// -----
+def SPV_GroupNonUniformFMaxOp :
+ SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformFMax", SPV_Float, []> {
+ let summary = [{
+ A floating point maximum group operation of all Value operands
+ contributed by active invocations in by group.
+ }];
+ let description = [{
+ Result Type must be a scalar or vector of floating-point type.
+ Execution must be Workgroup or Subgroup Scope.
+ The identity I for Operation is -INF. If Operation is ClusteredReduce,
+ ClusterSize must be specified.
+ The type of Value must be the same as Result Type. The method used to
+ perform the group operation on the contributed Value(s) from active
+ invocations is implementation defined. From the set of Value(s) provided
+ by active invocations within a subgroup, if for any two Values one of
+ them is a NaN, the other is chosen. If all Value(s) that are used by the
+ current invocation are NaN, then the result is an undefined value.
+ ClusterSize is the size of cluster to use. ClusterSize must be a scalar
+ of integer type, whose Signedness operand is 0. ClusterSize must come
+ from a constant instruction. ClusterSize must be at least 1, and must be
+ a power of 2. If ClusterSize is greater than the declared SubGroupSize,
+ executing this instruction results in undefined behavior.
+ ### Custom assembly form
+ ```
+ scope ::= `"Workgroup"` | `"Subgroup"`
+ operation ::= `"Reduce"` | `"InclusiveScan"` | `"ExclusiveScan"` | ...
+ float-scalar-vector-type ::= float-type |
+ `vector<` integer-literal `x` float-type `>`
+ non-uniform-fmax-op ::= ssa-id `=` `spv.GroupNonUniformFMax` scope operation
+ ssa-use ( `cluster_size` `(` ssa_use `)` )?
+ `:` float-scalar-vector-type
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```
+ %four = spv.constant 4 : i32
+ %scalar = ... : f32
+ %vector = ... : vector<4xf32>
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformFMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %scalar : f32
+ %1 = spv.GroupNonUniformFMax "Subgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %vector cluster_size(%four) : vector<4xf32>
+ ```
+ }];
+// -----
+def SPV_GroupNonUniformFMinOp :
+ SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformFMin", SPV_Float, []> {
+ let summary = [{
+ A floating point minimum group operation of all Value operands
+ contributed by active invocations in the group.
+ }];
+ let description = [{
+ Result Type must be a scalar or vector of floating-point type.
+ Execution must be Workgroup or Subgroup Scope.
+ The identity I for Operation is +INF. If Operation is ClusteredReduce,
+ ClusterSize must be specified.
+ The type of Value must be the same as Result Type. The method used to
+ perform the group operation on the contributed Value(s) from active
+ invocations is implementation defined. From the set of Value(s) provided
+ by active invocations within a subgroup, if for any two Values one of
+ them is a NaN, the other is chosen. If all Value(s) that are used by the
+ current invocation are NaN, then the result is an undefined value.
+ ClusterSize is the size of cluster to use. ClusterSize must be a scalar
+ of integer type, whose Signedness operand is 0. ClusterSize must come
+ from a constant instruction. ClusterSize must be at least 1, and must be
+ a power of 2. If ClusterSize is greater than the declared SubGroupSize,
+ executing this instruction results in undefined behavior.
+ ### Custom assembly form
+ ```
+ scope ::= `"Workgroup"` | `"Subgroup"`
+ operation ::= `"Reduce"` | `"InclusiveScan"` | `"ExclusiveScan"` | ...
+ float-scalar-vector-type ::= float-type |
+ `vector<` integer-literal `x` float-type `>`
+ non-uniform-fmin-op ::= ssa-id `=` `spv.GroupNonUniformFMin` scope operation
+ ssa-use ( `cluster_size` `(` ssa_use `)` )?
+ `:` float-scalar-vector-type
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```
+ %four = spv.constant 4 : i32
+ %scalar = ... : f32
+ %vector = ... : vector<4xf32>
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformFMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %scalar : f32
+ %1 = spv.GroupNonUniformFMin "Subgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %vector cluster_size(%four) : vector<4xf32>
+ ```
+ }];
+// -----
def SPV_GroupNonUniformFMulOp :
SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformFMul", SPV_Float, []> {
let summary = [{
// -----
+def SPV_GroupNonUniformSMaxOp :
+ SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformSMax", SPV_Integer, []> {
+ let summary = [{
+ A signed integer maximum group operation of all Value operands
+ contributed by active invocations in the group.
+ }];
+ let description = [{
+ Result Type must be a scalar or vector of integer type.
+ Execution must be Workgroup or Subgroup Scope.
+ The identity I for Operation is INT_MIN. If Operation is
+ ClusteredReduce, ClusterSize must be specified.
+ The type of Value must be the same as Result Type.
+ ClusterSize is the size of cluster to use. ClusterSize must be a scalar
+ of integer type, whose Signedness operand is 0. ClusterSize must come
+ from a constant instruction. ClusterSize must be at least 1, and must be
+ a power of 2. If ClusterSize is greater than the declared SubGroupSize,
+ executing this instruction results in undefined behavior.
+ ### Custom assembly form
+ ```
+ scope ::= `"Workgroup"` | `"Subgroup"`
+ operation ::= `"Reduce"` | `"InclusiveScan"` | `"ExclusiveScan"` | ...
+ integer-scalar-vector-type ::= integer-type |
+ `vector<` integer-literal `x` integer-type `>`
+ non-uniform-smax-op ::= ssa-id `=` `spv.GroupNonUniformSMax` scope operation
+ ssa-use ( `cluster_size` `(` ssa_use `)` )?
+ `:` integer-scalar-vector-type
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```
+ %four = spv.constant 4 : i32
+ %scalar = ... : i32
+ %vector = ... : vector<4xi32>
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformSMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %scalar : i32
+ %1 = spv.GroupNonUniformSMax "Subgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %vector cluster_size(%four) : vector<4xi32>
+ ```
+ }];
+// -----
+def SPV_GroupNonUniformSMinOp :
+ SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformSMin", SPV_Integer, []> {
+ let summary = [{
+ A signed integer minimum group operation of all Value operands
+ contributed by active invocations in the group.
+ }];
+ let description = [{
+ Result Type must be a scalar or vector of integer type.
+ Execution must be Workgroup or Subgroup Scope.
+ The identity I for Operation is INT_MAX. If Operation is
+ ClusteredReduce, ClusterSize must be specified.
+ The type of Value must be the same as Result Type.
+ ClusterSize is the size of cluster to use. ClusterSize must be a scalar
+ of integer type, whose Signedness operand is 0. ClusterSize must come
+ from a constant instruction. ClusterSize must be at least 1, and must be
+ a power of 2. If ClusterSize is greater than the declared SubGroupSize,
+ executing this instruction results in undefined behavior.
+ ### Custom assembly form
+ ```
+ scope ::= `"Workgroup"` | `"Subgroup"`
+ operation ::= `"Reduce"` | `"InclusiveScan"` | `"ExclusiveScan"` | ...
+ integer-scalar-vector-type ::= integer-type |
+ `vector<` integer-literal `x` integer-type `>`
+ non-uniform-smin-op ::= ssa-id `=` `spv.GroupNonUniformSMin` scope operation
+ ssa-use ( `cluster_size` `(` ssa_use `)` )?
+ `:` integer-scalar-vector-type
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```
+ %four = spv.constant 4 : i32
+ %scalar = ... : i32
+ %vector = ... : vector<4xi32>
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformSMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %scalar : i32
+ %1 = spv.GroupNonUniformSMin "Subgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %vector cluster_size(%four) : vector<4xi32>
+ ```
+ }];
+// -----
+def SPV_GroupNonUniformUMaxOp :
+ SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformUMax", SPV_Integer, []> {
+ let summary = [{
+ An unsigned integer maximum group operation of all Value operands
+ contributed by active invocations in the group.
+ }];
+ let description = [{
+ Result Type must be a scalar or vector of integer type, whose
+ Signedness operand is 0.
+ Execution must be Workgroup or Subgroup Scope.
+ The identity I for Operation is 0. If Operation is ClusteredReduce,
+ ClusterSize must be specified.
+ The type of Value must be the same as Result Type.
+ ClusterSize is the size of cluster to use. ClusterSize must be a scalar
+ of integer type, whose Signedness operand is 0. ClusterSize must come
+ from a constant instruction. ClusterSize must be at least 1, and must be
+ a power of 2. If ClusterSize is greater than the declared SubGroupSize,
+ executing this instruction results in undefined behavior.
+ ### Custom assembly form
+ ```
+ scope ::= `"Workgroup"` | `"Subgroup"`
+ operation ::= `"Reduce"` | `"InclusiveScan"` | `"ExclusiveScan"` | ...
+ integer-scalar-vector-type ::= integer-type |
+ `vector<` integer-literal `x` integer-type `>`
+ non-uniform-umax-op ::= ssa-id `=` `spv.GroupNonUniformUMax` scope operation
+ ssa-use ( `cluster_size` `(` ssa_use `)` )?
+ `:` integer-scalar-vector-type
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```
+ %four = spv.constant 4 : i32
+ %scalar = ... : i32
+ %vector = ... : vector<4xi32>
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformUMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %scalar : i32
+ %1 = spv.GroupNonUniformUMax "Subgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %vector cluster_size(%four) : vector<4xi32>
+ ```
+ }];
+// -----
+def SPV_GroupNonUniformUMinOp :
+ SPV_GroupNonUniformArithmeticOp<"GroupNonUniformUMin", SPV_Integer, []> {
+ let summary = [{
+ An unsigned integer minimum group operation of all Value operands
+ contributed by active invocations in the group.
+ }];
+ let description = [{
+ Result Type must be a scalar or vector of integer type, whose
+ Signedness operand is 0.
+ Execution must be Workgroup or Subgroup Scope.
+ The identity I for Operation is UINT_MAX. If Operation is
+ ClusteredReduce, ClusterSize must be specified.
+ The type of Value must be the same as Result Type.
+ ClusterSize is the size of cluster to use. ClusterSize must be a scalar
+ of integer type, whose Signedness operand is 0. ClusterSize must come
+ from a constant instruction. ClusterSize must be at least 1, and must be
+ a power of 2. If ClusterSize is greater than the declared SubGroupSize,
+ executing this instruction results in undefined behavior.
+ ### Custom assembly form
+ ```
+ scope ::= `"Workgroup"` | `"Subgroup"`
+ operation ::= `"Reduce"` | `"InclusiveScan"` | `"ExclusiveScan"` | ...
+ integer-scalar-vector-type ::= integer-type |
+ `vector<` integer-literal `x` integer-type `>`
+ non-uniform-umin-op ::= ssa-id `=` `spv.GroupNonUniformUMin` scope operation
+ ssa-use ( `cluster_size` `(` ssa_use `)` )?
+ `:` integer-scalar-vector-type
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```
+ %four = spv.constant 4 : i32
+ %scalar = ... : i32
+ %vector = ... : vector<4xi32>
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformUMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %scalar : i32
+ %1 = spv.GroupNonUniformUMin "Subgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %vector cluster_size(%four) : vector<4xi32>
+ ```
+ }];
+// -----
// -----
+// spv.GroupNonUniformFMax
+// CHECK-LABEL: @group_non_uniform_fmax_reduce
+func @group_non_uniform_fmax_reduce(%val: f32) -> f32 {
+ // CHECK: %{{.+}} = spv.GroupNonUniformFMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %{{.+}} : f32
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformFMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %val : f32
+ return %0: f32
+// -----
+// spv.GroupNonUniformFMin
+// CHECK-LABEL: @group_non_uniform_fmin_reduce
+func @group_non_uniform_fmin_reduce(%val: f32) -> f32 {
+ // CHECK: %{{.+}} = spv.GroupNonUniformFMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %{{.+}} : f32
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformFMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %val : f32
+ return %0: f32
+// -----
// spv.GroupNonUniformIAdd
%0 = spv.GroupNonUniformIMul "Workgroup" "ClusteredReduce" %val cluster_size(%four) : vector<2xi32>
return %0: vector<2xi32>
+// -----
+// spv.GroupNonUniformSMax
+// CHECK-LABEL: @group_non_uniform_smax_reduce
+func @group_non_uniform_smax_reduce(%val: i32) -> i32 {
+ // CHECK: %{{.+}} = spv.GroupNonUniformSMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %{{.+}} : i32
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformSMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %val : i32
+ return %0: i32
+// -----
+// spv.GroupNonUniformSMin
+// CHECK-LABEL: @group_non_uniform_smin_reduce
+func @group_non_uniform_smin_reduce(%val: i32) -> i32 {
+ // CHECK: %{{.+}} = spv.GroupNonUniformSMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %{{.+}} : i32
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformSMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %val : i32
+ return %0: i32
+// -----
+// spv.GroupNonUniformUMax
+// CHECK-LABEL: @group_non_uniform_umax_reduce
+func @group_non_uniform_umax_reduce(%val: i32) -> i32 {
+ // CHECK: %{{.+}} = spv.GroupNonUniformUMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %{{.+}} : i32
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformUMax "Workgroup" "Reduce" %val : i32
+ return %0: i32
+// -----
+// spv.GroupNonUniformUMin
+// CHECK-LABEL: @group_non_uniform_umin_reduce
+func @group_non_uniform_umin_reduce(%val: i32) -> i32 {
+ // CHECK: %{{.+}} = spv.GroupNonUniformUMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %{{.+}} : i32
+ %0 = spv.GroupNonUniformUMin "Workgroup" "Reduce" %val : i32
+ return %0: i32