--- /dev/null
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-no-concepts
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-format
+// <format>
+// Tests the parsing of the format string as specified in [format.string.std].
+// It validates whether the std-format-spec is valid for a char type.
+#include <format>
+#include <cassert>
+# include <iostream>
+#include "concepts_precision.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+#include "make_string.h"
+#include "test_exception.h"
+#define CSTR(S) MAKE_CSTRING(CharT, S)
+using namespace std::__format_spec;
+template <class CharT>
+using Parser = __parser_char<CharT>;
+template <class CharT>
+struct Expected {
+ CharT fill = CharT(' ');
+ _Flags::_Alignment alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left;
+ _Flags::_Sign sign = _Flags::_Sign::__default;
+ bool alternate_form = false;
+ bool zero_padding = false;
+ uint32_t width = 0;
+ bool width_as_arg = false;
+ bool locale_specific_form = false;
+ _Flags::_Type type = _Flags::_Type::__char;
+template <class CharT>
+constexpr void test(Expected<CharT> expected, size_t size,
+ std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt) {
+ // Initialize parser with sufficient arguments to avoid the parsing to fail
+ // due to insufficient arguments.
+ std::basic_format_parse_context<CharT> parse_ctx(fmt,
+ std::__format::__number_max);
+ auto begin = parse_ctx.begin();
+ auto end = parse_ctx.end();
+ Parser<CharT> parser;
+ auto it = parser.parse(parse_ctx);
+ assert(begin == parse_ctx.begin());
+ assert(end == parse_ctx.end());
+ assert(begin + size == it);
+ assert(parser.__fill == expected.fill);
+ assert(parser.__alignment == expected.alignment);
+ assert(parser.__sign == expected.sign);
+ assert(parser.__alternate_form == expected.alternate_form);
+ assert(parser.__zero_padding == expected.zero_padding);
+ assert(parser.__width == expected.width);
+ assert(parser.__width_as_arg == expected.width_as_arg);
+ assert(parser.__locale_specific_form == expected.locale_specific_form);
+ assert(parser.__type == expected.type);
+template <class CharT>
+constexpr void test(Expected<CharT> expected, size_t size, const CharT* f) {
+ // The format-spec is valid if completely consumed or terminates at a '}'.
+ // The valid inputs all end with a '}'. The test is executed twice:
+ // - first with the terminating '}',
+ // - second consuming the entire input.
+ std::basic_string_view<CharT> fmt{f};
+ assert(fmt.back() == CharT('}') && "Pre-condition failure");
+ test(expected, size, fmt);
+ fmt.remove_suffix(1);
+ test(expected, size, fmt);
+template <class CharT>
+constexpr void test_as_char() {
+ test({}, 1, CSTR("c}"));
+ // *** Align-fill ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left}, 1, CSTR("<}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center}, 1, "^}");
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right}, 1, ">}");
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left}, 2, CSTR("<c}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center}, 2, "^c}");
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right}, 2, ">c}");
+ test({.fill = CharT('L'), .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left}, 2,
+ CSTR("L<}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('#'), .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center}, 2,
+ CSTR("#^}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('0'), .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right}, 2,
+ CSTR("0>}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('L'), .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left}, 3,
+ CSTR("L<c}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('#'), .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center}, 3,
+ CSTR("#^c}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('0'), .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right}, 3,
+ CSTR("0>c}"));
+ // *** Sign ***
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("-"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("+"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR(" "));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("-c"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("+c"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR(" c"));
+ // *** Alternate form ***
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "An alternate form field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("#}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "An alternate form field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("#c}"));
+ // *** Zero padding ***
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A zero-padding field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("0}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A zero-padding field isn't allowed in this format-spec", CSTR("0c}"));
+ // *** Width ***
+ test({.width = 0, .width_as_arg = false}, 0, CSTR("}"));
+ test({.width = 1, .width_as_arg = false}, 1, CSTR("1}"));
+ test({.width = 10, .width_as_arg = false}, 2, CSTR("10}"));
+ test({.width = 1000, .width_as_arg = false}, 4, CSTR("1000}"));
+ test({.width = 1000000, .width_as_arg = false}, 7, CSTR("1000000}"));
+ test({.width = 0, .width_as_arg = true}, 2, CSTR("{}}"));
+ test({.width = 0, .width_as_arg = true}, 3, CSTR("{0}}"));
+ test({.width = 1, .width_as_arg = true}, 3, CSTR("{1}}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A format-spec width field shouldn't have a leading zero", CSTR("00"));
+ static_assert(std::__format::__number_max == 2'147'483'647,
+ "Update the assert and the test.");
+ test({.width = 2'147'483'647, .width_as_arg = false}, 10,
+ CSTR("2147483647}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The numeric value of the format-spec is too large", CSTR("2147483648"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The numeric value of the format-spec is too large", CSTR("5000000000"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The numeric value of the format-spec is too large", CSTR("10000000000"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>("End of input while parsing format-spec arg-id",
+ CSTR("{"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A format-spec arg-id should terminate at a '}'", CSTR("{0"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The arg-id of the format-spec starts with an invalid character",
+ CSTR("{a"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A format-spec arg-id should terminate at a '}'", CSTR("{1"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A format-spec arg-id should terminate at a '}'", CSTR("{9"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A format-spec arg-id should terminate at a '}'", CSTR("{9:"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "A format-spec arg-id should terminate at a '}'", CSTR("{9a"));
+ static_assert(std::__format::__number_max == 2'147'483'647,
+ "Update the assert and the test.");
+ // Note the static_assert tests whether the arg-id is valid.
+ // Therefore the following should be true arg-id < __format::__number_max.
+ test({.width = 2'147'483'646, .width_as_arg = true}, 12,
+ CSTR("{2147483646}}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The numeric value of the format-spec is too large",
+ CSTR("{2147483648}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The numeric value of the format-spec is too large",
+ CSTR("{5000000000}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The numeric value of the format-spec is too large",
+ CSTR("{10000000000}"));
+ // *** Precision ***
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", CSTR("."));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", CSTR(".1"));
+ // *** Locale-specific form ***
+ // Note the flag is allowed, but has no effect.
+ test({.locale_specific_form = true}, 1, CSTR("L}"));
+ test({.locale_specific_form = true}, 2, CSTR("Lc}"));
+template <class CharT>
+constexpr void test_as_integer() {
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 1, CSTR("d}"));
+ // *** Align-fill ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("<d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, "^d}");
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, ">d}");
+ test({.fill = CharT('L'),
+ .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__left,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 3, CSTR("L<d}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('#'),
+ .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 3, CSTR("#^d}"));
+ test({.fill = CharT('0'),
+ .alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 3, CSTR("0>d}"));
+ // *** Sign ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .sign = _Flags::_Sign::__minus,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("-d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .sign = _Flags::_Sign::__plus,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("+d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .sign = _Flags::_Sign::__space,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR(" d}"));
+ // *** Alternate form ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .alternate_form = true,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("#d}"));
+ // *** Zero padding ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__default,
+ .zero_padding = true,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("0d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__center,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 3, CSTR("^0d}"));
+ // *** Width ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 0,
+ .width_as_arg = false,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 1, CSTR("d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 1,
+ .width_as_arg = false,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("1d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 10,
+ .width_as_arg = false,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 3, CSTR("10d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 1000,
+ .width_as_arg = false,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 5, CSTR("1000d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 1000000,
+ .width_as_arg = false,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 8, CSTR("1000000d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 0,
+ .width_as_arg = true,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 3, CSTR("{}d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 0,
+ .width_as_arg = true,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 4, CSTR("{0}d}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .width = 1,
+ .width_as_arg = true,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 4, CSTR("{1}d}"));
+ // *** Precision ***
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", CSTR("."));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", CSTR(".1"));
+ // *** Locale-specific form ***
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .locale_specific_form = true,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 2, CSTR("Ld}"));
+template <class CharT>
+constexpr void test() {
+ Parser<CharT> parser;
+ assert(parser.__fill == CharT(' '));
+ assert(parser.__alignment == _Flags::_Alignment::__default);
+ assert(parser.__sign == _Flags::_Sign::__default);
+ assert(parser.__alternate_form == false);
+ assert(parser.__zero_padding == false);
+ assert(parser.__width == 0);
+ assert(parser.__width_as_arg == false);
+ static_assert(!has_precision<decltype(parser)>);
+ static_assert(!has_precision_as_arg<decltype(parser)>);
+ assert(parser.__locale_specific_form == false);
+ assert(parser.__type == _Flags::_Type::__default);
+ test({}, 0, CSTR("}"));
+ test_as_char<CharT>();
+ test_as_integer<CharT>();
+ // *** Type ***
+ {
+ const char* unsuported_type =
+ "The format-spec type has a type not supported for a char argument";
+ const char* not_a_type =
+ "The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'";
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("A}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__binary_upper_case},
+ 1, CSTR("B}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("C}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("D}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("E}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("F}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("G}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("H}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("I}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("J}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("K}"));
+ test({.locale_specific_form = true}, 1, CSTR("L}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("M}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("N}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("O}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("P}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("Q}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("R}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("S}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("T}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("U}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("V}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("W}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__hexadecimal_upper_case},
+ 1, CSTR("X}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("Y}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("Z}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("a}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__binary_lower_case},
+ 1, CSTR("b}"));
+ test({.type = _Flags::_Type::__char}, 1, CSTR("c}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__decimal},
+ 1, CSTR("d}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("e}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("f}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("g}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("h}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("i}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("j}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("k}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("l}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("m}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("n}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__octal},
+ 1, CSTR("o}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("p}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("q}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("r}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(unsuported_type, CSTR("s}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("t}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("u}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("v}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("w}"));
+ test({.alignment = _Flags::_Alignment::__right,
+ .type = _Flags::_Type::__hexadecimal_lower_case},
+ 1, CSTR("x}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("y}"));
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(not_a_type, CSTR("z}"));
+ }
+ // **** General ***
+ test_exception<Parser<CharT>>(
+ "The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'", CSTR("ss"));
+constexpr bool test() {
+ test<char>();
+ test<wchar_t>();
+ return true;
+int main(int, char**) {
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ // TODO FMT Investigate why this doesn't work.
+ // (Wait until LWG-3576 has been resolved.)
+ // Make sure the parsers match the expectations. The layout of the
+ // subobjects is chosen to minimize the size required.
+ static_assert(sizeof(Parser<char>) == 2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ static_assert(
+ sizeof(Parser<wchar_t>) ==
+ (sizeof(wchar_t) <= 2 ? 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) : 3 * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+ test();
+ static_assert(test());
+ return 0;
// TODO FMT Add __uint128_t test after implementing full range.
+template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
+void format_test_char(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
+ // ***** Char type *****
+ // *** align-fill & width ***
+ check(STR("answer is '* '"), STR("answer is '{:6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' *'"), STR("answer is '{:>6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '* '"), STR("answer is '{:<6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' * '"), STR("answer is '{:^6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '* '"), STR("answer is '{:6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' *'"), STR("answer is '{:>6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '* '"), STR("answer is '{:<6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' * '"), STR("answer is '{:^6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '-----*'"), STR("answer is '{:->6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '*-----'"), STR("answer is '{:-<6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '--*---'"), STR("answer is '{:-^6}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '-----*'"), STR("answer is '{:->6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '*-----'"), STR("answer is '{:-<6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '--*---'"), STR("answer is '{:-^6c}'"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** Sign ***
+ check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", STR("{:-}"),
+ CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", STR("{:+}"),
+ CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec", STR("{: }"),
+ CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{:-c}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{:+c}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("A sign field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{: c}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** alternate form ***
+ check_exception("An alternate form field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{:#}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("An alternate form field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{:#c}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** zero-padding ***
+ check_exception("A zero-padding field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{:0}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("A zero-padding field isn't allowed in this format-spec",
+ STR("{:0c}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** precision ***
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.0}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.42}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.c}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.0c}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.42c}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** locale-specific form ***
+ // Note it has no effect but it's allowed.
+ check(STR("answer is '*'"), STR("answer is '{:L}'"), '*');
+ check(STR("answer is '*'"), STR("answer is '{:Lc}'"), '*');
+ // *** type ***
+ for (const auto& fmt : invalid_types<CharT>("bBcdoxX"))
+ check_exception(
+ "The format-spec type has a type not supported for a char argument",
+ fmt, CharT('*'));
+template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
+void format_test_char_as_integer(TestFunction check,
+ ExceptionTest check_exception) {
+ // *** align-fill & width ***
+ check(STR("answer is '42'"), STR("answer is '{:<1d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '42'"), STR("answer is '{:<2d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '42 '"), STR("answer is '{:<3d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' 42'"), STR("answer is '{:7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' 42'"), STR("answer is '{:>7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '42 '"), STR("answer is '{:<7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' 42 '"), STR("answer is '{:^7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '*****42'"), STR("answer is '{:*>7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '42*****'"), STR("answer is '{:*<7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '**42***'"), STR("answer is '{:*^7d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ // Test whether zero padding is ignored
+ check(STR("answer is ' 42'"), STR("answer is '{:>07d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is '42 '"), STR("answer is '{:<07d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is ' 42 '"), STR("answer is '{:^07d}'"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** Sign ***
+ check(STR("answer is 42"), STR("answer is {:d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is 42"), STR("answer is {:-d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +42"), STR("answer is {:+d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is 42"), STR("answer is {: d}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** alternate form ***
+ check(STR("answer is +42"), STR("answer is {:+#d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +101010"), STR("answer is {:+b}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0b101010"), STR("answer is {:+#b}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0B101010"), STR("answer is {:+#B}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +52"), STR("answer is {:+o}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +052"), STR("answer is {:+#o}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +2a"), STR("answer is {:+x}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0x2a"), STR("answer is {:+#x}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +2A"), STR("answer is {:+X}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0X2A"), STR("answer is {:+#X}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** zero-padding & width ***
+ check(STR("answer is +00000000042"), STR("answer is {:+#012d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +00000101010"), STR("answer is {:+012b}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0b000101010"), STR("answer is {:+#012b}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0B000101010"), STR("answer is {:+#012B}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +00000000052"), STR("answer is {:+012o}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +00000000052"), STR("answer is {:+#012o}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0000000002a"), STR("answer is {:+012x}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0x00000002a"), STR("answer is {:+#012x}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0000000002A"), STR("answer is {:+012X}"), CharT('*'));
+ check(STR("answer is +0X00000002A"), STR("answer is {:+#012X}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** precision ***
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.0d}"), CharT('*'));
+ check_exception("The format-spec should consume the input or end with a '}'",
+ STR("{:.42d}"), CharT('*'));
+ // *** locale-specific form ***
+ // See locale-specific_form.pass.cpp
+ // *** type ***
+ for (const auto& fmt : invalid_types<CharT>("bBcdoxX"))
+ check_exception(
+ "The format-spec type has a type not supported for a char argument",
+ fmt, '*');
template <class CharT, class TestFunction, class ExceptionTest>
void format_tests(TestFunction check, ExceptionTest check_exception) {
// *** Test escaping ***
check(STR("hello 09azAZ!"), STR("hello {}{}{}{}{}{}{}"), CharT('0'),
CharT('9'), CharT('a'), CharT('z'), CharT('A'), CharT('Z'), CharT('!'));
+ format_test_char<CharT>(check, check_exception);
+ format_test_char_as_integer<CharT>(check, check_exception);
// *** Test string format argument ***
CharT buffer[] = {CharT('0'), CharT('9'), CharT('a'), CharT('z'),