* @defgroup Ctxpopup Ctxpopup
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html ctxpopup_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex ctxpopup_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Fileselector File Selector
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
+ *
* @addtogroup Fileselector
* @{
+ * @internal
* @defgroup File_Selector_Button File Selector Button
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @defgroup File_Selector_Entry File Selector Entry
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Hoversel Hoversel
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html hoversel_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex hoversel_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Multibuttonentry Multibuttonentry
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html multibuttonentry_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex multibuttonentry_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Naviframe Naviframe
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html naviframe_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex naviframe_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Popup Popup
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html popup_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex popup_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Access Access
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Actionslider Actionslider
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup App App
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Provide information in order to make Elementary determine the @b
* run time location of the software in question, so other data files
* such as images, sound files, executable utilities, libraries,
* @defgroup Bg Background
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html bg_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex bg_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Box Box
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_container_group
* @image html box_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex box_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Bubble Bubble
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Button Button
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html button_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex button_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Caches Caches
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* These are functions which let one fine-tune some cache values for
* Elementary applications, thus allowing for performance adjustments.
* @defgroup Calendar Calendar
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html calendar_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex calendar_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Check Check
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html check_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex check_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Clock Clock
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Clock
* @{
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_clock_add(Evas_Object *parent);
-#include "elm_clock.eo.legacy.h"
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "elm_clock.eo.legacy.h"
* @defgroup CopyPaste CopyPaste
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Copy and paste feature implementations.
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Elm_Color_Class_Group Color Class Editor
* @ingroup Elm_Color_Class_Group
* @brief This group provides a UI for editing color classes in applications.
* @defgroup Colorselector Colorselector
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html colorselector_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex colorselector_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Config Elementary Config
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Elementary configuration is formed by a set options bounded to a
* given @ref Profile profile, like @ref Theme theme, @ref Fingers
* @defgroup Profile Elementary Profile
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Profiles are pre-set options that affect the whole look-and-feel of
* Elementary-based applications. There are, for example, profiles
* @defgroup Scrolling Elementary Scrolling
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* These are functions setting how scrollable views in Elementary
* widgets should behave on user interaction.
* @defgroup Password_last_show Password show last
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Show last feature of password mode enables user to view
* the last input entered for few seconds before masking it.
* @defgroup Engine Elementary Engine
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* These are functions setting and querying which rendering engine
* Elementary will use for drawing its windows' pixels.
* @defgroup ATSPI AT-SPI2 Accessibility
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Elementary widgets support Linux Accessibility standard. For more
* information please visit:
* @defgroup Conformant Conformant
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html conformant_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex conformant_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Cursors Cursors
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* The Elementary cursor is an internal smart object used to
* customize the mouse cursor displayed over objects (or
* @defgroup Datetime Datetime
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html datetime_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex datetime_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Dayselector Dayselector
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
+ *
* @addtogroup Dayselector
* @{
* @defgroup Debug Debug
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Don't use it unless you are sure.
* @{
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Diskselector Diskselector
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
+ *
* @addtogroup Diskselector
* @{
* @defgroup Entry Entry
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html entry_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex entry_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Fingers Fingers
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Elementary is designed to be finger-friendly for touchscreens,
* and so in addition to scaling for display resolution, it can
* @defgroup Flip Flip
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html flip_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex flip_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Flipselector Flip Selector
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html flipselector_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex flipselector_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Focus Focus
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* An Elementary application has, at all times, one (and only one)
* @b focused object. This is what determines where the input
* @defgroup Fonts Elementary Fonts
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* These are functions dealing with font rendering, selection and the
* like for Elementary applications. One might fetch which system
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Frame Frame
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @defgroup elm_gen_group Elementary Gen Item
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @struct Elm_Gen_Item
+ *
+ * @brief The structure type that represents the Gengrid or Genlist item definition field details.
+ */
typedef struct Elm_Gen_Item Elm_Gen_Item;
ELM_GLOB_MATCH_PERIOD = (1 << 2), /**< Leading period in string has to be matched exactly by a period in pattern. A period is considered to be leading if it is the first character in string, or if both ELM_GLOB_MATCH_PATH is set and the period immediately follows a slash. */
ELM_GLOB_MATCH_NOCASE = (1 << 3) /**< The pattern is matched case-insensitively. */
} Elm_Glob_Match_Flags; /**< Glob matching bitfiled flags. @since 1.11 */
+ * @}
+ */
* @defgroup General General
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* @brief General Elementary API. Functions that don't relate to
* Elementary objects specifically.
* @defgroup Gengrid Gengrid (Generic grid)
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html gengrid_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex gengrid_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Genlist Genlist (Generic list)
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html genlist_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex genlist_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Elm_Gesture_Layer Gesture Layer
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* @image html gesture_layer_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex gesture_layer_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Start Getting Started
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup GLView GLView
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html glview_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex glview_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Grid Grid
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_container_group
* @image html grid_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex grid_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Helper Helper
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Hover Hover
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Icon Icon
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html icon_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex icon_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Image Image
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html image_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex image_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Index Index
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html index_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex index_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @defgroup Accessibility Accessibility
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
+ * @{
+ */
//TIZEN_ONLY(20190922): add name callback, description callback.
* ATSPI reading information callback
#include "elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo.legacy.h"
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @defgroup Elementary Elementary
+ * @ingroup EFL
+ *
+ * @brief Elementary provide a VERY SIMPLE Toolkit.
+ *
+ * See @ref Elementary for more details.
+ *
+ * @defgroup elm_infra_group Elementary Infrastructure
+ * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @brief This contains infrastructure modules that facilitate the use of widgets.
+ *
+ * @defgroup elm_container_group Elementary Containers
+ * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @brief Elementary is about displaying its widgets in a nice layout, for this
+ * purpose it provides a number of containers.
+ *
+ * @defgroup elm_widget_group Elementary Widgets
+ * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @brief This contains basic elementary widgets.
+ *
* @mainpage Elementary
* @image html elementary.png
* @version @VMAJ@.@VMIN@.@VMIC@
* @defgroup Label Label
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html label_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex label_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Layout Layout
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html layout_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex layout_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup List List
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html list_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex list_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Map Map
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html map_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex map_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Mapbuf Mapbuf
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html mapbuf_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex mapbuf_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Menu Menu
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Mirroring Mirroring
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* These functions allow you to set ui-mirroring on specific
* widgets or the whole interface. Widgets can be in one of two
* @defgroup Notify Notify
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html notify_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex notify_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Styles Styles
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Widgets can have different styles of look. These generic API's
* set styles of widgets, if they support them (and if the theme(s)
* @defgroup WidgetNavigation Widget Tree Navigation
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* These functions provide checks for if a Evas_Object is an Elementary widget,
* the possibility of getting a widget's parent, top level parent and getting a
* @defgroup Panel Panel
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html panel_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex panel_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Panes Panes
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html panes_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex panes_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Photo Photo
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Photocam Photocam
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html photocam_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex photocam_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Plug Plug
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html plug_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex plug_inheritance_tree.eps
#define ELM_PREFS_H
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Prefs
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Prefs
* @{
* @defgroup Progressbar Progress bar
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html progressbar_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex progressbar_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Radio Radio
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html radio_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex radio_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Route Route
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Scaling Widget Scaling
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Different widgets can be scaled independently. These functions
* allow you to manipulate this scaling on a per-widget basis. The
* @defgroup Scrollhints Scrollhints
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Objects when inside a scroller can scroll, but this may not always be
* desirable in certain situations. This allows an object to hint to itself
* @defgroup Scroller Scroller
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html scroller_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex scroller_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup SegmentControl SegmentControl
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html segment_control_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex segment_control_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Separator Separator
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Slider Slider
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html slider_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex slider_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Slideshow Slideshow
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Slideshow
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Slideshow
* @{
* @defgroup Spinner Spinner
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html spinner_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex spinner_inheritance_tree.eps
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Store Elementary Store
* @ingroup Elementary
* @defgroup Table Table
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_container_group
* @image html table_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex table_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Theme Theme
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Elementary uses Edje to theme its widgets, naturally. But for the most
* part this is hidden behind a simpler interface that lets the user set
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Thumb Thumbnail
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Thumb
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Thumb
* @{
* @defgroup Toolbar Toolbar
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html toolbar_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex toolbar_inheritance_tree.eps
* @defgroup Tooltips Tooltips
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* The Tooltip is an (internal, for now) smart object used to show a
* content in a frame on mouse hover of objects(or widgets), with
* @defgroup Transit Transit
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_infra_group
* Transit is designed to apply various animated transition effects to @c
* Evas_Object, such like translation, rotation, etc. For using these
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Video Video
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Web Web
* @ingroup Elementary
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Web
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Web
* @{
+ * @internal
* @defgroup Widget Widgets Extension Infrastructure
* This section is intended for people willing to create @b custom
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
} Elm_Image_Preload_Status;
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
+ * @internal
* @addtogroup Widget
* @{
* @defgroup Win Win
- * @ingroup Elementary
+ * @ingroup elm_widget_group
* @image html win_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex win_inheritance_tree.eps