require './';
+my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
use Carp qw(carp cluck croak confess);
plan tests => 21;
-# Check that croak() and confess() don't clobber $!
-runperl(prog => 'use Carp; $@=q{Phooey}; $!=42; croak(q{Dead})', stderr => 1);
-is($?>>8, 42, 'croak() doesn\'t clobber $!');
-runperl(prog => 'use Carp; $@=q{Phooey}; $!=42; confess(q{Dead})', stderr => 1);
-is($?>>8, 42, 'confess() doesn\'t clobber $!');
+ local $TODO = "VMS exit status semantics don't work this way" if $Is_VMS;
+ # Check that croak() and confess() don't clobber $!
+ runperl(prog => 'use Carp; $@=q{Phooey}; $!=42; croak(q{Dead})',
+ stderr => 1);
+ is($?>>8, 42, 'croak() doesn\'t clobber $!');
+ runperl(prog => 'use Carp; $@=q{Phooey}; $!=42; confess(q{Dead})',
+ stderr => 1);
+ is($?>>8, 42, 'confess() doesn\'t clobber $!');