CHECK_SHOULD_DRAW(draw, false);
GR_CREATE_TRACE_MARKER_CONTEXT("SkGpuDevice::drawVertices", fContext);
- const uint16_t* outIndices;
- SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint16_t> outAlloc(NULL);
- GrPrimitiveType primType;
- GrPaint grPaint;
// If both textures and vertex-colors are NULL, strokes hairlines with the paint's color.
if ((NULL == texs || NULL == paint.getShader()) && NULL == colors) {
texs = NULL;
SkPaint copy(paint);
- // we ignore the shader if texs is null.
- SkPaint2GrPaintNoShader(this->context(), copy, SkColor2GrColor(copy.getColor()),
- NULL == colors, &grPaint);
- primType = kLines_GrPrimitiveType;
- int triangleCount = 0;
- switch (vmode) {
- case SkCanvas::kTriangles_VertexMode:
- triangleCount = indexCount / 3;
- break;
- case SkCanvas::kTriangleStrip_VertexMode:
- case SkCanvas::kTriangleFan_VertexMode:
- triangleCount = indexCount - 2;
- break;
- }
VertState state(vertexCount, indices, indexCount);
VertState::Proc vertProc = state.chooseProc(vmode);
- //number of indices for lines per triangle with kLines
- indexCount = triangleCount * 6;
- outAlloc.reset(SkNEW_ARRAY(uint16_t, indexCount));
- outIndices = outAlloc.get();
- uint16_t* auxIndices = outAlloc.get();
+ SkPoint* pts = new SkPoint[vertexCount * 6];
int i = 0;
while (vertProc(&state)) {
- auxIndices[i] = state.f0;
- auxIndices[i + 1] = state.f1;
- auxIndices[i + 2] = state.f1;
- auxIndices[i + 3] = state.f2;
- auxIndices[i + 4] = state.f2;
- auxIndices[i + 5] = state.f0;
+ pts[i] = vertices[state.f0];
+ pts[i + 1] = vertices[state.f1];
+ pts[i + 2] = vertices[state.f1];
+ pts[i + 3] = vertices[state.f2];
+ pts[i + 4] = vertices[state.f2];
+ pts[i + 5] = vertices[state.f0];
i += 6;
+ draw.drawPoints(SkCanvas::kLines_PointMode, i, pts, copy, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ GrPaint grPaint;
+ // we ignore the shader if texs is null.
+ if (NULL == texs) {
+ SkPaint2GrPaintNoShader(this->context(), paint, SkColor2GrColor(paint.getColor()),
+ NULL == colors, &grPaint);
} else {
- outIndices = indices;
- primType = gVertexMode2PrimitiveType[vmode];
SkPaint2GrPaintShader(this->context(), paint, NULL == colors, &grPaint);
colors = convertedColors.get();
- primType,
+ gVertexMode2PrimitiveType[vmode],
- outIndices,
+ indices,