pointer :: ep1, ep2, ep3
target :: eat1, eat2, eat3, et1, et2, et3
optional :: ea1, ep1, eat1, et1, ei1
+ logical :: shared_memory
allocate(ea3, eat3, ep3)
eat1 = 2; eat2 = 2; eat3 = 2; et1 = 2; et2 = 2; et3 = 2
ei1 = 2; ei2 = 2; ei3 = 2
+ shared_memory = .false.
+ !$omp target map(to: shared_memory)
+ shared_memory = .true.
+ !$omp end target
! While here 'scalar' implies nonallocatable/nonpointer and
! the target attribute plays no role.
!$omp target defaultmap(tofrom:scalar) defaultmap(firstprivate:allocatable) &
- !$omp& defaultmap(none:aggregate) defaultmap(firstprivate:pointer)
- if (ea1 /= 2) stop 91
- if (ea2 /= 2) stop 92
- if (ea3 /= 2) stop 93
- if (ep1 /= 2) stop 94
- if (ep2 /= 2) stop 95
- if (ep3 /= 2) stop 96
- if (eat1 /= 2) stop 97
- if (eat2 /= 2) stop 98
- if (eat3 /= 2) stop 99
+ !$omp& defaultmap(none:aggregate) defaultmap(firstprivate:pointer) &
+ !$omp& map(always, to: shared_memory)
+ if (shared_memory) then
+ ! Due to fortran/90742 this fails when doing non-shared memory offloading
+ if (ea1 /= 2) stop 91
+ if (ea2 /= 2) stop 92
+ if (ea3 /= 2) stop 93
+ if (ep1 /= 2) stop 94
+ if (ep2 /= 2) stop 95
+ if (ep3 /= 2) stop 96
+ if (eat1 /= 2) stop 97
+ if (eat2 /= 2) stop 98
+ if (eat3 /= 2) stop 99
+ end if
if (et1 /= 2) stop 100
if (et2 /= 2) stop 101
if (et3 /= 2) stop 102
if (ei2 /= 2) stop 104
if (ei3 /= 2) stop 105
ep1 => null(); ep2 => null(); ep3 => null()
- ea1 = 1; ea2 = 1; ea3 = 1
- eat1 = 1; eat2 = 1; eat3 = 1
+ if (shared_memory) then
+ ! Due to fortran/90742 this fails when doing non-shared memory offloading
+ ea1 = 1; ea2 = 1; ea3 = 1
+ eat1 = 1; eat2 = 1; eat3 = 1
+ end if
et1 = 1; et2 = 1; et3 = 1
ei1 = 1; ei2 = 1; ei3 = 1
!$omp end target