
- to the "userPKCS12" Attribute
-- rc-check-conn.diff: When starting slapd wait until is accepts
- connections, or 10 seconds at maximum (Bugzilla #41354)
-- Backported -o slp={on|off} feature from OpenLDAP Head and added
- new sysconfig variable (OPENLDAP_REGISTER_SLP) to be able
- to switch SLP registration on and off. (Bugzilla #39865)
-- removed unneeded README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1083326400">- updated to 2.2.11
-- remove SLES8 update specific stuff
-- Bugzilla #39652: Updated slapd_conf.dif to contain basic access
- control
-- Bugzilla #39468: Added missing items to yast.schema
-- fixed strict-aliasing compiler warnings (strict-aliasing.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- coolo@suse.de" date="1083240000">- build with several jobs if available</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1082376000">- ldapi_url.dif: Fixed paths for LDAPI-socket, pid-file and
- args-file (Bugzilla #38790)
-- ldbm_modrdn.dif: Fixed back-ldbm modrdn indexing bug (ITS #3059,
- Bugzilla #38915)
-- modify_check_duplicates.dif: check for duplicate attribute
- values in modify requests (ITS #3066/#3097, Bugzilla #38607)
-- updated and renamed yast2userconfig.schema to yast.schema as it
- contains more that only user configuration now
-- syncrepl.dif: addtional fixes for syncrepl (ITS #3055, #3056)
-- test_syncrepl_timeout: increased sleep timeout in syncrepl
- testsuite</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080820800">- added "TLS_REQCERT allow" to /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, to make
- START_TLS work without access to the CA Certificate.
- (Bugzilla: #37393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080302400">- fixed filelist
-- check-build.sh (build on kernel >= 2.6.4 hosts only)
-- yast2user.schema / slapd.conf fixed (#37076)
-- don't check for TLS-options is init-script anymore (#33560)
-- fixed various typos in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1079524800">- fixed build of openldap-2.1-slapcat (using correct db41 include
- files, build backends as on sles8)
-- attempt to update bdb database and reindex ldbm database in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update
-- better default configuration (including default DB_CONFIG file)
-- misc updates for the YaST schema
-- fixed crasher in syncrepl-code (syncrepl.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1079438400">- Fix type mismatch.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1078228800">- updated to 2.2.6
-- build a openldap-2.1-slapcat from 2.1.25 sources to be able to
- migrate from SLES8 and SL 9.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1077192000">- added check-build.sh (build on 2.6 hosts only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1075982400">- updated to 2.2.5
-- adjusted rfc2307bis.schema to support UTF-8 values in most
- attributes
-- enabled proxycache-overlay (wiht fix to work with back-ldbm)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1073995200">- updated to 2.2.4
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073736000">- add %defattr
-- fix build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1070884800">- updated to 2.1.25
-- small fixes for the YaST user schema</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1068552000">- enabled SLP-support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1066392000">- Remove unused des from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1062504000">- Bugzilla #29859: fixed typo in sysconfig metadata,
- usage of OPENLDAP_LDAPS_INTERFACES in init script
-- added /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf permissions handling
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_SLAPD_PARAMS=""
- to support additional slapd start parameters
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_START_LDAPI=NO/yes
- for ldapi:/// (LDAP over IPC) URLs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060862400">- added activation metadata to sysconfig template (Bugzilla #28911)
-- removed lint from specfile</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060257600">- added %stop_on_removal and %restart_on_update calls
-- bdb_addcnt.dif fixes a possible endless loop in id2entry()
-- addonschema.tar.gz: some extra Schema files (YaST, RFC2307bis)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1058356800">- removed fillup_only and call fillup_and_insserv correctly
-- new Options in sysconfig.openldap: OPENLDAP_LDAP_INTERFACES,
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1057060800">- updated to 2.1.22
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version
-- build librewrite with -fPIC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1055764800">- updated to 2.1.21</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1055332800">- fixed requires lines</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053950400">- don't link back-ldap against librewrite.a, it's already linked
- into slapd (package should build on non-i386 Archs again)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053691200">- fixed dynamic build of back-ldap
-- new subpackage back-ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053432000">- updated to version 2.1.20
-- enabled dynamic backend modules
-- new subpackages back-perl, back-meta and back-monitor
-- remove unpacked files from BuildRoot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1052481600">- updated to version 2.1.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050494400">- fixed requires for devel-package ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050408000">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1045137600">- Enable IPv6 again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044964800">- added /etc/openldap to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044273600">- switch default backend to ldbm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1044187200">- fixed requires for devel package (cyrus-sasl2-devel)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044014400">- liblber.dif: Fixes two bugs in liblber by which remote attackers
- could crash the LDAP server (Bugzilla #22469, OpenLDAP ITS #2275
- and #2280)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1042545600">- build using sasl2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1042459200">- updated to version 2.1.12
-- added metadata to sysconfig template (Bug: #22666)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1038484800">- updated to version 2.1.8
-- added additional fix of 64bit archs
-- added secpatch.dif to fix setuid issues in libldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1031313600">- fix for Bugzilla ID #18981, chown to OPENLDAP_USER didn't work
- with multiple database backend directories</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030968000">- removed damoenstart_ipv6.diff and disabled IPv6 support due to
- massive problems with nss_ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030363200">- ldap_user.dif: slapd is now run a the user/group ldap (Bugzilla
- ID#17697)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030104000">- updated to version 2.1.4, which fixes tons of bugs
-- added damoenstart_ipv6.diff (slapd was not starting when
- configured to listen on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces, as done by the
- start script)
-- added README.SuSE with some hints about the bdb-backend
-- updated filelist to include only the man pages of the backends,
- that were built</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1029412800">- removed termcap and readline from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1028808000">- enabled {CRYPT} passwords
-- update filelist (added new manpages)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027598400">- patches for 64 bit architectures</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027080000">- update to 2.1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- fix openldap2-devel requires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025784000">- switched back from cyrus-sasl2 to cyrus-sasl</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025697600">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.1.2
-- added the OpenLDAP Administration Guide
-- enabled additional backends (ldap, meta, monitor)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="1023710400">- hack build/ltconfig to build shared libs on ppc64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1023278400">- created /etc/sysconfig/openldap and OPENLDAP_START_LDAPS variable
- to enable ldap over ssl support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1015502400">- Fix for Bugzilla ID#14569 (added cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel
- to the "Requires" Section of the -devel subpackage)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1014033600">- updated to the latest STABLE release (2.0.23) which fixes some
- nasty bugs see ITS #1562,#1582,#1577,#1578</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1013083200">- updated to the latest release (which fixes a index corruption
- bug)
-- cleanup in neededforbuild
-- small fixes for the init-scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011268800">- updated to the latest stable release (2.0.21)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- egmont@suselinux.hu" date="1011182400">- removed periods and colons from startup/shutdown messages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011096000">- updated to v2.0.20 (which fixes a security hole in ACL
- processing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010750400">- converted archive to bzip2
-- makes use of %{_libdir} now
-- set CFLAGS to -O0 for archs ia64, s390(x) and alpha otherwise
- the test suite fails on these archs
-- changed slapd.conf to store the database under /var/lib/ldap
- (this patch was missing in the last versions by accident)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010404800">- update to v2.0.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1007640000">- eliminated START_LDAP, START_SLURPD variables in rc.config
-- created separate init script for slurpd
-- moved init scripts from dif to separate source tgz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1004097600">- update to v2.0.18</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1003147200">- update to v2.0.17
- added a sleep to the restart section
- moved some manpages to the client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1001937600">- update to v2.0.15</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000296000">- backported the full bugfix from openldap-2.0.14</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000209600">- Bugfix for slurpd millionth second bug (ITS#1323)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000123200">- moved ldapfilter.conf ldaptemplates.conf ldapsearchprefs.conf
- to openldap2-client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="999518400">- update to version 2.0.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="994075200">- bugfix: init script was not LSB compliant, Bugzilla ID#9072</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="992952000">- fixed for autoconf again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="992606400">- update to 2.0.11
-- removed autoconf in specfile, because it doesn't work</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990619200">- update to version 2.0.10 (minor fixes)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to version 2.0.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="988027200">- removed kerberos support
-- added aci support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="987768000">- added kerberos support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="986472000">- moved section 5 and 8 manpages to the server part of package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="984571200">- Move *.so links into -devel package
-- -devel requires -client</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="984052800">- split up into openldap2-client and -devel</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="983275200">- changed neededforbuild <cyrus-sasl> to <cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel></changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="982929600">- added readline/readline-devel to neededforbuild (split from bash)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="978609600">- bugfix: slapd.conf rename /var/lib/openldap-ldbm to
- /var/lib/ldap
- init script: use $remote_fs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="978436800">- use script name in %post</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="976190400">- bugfix from Andreas Jaeger:
- workaround for glibc2.2, detach</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- hacked configure for apparently broken pthread</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- fixed spec</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974980800">- made configs %config(noreplace) (Bug 4112)
-- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974894400">- adopted new init scheme</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974289600">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973857600">- added buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973598400">- long package name
-- new version, 2.0.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="970833600">- first package of openldap2 (v2.0.6)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="2727339181872edbaf13c007c607bc11a14d292c" name="openldap2" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.3.19" rel="18.3"/>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1147262400">- Really apply the patch for Bug#160566
-- slapd could crash while processing queries with pre-/postread
- controls (Bug#173877, ITS#4532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1143201600">- Backported fix from CVS for occasional crashes in referral
- chasing code (as used in e.g. back-meta/back-ldap).
- (Bug: #160566, ITS: #4448)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1142251200">- openldap2 must obsolete -back-monitor and -back-ldap to have them
- removed during update (Bug: #157576)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140177600">- Add "external" to the list of supported SASL mechanisms
- (Bug: #151771)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140091200">- Error out when conversion from old configfile to config database
- fails (Bug: #135484,#135490 ITS: #4407)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Don't ignore non-read/write epoll events (Bug: #149993,
- ITS: #4395)
-- Added update message to /usr/share/update-messages/en/ and enable
- it, when update did not succeed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139486400">- OPENLDAP_CHOWN_DIRS honors databases defined in include files
- (Bug: #135473)
-- Fixed version numbers in README.update
-- Fixed GSSAPI binds against Active Directory (Bug: #149390)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138968000">- Cleaned up update procedure
-- man-pages updates and fixes (Fate: #6365)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138363200">- Updated to 2.3.19 (Bug #144371)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138190400">- Updated Admin Guide to latest version
-- build slapcat from openldap-2.2.24 and install it to
- /usr/sbin/openldap-2.2-slapcat to be able to migrate from
- OpenLDAP 2.2.
-- removed slapd-backbdb-dbupgrade which is no longer needed
-- attempt to dump/reload bdb databases in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1137153600">- New sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_KRB5_KEYTAB
-- Cleanup in default configuration and init scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Updated to 2.3.17
-- Remove OPENLDAP_RUN_DB_RECOVER from sysconfig file in %post
- slapd does now automatically recover the database if needed
-- Removed unneeded README.SuSE
-- Small adjustments to the default DB_CONFIG file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136808000">- Updated to 2.3.16</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Fixed filelist (slapd-hdb man-page was missing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134129600">- Fixed build on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133956800">- Merged -back-ldap and -back-monitor subpackages into the main
- package and don't build them as dynamic modules anymore.
-- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133179200">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1130328000">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.11
-- removed the "LDAP_DEPRECATED" workaround</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127736000">- Add "LDAP_DEPRECATED" to ldap.h for now</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127476800">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1124193600">- allow start_tls while chasing referrals (Bug #94355, ITS #3791)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1120478400">- devel-subpackage requires openldap2-client of the same version
- (Bugzilla: #93579)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1120132800">- build with -fPIE (not -fpie) to avoid GOT overflow on s390*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1119441600">- build the server packages with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1118836800">- updated to 2.2.27</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1117022400">- libldap-gethostbyname_r.dif: Use gethostbyname_r instead of
- gethostbyname in libldap. Should fix host lookups through
- nss_ldap (Bugzilla: #76173)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1115985600">- Updated to 2.2.26
-- made /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1114689600">- Added /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf to avoid warnings about
- unconfigured OTP mechanism (Bugzilla: #80588)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1113307200">- added minimal timeout to startproc in init-script to let it
- report the "failed" status correctly in case of misconfiguration
- (Bugzilla: #76393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112616000">- crl-check.dif: Implements CRL checking on client and server side
-- use different base ports for differnt values of BUILD_INCARNATION
- (/.buildenv) to allow parallel runs of the test-suite on a single
- machine</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112616000">- force yielding-select test to yes (test occasionally hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112356800">- disable test suite on ARM (hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112097600">- updated to 2.2.24
-- enabled back-hdb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1109764800">- syncrepl.dif: merged latest syncrepl fixes (Bugzilla: #65928)
-- libldap-reinit-fdset.dif: Re-init fd_sets when select is
- interupted (Bugzilla #50076, ITS: #3524)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1108641600">- checkproc_before_recover.dif: Check if slapd is stopped before
- running db_recover from the init script. (Bugzilla: #50962)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1107259200">- Cleanup back-bdb databases in %post, db-4.3 changed the
- transaction log format again.
-- cosmetic fixes in init script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1106654400">- updated to 2.2.23
-- cleaned up #neededforbuild
-- package should also build on older SuSE Linux releases now
-- increased killproc timeout in init-script (Bugzilla: #47227)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1105617600">- updated to 2.2.20
-- Removed unneeded dependencies</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1102680000">- don't install *.la files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1100088000">- updated to 2.2.18
-- use kerberos-devel-packages in neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1096027200">- re-arranged specfile to sequence (header (package/descr)* rest)
- so the checking parser is not confused ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1096027200">- Added pre_checkin.sh to generate a separate openldap2-client
- spec-file from which the openldap2-client and openldap2-devel
- subpackages are built. Should reduce build time for libldap as
- the test-suite is only executed in openldap2.spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1094817600">- libldap-result.dif: ldapsearch was hanging in select() when
- retrieving results from eDirectory through a StartTLS protected
- connection (Bugzilla #44942)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dobey@suse.de" date="1092052800">- added ntlm support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1091534400">- updated to 2.2.16
-- Updated ACLs in slapd_conf.dif to disable default read access
- to the "userPKCS12" Attribute
-- rc-check-conn.diff: When starting slapd wait until is accepts
- connections, or 10 seconds at maximum (Bugzilla #41354)
-- Backported -o slp={on|off} feature from OpenLDAP Head and added
- new sysconfig variable (OPENLDAP_REGISTER_SLP) to be able
- to switch SLP registration on and off. (Bugzilla #39865)
-- removed unneeded README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1083326400">- updated to 2.2.11
-- remove SLES8 update specific stuff
-- Bugzilla #39652: Updated slapd_conf.dif to contain basic access
- control
-- Bugzilla #39468: Added missing items to yast.schema
-- fixed strict-aliasing compiler warnings (strict-aliasing.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- coolo@suse.de" date="1083240000">- build with several jobs if available</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1082376000">- ldapi_url.dif: Fixed paths for LDAPI-socket, pid-file and
- args-file (Bugzilla #38790)
-- ldbm_modrdn.dif: Fixed back-ldbm modrdn indexing bug (ITS #3059,
- Bugzilla #38915)
-- modify_check_duplicates.dif: check for duplicate attribute
- values in modify requests (ITS #3066/#3097, Bugzilla #38607)
-- updated and renamed yast2userconfig.schema to yast.schema as it
- contains more that only user configuration now
-- syncrepl.dif: addtional fixes for syncrepl (ITS #3055, #3056)
-- test_syncrepl_timeout: increased sleep timeout in syncrepl
- testsuite</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080820800">- added "TLS_REQCERT allow" to /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, to make
- START_TLS work without access to the CA Certificate.
- (Bugzilla: #37393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080302400">- fixed filelist
-- check-build.sh (build on kernel >= 2.6.4 hosts only)
-- yast2user.schema / slapd.conf fixed (#37076)
-- don't check for TLS-options is init-script anymore (#33560)
-- fixed various typos in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1079524800">- fixed build of openldap-2.1-slapcat (using correct db41 include
- files, build backends as on sles8)
-- attempt to update bdb database and reindex ldbm database in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update
-- better default configuration (including default DB_CONFIG file)
-- misc updates for the YaST schema
-- fixed crasher in syncrepl-code (syncrepl.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1079438400">- Fix type mismatch.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1078228800">- updated to 2.2.6
-- build a openldap-2.1-slapcat from 2.1.25 sources to be able to
- migrate from SLES8 and SL 9.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1077192000">- added check-build.sh (build on 2.6 hosts only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1075982400">- updated to 2.2.5
-- adjusted rfc2307bis.schema to support UTF-8 values in most
- attributes
-- enabled proxycache-overlay (wiht fix to work with back-ldbm)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1073995200">- updated to 2.2.4
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073736000">- add %defattr
-- fix build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1070884800">- updated to 2.1.25
-- small fixes for the YaST user schema</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1068552000">- enabled SLP-support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1066392000">- Remove unused des from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1062504000">- Bugzilla #29859: fixed typo in sysconfig metadata,
- usage of OPENLDAP_LDAPS_INTERFACES in init script
-- added /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf permissions handling
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_SLAPD_PARAMS=""
- to support additional slapd start parameters
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_START_LDAPI=NO/yes
- for ldapi:/// (LDAP over IPC) URLs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060862400">- added activation metadata to sysconfig template (Bugzilla #28911)
-- removed lint from specfile</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060257600">- added %stop_on_removal and %restart_on_update calls
-- bdb_addcnt.dif fixes a possible endless loop in id2entry()
-- addonschema.tar.gz: some extra Schema files (YaST, RFC2307bis)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1058356800">- removed fillup_only and call fillup_and_insserv correctly
-- new Options in sysconfig.openldap: OPENLDAP_LDAP_INTERFACES,
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1057060800">- updated to 2.1.22
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version
-- build librewrite with -fPIC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1055764800">- updated to 2.1.21</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1055332800">- fixed requires lines</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053950400">- don't link back-ldap against librewrite.a, it's already linked
- into slapd (package should build on non-i386 Archs again)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053691200">- fixed dynamic build of back-ldap
-- new subpackage back-ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053432000">- updated to version 2.1.20
-- enabled dynamic backend modules
-- new subpackages back-perl, back-meta and back-monitor
-- remove unpacked files from BuildRoot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1052481600">- updated to version 2.1.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050494400">- fixed requires for devel-package ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050408000">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1045137600">- Enable IPv6 again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044964800">- added /etc/openldap to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044273600">- switch default backend to ldbm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1044187200">- fixed requires for devel package (cyrus-sasl2-devel)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044014400">- liblber.dif: Fixes two bugs in liblber by which remote attackers
- could crash the LDAP server (Bugzilla #22469, OpenLDAP ITS #2275
- and #2280)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1042545600">- build using sasl2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1042459200">- updated to version 2.1.12
-- added metadata to sysconfig template (Bug: #22666)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1038484800">- updated to version 2.1.8
-- added additional fix of 64bit archs
-- added secpatch.dif to fix setuid issues in libldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1031313600">- fix for Bugzilla ID #18981, chown to OPENLDAP_USER didn't work
- with multiple database backend directories</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030968000">- removed damoenstart_ipv6.diff and disabled IPv6 support due to
- massive problems with nss_ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030363200">- ldap_user.dif: slapd is now run a the user/group ldap (Bugzilla
- ID#17697)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030104000">- updated to version 2.1.4, which fixes tons of bugs
-- added damoenstart_ipv6.diff (slapd was not starting when
- configured to listen on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces, as done by the
- start script)
-- added README.SuSE with some hints about the bdb-backend
-- updated filelist to include only the man pages of the backends,
- that were built</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1029412800">- removed termcap and readline from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1028808000">- enabled {CRYPT} passwords
-- update filelist (added new manpages)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027598400">- patches for 64 bit architectures</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027080000">- update to 2.1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- fix openldap2-devel requires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025784000">- switched back from cyrus-sasl2 to cyrus-sasl</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025697600">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.1.2
-- added the OpenLDAP Administration Guide
-- enabled additional backends (ldap, meta, monitor)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="1023710400">- hack build/ltconfig to build shared libs on ppc64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1023278400">- created /etc/sysconfig/openldap and OPENLDAP_START_LDAPS variable
- to enable ldap over ssl support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1015502400">- Fix for Bugzilla ID#14569 (added cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel
- to the "Requires" Section of the -devel subpackage)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1014033600">- updated to the latest STABLE release (2.0.23) which fixes some
- nasty bugs see ITS #1562,#1582,#1577,#1578</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1013083200">- updated to the latest release (which fixes a index corruption
- bug)
-- cleanup in neededforbuild
-- small fixes for the init-scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011268800">- updated to the latest stable release (2.0.21)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- egmont@suselinux.hu" date="1011182400">- removed periods and colons from startup/shutdown messages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011096000">- updated to v2.0.20 (which fixes a security hole in ACL
- processing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010750400">- converted archive to bzip2
-- makes use of %{_libdir} now
-- set CFLAGS to -O0 for archs ia64, s390(x) and alpha otherwise
- the test suite fails on these archs
-- changed slapd.conf to store the database under /var/lib/ldap
- (this patch was missing in the last versions by accident)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010404800">- update to v2.0.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1007640000">- eliminated START_LDAP, START_SLURPD variables in rc.config
-- created separate init script for slurpd
-- moved init scripts from dif to separate source tgz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1004097600">- update to v2.0.18</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1003147200">- update to v2.0.17
- added a sleep to the restart section
- moved some manpages to the client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1001937600">- update to v2.0.15</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000296000">- backported the full bugfix from openldap-2.0.14</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000209600">- Bugfix for slurpd millionth second bug (ITS#1323)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000123200">- moved ldapfilter.conf ldaptemplates.conf ldapsearchprefs.conf
- to openldap2-client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="999518400">- update to version 2.0.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="994075200">- bugfix: init script was not LSB compliant, Bugzilla ID#9072</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="992952000">- fixed for autoconf again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="992606400">- update to 2.0.11
-- removed autoconf in specfile, because it doesn't work</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990619200">- update to version 2.0.10 (minor fixes)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to version 2.0.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="988027200">- removed kerberos support
-- added aci support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="987768000">- added kerberos support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="986472000">- moved section 5 and 8 manpages to the server part of package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="984571200">- Move *.so links into -devel package
-- -devel requires -client</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="984052800">- split up into openldap2-client and -devel</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="983275200">- changed neededforbuild <cyrus-sasl> to <cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel></changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="982929600">- added readline/readline-devel to neededforbuild (split from bash)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="978609600">- bugfix: slapd.conf rename /var/lib/openldap-ldbm to
- /var/lib/ldap
- init script: use $remote_fs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="978436800">- use script name in %post</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="976190400">- bugfix from Andreas Jaeger:
- workaround for glibc2.2, detach</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- hacked configure for apparently broken pthread</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- fixed spec</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974980800">- made configs %config(noreplace) (Bug 4112)
-- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974894400">- adopted new init scheme</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974289600">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973857600">- added buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973598400">- long package name
-- new version, 2.0.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="970833600">- first package of openldap2 (v2.0.6)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="3bb100100080c39f059b055ff2f8e96135f5e721" name="openldap2" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.3.19" rel="18.3"/>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1147262400">- Really apply the patch for Bug#160566
-- slapd could crash while processing queries with pre-/postread
- controls (Bug#173877, ITS#4532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1143201600">- Backported fix from CVS for occasional crashes in referral
- chasing code (as used in e.g. back-meta/back-ldap).
- (Bug: #160566, ITS: #4448)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1142251200">- openldap2 must obsolete -back-monitor and -back-ldap to have them
- removed during update (Bug: #157576)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140177600">- Add "external" to the list of supported SASL mechanisms
- (Bug: #151771)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1140091200">- Error out when conversion from old configfile to config database
- fails (Bug: #135484,#135490 ITS: #4407)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Don't ignore non-read/write epoll events (Bug: #149993,
- ITS: #4395)
-- Added update message to /usr/share/update-messages/en/ and enable
- it, when update did not succeed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1139486400">- OPENLDAP_CHOWN_DIRS honors databases defined in include files
- (Bug: #135473)
-- Fixed version numbers in README.update
-- Fixed GSSAPI binds against Active Directory (Bug: #149390)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138968000">- Cleaned up update procedure
-- man-pages updates and fixes (Fate: #6365)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138363200">- Updated to 2.3.19 (Bug #144371)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1138190400">- Updated Admin Guide to latest version
-- build slapcat from openldap-2.2.24 and install it to
- /usr/sbin/openldap-2.2-slapcat to be able to migrate from
- OpenLDAP 2.2.
-- removed slapd-backbdb-dbupgrade which is no longer needed
-- attempt to dump/reload bdb databases in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1137153600">- New sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_KRB5_KEYTAB
-- Cleanup in default configuration and init scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136980800">- Updated to 2.3.17
-- Remove OPENLDAP_RUN_DB_RECOVER from sysconfig file in %post
- slapd does now automatically recover the database if needed
-- Removed unneeded README.SuSE
-- Small adjustments to the default DB_CONFIG file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1136808000">- Updated to 2.3.16</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Fixed filelist (slapd-hdb man-page was missing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1134129600">- Fixed build on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133956800">- Merged -back-ldap and -back-monitor subpackages into the main
- package and don't build them as dynamic modules anymore.
-- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1133179200">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1130328000">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.11
-- removed the "LDAP_DEPRECATED" workaround</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127736000">- Add "LDAP_DEPRECATED" to ldap.h for now</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1127476800">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.3.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1124193600">- allow start_tls while chasing referrals (Bug #94355, ITS #3791)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1120478400">- devel-subpackage requires openldap2-client of the same version
- (Bugzilla: #93579)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1120132800">- build with -fPIE (not -fpie) to avoid GOT overflow on s390*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1119441600">- build the server packages with -fpie/-pie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1118836800">- updated to 2.2.27</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1117022400">- libldap-gethostbyname_r.dif: Use gethostbyname_r instead of
- gethostbyname in libldap. Should fix host lookups through
- nss_ldap (Bugzilla: #76173)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1115985600">- Updated to 2.2.26
-- made /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1114689600">- Added /%{_libdir}]/sasl2/slapd.conf to avoid warnings about
- unconfigured OTP mechanism (Bugzilla: #80588)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1113307200">- added minimal timeout to startproc in init-script to let it
- report the "failed" status correctly in case of misconfiguration
- (Bugzilla: #76393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112616000">- crl-check.dif: Implements CRL checking on client and server side
-- use different base ports for differnt values of BUILD_INCARNATION
- (/.buildenv) to allow parallel runs of the test-suite on a single
- machine</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112616000">- force yielding-select test to yes (test occasionally hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1112356800">- disable test suite on ARM (hangs QEMU)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1112097600">- updated to 2.2.24
-- enabled back-hdb</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1109764800">- syncrepl.dif: merged latest syncrepl fixes (Bugzilla: #65928)
-- libldap-reinit-fdset.dif: Re-init fd_sets when select is
- interupted (Bugzilla #50076, ITS: #3524)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1108641600">- checkproc_before_recover.dif: Check if slapd is stopped before
- running db_recover from the init script. (Bugzilla: #50962)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1107259200">- Cleanup back-bdb databases in %post, db-4.3 changed the
- transaction log format again.
-- cosmetic fixes in init script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1106654400">- updated to 2.2.23
-- cleaned up #neededforbuild
-- package should also build on older SuSE Linux releases now
-- increased killproc timeout in init-script (Bugzilla: #47227)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1105617600">- updated to 2.2.20
-- Removed unneeded dependencies</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1102680000">- don't install *.la files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1100088000">- updated to 2.2.18
-- use kerberos-devel-packages in neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1096027200">- re-arranged specfile to sequence (header (package/descr)* rest)
- so the checking parser is not confused ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1096027200">- Added pre_checkin.sh to generate a separate openldap2-client
- spec-file from which the openldap2-client and openldap2-devel
- subpackages are built. Should reduce build time for libldap as
- the test-suite is only executed in openldap2.spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1094817600">- libldap-result.dif: ldapsearch was hanging in select() when
- retrieving results from eDirectory through a StartTLS protected
- connection (Bugzilla #44942)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dobey@suse.de" date="1092052800">- added ntlm support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1091534400">- updated to 2.2.16
-- Updated ACLs in slapd_conf.dif to disable default read access
- to the "userPKCS12" Attribute
-- rc-check-conn.diff: When starting slapd wait until is accepts
- connections, or 10 seconds at maximum (Bugzilla #41354)
-- Backported -o slp={on|off} feature from OpenLDAP Head and added
- new sysconfig variable (OPENLDAP_REGISTER_SLP) to be able
- to switch SLP registration on and off. (Bugzilla #39865)
-- removed unneeded README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1083326400">- updated to 2.2.11
-- remove SLES8 update specific stuff
-- Bugzilla #39652: Updated slapd_conf.dif to contain basic access
- control
-- Bugzilla #39468: Added missing items to yast.schema
-- fixed strict-aliasing compiler warnings (strict-aliasing.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- coolo@suse.de" date="1083240000">- build with several jobs if available</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1082376000">- ldapi_url.dif: Fixed paths for LDAPI-socket, pid-file and
- args-file (Bugzilla #38790)
-- ldbm_modrdn.dif: Fixed back-ldbm modrdn indexing bug (ITS #3059,
- Bugzilla #38915)
-- modify_check_duplicates.dif: check for duplicate attribute
- values in modify requests (ITS #3066/#3097, Bugzilla #38607)
-- updated and renamed yast2userconfig.schema to yast.schema as it
- contains more that only user configuration now
-- syncrepl.dif: addtional fixes for syncrepl (ITS #3055, #3056)
-- test_syncrepl_timeout: increased sleep timeout in syncrepl
- testsuite</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080820800">- added "TLS_REQCERT allow" to /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, to make
- START_TLS work without access to the CA Certificate.
- (Bugzilla: #37393)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1080302400">- fixed filelist
-- check-build.sh (build on kernel >= 2.6.4 hosts only)
-- yast2user.schema / slapd.conf fixed (#37076)
-- don't check for TLS-options is init-script anymore (#33560)
-- fixed various typos in README.update</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1079524800">- fixed build of openldap-2.1-slapcat (using correct db41 include
- files, build backends as on sles8)
-- attempt to update bdb database and reindex ldbm database in %{post}
-- Update notes in README.update
-- better default configuration (including default DB_CONFIG file)
-- misc updates for the YaST schema
-- fixed crasher in syncrepl-code (syncrepl.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1079438400">- Fix type mismatch.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1078228800">- updated to 2.2.6
-- build a openldap-2.1-slapcat from 2.1.25 sources to be able to
- migrate from SLES8 and SL 9.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1077192000">- added check-build.sh (build on 2.6 hosts only)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1075982400">- updated to 2.2.5
-- adjusted rfc2307bis.schema to support UTF-8 values in most
- attributes
-- enabled proxycache-overlay (wiht fix to work with back-ldbm)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1073995200">- updated to 2.2.4
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073736000">- add %defattr
-- fix build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1070884800">- updated to 2.1.25
-- small fixes for the YaST user schema</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1068552000">- enabled SLP-support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1066392000">- Remove unused des from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1062504000">- Bugzilla #29859: fixed typo in sysconfig metadata,
- usage of OPENLDAP_LDAPS_INTERFACES in init script
-- added /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf permissions handling
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_SLAPD_PARAMS=""
- to support additional slapd start parameters
-- added sysconfig variable OPENLDAP_START_LDAPI=NO/yes
- for ldapi:/// (LDAP over IPC) URLs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060862400">- added activation metadata to sysconfig template (Bugzilla #28911)
-- removed lint from specfile</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1060257600">- added %stop_on_removal and %restart_on_update calls
-- bdb_addcnt.dif fixes a possible endless loop in id2entry()
-- addonschema.tar.gz: some extra Schema files (YaST, RFC2307bis)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1058356800">- removed fillup_only and call fillup_and_insserv correctly
-- new Options in sysconfig.openldap: OPENLDAP_LDAP_INTERFACES,
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1057060800">- updated to 2.1.22
-- updated Admin Guide to most recent version
-- build librewrite with -fPIC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1055764800">- updated to 2.1.21</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1055332800">- fixed requires lines</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053950400">- don't link back-ldap against librewrite.a, it's already linked
- into slapd (package should build on non-i386 Archs again)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053691200">- fixed dynamic build of back-ldap
-- new subpackage back-ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1053432000">- updated to version 2.1.20
-- enabled dynamic backend modules
-- new subpackages back-perl, back-meta and back-monitor
-- remove unpacked files from BuildRoot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1052481600">- updated to version 2.1.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050494400">- fixed requires for devel-package ...</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1050408000">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1045137600">- Enable IPv6 again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044964800">- added /etc/openldap to filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044273600">- switch default backend to ldbm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1044187200">- fixed requires for devel package (cyrus-sasl2-devel)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1044014400">- liblber.dif: Fixes two bugs in liblber by which remote attackers
- could crash the LDAP server (Bugzilla #22469, OpenLDAP ITS #2275
- and #2280)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1042545600">- build using sasl2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1042459200">- updated to version 2.1.12
-- added metadata to sysconfig template (Bug: #22666)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1038484800">- updated to version 2.1.8
-- added additional fix of 64bit archs
-- added secpatch.dif to fix setuid issues in libldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1031313600">- fix for Bugzilla ID #18981, chown to OPENLDAP_USER didn't work
- with multiple database backend directories</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030968000">- removed damoenstart_ipv6.diff and disabled IPv6 support due to
- massive problems with nss_ldap</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030363200">- ldap_user.dif: slapd is now run a the user/group ldap (Bugzilla
- ID#17697)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1030104000">- updated to version 2.1.4, which fixes tons of bugs
-- added damoenstart_ipv6.diff (slapd was not starting when
- configured to listen on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces, as done by the
- start script)
-- added README.SuSE with some hints about the bdb-backend
-- updated filelist to include only the man pages of the backends,
- that were built</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1029412800">- removed termcap and readline from neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1028808000">- enabled {CRYPT} passwords
-- update filelist (added new manpages)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027598400">- patches for 64 bit architectures</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1027080000">- update to 2.1.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1025870400">- fix openldap2-devel requires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025784000">- switched back from cyrus-sasl2 to cyrus-sasl</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1025697600">- updated to OpenLDAP 2.1.2
-- added the OpenLDAP Administration Guide
-- enabled additional backends (ldap, meta, monitor)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="1023710400">- hack build/ltconfig to build shared libs on ppc64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1023278400">- created /etc/sysconfig/openldap and OPENLDAP_START_LDAPS variable
- to enable ldap over ssl support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1015502400">- Fix for Bugzilla ID#14569 (added cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel
- to the "Requires" Section of the -devel subpackage)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1014033600">- updated to the latest STABLE release (2.0.23) which fixes some
- nasty bugs see ITS #1562,#1582,#1577,#1578</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1013083200">- updated to the latest release (which fixes a index corruption
- bug)
-- cleanup in neededforbuild
-- small fixes for the init-scripts</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011268800">- updated to the latest stable release (2.0.21)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- egmont@suselinux.hu" date="1011182400">- removed periods and colons from startup/shutdown messages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1011096000">- updated to v2.0.20 (which fixes a security hole in ACL
- processing)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010750400">- converted archive to bzip2
-- makes use of %{_libdir} now
-- set CFLAGS to -O0 for archs ia64, s390(x) and alpha otherwise
- the test suite fails on these archs
-- changed slapd.conf to store the database under /var/lib/ldap
- (this patch was missing in the last versions by accident)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1010404800">- update to v2.0.19</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rhafer@suse.de" date="1007640000">- eliminated START_LDAP, START_SLURPD variables in rc.config
-- created separate init script for slurpd
-- moved init scripts from dif to separate source tgz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1004097600">- update to v2.0.18</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1003147200">- update to v2.0.17
- added a sleep to the restart section
- moved some manpages to the client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1001937600">- update to v2.0.15</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000296000">- backported the full bugfix from openldap-2.0.14</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000209600">- Bugfix for slurpd millionth second bug (ITS#1323)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="1000123200">- moved ldapfilter.conf ldaptemplates.conf ldapsearchprefs.conf
- to openldap2-client package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="999518400">- update to version 2.0.12</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="994075200">- bugfix: init script was not LSB compliant, Bugzilla ID#9072</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="992952000">- fixed for autoconf again</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="992606400">- update to 2.0.11
-- removed autoconf in specfile, because it doesn't work</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990619200">- update to version 2.0.10 (minor fixes)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to version 2.0.9</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="988027200">- removed kerberos support
-- added aci support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="987768000">- added kerberos support</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="986472000">- moved section 5 and 8 manpages to the server part of package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="984571200">- Move *.so links into -devel package
-- -devel requires -client</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="984052800">- split up into openldap2-client and -devel</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="983275200">- changed neededforbuild <cyrus-sasl> to <cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel></changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="982929600">- added readline/readline-devel to neededforbuild (split from bash)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="978609600">- bugfix: slapd.conf rename /var/lib/openldap-ldbm to
- /var/lib/ldap
- init script: use $remote_fs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- olh@suse.de" date="978436800">- use script name in %post</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="976190400">- bugfix from Andreas Jaeger:
- workaround for glibc2.2, detach</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- hacked configure for apparently broken pthread</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="975672000">- fixed spec</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974980800">- made configs %config(noreplace) (Bug 4112)
-- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974894400">- adopted new init scheme</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="974289600">- fixed neededforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973857600">- added buildroot</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="973598400">- long package name
-- new version, 2.0.7</changelog>
-<changelog author="- choeger@suse.de" date="970833600">- first package of openldap2 (v2.0.6)</changelog>
-<package pkgid="7ba58f2b9498981c5f20d25f9675a6592317b694" name="dhcp" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="21.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="739feea694870b250262a846af418e4c3d887ecd" name="dhcp" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="21.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="7042e04a0b649bcc0a2100ddde62e8fb1ce82927" name="dhcp" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="21.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="22a69d9e4b792e588b4542659fa4ac329fd9e5a8" name="dhcp" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="f9e69cf37731c8b7323c34d46d20b444d551c765" name="dhcp-client" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="f6ba046b24618a07a8b0cc1477e039a8150c0ab1" name="dhcp" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="729e9b2704cab26322040c44f0315280c9db0eab" name="dhcp-client" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="b9a718ca537188add526485aceba4592a2b84ca7" name="dhcp" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="5b8842037e72ca22fa32df2516962822e4c6a313" name="dhcp" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="a45eeef08edd16af1b70ca359d1032cf01e28de3" name="dhcp-client" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="3.0.3" rel="23.1"/>
-<changelog author="- rml@suse.de" date="1146744000">- Add "-H" flag for setting hostname (Novell major bug #139532)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- fix two further include paths in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1143633600">- package the static libdst.a library [#158271]
-- fix the include path in dhcpctl.3 and omapi.3 [#158271]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138363200">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1138190400">- dereference links when copying stuff into the chroot jail [#145169]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1138017600">- dropped dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch. Correct
- solution is being implemented in NetworkManager</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137240000">- replaced 'nis-domain-servers' by 'nis-servers' in
- dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch (follow-up #134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- thoenig@suse.de" date="1137153600">- add 'nis-domain' and 'nis-domain-servers' to 'request'
- dhclient.conf (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nis-01-thoenig.patch). If
- the DHCP reply contains information about NIS, NM will set those.
- (#134160)
-- extended /sbin/dhclient-script to set domain name and host name.
- This will only happen if the relevant options in
- /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp are set.
- (dhcp-3.0.3-dhclient-nm_active-01-thoenig.patch) (#134160)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1133179200">- compile with -fsigned-char on ppc/ppc64, avoiding the
- dhclient.conf parse error "expecting a statement" [#134590]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1127736000">- define LDAP_DEPRECATED in CFLAGS</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1123070400">- update to 3.0.3
- * A bug was fixed in BOOTPREQUEST handling code wherein stale
- references to host records would be left behind on leases that
- were not allocated to the client currently booting (eg in the
- case where the host was denied booting).
- * The dhcpd.conf.5 manpage was updated to be more clear in
- regards to multiple host declarations (thanks to Vincent
- McIntyre). 'Interim' style dynamic updates were also
- retouched.
- * dhclient.conf documentation for interface {} was updated to
- reflect recent discussion on the dhcp-hackers mailing list.
-- update ldap patch, patches merged upstream
-- compile with LPF instead of bsd sockets. Provide optional binary
- compiled with bsd sockets.
-- README: describe how to serve option 119 (searchlist), add dns
- compression tool</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hare@suse.de" date="1121169600">- build with pie/PIE depending on architecture.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1120132800">- Add -DEXTENDED_NEW_OPTION_INFO to CFLAGS for rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- gekker@suse.de" date="1119960000">- Add support for dhcdbd, patches from RH via rml</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1119268800">- build with pie/fpie</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1118664000">- Don't use kernel types in user space</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1112961600">- update to 3.0.3b1 release. Changes since 3.0.2:
- * A bug was fixed where a server might load balance a DHCP REQUEST to its
- peer after already choosing not to load balance the preceeding DISCOVER.
- The peer cannot allocate the originating server's lease.
- * In the case where a secondary server lost its stable storage while the
- primary was still in communications-interrupted, and came back online,
- the lease databases would not be fully transferred to the secondary.
- This was due to the secondary errantly sending an extra UPDREQ message
- when the primary made its state transition to PARTNER-DOWN known.
- * The package will now compile cleanly in gcc 3.3 and 3.4. As a side effect,
- lease structures will be 9 bytes smaller on all platforms. Thanks to
- Jason Vas Dias at Redhat.
- * Interface discovery code in DISCOVER_UNCONFIGURED mode is now
- properly restricted to only detecting broadcast interfaces. Thanks
- to a patch from Jason Vas Dias at RedHat.
- * decode_udp_ip_header was changed so that the IP address was copied out
- to a variable, rather than referenced by a pointer. This enforces 4-byte
- alignment of the 32-bit IP address value. Thanks to a patch from Dr.
- Peter Poeml.
- * An incorrect log message was corrected thanks to a patch from
- Dr. Peter Poeml.
- * A bug in DDNS was repaired, where if the server's first DDNS action was
- a DDNS removal rather than a DDNS update, the resolver library's
- retransmit timer and retry timer was set to the default, implying a
- 15 second timeout interval. Which is a little excessive in a synchronous,
- single-threaded system. In all cases, ISC DHCP should now hold fast to
- a 1-second timeout, trying only once.
- * The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when
- responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as
- meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server.
- The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.
- * mockup_lease() could have returned in an error condition (or in the
- condition where no fixed-address was found matching the shared
- network) with stale references to a host record. This is probably not
- a memory leak since host records generally never die anyway.
- * A bug was repaired where failover servers would let stale client identifiers
- persist on leases that were reallocated to new clients not sending an id.
- * Binding scopes ("set var = value;") are now removed from leases allocated
- by failover peers if the lease had expired. This should help reduce the
- number of stale binding scopes on leases.
- * A small memory leak was closed involving client identifiers larger than
- 7 bytes, and failover.
- * Configuring a subnet in dhcpd.conf with a subnet mask of 32 bits might
- cause an internal function to overflow heap. Thanks to Jason Vas Dias
- at Redhat.
- * Some inconsistencies in treating numbers that the lexer parsed as 'NUMBER'
- or 'NUMBER_OR_NAME' was repaired. Hexadecimal parsing is affected, and
- should work better.
- * In several cases, parse warnings were being issued before the lexical
- token had been advanced to the token whose value was causing an error...
- causing parse warnings to claim the problem is on the wrong token.
- * Host declarations matching on client identifier for dynamic leases will
- no longer match fixed-address host declarations (this is now identical
- to behaviour for host records matching on hardware address).
-- print error if binary DHCPD_BINARY is not found [#76392]
-- remove patches incorporated upstreams
-- update ssh forced command example in dhcpsync man page</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1108987200">- update to 3.0.2 release. Changes since 3.0.2rc3:
- * A previously undocumented configuration directive,
- 'local-address', was documented in the dhcpd.conf manpage.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1107864000">- Bug #49433: try to reconnect to ldap server if it was down;
- ignore SIGPIPE while ldap_unbind called on closed handle.
- = new patch file: dhcp-3.0.2-ldap-reconnect.mt.dif.gz</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1102420800">- update to 3.0.2rc3. Changes since rc2:
- * Two variables introduced in 3.0.2b1 were used without being
- initialized in the case where neither the FILE nor SNAME fields
- were available for overloading. This was repaired.
- * A heretofore believed to be impossible corner case of the
- option overloading implementation turned out to be possible
- ("Unable to sort overloaded options after 10 tries."). The
- implementation was reworked to consider the case of an option
- so large it would require more than three chunks to fit.
- * Many other instances of variables being used without being
- initialized were repaired.
- * An uninitialized variable in omapi_io_destroy() led to the
- discovery that this function may result in orphaned pointers
- (and hence, a memory leak).
-- refresh the unaligned.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1101816000">- update to 3.0.2rc2. Changes since 3.0.1:
- * allocate_lease() was rewritten to repair a bug in which the server would
- try to allocate an ABANDONED lease when FREE leases were available.
- * Some dhcp-eval.5 manpage formatting was repaired.
- * A bug was fixed in the server's 'option overloading' implementation,
- where options loaded into the 'file' and 'sname' packet fields were
- not aligned precisely as rfc2131 dictates.
- * The FreeBSD client script was changed to support the case where a domain
- name was not provided by the server.
- * A memory leak in 'omshell' per each command line parsed was
- repaired, thanks to a patch from Jarkko Torppa.
- * Log functions writing to stderr were adjusted to use the STDERR_FILENO
- system definition rather than '2'. This is a no-op for 90% of platforms.
- * One call to trace_write_packet_iov() counted the number of io vectors
- incorrectly, causing inconsistent tracefiles. This was fixed.
- * Some expression parse failure memory leaks were closed.
- * A host byte order problem in tracefiles was repaired.
- * Pools configured in DHCPD for failover possessing permission lists that
- previously were assumed to not include dyanmic bootp clients are now
- a little more pessimistic. The result is, dhcpd will nag you about just
- about most pools that possess a 'allow' statement with no 'deny' that
- would definitely match a dynamic bootp client.
- * The 'ddns-update-style' configuration warning bit now insists that
- the configuration be globally scoped.
- * Two memory leaks in dhclient were closed thanks to a patch from Felix
- Farkas.
- * Some minor but excellently pedantic documentation errors were fixed
- thanks to a patch from Thomas Klausner.
- * Bugs in operator precedence in executable statements have been repaired
- once again. More legal syntaxes should be parsed legally.
- * Failing to initialize a tracefile for any reason if a tracefile was
- specified is now a fatal error. Thanks to a patch from Albert Herranz.
- * Corrected a bug in which the number of leases transferred as calculated
- by the failover primary and sent to peers in POOLRESP responses may be
- incorrect. This value is not believed to be used by other failover
- implementations, excepting perhaps as logged information.
- * Corrected a bug in which 'dhcp_failover_send_poolresp()' was in fact
- sending POOLREQ messages instead of POOLRESP mesasges. This message
- was essentially ignored since failover secondaries effectively do not
- respond to POOLREQ messages.
- * Type definitions for various bitwidths of integers in the sunos5-5
- build of ISC DHCP have been fixed. It should compile and run more
- easily when built in 64-bit for this platform.
- * "allow known-clients;" is now a legal syntax, to avoid confusion.
- * If one dhcp server chooses to 'load balance' a request to its failover
- peer, it first checks to see if it believes said peer has a free
- lease to allocate before ignoring the DISCOVER.
- * log() was logging a work buffer, rather than the value returned by
- executing the statements configured by the user. In some cases,
- the work buffer and the intended results were the same. In some other
- cases, they were not. This was fixed thanks to a patch from Gunnar
- Fjone and directconnect.no.
- * Compiler warnings for some string type conversions was fixed, thanks
- to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * The netbsd build environments were simplified to one, in which
--Wconversion is not used, thanks to Andreas Gustafsson.
- * How randomness in the backoff-cutoff dhclient configuration variable
- is implemented was better documented in the manpage, and the behaviour
- of dhclient in REQUEST timeout handling was changed to match that of
- DISCOVER timeout handling.
- * Omapi was hardened against clients that pass in null values, thanks
- to a patch from Mark Jason Dominus.
- * A bug was fixed in dhclient that kept it from doing client-side
- ddns updates. Thanks to a patch from Andreas Gustafsson, which
- underwent some modification after review by Jason Vas Dias.
- * Failover implementations disconnected due to the network between
- them (rather than one of the two shutting down) will now try to
- re-establish the failover connection every 5 seconds, rather than
- to simply try once and give up until one of them is restarted.
- Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from Infoblox, and field testing
- by Greger V. Teigre which led to an enhancement to it.
- * A problem that kept DHCP Failover secondaries from tearing down
- ddns records was repaired. Thanks to a patch from Ulf Ekberg from
- Infoblox.
- * 64bit pointer sizes are detected properly on FreeBSD now.
- * A bug was repaired where the DHCP server would leave stale references
- to host records on leases it once thought about offering to certain
- clients. The result would be to apply host and 'known' scopes to the
- wrong clients (possibly denying booting). NOTE: The 'mis-host' patch
- that was being circulated as a workaround is not the way this bug was
- fixed. If you were a victim of this bug in 3.0.1, you are cautioned
- to proceed carefully and see if it fixes your problem.
- * A bug was repaired in the server's DHCPINFORM handling, where it
- tried to divine the client's address from the source packet and
- would get it wrong. Thanks to Anshuman Singh Rawat.
- * A log message was introduced to help illuminate the case where the
- server was unable to find a lease to assign to any BOOTP client.
- Thanks to Daniel Baker.
- * A minor dhcpd.conf.5 manpage error was fixed.
-- update ldap patch (11/8/2004 version)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1100174400">- fixed file list for devel package</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1095940800">- sysconfig.dhcpd, sysconfig.dhcrelay: give examples how to use
- configuration names instead of interface names</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1091707200">- update to 3.0.1
- * The global variable 'cur_time' was centralized and is now
- uniformly of a type #defined in system-dependent headers. It
- had previously been defined in one of many places as a 32-bit
- value, and this causes mayhem on 64-bit big endian systems. It
- probably wasn't too healthy on little endian systems either.
- * A printf format string error introduced in rc14 was repaired.
- * AIX system-dependent header file was altered to only define
- NO_SNPRINTF if the condition used to #ifdef in vsnprintf in
- AIX' header files is false.
- * The Alpha/OSF system-dependent header file was altered to
- define NO_SNPRINTF on OS revisions older than 4.0G.
- * omapip/test.c had string.h added to its includes.
-- drop obsolete dhcp-curtimetype.patch
-- cope with missing files during chroot setup (e.g., if no
- resolv.conf exists) [#40728]
-- remove duplicated option "-cf" from usage output
-- add notes about the used raw socket API to README</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1089979200">- update to 3.0.1rc14
-- remove obsolete patches and adapt dhcp-3.0.1rc13-tmpfile.dif
-- dhcpsync: use try-restart (so the server isn't started if it has
- been stopped)
-- remove notify messages that are sent to root
-- check if dhcpd was active at boot time before update and
- restore runlevel links if needed [#41215], and PreRequires for
- that</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1087214400">- security fixes [#41975]:
-- fix buffer overflow in the DHCP server that can be exploited by
- the client by specifying multiple 'hostnames' to execute
- arbitrary code or at least crash the server. VU#317350
-- add patch to use vsnprintf() instead of vsprintf() calls.
- VU#654390</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084536000">- fix sysconfig comment and DHCPD_RUN_AS default [#40174]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1084449600">- improve security of the chroot jail setup by creating a dedicated
- user id for the server, and move the leases database into a
- subdirectory (/var/lib/dhcp/db). With the exception of that
- subdirectory the chroot jail is now owned by root. [#40174] Use
- mkstemp to create temporary files. [#40267]
-- don't use startproc to start dhcpd, because startproc waits a
- fixed time (100 msec) until it decides whether the service is
- running or not. Now that dhcpd might have to contact an LDAP
- server first to read its configuration, starting up can take
- longer than that, and the init script would falsely report
- "success" even when the server cannot start up due to broken
- configuration or non-existant interfaces. Increasing the
- startproc timeout (-t) is not a real alternative because, because
- it would imply a fixed dely to the init script, and it might
- still be too short. [#40350]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083672000">- convert configuration names in DHCPD_INTERFACE /
- DHCRELAY_INTERFACES into interface names [#39718]
-- fix service restart for the case where the binary has been
- switched for backward compatibility during updating.
-- do not change DHCPD_BINARY for backward compatibility if updating
- from 9.0. This and the last change complete the fix for [#38422]
- and take care of updates from 8.1-9.1 with and without YOU
- updates.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1083326400">- additionally package the dhcpd binary that uses the Linux packet
- filter API. New option DHCPD_BINARY in sysconfig.dhcpd. [#38422]
-- when updating from a previous package using LPF API, retain the
- old behaviour. Fix init script so that 'stop' works also after a
- switch of DHCPD_BINARY.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1082635200">- updated to dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap-patch also obsolating the
- patches: dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif, dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif
-- added dhcp-3.0.1rc13-ldap.mt.dif, providing diverse fixes
- and basic failover support for server/ldap.c
-- added dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.mt.dif providing failover support
- to dhcpd.conf convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mt@suse.de" date="1080216000">- applied dhcp-3.0.1rc12-ldap-patch adding support to store
- dhcp configuration in ldap (incl. draft ldap schema).
- further patches:
-- dhcp-ldap-fix01.dif: fixes for server/ldap.c (debuging
- output, support for block statements, ...)
-- dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl.dif: fixes for convert script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1077710400">- the genDDNSkey script has been moved to the bind-utils package
-- update the DDNS-howto.txt
-- package leases.awk (dhcpd.leases analyzer) (courtesy of Jeff Wilson)
-- update to 3.0.1rc13
-- Fixed a bug in omapi lease lookup function, to form the
- hardware address for the hash lookup correctly
-- The 'ping timeout' debugs from rc12 were removed to -DDEBUG
- only
-- Fixed a case where leases read from the leases database do not
- properly over-ride previously read leases.
-- Fixed a bug where dhcrelay was sending relayed responses back
- to the broadcast address, but with the source's unicast mac
- address. Should now conform to rfc2131 section 4.1.
-- Fixed a crash bug in dhclient where dhcpd servers that do not
- provide renewal times results in an FPE. As a side effect,
- dhclient can now properly handle 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) expiry times
- supplied by servers.
-- dhcpctl.3 manpage was tweaked.
-- the files CHANGES and COPYRIGHT have vanished, package LICENSE
- instead</changelog>
-<changelog author="- adrian@suse.de" date="1073822400">- build as user</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- if starting dhcpd in chroot jail, and a pid file is present in
- the jail, and the pid file does not contain a pid of a running
- dhcpd process, but that of another _running_ process, remove
- that pid file. [#32603]
-- fix typo in dhcp.LIESMICH
-- DDNS-howto.txt: adjust changed path
-- DDNS-howto.txt: instead of the shell variables (they were copy
- and paste'd from a script), use a real example (makes it easier)
-- add a comment in sysconfig.dhcpd that entire directories may be
- included
-- dhcpsync: if run from the commandline, do not use an identity
- that ssh-agent may hold, but use $KEY instead
-- dhcpsync.8: add a note about a know limitation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1069156800">- fix wrong ServiceRestart tags in sysconfig/dhcrelay [#32062]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- uli@suse.de" date="1066392000">- fixed data type mismatch in libomapi, only harmful on 64-bit
- BE systems (ppc64, s390x, bug #32123)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- update to 3.0.1rc12
-- a failover bug relating to identifying peers by name length
- instead of by name was fixed
-- declaring failover configs within shared-network statements
- should no longer result in error
-- a problem with lease expiry times in failover configurations
- was fixed
-- reverse dns PTR record updates with values containing spaces
- are now permitted
-- problems with long option processing fixed
-- fixes to minires so that updates of KEY records will work
-- memory leak in configuration parsing closed
-- non-broadcast or point-to-point interfaces are now ignored
-- options not yet known by the dhcpd or dhclient now appear as
- e.g. "unknown-144" rather than "#144" in the leases file, to
- avoid the hash marks
-- dhclient no longer uses shell commands to kill another instance
- of itself, it sends the signal directly.
-- the -nw command line option to dhclient now works
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc10-dhcrelay-limit-hopcount.dif included upstreams
-- added contrib/ms2isc (converts Microsoft DHCP server configuration)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1063022400">- mark dhclient's lease database %config(noreplace)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- kukuk@suse.de" date="1062590400">- Really fix [#29405], server should not provide and obsolete dhcp.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061985600">- don't provide/require dhcp-base. Require dhcp instead [#29405]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1061899200">- add Config: syslog-ng to sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060948800">- use -Wall -Wno-unused
-- add -fno-strict-aliasing, due to warnings about code where
- dereferencing type-punned pointers will break strict aliasing
-- add activation metadata to sysconfig template [#28864, [#28865],
- [#28950]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1060689600">- rc.dhcpd, rc.dhcrelay: implement try-restart correctly
-- cleaned up the root mail, and the READMEs [#27214], [#26266]
-- send the root mail only on update [#27214]
-- have no default value in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd:DHCPD_INTERFACE
-- in client's %post, send a mail only when rc.config is encountered
-- clean buildroot, but not in chroot buildsystem
-- the SuSE string is now replaced by UnitedLinux where appropriate
-- rename the "dhcp-base" package to "dhcp", so there is a binary
- package matching the name of the source package [#17668]
-- use the lately added macros only on newer distributions</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059566400">- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059393600">- when copying include files into the chroot jail, create
- subdirectories as needed, thus retaining the path to the files</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1059307200">- don't explicitely strip binaries since RPM handles it, and may
- keep the stripped information somewhere</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1055764800">- add some notes to DDNS-howto.txt, kindly provided by Andrew Beames
-- fix typo in genDDNSKey.sh</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1053518400">- Implement try-restart correctly in init-script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1053345600">- update to 3.0.1rc11, relevant fixes are
-- Potential buffer overflows in minires repaired.
-- A correction of boolean parsing syntax validation - some illegal syntaxes
- that worked before are now detected and produce errs, some legal syntaxes
- that errored before will now work properly.
-- Some search-and-replace errors that caused some options to change their
- names was repaired.
-- Shu-min Chang of the Intel corporation has contributed a perl script and
- module that converts the MS NT4 DHCP configuration to a ISC DHCP3
- configuration file.
-- Applied the remainder of the dhcpctl memory leak patch provided by Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- Missing non-optional failover peer configurations will now result in a soft
- error rather than a null dereference.
-- use BSD sockets instead of LPF (makes iptables filtering of
- packages possible for server and relay. It doesn't work on the
- client, though, so that one requires seperate compilation.) See
- Message-Id: <></changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1047556800">- rcdhcpd, rcdcrelay: do not write the startup log to a world
- writable directory [#25241]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1046692800">- don't try to copy libraries into the chroot jail that do not
- exist (any longer) [#24533]
-- remove the %ghost filelist entries for pid files and chroot jail
- contents [#20030]. Clean up the libraries from the jail when the
- server is stopped.
-- dhcrelay: add patch from Florian Lohoff (slightly modified),
- that makes the maximal hop count of forwarded packages
- configurable (-c maxcount), sets the default to 4, and rejects
- packages with a hop count higher than maxcount (CAN-2003-0039,
- http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/149953). Add a variable to
- /etc/sysconfig/dhcrelay to pass such additional options.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1045051200">- Added sysconfig metadata [#22631] [#22632] [#22696]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- okir@suse.de" date="1039521600">- Added security patch from ISC</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1039089600">- update to 3.0.1rc10. relevant fixes:
-- A Linux-specific Token Ring detection problem was fixed.
-- Hashes removed from as-yet-unknown agent options, having those
- options appear in reality before we know about them will no
- longer produce self-corrupting lease databases.
-- dhclient will use the proper port numbers now when using the -g
- option.
-- A order-of-operations bug with 2 match clauses in 1 class
- statement is fixed thanks to a patch from Andrew Matheson.
-- A fix to the dhcp ack process which makes certain group options
- will be included in the first DHCPOFFER message was made thanks
- to a patch from Ling Gou.
-- A few memory leaks were repaired thanks to patches from Bill
- Squier at ReefEdge, Inc. (groo@reefedge.com).
-- A fix for shared-networks that sometimes give clients options
- for the wrong subnets (in particular, 'option routers') was
- applied, thanks to Ted Lemon for the patch.
-- Omshell's handling of dotted octets as values was changed such
- that dots one after the other produce zero values in the
- integer string.
-- due to the upstream fixes: drop the reactivate-tr-support.dif and
- format.dif
-- retrofitted the (server) package to work for old distributions
- down to 7.2</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="1038571200">- Fix unaligned access.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1036411200">- update DDNS-howto.txt for BIND9
-- add genDDNSKey.sh to create a key for BIND8/9
-- add comments about DDNS to the dhcpd.conf [#18419], and
- directives to disable DDNS by default
-- change defaults in the sample configuration</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1030622400">- fix permissions of man pages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029672000">- re-add token ring support that got lost ("tr0:unknown hardware
- address type 800"). With 2.4 kernel, ARPHRD_IEEE802 (6) has been
- renamed to ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR (800). Known bug in 3.0.1rc9.
-- move PreReq tag to the subpackages, where it is actually needed
- [#17822, #17821]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- dhcp-client: add missing Requires on /usr/bin/host</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1029153600">- Fix requires of dhcp-devel subpackage
-- add some helpful scripts, courtesy of Kevin C. Miller</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1028203200">- use PreReq</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026907200">- add a sysconfig.syslog-dhcpd template to make syslogd open an
- additional socket (inside the chroot dir of dhcpd)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- fix typo in %post, introduced with last change</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1026388800">- add Version: tags to the subpackages to satisfy the build system,
- because dhcp has no main package [#16318]
-- run in chroot and as user nobody per default
-- fix wrong pathnames in mail to root [#15601]
-- install example dhcpd.conf [#9122]
-- improve example configuration files [#12563]
-- init scripts: update INIT INFO, using the new tags from
- /etc/init.d/skeleton</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021982400">- dhclient-script:
-- source the right sysconfig files (/etc/sysconfig/network/)
- [#15871]
-- use KEEP_SEARCHLIST option (thanks Sumit Bose)
-- improve the indentation</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021550400">- add documentation about configuration for dynamical DNS updates</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- fix last change (rediff dhcp-3.0.1rc9.format.dif)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1021291200">- update to 3.0.1rc9
-- fixes a format string vulnerability in the server that could
- lead to a remote root compromise
- (see http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-12.html)
-- fixes a memory leak in the client and some other minor bugs
-- fix some printf arguments in server/omapi.c
-- fix small typo (x390x -> s390x)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- sf@suse.de" date="1020081600">- changed Makefile.conf to be able to add LIBDIR
-- added LIBDIR to make install to put libs into the correct path
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x86_64</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1019476800">- update to 3.0.1rc8. Most significant changes are (see RELNOTES):
-- Don't allow a lease that's in the EXPIRED, RELEASED or RESET
- state to be renewed.
-- Implement lease stealing for cases where the primary has fewer
- leases than the secondary, as called for by the standard.
-- Fix a bug where if an option universe contained no options, the
- DHCP server could dump core (Walter Steiner).
-- Fix a bug in the handling of encapsulated options.
-- Fix an uninitialized memory bug in the DHCP client.
-- use -DPTRSIZE_64BIT on x390x and ppc64, too
-- create /etc/resolv.conf with a file mask of 644, regardless of
- the umask [Bug #15915]. Patch by Joerg Mayer.
-- the scripts dir is now called CLIENTBINDIR in the Makefiles, and
- correctly set to /sbin --> drop 2 hunks from dhcp-3.0rc10.dif</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1017144000">- Fix handling of initscript links and START_* variable [Bug #13755]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1013342400">- drop the sysconfig/network/dhcp template. It's in the syconfig
- package now.
-- strip /sbin/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012824000">- rename dhcp subpackage to dhcp-base, add dhcp-server subpackage
-- rename dhclient to dhcp-client and dhcrelay to dhcp-relay
-- remove Conflicts tag dhclient <-> dhcpcd
-- use %defattr(-, root, root) for all subpackages
-- update copyright info (GmbH --> AG)
-- update sysconfig.dhclient (.dhcp-dhclient now), and let it be
- filled up into /etc/sysconfig/network/config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012392000">- add /sbin/dhclient, accidentally deleted from filelist lately</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1012132800">- remove START_DHCPD on update
-- use fillup_only where no initscript is handled</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1012132800">- use %_lib and %_libdir
-- update rc.dhcpd to use %_libdir when setting up chroot dir
-- dhcpsync: name of slave can be given as argument; update man page
-- rc.dhcpd: no longer source rc.config
-- don't try insserv on dhclient init script -- it's dropped
-- tell fillup to use "dhcpd" instead of the package name (dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011960000">- update to 3.0.1rc6
-- Fix the off-by-one error in the MAC-address checking code for
- DHCPRELEASE that was added in 3.0.1rc5.
-- Fix a bug where client-specific information was not being
- discarded from the lease when it expired or was released,
- resulting in problems if the lease was reallocated to a
- different client.
-- merge pools if possible
-- workaround for some Lexmark printers that send a double-NUL-
- terminated host-name option, which would break DNS updates.
-- no longer log fallback_discard messages
-- dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif obsolete hereby
-- drop dhclient init script (obsoleted by /sbin/if*-dhcp)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1011096000">- update to 3.0.1rc5
-- Fix a bug that would cause the DHCP server to spin if asked to
- parse a certain kind of incorrect statement.
-- Fix a related bug that would prevent an error from being
- reported in the same case.
-- Additional documentation.
-- Make sure that the hardware address matches the lease when
- processing a DHCPRELEASE message.
-- add dhcp-3.0.1rc5-release.dif that corrects an error by one in
- the code that finds a lease that is being RELEASEd
-- use ddns-update-style interim instead of ad-hoc when testing
-- make sure that dhcpd is started after xntpd (failover needs
- correct system time)
-- drop version 2 of dhcpd and dhcrelay</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1008244800">- removed START_ variables, moved rc.config.d -> sysconfig</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1005048000">- update to 3.0.1rc4
-- add dhcpsync and dhcpync.8 (script to sync DHCP failover config.)
-- update rc.dhclient script from the one used in the dhcpcd package
-- client: don't check if a device is there; terminate anyway
-- small addition to the examples; update README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004529600">- update to 3.0.1rc2
-- add a README.upgrade</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1004011200">- update to 3.0.1rc1
-- remove our #undef use_LPF patch for 2.0pl5; it seems to cause
- problems (stopping responding) with more than one network card
-- mark /etc/dhclient.conf with noreplace tag</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000641600">- fix stupid bug in rc.dhcpd where rc.config is sourced too late</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="1000468800">- fix #9962 where "exit 1" instead of "return" in dhclient-script
- would confuse dhclient (which then DECLINEd the lease)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="999000000">- make sure that files are really copied to the chroot dir</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998913600">- add libnss_dns6.so.2 as ghost to the file list to remove it
- from the chroot dir when uninstalling the package
-- rc.dhcpd: remove empty pid files to avoid warnings by
- checkproc/killproc (dhcpd sometimes leaves them if it does not
- want to start due to wrong syntax)
-- rc.dhcpd: to save time, source rc.config only when necessary
-- add dhcpd.conf examples</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="998654400">- update to 3.0rc12 (fixes some failover state transitions; other
- failover fixes; always returns a subnet selection option if one
- is sent)
-- change dhclient-script to ignore lines that are commented out
- when grepping for variables and eval-ing them</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="995284800">- add filedes.dif that gives scripts executed from dhclient-script
- their own filedescriptors (patch by Brian Somers
- <brian@Awfulhak.org>)
-- correct typo in rc.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="994075200">- update to 3.0rc10
-- change default in rc.config.d.dhcrelay
-- add /usr/sbin/svtest, /usr/bin/omshell, and omshell man pages
-- new variable in rc.dhcpd.config: $DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES, for
- dhcpd.conf include files to be copied to $chroot/etc/</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990532800">- update to 3.0rc7 (failover and OMAPI fixes, see RELNOTES)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="990014400">- on 64 bit archs, define -DPTRSIZE_64BIT
-- fix missing include</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989582400">- if resolv.conf does not exist, touch it; so that there is a file
- to back up and restore later and the temporary resolv.conf would
- not persist after stopping the client [#8078]
-- use the modify_resolvconf tool to cleanup old backup files before
- starting the daemon, because it does it intelligently [#8077]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989323200">- don't provide empty /etc/rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config because that
- inhibits the correct removal of variables from rc.config
-- mention correct version numbers in mail to root (now using
- version macro)
-- fix a typo and a nonsense comment in rc.config.d.dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="989236800">- update to 3.0rc4 (bugfixes)
-- add empty dir /var/lib/dhcp/dev and documentation about how to
- ensure that logging from the chroot jail works [#6906]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="988113600">- update to 3.0rc2pl1: fixes bugs in the failover implementation
- and a memory smash that happens when fixed-address leases are
- used
-- Read dhcp client script hooks if they exist, rather than only if
- they're executable.
-- new file: 3.0b1 lease conversion script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="987336000">- Init scripts: get try-restart ("restart when running") right
-- client:
-- dhclient-script is now correctly installed to /sbin (thus,
- don't mv dhclient-script from /etc/ to /sbin/, thereby
- overwriting it with the one from v2)
-- move rcdhclient conveniency link to /sbin/ (same as in dhcpcd)
-- update info header for resolv.conf acc. to guidelines
-- server:
-- don't run in chroot environment and as nobody by default
-- add missing %postun for subpackages to rearrange runlevel
- links after deinstalling</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="986817600">- update to 3.0b2pl24
-- don't use rc_status -u in init scripts (option was dropped)
-- always run test of dhcpd</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="985780800">- update to 3.0b2pl18
- * trim chroot/non-root patch and the other security patches into
- dhcp-3.0b2pl18.paranoia.dif
- * build stable version of server (2.0pl5) and include the binary
- as well as the man pages with '-2' suffix (same for dhcrelay)
-- split off subpackages: dhcrelay, dhcp-devel
-- reworked all init scripts
- * adhere to LSB and use new rc.status functions
- * rc.dhcpd: at start, copy conf file and libs to chroot dir
- * rc.dhcpd: add syntax check
- * rc.dhcrelay: make interface configurable
- * rc.dhclient: improve resolv.conf handling
-- dhclient: catch TERM to restore resolv.conf before quitting
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhcrelay.rc.config
-- create /etc/rc.config.d/dhclient.rc.config
-- clean up Provides/Conflicts
-- rework SuSE-fillup templates (and rename them)
-- mark libraries for chroot dir as %ghost
-- when ABUILD_RUN_TEST_SUITES is true, start dhcpd for a simple
- test</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="984744000">- add dhcpd-thomas.diff from <thomas@suse.de>
- * query for the real UID and not for the effective UID
- * drop supplementary GID's
- * avoid potential buffer overflow
-- copy dhcpd.conf instead of moving it
-- add $syslog to Required-Start in server init script
-- fix Required-Start in client init script
-- bzipped sources</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980942400">- dhcpd.conf will no longer be installed in /etc/ but placed in the
- docdir, since it is a nonfunctional example file
-- test for etc/SuSE-release in %post
-- fix removal of variables from rc.config which failed sometimes
-- update {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="980769600">- added paranoia patch by Ari Edelkind to allow dhcpd run chrooted
- in /var/lib/dhcp and as nobody/nogroup. Both is optional.
-- moved dhcpd.conf to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/. The file will also be
- moved by %post
-- moved rc.config options to rc.config.d/dhcpd.rc.config
- (existing variables are moved there by %post)
-- added some syntax checking via undocumented -t switch, and write
- log file during startup
-- renamed start script from dhcp to dhcpd
-- removed /var/run/dhcpd.pid from the package
-- tag some %configs with (noreplace)
-- use BuildRoot
-- added "Provides: dhcp2"+"Conflicts: dhcp3" in anticipation of v3
-- added {README,LIESMICH}.SuSE and the paranoia patch to the docs</changelog>
-<changelog author="- draht@suse.de" date="979646400">- format string security bugs in syslog(3) calls fixed.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="979214400">- in runlevel 2, start only the client, not the server/relay
-- tell insserv to start after $named
-- improved comments</changelog>
-<changelog author="- fober@suse.de" date="978609600">- package dhclient requires net-tools, not net_tool
-- removed superfluous Provides dhclient in package dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975499200">- Update to dhcp-2.0pl5.tar.gz
-- This includes a security fix that applies to the DHCP client *only*</changelog>
-<changelog author="- poeml@suse.de" date="975412800">- adapted spec file to use /etc/init.d for the scripts instead of
- /sbin/init.d and let insserv create the links
-- extracted source files from diff and placed them separately
-- included paranoia (non-root/chroot) patch by ari edelkind. This
- needs testing, and possibly an adapted start script</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Fix argument type of dhcp_option_ev_name.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964440000">- Set DEBUG, not COPTS.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="964094400">- updated to dhcp-2.0pl3</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="964008000">- Fix handling of abandoned leases with BOOTP.
-- Properly handle default lease timeout.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- werner@suse.de" date="963576000">- make dchpd quiet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963489600">- changed test for availability of device in rcdhlient:
- now using ifconfig, so automatically loading of modules
- will be triggered (Bug 3415)
-- patched dhclient.c do to a possible root exploit bug
- (patch from Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz>)
- Still to be improved, waiting for Ted Lemon to rework it.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="963316800">- reworked rcdhclient once again.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962712000">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl2
-- dhclient: hostname will only be set, if there is a
- DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME=yes (default =no)
- in /etc/rc.config. (fixes bug 2807 and 3146)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- zoz@suse.de" date="962107200">- update to dhcp-2.0.pl1
-- moved /var/state/dhcp to /var/lib/dhcp
-- moved manpages to %{_mandir}
-- changed rcdhclient: DHCLIENT is obsolete now. It will be started
- if it finds any IFCONFIG_x=dhcpclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- schwab@suse.de" date="955368000">- Treat Linux 2.3 as linux-2.2 configuration.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- grimmer@suse.de" date="948974400">- added "Provides: dhcp_client" and "Conflicts: dhcpcd" to
- dhclient section in spec file
-- added "Provides: dhcp_server" to dhcp section
-- corrected typo in rc.config variables
-- added Group Tag and version macro to spec file
-- changed Summary: to "ISC DHCP client"
-- moved man pages to /usr/share/man</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="942840000">- now set hostname in dhclient-script [BUG#1262]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941803200">- reduced waiting time to 1 second
-- wait 5 seconds after dhclient start to acquire an IP adress so the
- following scripts have a working network setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941716800">- changes from Josh for @home cablenet</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="941112000">- added changes by Lenz Grimmer to use
- ifconfig $NETDEV up
- for device setup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="940852800">- applied patch of Bernhard Bender <Bernhard.Bender@elsa.de>
- to use the correct interface.
-- added client latency time and rc.config entry</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="938433600">- fixed requirements for sub packages</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="937224000">- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- changed comment for rc.config</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="932385600">- fix from werner@suse.de for /sbin/init.d/dhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="932126400">- added new dhclient-script from werner</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="930139200">- new version 2.0
-- apply fix from Michael Hasenstein</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="920894400">- fixed man5-path</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="920030400">- new version 2.0b1pl16 (stable beta)
-- leases are now stored in /var/state/dhcp/ (thanks to Ted Lemmon)
-- correct paths in manpages
-- PID files as %ghost in filelist</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="919252800">- new version 2.0b1pl13</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="913204800">- added /usr/sbin/rcdhcp
- /usr/sbin/rcdhcrelay
- /usr/sbin/rcdhclient</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="911908800">- new init scripts for SuSE Linux 6.0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- bs@suse.de" date="910872000">- minor changes for new rpm</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="906638400">- new version 2.0b1pl6 (stable beta)
-- now with dhcp client and dhcp relay agent
-- added init scripts for relay agent and client
-- changed from $NETDEV_0 to $DHCPD_INTERFACE</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="898862400">- new version 1.0pl2 fixes two potential input buffer overrun problems
- that were missed in Patchlevel 1</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="895492800">- new security patch 1.0pl1 included
- changed /sbin/init.d/dhcp to run on $NETDEV_0</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="881755200">- new version 1.0.0 this is not beta any more!</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="877003200">- switched to dhcp.spec instead of Makefile.Linux</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="873979200">- Upddate to Version 5 beta 16 and made entry for rc.config and
- /sbin/init.d for startup/shutdown
- There is no dhcp client in this package anymore.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- rolf@suse.de" date="866116800">- build the package for the first time</changelog>
-<package pkgid="1cd7ea460f5e4210df54699831f528287bb918f8" name="libextractor" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.5.10" rel="12.2"/>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1148040000">- Fix heap overflow in the asf plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].
-- Fix heap overflow in the qt plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1140436800">- Update to version 0.5.10:
- Fix buffer overflows of the pdf plugin (xpdf derived code).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1137067200">- Update to version 0.5.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1134043200">- Update to version 0.5.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1132574400">- Update to version 0.5.7.
-- basicio-ns-fix.diff: Remove extra qualification.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dmueller@suse.de" date="1127908800">- add norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121860800">- Add libvorbis libvorbis-devel libogg-devel to neededforbuild.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121688000">- Update to version 0.5.2.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1119528000">- Update to version 0.5.0:
- * xpdf related security fixes.
-- Apply libextractor-destdir.diff; for now, do not try to build the
- Python extension.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1104321600">- Update to version 0.4.0:
- * Improve MP3 support (ID3 tags)
- * PDF fixes.
- * Better UTF-8 support.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1098100800">- Update to version 0.3.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1097841600">- Update to version 0.3.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1097582400">- remove extra version line in devel subpackage</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1093608000">- New package: version 0.3.4.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="06a9e560a069498df7bbb3a8978b4a6dc9e03164" name="libextractor" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.5.10" rel="12.2"/>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1148040000">- Fix heap overflow in the asf plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].
-- Fix heap overflow in the qt plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1140436800">- Update to version 0.5.10:
- Fix buffer overflows of the pdf plugin (xpdf derived code).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1137067200">- Update to version 0.5.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1134043200">- Update to version 0.5.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1132574400">- Update to version 0.5.7.
-- basicio-ns-fix.diff: Remove extra qualification.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dmueller@suse.de" date="1127908800">- add norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121860800">- Add libvorbis libvorbis-devel libogg-devel to neededforbuild.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121688000">- Update to version 0.5.2.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1119528000">- Update to version 0.5.0:
- * xpdf related security fixes.
-- Apply libextractor-destdir.diff; for now, do not try to build the
- Python extension.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1104321600">- Update to version 0.4.0:
- * Improve MP3 support (ID3 tags)
- * PDF fixes.
- * Better UTF-8 support.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1098100800">- Update to version 0.3.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1097841600">- Update to version 0.3.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1097582400">- remove extra version line in devel subpackage</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1093608000">- New package: version 0.3.4.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="e42db911c0eee82d350b06c1fd2de7951a700a28" name="libextractor" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.5.10" rel="12.2"/>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1148040000">- Fix heap overflow in the asf plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].
-- Fix heap overflow in the qt plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1140436800">- Update to version 0.5.10:
- Fix buffer overflows of the pdf plugin (xpdf derived code).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1137067200">- Update to version 0.5.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1134043200">- Update to version 0.5.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1132574400">- Update to version 0.5.7.
-- basicio-ns-fix.diff: Remove extra qualification.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dmueller@suse.de" date="1127908800">- add norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121860800">- Add libvorbis libvorbis-devel libogg-devel to neededforbuild.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121688000">- Update to version 0.5.2.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1119528000">- Update to version 0.5.0:
- * xpdf related security fixes.
-- Apply libextractor-destdir.diff; for now, do not try to build the
- Python extension.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1104321600">- Update to version 0.4.0:
- * Improve MP3 support (ID3 tags)
- * PDF fixes.
- * Better UTF-8 support.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1098100800">- Update to version 0.3.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1097841600">- Update to version 0.3.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1097582400">- remove extra version line in devel subpackage</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1093608000">- New package: version 0.3.4.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="39753714ea4afc56bb957742bc74e31126beb474" name="libextractor" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.5.10" rel="12.2"/>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1148040000">- Fix heap overflow in the asf plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].
-- Fix heap overflow in the qt plugin (CVE-2006-2458) [# 176280].</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1140436800">- Update to version 0.5.10:
- Fix buffer overflows of the pdf plugin (xpdf derived code).</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1137067200">- Update to version 0.5.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1134043200">- Update to version 0.5.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1132574400">- Update to version 0.5.7.
-- basicio-ns-fix.diff: Remove extra qualification.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- dmueller@suse.de" date="1127908800">- add norootforbuild</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121860800">- Add libvorbis libvorbis-devel libogg-devel to neededforbuild.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1121688000">- Update to version 0.5.2.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1119528000">- Update to version 0.5.0:
- * xpdf related security fixes.
-- Apply libextractor-destdir.diff; for now, do not try to build the
- Python extension.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1104321600">- Update to version 0.4.0:
- * Improve MP3 support (ID3 tags)
- * PDF fixes.
- * Better UTF-8 support.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1098100800">- Update to version 0.3.9.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1097841600">- Update to version 0.3.8.</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1097582400">- remove extra version line in devel subpackage</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ke@suse.de" date="1093608000">- New package: version 0.3.4.</changelog>
-<package pkgid="a144f4f4e4dd6a949f7b0ca7c79c3bb8a2e56851" name="ivman" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.9" rel="16.3"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1148040000">- make the default userconfigs the same as the system configs so
- ivman started as user uses halmount too. [#173524]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1142510400">- halmount.py:
- * don't use obsolete volume.policy.desired_mount_point (#158266)
- * quote unicode characters/catch exception if python doesn't like
- the string (#158266)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1140609600">- halmount.py:
- * let hal choose the mountpoint if it says mountpoint
- invalid (#146306)
- * catch dbus errors upon connect to avoid ugly message if hal is
- not running/not ready yet
-- install symlink halmount -> halmount.py to match config file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1139832000">- specfile cleanup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Initial package, version 0.6.9</changelog>
-<package pkgid="140b8a8de66f5f1ba8d8160f2ee2054e6fd7e138" name="ivman" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.9" rel="16.3"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1148040000">- make the default userconfigs the same as the system configs so
- ivman started as user uses halmount too. [#173524]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1142510400">- halmount.py:
- * don't use obsolete volume.policy.desired_mount_point (#158266)
- * quote unicode characters/catch exception if python doesn't like
- the string (#158266)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1140609600">- halmount.py:
- * let hal choose the mountpoint if it says mountpoint
- invalid (#146306)
- * catch dbus errors upon connect to avoid ugly message if hal is
- not running/not ready yet
-- install symlink halmount -> halmount.py to match config file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1139832000">- specfile cleanup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Initial package, version 0.6.9</changelog>
-<package pkgid="8210ad822c977350b7682b02e42934f2dee22ab5" name="ivman" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.9" rel="16.3"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1148040000">- make the default userconfigs the same as the system configs so
- ivman started as user uses halmount too. [#173524]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1142510400">- halmount.py:
- * don't use obsolete volume.policy.desired_mount_point (#158266)
- * quote unicode characters/catch exception if python doesn't like
- the string (#158266)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1140609600">- halmount.py:
- * let hal choose the mountpoint if it says mountpoint
- invalid (#146306)
- * catch dbus errors upon connect to avoid ugly message if hal is
- not running/not ready yet
-- install symlink halmount -> halmount.py to match config file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1139832000">- specfile cleanup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Initial package, version 0.6.9</changelog>
-<package pkgid="4430628c022d87831285e2c8b42c26638b182987" name="ivman" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="0.6.9" rel="16.3"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1148040000">- make the default userconfigs the same as the system configs so
- ivman started as user uses halmount too. [#173524]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1142510400">- halmount.py:
- * don't use obsolete volume.policy.desired_mount_point (#158266)
- * quote unicode characters/catch exception if python doesn't like
- the string (#158266)</changelog>
-<changelog author="- lnussel@suse.de" date="1140609600">- halmount.py:
- * let hal choose the mountpoint if it says mountpoint
- invalid (#146306)
- * catch dbus errors upon connect to avoid ugly message if hal is
- not running/not ready yet
-- install symlink halmount -> halmount.py to match config file</changelog>
-<changelog author="- ro@suse.de" date="1139832000">- specfile cleanup</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1139832000">- Initial package, version 0.6.9</changelog>
-<package pkgid="5f64cb2a850f614871e7ce39e5927f2f16b138c7" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="i586">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1147780800">- Fix cryptsetup to work when the device does not exist yet
- [#175931]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Remove symlinks to hashalot we don't want</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1129204800">- Fix uninitialized var in dmconvert. Add
- * dmconvert-0.2-uninitialized.patch
-- Fix return value in cryptsetup. Add
- * cryptsetup-0.1-retval.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1120046400">- Link cryptsetup static so it can be in /sbin and you can get
- /usr over nfs or even crypted</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1115640000">- New package, Version 2.12q</changelog>
-<package pkgid="e63397586ea3e175876cc4dd476e847eea0e0f2e" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="ppc">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1147780800">- Fix cryptsetup to work when the device does not exist yet
- [#175931]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Remove symlinks to hashalot we don't want</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1129204800">- Fix uninitialized var in dmconvert. Add
- * dmconvert-0.2-uninitialized.patch
-- Fix return value in cryptsetup. Add
- * cryptsetup-0.1-retval.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1120046400">- Link cryptsetup static so it can be in /sbin and you can get
- /usr over nfs or even crypted</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1115640000">- New package, Version 2.12q</changelog>
-<package pkgid="316f825d4fd1220fda20df3e4018da6e4ebbc076" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="src">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1147780800">- Fix cryptsetup to work when the device does not exist yet
- [#175931]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Remove symlinks to hashalot we don't want</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1129204800">- Fix uninitialized var in dmconvert. Add
- * dmconvert-0.2-uninitialized.patch
-- Fix return value in cryptsetup. Add
- * cryptsetup-0.1-retval.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1120046400">- Link cryptsetup static so it can be in /sbin and you can get
- /usr over nfs or even crypted</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1115640000">- New package, Version 2.12q</changelog>
-<package pkgid="8b428d265f0998310d65412f56babd53d4bced53" name="util-linux-crypto" arch="x86_64">
-<version epoch="0" ver="2.12a" rel="14.2"/>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1147780800">- Fix cryptsetup to work when the device does not exist yet
- [#175931]</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mls@suse.de" date="1138190400">- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires</changelog>
-<changelog author="- mmj@suse.de" date="1134993600">- Remove symlinks to hashalot we don't want</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1129204800">- Fix uninitialized var in dmconvert. Add
- * dmconvert-0.2-uninitialized.patch
-- Fix return value in cryptsetup. Add
- * cryptsetup-0.1-retval.patch</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1120046400">- Link cryptsetup static so it can be in /sbin and you can get
- /usr over nfs or even crypted</changelog>
-<changelog author="- hvogel@suse.de" date="1115640000">- New package, Version 2.12q</changelog>