auto &FixItsForDiagnostic = LocalFixIts[Diag];
- std::copy(Fixes.begin(), Fixes.end(),
- std::back_inserter(FixItsForDiagnostic));
+ llvm::copy(Fixes, std::back_inserter(FixItsForDiagnostic));
// Lookup in a list of known extensions.
auto SourceIter =
- std::find_if(std::begin(SourceExtensions), std::end(SourceExtensions),
- [&PathExt](PathRef SourceExt) {
- return SourceExt.equals_lower(PathExt);
- });
+ llvm::find_if(SourceExtensions, [&PathExt](PathRef SourceExt) {
+ return SourceExt.equals_lower(PathExt);
+ });
bool IsSource = SourceIter != std::end(SourceExtensions);
auto HeaderIter =
- std::find_if(std::begin(HeaderExtensions), std::end(HeaderExtensions),
- [&PathExt](PathRef HeaderExt) {
- return HeaderExt.equals_lower(PathExt);
- });
+ llvm::find_if(HeaderExtensions, [&PathExt](PathRef HeaderExt) {
+ return HeaderExt.equals_lower(PathExt);
+ });
bool IsHeader = HeaderIter != std::end(HeaderExtensions);
toTextEdit(FixIt, ASTCtx.getSourceManager(), ASTCtx.getLangOpts()));
- std::sort(Completion.FixIts.begin(), Completion.FixIts.end(),
- [](const TextEdit &X, const TextEdit &Y) {
- return std::tie(X.range.start.line, X.range.start.character) <
- std::tie(Y.range.start.line, Y.range.start.character);
- });
+ llvm::sort(Completion.FixIts, [](const TextEdit &X, const TextEdit &Y) {
+ return std::tie(X.range.start.line, X.range.start.character) <
+ std::tie(Y.range.start.line, Y.range.start.character);
+ });
Completion.Deprecated |=
(C.SemaResult->Availability == CXAvailability_Deprecated);
IndexRequest.IDs.size(), FetchedDocs.size());
- std::sort(
- ScoredSignatures.begin(), ScoredSignatures.end(),
+ llvm::sort(
+ ScoredSignatures,
[](const ScoredSignature &L, const ScoredSignature &R) {
// Ordering follows:
// - Less number of parameters is better.
getRankedIncludes(const Symbol &Sym) {
auto Includes = Sym.IncludeHeaders;
// Sort in descending order by reference count and header length.
- std::sort(Includes.begin(), Includes.end(),
- [](const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &LHS,
- const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &RHS) {
- if (LHS.References == RHS.References)
- return LHS.IncludeHeader.size() < RHS.IncludeHeader.size();
- return LHS.References > RHS.References;
- });
+ llvm::sort(Includes, [](const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &LHS,
+ const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &RHS) {
+ if (LHS.References == RHS.References)
+ return LHS.IncludeHeader.size() < RHS.IncludeHeader.size();
+ return LHS.References > RHS.References;
+ });
llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 1> Headers;
for (const auto &Include : Includes)
using KVPair = std::pair<Key, std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST>>;
std::vector<KVPair>::iterator findByKey(Key K) {
- return std::find_if(LRU.begin(), LRU.end(),
- [K](const KVPair &P) { return P.first == K; });
+ return llvm::find_if(LRU, [K](const KVPair &P) { return P.first == K; });
std::mutex Mut;
// Sort results. Declarations being referenced explicitly come first.
- std::sort(Result.begin(), Result.end(),
- [](const DeclInfo &L, const DeclInfo &R) {
- if (L.IsReferencedExplicitly != R.IsReferencedExplicitly)
- return L.IsReferencedExplicitly > R.IsReferencedExplicitly;
- return L.D->getBeginLoc() < R.D->getBeginLoc();
- });
+ llvm::sort(Result, [](const DeclInfo &L, const DeclInfo &R) {
+ if (L.IsReferencedExplicitly != R.IsReferencedExplicitly)
+ return L.IsReferencedExplicitly > R.IsReferencedExplicitly;
+ return L.D->getBeginLoc() < R.D->getBeginLoc();
+ });
return Result;
std::vector<MacroDecl> takeMacroInfos() {
// Don't keep the same Macro info multiple times.
- std::sort(MacroInfos.begin(), MacroInfos.end(),
- [](const MacroDecl &Left, const MacroDecl &Right) {
- return Left.Info < Right.Info;
- });
+ llvm::sort(MacroInfos, [](const MacroDecl &Left, const MacroDecl &Right) {
+ return Left.Info < Right.Info;
+ });
auto Last = std::unique(MacroInfos.begin(), MacroInfos.end(),
[](const MacroDecl &Left, const MacroDecl &Right) {
return SE->second;
// Find the first header such that the extension is not '.inc', and isn't a
// recognized non-header file
- auto I =
- std::find_if(Headers.begin(), Headers.end(), [](llvm::StringRef Include) {
- // Skip .inc file whose including header file should
- // be #included instead.
- return !Include.endswith(".inc");
- });
+ auto I = llvm::find_if(Headers, [](llvm::StringRef Include) {
+ // Skip .inc file whose including header file should
+ // be #included instead.
+ return !Include.endswith(".inc");
+ });
if (I == Headers.end())
return Headers[0]; // Fallback to the declaring header.
StringRef Header = *I;
for (auto &Sym : MergedRefs) {
auto &SymRefs = Sym.second;
// Sorting isn't required, but yields more stable results over rebuilds.
- std::sort(SymRefs.begin(), SymRefs.end());
- std::copy(SymRefs.begin(), SymRefs.end(), back_inserter(RefsStorage));
+ llvm::sort(SymRefs);
+ llvm::copy(SymRefs, back_inserter(RefsStorage));
ArrayRef<Ref>(&RefsStorage[RefsStorage.size() - SymRefs.size()],
SymbolSlab::const_iterator SymbolSlab::find(const SymbolID &ID) const {
- auto It = std::lower_bound(Symbols.begin(), Symbols.end(), ID,
- [](const Symbol &S, const SymbolID &I) {
- return S.ID < I;
- });
+ auto It = llvm::lower_bound(
+ Symbols, ID, [](const Symbol &S, const SymbolID &I) { return S.ID < I; });
if (It != Symbols.end() && It->ID == ID)
return It;
return Symbols.end();
SymbolSlab SymbolSlab::Builder::build() && {
Symbols = {Symbols.begin(), Symbols.end()}; // Force shrink-to-fit.
// Sort symbols so the slab can binary search over them.
- std::sort(Symbols.begin(), Symbols.end(),
- [](const Symbol &L, const Symbol &R) { return L.ID < R.ID; });
+ llvm::sort(Symbols,
+ [](const Symbol &L, const Symbol &R) { return L.ID < R.ID; });
// We may have unused strings from overwritten symbols. Build a new arena.
BumpPtrAllocator NewArena;
llvm::UniqueStringSaver Strings(NewArena);
for (auto &Sym : Refs) {
auto &SymRefs = Sym.second;
- std::sort(SymRefs.begin(), SymRefs.end());
- // TODO: do we really need to dedup?
+ llvm::sort(SymRefs);
+ // FIXME: do we really need to dedup?
SymRefs.erase(std::unique(SymRefs.begin(), SymRefs.end()), SymRefs.end());
auto *Array = Arena.Allocate<Ref>(SymRefs.size());
// Finalize the table and write it to OS. No more strings may be added.
void finalize(raw_ostream &OS) {
Sorted = {Unique.begin(), Unique.end()};
- std::sort(Sorted.begin(), Sorted.end());
+ llvm::sort(Sorted);
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Sorted.size(); ++I)
Index.try_emplace({Sorted[I].data(), Sorted[I].size()}, I);
// will include OUTER_INNER and exclude some_enum_constant.
// FIXME: the heuristic relies on naming style (i.e. no underscore in
// user-defined names) and can be improved.
- return (ND.getKind() != Decl::EnumConstant) ||
- std::any_of(Name.begin(), Name.end(), islower);
+ return (ND.getKind() != Decl::EnumConstant) || llvm::any_of(Name, islower);
// We only collect #include paths for symbols that are suitable for global code
// Symbols are sorted by symbol qualities so that items in the posting lists
// are stored in the descending order of symbol quality.
- std::sort(begin(ScoredSymbols), end(ScoredSymbols),
- std::greater<std::pair<float, const Symbol *>>());
+ llvm::sort(ScoredSymbols, std::greater<std::pair<float, const Symbol *>>());
// SymbolQuality was empty up until now.
// highest element starting from the front. When child iterators in the
// beginning have smaller estimated size, the sync() will have less restarts
// and become more effective.
- std::sort(begin(Children), end(Children),
- [](const std::unique_ptr<Iterator> &LHS,
- const std::unique_ptr<Iterator> &RHS) {
- return LHS->estimateSize() < RHS->estimateSize();
- });
+ llvm::sort(Children, [](const std::unique_ptr<Iterator> &LHS,
+ const std::unique_ptr<Iterator> &RHS) {
+ return LHS->estimateSize() < RHS->estimateSize();
+ });
bool reachedEnd() const override { return ReachedEnd; }
return std::lower_bound(adl_begin(Range), adl_end(Range), I);
+template <typename R, typename ForwardIt, typename Compare>
+auto lower_bound(R &&Range, ForwardIt I, Compare C)
+ -> decltype(adl_begin(Range)) {
+ return std::lower_bound(adl_begin(Range), adl_end(Range), I, C);
/// Provide wrappers to std::upper_bound which take ranges instead of having to
/// pass begin/end explicitly.
template <typename R, typename ForwardIt>