import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Button;
+import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.CompoundButton;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
public class CloudFragment extends Fragment implements
View.OnClickListener, CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener,
- OcAccountManager.OnPostListener, OcAccountManager.OnGetListener,
- OcAccountManager.OnDeleteListener, OcResource.OnObserveListener,
+ OcResource.OnObserveListener,
OcResource.OnMQTopicFoundListener, OcResource.OnMQTopicCreatedListener,
OcResource.OnMQTopicSubscribeListener {
"\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1][0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]|0)" +
"\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1][0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]|0)" +
"\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1][0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])" +
- "\\:([0-9]{1,5}))");
+ ":([0-9]{1,5}))");
private Activity mActivity;
private Context mContext;
private QualityOfService mQos = QualityOfService.LOW;
+ private boolean mSecured = false;
private LinearLayout mAccountLayout;
private LinearLayout mRDLayout;
private LinearLayout mMQLayout;
- private Switch mAccountSwitch;
- private Switch mRDSwitch;
- private Switch mMQSwitch;
private TextView mAccountText;
private TextView mRDText;
private TextView mMQText;
private TextView mActionLog;
private TextView mResultLog;
- private Button mSetIPButton;
- private Button mSignUpButton;
- private Button mSignInButton;
- private Button mSignOutButton;
- private Button mCreateGroupButton;
- private Button mInviteButton;
- private Button mLeaveGroupButton;
- private Button mRdPubButton;
- private Button mRdDelButton;
- private Button mDevicePresenceButton;
- private Button mMqBrokerButton;
- private Button mCreateTopicButton;
- private Button mSubTopicButton;
- private Button mUnsubTopicButton;
- private Button mPubToicButton;
private OcAccountManager mAccountManager;
- private String mAccesstoken;
- private String mRefreshtoken;
+ private String mAccessToken;
+ private String mRefreshToken;
private String mUserUuid;
- private String mAuthCode;
private String mGroupId;
private String mGroupMasterId;
- private String mInviterUuid;
private String mInviterUserId;
private String mInviteeUuid;
- private String mInviteeUserId;
- private int mRequestCode;
private final int REQUEST_LOGIN = 1;
+ private OcResourceHandle localLightResourceHandle = null;
+ private List<OcResourceHandle> mResourceHandleList = new LinkedList<>();
+ private OcPresenceHandle mOcPresenceHandle = null;
+ private Button mDevicePresenceButton;
private OcResource MQbrokerResource = null;
private OcResource currentTopicResource = null;
private boolean switchingFlag = true;
- private int subFlag = -1;
private int roomNum = 1;
private String defaultTopicFullName = Common.MQ_DEFAULT_TOPIC_URI;
- private int cancelSubScribe = 0xffffff;
- private OcResourceHandle localLightResourceHandle = null;
- private List<OcResourceHandle> mResourceHandleList = new LinkedList<>();
- private OcPresenceHandle mOcPresenceHandle;
- //variables related observer
+ // variables related observer
private int maxSequenceNumber = 0xFFFFFF;
private void signIn() {
- mRequestCode = 1;
try {
- mAccountManager.signIn(mUserUuid, mAccesstoken, onSignIn);
+ mAccountManager.signIn(mUserUuid, mAccessToken, onSignIn);
} catch (OcException e) {
private void signOut() {
- mRequestCode = 2;
try {
- mAccountManager.signOut(this);
+ mAccountManager.signOut(onSignOut);
} catch (OcException e) {
private void inviteUser() {
- if (mGroupId == null){
+ if (mGroupId == null) {
msg("there is no any group");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
private void leaveGroup() {
try {
- if (mGroupId == null){
+ if (mGroupId == null) {
msg("there is no any group");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
mAccountManager.leaveGroup(mGroupId, onLeaveGroup);
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && requestCode == REQUEST_LOGIN) {
- mAuthCode = data.getStringExtra("authCode");
- msg("\tauthCode: " + mAuthCode);
+ String authCode = data.getStringExtra("authCode");
+ msg("\tauthCode: " + authCode);
try {
msg("Sign Up");
- mAccountManager.signUp("github", mAuthCode, onSignUp);
+ mAccountManager.signUp("github", authCode, onSignUp);
} catch (OcException e) {
- @Override
- public void onPostCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list, OcRepresentation ocRepresentation) {
- try {
- if (mRequestCode == 1) {
- msg("\tSign In Success");
- int expiresIn = ocRepresentation.getValue("expiresin");
- msg("\texpiresin: " + expiresIn);
- } else if (mRequestCode == 2) {
- msg("\tSign Out Success");
- } else if (mRequestCode == 3) {
- msg("\tRefresh AccessToken Success");
- mAccesstoken = ocRepresentation.getValue("accesstoken");
- mRefreshtoken = ocRepresentation.getValue("refreshtoken");
- msg("\tuserID: " + mUserUuid);
- msg("\taccessToken: " + mAccesstoken);
- msg("\trefreshtoken: " + mRefreshtoken);
- }
- } catch (OcException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onPostFailed(Throwable throwable) {
- msg("onPostFailed");
- if (throwable instanceof OcException) {
- OcException ocEx = (OcException) throwable;
- Log.e(TAG, ocEx.toString());
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onGetCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list, OcRepresentation ocRepresentation) {
- }
- @Override
- public void onGetFailed(Throwable throwable) {
- }
- @Override
- public void onDeleteCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list) {
- }
- @Override
- public void onDeleteFailed(Throwable throwable) {
- }
OcAccountManager.OnPostListener onSignUp = new OcAccountManager.OnPostListener() {
public synchronized void onPostCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list,
OcRepresentation ocRepresentation) {
msg("signUp was successful");
try {
- mUserUuid = ocRepresentation.getValue("uid");
- mAccesstoken = ocRepresentation.getValue("accesstoken");
- mRefreshtoken = ocRepresentation.getValue("refreshtoken");
+ mUserUuid = ocRepresentation.getValue("uid");
+ mAccessToken = ocRepresentation.getValue("accesstoken");
+ mRefreshToken = ocRepresentation.getValue("refreshtoken");
String tokenType = ocRepresentation.getValue("tokentype");
msg("\tuserID: " + mUserUuid);
- msg("\taccessToken: " + mAccesstoken);
- msg("\trefreshToken: " + mRefreshtoken);
+ msg("\taccessToken: " + mAccessToken);
+ msg("\trefreshToken: " + mRefreshToken);
msg("\ttokenType: " + tokenType);
- if (ocRepresentation.hasAttribute("expiresin"))
- {
+ if (ocRepresentation.hasAttribute("expiresin")) {
int expiresIn = ocRepresentation.getValue("expiresin");
msg("\texpiresIn: " + expiresIn);
- mAccountManager.getGroupList(onGetGrouptList);
+ mAccountManager.getGroupList(onGetGroupList);
} catch (OcException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
- OcAccountManager.OnGetListener onGetGrouptList = new OcAccountManager.OnGetListener() {
+ OcAccountManager.OnPostListener onSignOut = new OcAccountManager.OnPostListener() {
+ @Override
+ public synchronized void onPostCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list,
+ OcRepresentation ocRepresentation) {
+ msg("signOut was successful");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public synchronized void onPostFailed(Throwable throwable) {
+ msg("Failed to signOut");
+ if (throwable instanceof OcException) {
+ OcException ocEx = (OcException) throwable;
+ Log.e(TAG, ocEx.toString());
+ ErrorCode errCode = ocEx.getErrorCode();
+ msg("Error code: " + errCode);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ OcAccountManager.OnGetListener onGetGroupList = new OcAccountManager.OnGetListener() {
public void onGetCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list, OcRepresentation ocRepresentation) {
msg("getGroupList was successful");
if (gidlist == null) {
msg("\tgroup list is empty");
mGroupId = null;
- }
- else{
+ } else {
msg("\tgroup list");
for (String group : gidlist) {
msg("\t\t" + group);
- OcAccountManager.OnObserveListener onObserveInvitation = new OcAccountManager.OnObserveListener() {
- @Override
- public void onObserveCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list, OcRepresentation ocRepresentation, int i) {
- msg("observeInvitation was successful");
- try {
- if (this.REGISTER == i) {
- msg("REGISTER was successful");
+ OcAccountManager.OnObserveListener onObserveInvitation =
+ new OcAccountManager.OnObserveListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void onObserveCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list,
+ OcRepresentation ocRepresentation, int i) {
+ msg("observeInvitation was successful");
+ try {
+ if (REGISTER == i) {
+ msg("REGISTER was successful");
+ OcRepresentation[] sendInvitationList =
+ ocRepresentation.getValue("invite");
+ if (sendInvitationList != null) {
+ msg("\tList of invitation that I sent");
+ for (OcRepresentation invitation : sendInvitationList) {
+ String gid = invitation.getValue("gid");
+ String mid = invitation.getValue("mid");
+ msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + gid);
+ msg("\t\t InviteeID : " + mid);
+ }
+ }
- OcRepresentation[] sendInvitationList = ocRepresentation.getValue("invite");
- if (sendInvitationList != null) {
- msg("\tList of invitation that I sent");
- for (OcRepresentation invitation : sendInvitationList) {
- String gid = invitation.getValue("gid");
- String mid = invitation.getValue("mid");
- msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + gid);
- msg("\t\t InviteeID : " + mid);
- }
- }
+ OcRepresentation[] receiveInvitationList =
+ ocRepresentation.getValue("invited");
+ if (receiveInvitationList != null) {
+ msg("\tList of invitation that I received");
+ for (OcRepresentation invitation : receiveInvitationList) {
+ String gid = invitation.getValue("gid");
+ String mid = invitation.getValue("mid");
+ msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + gid);
+ msg("\t\t InviterID : " + mid);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (DEREGISTER == i) {
+ msg("DEREGISTER was successful");
+ } else {
+ OcRepresentation[] sendInvitationList =
+ ocRepresentation.getValue("invite");
+ if (sendInvitationList != null) {
+ msg("\tList of invitation that I sent");
+ for (OcRepresentation invitation : sendInvitationList) {
+ String gid = invitation.getValue("gid");
+ String mid = invitation.getValue("mid");
+ msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + gid);
+ msg("\t\t InviteeID : " + mid);
+ }
+ }
- OcRepresentation[] receivInvitationList = ocRepresentation.getValue("invited");
- if (receivInvitationList != null) {
- msg("\tList of invitation that I received");
- for (OcRepresentation invitation : receivInvitationList) {
- String gid = invitation.getValue("gid");
- String mid = invitation.getValue("mid");
- msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + gid);
- msg("\t\t InviterID : " + mid);
- }
- }
- } else if (this.DEREGISTER == i) {
- msg("DEREGISTER was successful");
- } else {
- OcRepresentation[] sendInvitationList = ocRepresentation.getValue("invite");
- if (sendInvitationList != null) {
- msg("\tList of invitation that I sent");
- for (OcRepresentation invitation : sendInvitationList) {
- String gid = invitation.getValue("gid");
- String mid = invitation.getValue("mid");
- msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + gid);
- msg("\t\t InviteeID : " + mid);
+ OcRepresentation[] receivInvitationList =
+ ocRepresentation.getValue("invited");
+ if (receivInvitationList != null) {
+ msg("\tList of invitation that I received");
+ for (OcRepresentation invitation : receivInvitationList) {
+ mGroupId = invitation.getValue("gid");
+ mGroupMasterId = invitation.getValue("mid");
+ msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + mGroupId);
+ msg("\t\t InviterID : " + mGroupMasterId);
+ }
+ msg("searchUser");
+ mAccountManager.searchUser(mGroupMasterId, onSearchUserForInvitee);
+ }
+ } catch (OcException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
- OcRepresentation[] receivInvitationList = ocRepresentation.getValue("invited");
- if (receivInvitationList != null) {
- msg("\tList of invitation that I received");
- for (OcRepresentation invitation : receivInvitationList) {
- mGroupId = invitation.getValue("gid");
- mGroupMasterId = invitation.getValue("mid");
- msg("\t\t-GroupID : " + mGroupId);
- msg("\t\t InviterID : " + mGroupMasterId);
- }
- msg("searchUser");
- mAccountManager.searchUser(mGroupMasterId, onSearchUserForInvitee);
+ @Override
+ public void onObserveFailed(Throwable throwable) {
+ msg("Failed to observeInvitation");
+ if (throwable instanceof OcException) {
+ OcException ocEx = (OcException) throwable;
+ Log.e(TAG, ocEx.toString());
+ ErrorCode errCode = ocEx.getErrorCode();
+ msg("Error code: " + errCode);
- } catch (OcException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onObserveFailed(Throwable throwable) {
- msg("Failed to observeInvitation");
- if (throwable instanceof OcException) {
- OcException ocEx = (OcException) throwable;
- Log.e(TAG, ocEx.toString());
- ErrorCode errCode = ocEx.getErrorCode();
- msg("Error code: " + errCode);
- }
- }
- };
+ };
OcAccountManager.OnGetListener onSearchUserForInvitee = new OcAccountManager.OnGetListener() {
try {
OcRepresentation[] userList = ocRepresentation.getValue("ulist");
for (OcRepresentation user : userList) {
- mInviterUuid = user.getValue("uid");
+ String inviterUuid = user.getValue("uid");
+ Log.d(TAG, "inviterUuid : " + inviterUuid);
OcRepresentation userInfo = user.getValue("uinfo");
mInviterUserId = userInfo.getValue("userid");
public void onDeleteCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list) {
msg("deleteInvitation was successful");
try {
- mAccountManager.getGroupList(onGetGrouptList);
+ mAccountManager.getGroupList(onGetGroupList);
} catch (OcException e) {
for (OcRepresentation user : userList) {
mInviteeUuid = user.getValue("uid");
OcRepresentation userInfo = user.getValue("uinfo");
- mInviteeUserId = userInfo.getValue("userid");
+ String inviteeUserId = userInfo.getValue("userid");
+ Log.d(TAG, "inviteeUserId : " + inviteeUserId);
mAccountManager.sendInvitation(mGroupId, mInviteeUuid, onSendInvitation);
OcAccountManager.OnObserveListener onObserveGroup = new OcAccountManager.OnObserveListener() {
- public void onObserveCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list, OcRepresentation ocRepresentation, int i) {
+ public void onObserveCompleted(List<OcHeaderOption> list,
+ OcRepresentation ocRepresentation, int i) {
msg("observeGroup was successful");
try {
- if (this.REGISTER == i) {
+ if (REGISTER == i) {
msg("REGISTER was successful");
- } else if (this.DEREGISTER == i) {
+ } else if (DEREGISTER == i) {
msg("DEREGISTER was successful");
} else {
String gid = ocRepresentation.getValue("gid");
msg("\tGroupMasterID: " + gmid);
String[] midlist = ocRepresentation.getValue("midlist");
- if (midlist == null){
+ if (midlist == null) {
msg("\tMember List is empty");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
msg("\tMember List(" + midlist.length + ")");
for (String mid : midlist) {
msg("\t : " + mid);
String[] dilist = ocRepresentation.getValue("dilist");
- if (dilist == null){
+ if (dilist == null) {
msg("\tDevice List is empty");
- }
- else {
+ } else {
msg("\tDevice List(" + dilist.length + ")");
for (String di : dilist) {
msg("\t : " + di);
msg("leaveGroup was successful");
try {
- mAccountManager.getGroupList(onGetGrouptList);
+ mAccountManager.getGroupList(onGetGroupList);
} catch (OcException e) {
msg("Failed to leaveGroup");
// ******************************************************************************
// End of the Account Manager specific code
// ******************************************************************************
private void subscribeDevicePresence() {
try {
- List<String> di = new ArrayList<>();
- mOcPresenceHandle = OcPlatform.subscribeDevicePresence(
- Common.HOST, di, EnumSet.of(OcConnectivityType.CT_ADAPTER_TCP), this);
+ if (null == mOcPresenceHandle) {
+ List<String> di = new ArrayList<>();
+ mOcPresenceHandle = OcPlatform.subscribeDevicePresence(
+ Common.HOST, di, EnumSet.of(OcConnectivityType.CT_ADAPTER_TCP), this);
+ mDevicePresenceButton.setText(R.string.unsub_presence);
+ } else {
+ OcPlatform.unsubscribePresence(mOcPresenceHandle);
+ mOcPresenceHandle = null;
+ mDevicePresenceButton.setText(R.string.sub_presence);
+ }
} catch (OcException e) {
} catch (OcException e) {
+ } else {
+ msg("Successful unsubscribePresence");
// ******************************************************************************
void getMQBroker() {
- List<String> resourceTypeList = new ArrayList<String>();
- List<String> resourceInterfaceList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ List<String> resourceTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> resourceInterfaceList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
MQbrokerResource = OcPlatform.constructResourceObject(
- "coap+tcp://" + Common.TCP_ADDRESS + ":" + Common.TCP_PORT,
+ Common.HOST,
EnumSet.of(OcConnectivityType.CT_ADAPTER_TCP, OcConnectivityType.CT_IP_USE_V4),
synchronized (this) {
String resourceUri = ocResource.getUri();
- Log.d(TAG, "onTopicDiscoveried : " + resourceUri + " found");
msg("onTopicDiscoveried : " + resourceUri + " found");
void createMQTopic() {
try {
if (null != MQbrokerResource) {
- Map<String, String> queryParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ Map<String, String> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
queryParameters.put("rt", "light");
new OcRepresentation(),
synchronized public void onTopicResourceCreated(OcResource ocResource) {
synchronized (this) {
Log.d(TAG, "onTopicResourceCreated");
- String resourceUri = ocResource.getUri();
currentTopicResource = ocResource;
- Log.d(TAG, "onTopicResourceCreated : " + resourceUri + " found");
- msg("onTopicCreated : " + currentTopicResource.getUri());
+ msg("onTopicResourceCreated : " + currentTopicResource.getUri());
void subscribeMQTopic() {
- Map<String, String> queryParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ Map<String, String> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
queryParameters.put("rt", "light");
try {
Log.d(TAG, "onSubScribeCompleted sequenceNumber : " + sequenceNumber);
try {
+ int subFlag;
OcRepresentation val = ocRepresentation.getValue("message");
if (sequenceNumber == 0) {
String resourceUri = ocRepresentation.getUri();
Log.d(TAG, "onUnsubScribeCompleted sequenceNumber : " + sequenceNumber);
- if (sequenceNumber == cancelSubScribe + 1) {
+ if (sequenceNumber == maxSequenceNumber + 1) {
Log.d(TAG, "onUnsubScribeCompleted : " + resourceUri);
msg("onUnsubScribeCompleted : " + resourceUri);
// ******************************************************************************
// End of the Message Queue specific code
// ******************************************************************************
private void showTCPInput() {
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
- View inputView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.tcp_input, null);
+ View inputView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.input, null);
AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mActivity);
final EditText editText = (EditText) inputView.getRootView().findViewById(;
+ final CheckBox isSecured = (CheckBox) inputView.getRootView().findViewById(;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ isSecured.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
+ isSecured.setChecked(mSecured);
.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
final String host[] = hosts.split(Common.PORT_SEPARATOR);
Common.TCP_ADDRESS = host[0];
Common.TCP_PORT = host[1];
+ mSecured = isSecured.isChecked();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append(Common.COAP_TCP);
+ if (mSecured) {
+ sb.append(Common.COAPS_TCP);
+ } else {
+ sb.append(Common.COAP_TCP);
+ }
private void showInviteUser() {
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
- View inputView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.tcp_input, null);
+ View inputView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.input, null);
AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mActivity);
final String userID = editText.getText().toString();
try {
- Map<String, String> option = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ Map<String, String> option = new HashMap<>();
option.put("userid", userID);
msg("searchUser (User ID: " + userID + ")");
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
try {
- msg("gid: " +mGroupId);
+ msg("gid: " + mGroupId);
mAccountManager.deleteInvitation(mGroupId, onDeleteInvitation);
} catch (OcException e) {
mActionLog.setText("[Action Log]" + EOL);
int viewID = view.getId();
- if (mAccountManager == null &&
- (viewID == || viewID == || viewID ==
- || viewID == || viewID =={
+ if (mAccountManager == null && (viewID ==
+ || viewID == || viewID ==
+ || viewID == || viewID == {
mActionLog.append("Do 'SignUp' first" + EOL);
mActionLog.append("Publish MQ Topic" + EOL);
+ case
+ mActionLog.append("Request MQ Publish" + EOL);
+ requestMQPublish();
+ break;
mRDLayout = (LinearLayout) rootView.findViewById(;
mMQLayout = (LinearLayout) rootView.findViewById(;
- mAccountSwitch = (Switch) rootView.findViewById(;
- mRDSwitch = (Switch) rootView.findViewById(;
- mMQSwitch = (Switch) rootView.findViewById(;
- mAccountSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
- mRDSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
- mMQSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
+ Switch accountSwitch = (Switch) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Switch RDSwitch = (Switch) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Switch MQSwitch = (Switch) rootView.findViewById(;
+ accountSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
+ RDSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
+ MQSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
mAccountText = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
mRDText = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
mActionLog = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
mResultLog = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
- mSetIPButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mSignUpButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mSignInButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mSignOutButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mCreateGroupButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mInviteButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mLeaveGroupButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mSetIPButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mSignUpButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mSignInButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mSignOutButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mCreateGroupButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mInviteButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mLeaveGroupButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mRdPubButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mRdDelButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button setIPButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button signUpButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button signInButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button signOutButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button createGroupButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button inviteButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button leaveGroupButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ setIPButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ signUpButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ signInButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ signOutButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ createGroupButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ inviteButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ leaveGroupButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ Button rdPubButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button rdDelButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
mDevicePresenceButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mRdPubButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mRdDelButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ rdPubButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ rdDelButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mMqBrokerButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mCreateTopicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mSubTopicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mUnsubTopicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mPubToicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
- mMqBrokerButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mCreateTopicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mSubTopicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mUnsubTopicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
- mPubToicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ Button mqBrokerButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button createTopicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button subTopicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button unsubTopicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ Button pubToicButton = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
+ mqBrokerButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ createTopicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ subTopicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ unsubTopicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
+ pubToicButton.setOnClickListener(this);
return rootView;
\ No newline at end of file