--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# A report generator for gcov 3.4
+# This routine generates a format that is similar to the format generated
+# by the Python coverage.py module. This code is similar to the
+# data processing performed by lcov's geninfo command. However, we
+# don't worry about parsing the *.gcna files, and backwards compatibility for
+# older versions of gcov is not supported.
+# Outstanding issues
+# - verify that gcov 3.4 or newer is being used
+# - verify support for symbolic links
+# gcovr is a FAST project. For documentation, bug reporting, and
+# updates, see https://software.sandia.gov/trac/fast/wiki/gcovr
+# _________________________________________________________________________
+# Gcovr: A parsing and reporting tool for gcov
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Sandia Corporation.
+# This software is distributed under the BSD License.
+# Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
+# the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
+# For more information, see the README.md file.
+# _________________________________________________________________________
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+ import html
+ import cgi as html
+import copy
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import datetime
+import posixpath
+import itertools
+import zlib
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from string import Template
+from os.path import normpath
+ xrange
+except NameError:
+ xrange = range
+medium_coverage = 75.0
+high_coverage = 90.0
+low_color = "LightPink"
+medium_color = "#FFFF55"
+high_color = "LightGreen"
+covered_color = "LightGreen"
+uncovered_color = "LightPink"
+takenBranch_color = "Green"
+notTakenBranch_color = "Red"
+__version__ = "3.3"
+src_revision = "$Revision$"
+output_re = re.compile("[Cc]reating [`'](.*)'$")
+source_re = re.compile("[Cc]annot open (source|graph) file")
+starting_dir = os.getcwd()
+exclude_line_flag = "_EXCL_"
+exclude_line_pattern = re.compile('([GL]COVR?)_EXCL_(LINE|START|STOP)')
+c_style_comment_pattern = re.compile('/\*.*?\*/')
+cpp_style_comment_pattern = re.compile('//.*?$')
+def version_str():
+ ans = __version__
+ m = re.match('\$Revision:\s*(\S+)\s*\$', src_revision)
+ if m:
+ ans = ans + " (r%s)" % (m.group(1))
+ return ans
+# Container object for coverage statistics
+class CoverageData(object):
+ def __init__(
+ self, fname, uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches,
+ noncode):
+ self.fname = fname
+ # Shallow copies are cheap & "safe" because the caller will
+ # throw away their copies of covered & uncovered after calling
+ # us exactly *once*
+ self.uncovered = copy.copy(uncovered)
+ self.uncovered_exceptional = copy.copy(uncovered_exceptional)
+ self.covered = copy.copy(covered)
+ self.noncode = copy.copy(noncode)
+ # But, a deep copy is required here
+ self.all_lines = copy.deepcopy(uncovered)
+ self.all_lines.update(uncovered_exceptional)
+ self.all_lines.update(covered.keys())
+ self.branches = copy.deepcopy(branches)
+ def update(
+ self, uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches,
+ noncode):
+ self.all_lines.update(uncovered)
+ self.all_lines.update(uncovered_exceptional)
+ self.all_lines.update(covered.keys())
+ self.uncovered.update(uncovered)
+ self.uncovered_exceptional.update(uncovered_exceptional)
+ self.noncode.intersection_update(noncode)
+ for k in covered.keys():
+ self.covered[k] = self.covered.get(k, 0) + covered[k]
+ for k in branches.keys():
+ for b in branches[k]:
+ d = self.branches.setdefault(k, {})
+ d[b] = d.get(b, 0) + branches[k][b]
+ self.uncovered.difference_update(self.covered.keys())
+ self.uncovered_exceptional.difference_update(self.covered.keys())
+ def uncovered_str(self, exceptional):
+ if options.show_branch:
+ #
+ # Don't do any aggregation on branch results
+ #
+ tmp = []
+ for line in self.branches.keys():
+ for branch in self.branches[line]:
+ if self.branches[line][branch] == 0:
+ tmp.append(line)
+ break
+ tmp.sort()
+ return ",".join([str(x) for x in tmp]) or ""
+ if exceptional:
+ tmp = list(self.uncovered_exceptional)
+ else:
+ tmp = list(self.uncovered)
+ if len(tmp) == 0:
+ return ""
+ #
+ # Walk through the uncovered lines in sorted order.
+ # Find blocks of consecutive uncovered lines, and return
+ # a string with that information.
+ #
+ tmp.sort()
+ first = None
+ last = None
+ ranges = []
+ for item in tmp:
+ if last is None:
+ first = item
+ last = item
+ elif item == (last + 1):
+ last = item
+ else:
+ #
+ # Should we include noncode lines in the range of lines
+ # to be covered??? This simplifies the ranges summary, but it
+ # provides a counterintuitive listing.
+ #
+ # if len(self.noncode.intersection(range(last+1,item))) \
+ # == item - last - 1:
+ # last = item
+ # continue
+ #
+ if first == last:
+ ranges.append(str(first))
+ else:
+ ranges.append(str(first) + "-" + str(last))
+ first = item
+ last = item
+ if first == last:
+ ranges.append(str(first))
+ else:
+ ranges.append(str(first) + "-" + str(last))
+ return ",".join(ranges)
+ def coverage(self):
+ if options.show_branch:
+ total = 0
+ cover = 0
+ for line in self.branches.keys():
+ for branch in self.branches[line].keys():
+ total += 1
+ cover += self.branches[line][branch] > 0 and 1 or 0
+ else:
+ total = len(self.all_lines)
+ cover = len(self.covered)
+ percent = total and str(int(100.0 * cover / total)) or "--"
+ return (total, cover, percent)
+ def summary(self):
+ tmp = options.root_filter.sub('', self.fname)
+ if not self.fname.endswith(tmp):
+ # Do no truncation if the filter does not start matching at
+ # the beginning of the string
+ tmp = self.fname
+ tmp = tmp.ljust(40)
+ if len(tmp) > 40:
+ tmp = tmp + "\n" + " " * 40
+ (total, cover, percent) = self.coverage()
+ uncovered_lines = self.uncovered_str(False)
+ if not options.show_branch:
+ t = self.uncovered_str(True)
+ if len(t):
+ uncovered_lines += " [* " + t + "]"
+ return (total, cover,
+ tmp + str(total).rjust(8) + str(cover).rjust(8) +
+ percent.rjust(6) + "% " + uncovered_lines)
+def resolve_symlinks(orig_path):
+ """
+ Return the normalized absolute path name with all symbolic links resolved
+ """
+ return os.path.realpath(orig_path)
+ # WEH - why doesn't os.path.realpath() suffice here?
+ #
+ drive, tmp = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(orig_path))
+ if not drive:
+ drive = os.path.sep
+ parts = tmp.split(os.path.sep)
+ actual_path = [drive]
+ while parts:
+ actual_path.append(parts.pop(0))
+ if not os.path.islink(os.path.join(*actual_path)):
+ continue
+ actual_path[-1] = os.readlink(os.path.join(*actual_path))
+ tmp_drive, tmp_path = os.path.splitdrive(
+ resolve_symlinks(os.path.join(*actual_path)))
+ if tmp_drive:
+ drive = tmp_drive
+ actual_path = [drive] + tmp_path.split(os.path.sep)
+ return os.path.join(*actual_path)
+# Class that creates path aliases
+class PathAliaser(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.aliases = {}
+ self.master_targets = set()
+ self.preferred_name = {}
+ def path_startswith(self, path, base):
+ return path.startswith(base) and (
+ len(base) == len(path) or path[len(base)] == os.path.sep)
+ def master_path(self, path):
+ match_found = False
+ while True:
+ for base, alias in self.aliases.items():
+ if self.path_startswith(path, base):
+ path = alias + path[len(base):]
+ match_found = True
+ break
+ for master_base in self.master_targets:
+ if self.path_startswith(path, master_base):
+ return path, master_base, True
+ if match_found:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(ERROR) violating fundamental assumption while walking "
+ "directory tree.\n\tPlease report this to the gcovr "
+ "developers.\n")
+ return path, None, match_found
+ def unalias_path(self, path):
+ path = resolve_symlinks(path)
+ path, master_base, known_path = self.master_path(path)
+ if not known_path:
+ return path
+ # Try and resolve the preferred name for this location
+ if master_base in self.preferred_name:
+ return self.preferred_name[master_base] + path[len(master_base):]
+ return path
+ def add_master_target(self, master):
+ self.master_targets.add(master)
+ def add_alias(self, target, master):
+ self.aliases[target] = master
+ def set_preferred(self, master, preferred):
+ self.preferred_name[master] = preferred
+aliases = PathAliaser()
+# This is UGLY. Here's why: UNIX resolves symbolic links by walking the
+# entire directory structure. What that means is that relative links
+# are always relative to the actual directory inode, and not the
+# "virtual" path that the user might have traversed (over symlinks) on
+# the way to that directory. Here's the canonical example:
+# a / b / c / testfile
+# a / d / e --> ../../a/b
+# m / n --> /a
+# x / y / z --> /m/n/d
+# If we start in "y", we will see the following directory structure:
+# y
+# |-- z
+# |-- e
+# |-- c
+# |-- testfile
+# The problem is that using a simple traversal based on the Python
+# documentation:
+# (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), os.readlink(result)))
+# will not work: we will see a link to /m/n/d from /x/y, but completely
+# miss the fact that n is itself a link. If we then naively attempt to
+# apply the "c" relative link, we get an intermediate path that looks
+# like "/m/n/d/e/../../a/b", which would get normalized to "/m/n/a/b"; a
+# nonexistant path. The solution is that we need to walk the original
+# path, along with the full path of all links 1 directory at a time and
+# check for embedded symlinks.
+# NB: Users have complained that this code causes a performance issue.
+# I have replaced this logic with os.walk(), which works for Python >= 2.6
+def link_walker(path):
+ if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
+ os.path.abspath(path), followlinks=True
+ ):
+ for exc in options.exclude_dirs:
+ for d in dirs:
+ m = exc.search(d)
+ if m is not None:
+ dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d is not m.group()]
+ yield (os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root)), dirs, files)
+ else:
+ targets = [os.path.abspath(path)]
+ while targets:
+ target_dir = targets.pop(0)
+ actual_dir = resolve_symlinks(target_dir)
+ # print "target dir: %s (%s)" % (target_dir, actual_dir)
+ master_name, master_base, visited = aliases.master_path(actual_dir)
+ if visited:
+ # print " ...root already visited as %s" % master_name
+ aliases.add_alias(target_dir, master_name)
+ continue
+ if master_name != target_dir:
+ aliases.set_preferred(master_name, target_dir)
+ aliases.add_alias(target_dir, master_name)
+ aliases.add_master_target(master_name)
+ # print " ...master name = %s" % master_name
+ # print " ...walking %s" % target_dir
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target_dir, topdown=True):
+ # print " ...reading %s" % root
+ for d in dirs:
+ tmp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, d))
+ # print " ...checking %s" % tmp
+ if os.path.islink(tmp):
+ # print " ...buffering link %s" % tmp
+ targets.append(tmp)
+ yield (root, dirs, files)
+def search_file(expr, path):
+ """
+ Given a search path, recursively descend to find files that match a
+ regular expression.
+ """
+ ans = []
+ pattern = re.compile(expr)
+ if path is None or path == ".":
+ path = os.getcwd()
+ elif not os.path.exists(path):
+ raise IOError("Unknown directory '" + path + "'")
+ for root, dirs, files in link_walker(path):
+ for name in files:
+ if pattern.match(name):
+ name = os.path.join(root, name)
+ if os.path.islink(name):
+ ans.append(os.path.abspath(os.readlink(name)))
+ else:
+ ans.append(os.path.abspath(name))
+ return ans
+def commonpath(files):
+ if len(files) == 1:
+ return os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.path.split(files[0])[0]), '')
+ common_path = os.path.realpath(files[0])
+ common_dirs = common_path.split(os.path.sep)
+ for f in files[1:]:
+ path = os.path.realpath(f)
+ dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
+ common = []
+ for a, b in itertools.izip(dirs, common_dirs):
+ if a == b:
+ common.append(a)
+ elif common:
+ common_dirs = common
+ break
+ else:
+ return ''
+ return os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.path.sep.join(common_dirs)), '')
+# Get the list of datafiles in the directories specified by the user
+def get_datafiles(flist, options):
+ allfiles = set()
+ for dir_ in flist:
+ if options.gcov_files:
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Scanning directory %s for gcov files...\n" % (dir_,)
+ )
+ files = search_file(".*\.gcov$", dir_)
+ gcov_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith('gcov')]
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Found %d files (and will process %d)\n" %
+ (len(files), len(gcov_files))
+ )
+ allfiles.update(gcov_files)
+ else:
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Scanning directory %s for gcda/gcno files...\n" % (dir_,)
+ )
+ files = search_file(".*\.gc(da|no)$", dir_)
+ # gcno files will *only* produce uncovered results; however,
+ # that is useful information for the case where a compilation
+ # unit is never actually exercised by the test code. So, we
+ # will process gcno files, but ONLY if there is no corresponding
+ # gcda file.
+ gcda_files = [
+ filenm for filenm in files if filenm.endswith('gcda')
+ ]
+ tmp = set(gcda_files)
+ gcno_files = [
+ filenm for filenm in files if
+ filenm.endswith('gcno') and filenm[:-2] + 'da' not in tmp
+ ]
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Found %d files (and will process %d)\n" %
+ (len(files), len(gcda_files) + len(gcno_files)))
+ allfiles.update(gcda_files)
+ allfiles.update(gcno_files)
+ return allfiles
+noncode_mapper = dict.fromkeys(ord(i) for i in '}{)(;')
+def is_non_code(code):
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ code = code.strip().translate(None, '}{)(;')
+ else:
+ code = code.strip().translate(noncode_mapper)
+ return len(code) == 0 or code.startswith("//") or code == 'else'
+# Process a single gcov datafile
+def process_gcov_data(data_fname, covdata, source_fname, options):
+ INPUT = open(data_fname, "r")
+ #
+ # Get the filename
+ #
+ line = INPUT.readline()
+ segments = line.split(':', 3)
+ if len(segments) != 4 or not \
+ segments[2].lower().strip().endswith('source'):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Fatal error parsing gcov file, line 1: \n\t"%s"' % line.rstrip()
+ )
+ #
+ # Find the source file
+ #
+ currdir = os.getcwd()
+ root_dir = os.path.abspath(options.root)
+ if source_fname is None:
+ common_dir = os.path.commonprefix([data_fname, currdir])
+ if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
+ fname = aliases.unalias_path(os.path.join(common_dir, segments[-1].strip()))
+ else:
+ fname = aliases.unalias_path(os.path.join(common_dir, segments[-1]).strip())
+ else:
+ # 1. Try using the path to common prefix with the root_dir as the source directory
+ fname = os.path.join(root_dir, segments[-1].strip())
+ if not os.path.exists(fname):
+ # 2. Try using the path to the gcda file as the source directory
+ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_fname), os.path.basename(segments[-1].strip()))
+ if options.verbose:
+ print("Finding source file corresponding to a gcov data file")
+ print(' currdir ' + currdir)
+ print(' gcov_fname ' + data_fname)
+ print(' ' + str(segments))
+ print(' source_fname ' + source_fname)
+ print(' root ' + root_dir)
+ # print(' common_dir '+common_dir)
+ # print(' subdir '+subdir)
+ print(' fname ' + fname)
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write("Parsing coverage data for file %s\n" % fname)
+ #
+ # Return if the filename does not match the filter
+ #
+ filtered_fname = None
+ for i in range(0, len(options.filter)):
+ if options.filter[i].match(fname):
+ filtered_fname = options.root_filter.sub('', fname)
+ break
+ if filtered_fname is None:
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(" Filtering coverage data for file %s\n" % fname)
+ return
+ #
+ # Return if the filename matches the exclude pattern
+ #
+ for exc in options.exclude:
+ if (filtered_fname is not None and exc.match(filtered_fname)) or \
+ exc.match(fname) or \
+ exc.match(os.path.abspath(fname)):
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ " Excluding coverage data for file %s\n" % fname
+ )
+ return
+ #
+ # Parse each line, and record the lines that are uncovered
+ #
+ excluding = []
+ noncode = set()
+ uncovered = set()
+ uncovered_exceptional = set()
+ covered = {}
+ branches = {}
+ # first_record=True
+ lineno = 0
+ last_code_line = ""
+ last_code_lineno = 0
+ last_code_line_excluded = False
+ for line in INPUT:
+ segments = line.split(":", 2)
+ # print "\t","Y", segments
+ tmp = segments[0].strip()
+ if len(segments) > 1:
+ try:
+ lineno = int(segments[1].strip())
+ except:
+ pass # keep previous line number!
+ if exclude_line_flag in line:
+ excl_line = False
+ for header, flag in exclude_line_pattern.findall(line):
+ if flag == 'START':
+ excluding.append((header, lineno))
+ elif flag == 'STOP':
+ if excluding:
+ _header, _line = excluding.pop()
+ if _header != header:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(WARNING) %s_EXCL_START found on line %s "
+ "was terminated by %s_EXCL_STOP on line %s, "
+ "when processing %s\n"
+ % (_header, _line, header, lineno, fname)
+ )
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(WARNING) mismatched coverage exclusion flags.\n"
+ "\t%s_EXCL_STOP found on line %s without "
+ "corresponding %s_EXCL_START, when processing %s\n"
+ % (header, lineno, header, fname)
+ )
+ elif flag == 'LINE':
+ # We buffer the line exclusion so that it is always
+ # the last thing added to the exclusion list (and so
+ # only ONE is ever added to the list). This guards
+ # against cases where puts a _LINE and _START (or
+ # _STOP) on the same line... it also guards against
+ # duplicate _LINE flags.
+ excl_line = True
+ if excl_line:
+ excluding.append(False)
+ is_code_statement = False
+ if tmp[0] == '-' or (excluding and tmp[0] in "#=0123456789"):
+ is_code_statement = True
+ code = segments[2].strip()
+ # remember certain non-executed lines
+ if excluding or is_non_code(segments[2]):
+ noncode.add(lineno)
+ elif tmp[0] == '#':
+ is_code_statement = True
+ if is_non_code(segments[2]):
+ noncode.add(lineno)
+ else:
+ uncovered.add(lineno)
+ elif tmp[0] == '=':
+ is_code_statement = True
+ uncovered_exceptional.add(lineno)
+ elif tmp[0] in "0123456789":
+ is_code_statement = True
+ covered[lineno] = int(segments[0].strip())
+ elif tmp.startswith('branch'):
+ exclude_branch = False
+ if options.exclude_unreachable_branches and \
+ lineno == last_code_lineno:
+ if last_code_line_excluded:
+ exclude_branch = True
+ exclude_reason = "marked with exclude pattern"
+ else:
+ code = last_code_line
+ code = re.sub(cpp_style_comment_pattern, '', code)
+ code = re.sub(c_style_comment_pattern, '', code)
+ code = code.strip()
+ code_nospace = code.replace(' ', '')
+ exclude_branch = \
+ code in ['', '{', '}'] or code_nospace == '{}'
+ exclude_reason = "detected as compiler-generated code"
+ if exclude_branch:
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Excluding unreachable branch on line %d "
+ "in file %s (%s).\n"
+ % (lineno, fname, exclude_reason)
+ )
+ else:
+ fields = line.split()
+ try:
+ count = int(fields[3])
+ except:
+ count = 0
+ branches.setdefault(lineno, {})[int(fields[1])] = count
+ elif tmp.startswith('call'):
+ pass
+ elif tmp.startswith('function'):
+ pass
+ elif tmp[0] == 'f':
+ pass
+ # if first_record:
+ # first_record=False
+ # uncovered.add(prev)
+ # if prev in uncovered:
+ # tokens=re.split('[ \t]+',tmp)
+ # if tokens[3] != "0":
+ # uncovered.remove(prev)
+ # prev = int(segments[1].strip())
+ # first_record=True
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(WARNING) Unrecognized GCOV output: '%s'\n"
+ "\tThis is indicitive of a gcov output parse error.\n"
+ "\tPlease report this to the gcovr developers." % tmp
+ )
+ # save the code line to use it later with branches
+ if is_code_statement:
+ last_code_line = "".join(segments[2:])
+ last_code_lineno = lineno
+ last_code_line_excluded = False
+ if excluding:
+ last_code_line_excluded = True
+ # clear the excluding flag for single-line excludes
+ if excluding and not excluding[-1]:
+ excluding.pop()
+ if options.verbose:
+ print('uncovered ' + str(uncovered))
+ # print('covered ',+covered)
+ # print('branches ',+str(branches))
+ # print('noncode ',+str(noncode))
+ #
+ # If the file is already in covdata, then we
+ # remove lines that are covered here. Otherwise,
+ # initialize covdata
+ #
+ if not fname in covdata:
+ covdata[fname] = CoverageData(
+ fname, uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches, noncode
+ )
+ else:
+ covdata[fname].update(
+ uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches, noncode
+ )
+ INPUT.close()
+ for header, line in excluding:
+ sys.stderr.write("(WARNING) The coverage exclusion region start flag "
+ "%s_EXCL_START\n\ton line %d did not have "
+ "corresponding %s_EXCL_STOP flag\n\t in file %s.\n"
+ % (header, line, header, fname))
+# Process a datafile (generated by running the instrumented application)
+# and run gcov with the corresponding arguments
+# This is trickier than it sounds: The gcda/gcno files are stored in the
+# same directory as the object files; however, gcov must be run from the
+# same directory where gcc/g++ was run. Normally, the user would know
+# where gcc/g++ was invoked from and could tell gcov the path to the
+# object (and gcda) files with the --object-directory command.
+# Unfortunately, we do everything backwards: gcovr looks for the gcda
+# files and then has to infer the original gcc working directory.
+# In general, (but not always) we can assume that the gcda file is in a
+# subdirectory of the original gcc working directory, so we will first
+# try ".", and on error, move up the directory tree looking for the
+# correct working directory (letting gcov's own error codes dictate when
+# we hit the right directory). This covers 90+% of the "normal" cases.
+# The exception to this is if gcc was invoked with "-o ../[...]" (i.e.,
+# the object directory was a peer (not a parent/child) of the cwd. In
+# this case, things are really tough. We accept an argument
+# (--object-directory) that SHOULD BE THE SAME as the one povided to
+# gcc. We will then walk that path (backwards) in the hopes of
+# identifying the original gcc working directory (there is a bit of
+# trial-and-error here)
+def process_datafile(filename, covdata, options):
+ if options.verbose:
+ print("Processing file: " + filename)
+ #
+ # Launch gcov
+ #
+ abs_filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ dirname, fname = os.path.split(abs_filename)
+ potential_wd = []
+ errors = []
+ Done = False
+ if options.objdir:
+ # print "X - objdir"
+ src_components = abs_filename.split(os.sep)
+ components = normpath(options.objdir).split(os.sep)
+ idx = 1
+ while idx <= len(components):
+ if idx > len(src_components):
+ break
+ if components[-1 * idx] != src_components[-1 * idx]:
+ break
+ idx += 1
+ if idx > len(components):
+ pass # a parent dir; the normal process will find it
+ elif components[-1 * idx] == '..':
+ # NB: os.path.join does not re-add leading '/' characters!?!
+ dirs = [
+ os.path.sep.join(src_components[:len(src_components) - idx])
+ ]
+ while idx <= len(components) and components[-1 * idx] == '..':
+ tmp = []
+ for d in dirs:
+ for f in os.listdir(d):
+ x = os.path.join(d, f)
+ if os.path.isdir(x):
+ tmp.append(x)
+ dirs = tmp
+ idx += 1
+ potential_wd = dirs
+ else:
+ if components[0] == '':
+ # absolute path
+ tmp = [options.objdir]
+ else:
+ # relative path: check relative to both the cwd and the
+ # gcda file
+ tmp = [
+ os.path.join(x, options.objdir) for x in
+ [os.path.dirname(abs_filename), os.getcwd()]
+ ]
+ potential_wd = [
+ testdir for testdir in tmp if os.path.isdir(testdir)
+ ]
+ if len(potential_wd) == 0:
+ errors.append("ERROR: cannot identify the location where GCC "
+ "was run using --object-directory=%s\n" %
+ options.objdir)
+ # no objdir was specified (or it was a parent dir); walk up the dir tree
+ if len(potential_wd) == 0:
+ potential_wd.append(root_dir)
+ # print "X - potential_wd", root_dir
+ wd = os.path.split(abs_filename)[0]
+ while True:
+ potential_wd.append(wd)
+ wd = os.path.split(wd)[0]
+ if wd == potential_wd[-1]:
+ #
+ # Stop at the root of the file system
+ #
+ break
+ #
+ # If the first element of cmd - the executable name - has embedded spaces it probably
+ # includes extra arguments.
+ #
+ cmd = options.gcov_cmd.split(' ') + [
+ abs_filename,
+ "--branch-counts", "--branch-probabilities", "--preserve-paths",
+ '--object-directory', dirname
+ ]
+ # NB: Currently, we will only parse English output
+ env = dict(os.environ)
+ env['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US'
+ # print "HERE", potential_wd
+ while len(potential_wd) > 0 and not Done:
+ # NB: either len(potential_wd) == 1, or all entires are absolute
+ # paths, so we don't have to chdir(starting_dir) at every
+ # iteration.
+ #
+ # Iterate from the end of the potential_wd list, which is the root
+ # directory
+ #
+ dir_ = potential_wd.pop(0)
+ # print "X DIR:", dir_
+ os.chdir(dir_)
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Running gcov: '%s' in '%s'\n" % (' '.join(cmd), os.getcwd())
+ )
+ out, err = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, env=env,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
+ out = out.decode('utf-8')
+ err = err.decode('utf-8')
+ # find the files that gcov created
+ gcov_files = {'active': [], 'filter': [], 'exclude': []}
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ found = output_re.search(line.strip())
+ if found is not None:
+ fname = found.group(1)
+ if not options.gcov_filter.match(fname):
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write("Filtering gcov file %s\n" % fname)
+ gcov_files['filter'].append(fname)
+ continue
+ exclude = False
+ for exc in options.gcov_exclude:
+ if exc.match(options.gcov_filter.sub('', fname)) or \
+ exc.match(fname) or \
+ exc.match(os.path.abspath(fname)):
+ exclude = True
+ break
+ if not exclude:
+ gcov_files['active'].append(fname)
+ elif options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write("Excluding gcov file %s\n" % fname)
+ gcov_files['exclude'].append(fname)
+ # print "HERE", err, "XXX", source_re.search(err)
+ if source_re.search(err):
+ #
+ # gcov tossed errors: try the next potential_wd
+ #
+ errors.append(err)
+ else:
+ #
+ # Process *.gcov files
+ #
+ for fname in gcov_files['active']:
+ process_gcov_data(fname, covdata, abs_filename, options)
+ Done = True
+ if not options.keep:
+ for group in gcov_files.values():
+ for fname in group:
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ # Only remove files that actually exist.
+ os.remove(fname)
+ os.chdir(starting_dir)
+ if options.delete:
+ if not abs_filename.endswith('gcno'):
+ os.remove(abs_filename)
+ if not Done:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(WARNING) GCOV produced the following errors processing %s:\n"
+ "\t %s"
+ "\t(gcovr could not infer a working directory that resolved it.)\n"
+ % (filename, "\t ".join(errors))
+ )
+# Process Already existing gcov files
+def process_existing_gcov_file(filename, covdata, options):
+ #
+ # Ignore this file if it does not match the gcov filter
+ #
+ if not options.gcov_filter.match(filename):
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write("This gcov file does not match the filter: %s\n" % filename)
+ return
+ #
+ # Ignore this file if it matches one of the exclusion regex's
+ #
+ for exc in options.gcov_exclude:
+ if exc.match(options.gcov_filter.sub('', filename)) or \
+ exc.match(filename) or \
+ exc.match(os.path.abspath(filename)):
+ if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write("Excluding gcov file: %s\n" % filename)
+ return
+ #
+ # Process the gcov data file
+ #
+ process_gcov_data(filename, covdata, None, options)
+ #
+ # Remove the file unless the user has indicated that we keep gcov data files
+ #
+ if not options.keep:
+ #
+ # Only remove files that actually exist.
+ #
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ os.remove(filename)
+# Produce the classic gcovr text report
+def print_text_report(covdata):
+ def _num_uncovered(key):
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ return total - covered
+ def _percent_uncovered(key):
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ if covered:
+ return -1.0 * covered / total
+ else:
+ return total or 1e6
+ def _alpha(key):
+ return key
+ if options.output:
+ OUTPUT = open(options.output, 'w')
+ else:
+ OUTPUT = sys.stdout
+ total_lines = 0
+ total_covered = 0
+ # Header
+ OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n')
+ OUTPUT.write(" " * 27 + "GCC Code Coverage Report\n")
+ if options.root is not None:
+ OUTPUT.write("Directory: " + options.root + "\n")
+ OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n')
+ a = options.show_branch and "Branches" or "Lines"
+ b = options.show_branch and "Taken" or "Exec"
+ c = "Missing"
+ OUTPUT.write(
+ "File".ljust(40) + a.rjust(8) + b.rjust(8) + " Cover " + c + "\n"
+ )
+ OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n')
+ # Data
+ keys = list(covdata.keys())
+ keys.sort(
+ key=options.sort_uncovered and _num_uncovered or
+ options.sort_percent and _percent_uncovered or _alpha
+ )
+ for key in keys:
+ (t, n, txt) = covdata[key].summary()
+ total_lines += t
+ total_covered += n
+ OUTPUT.write(txt + '\n')
+ # Footer & summary
+ OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n')
+ percent = total_lines and str(int(100.0 * total_covered / total_lines)) \
+ or "--"
+ OUTPUT.write(
+ "TOTAL".ljust(40) + str(total_lines).rjust(8) +
+ str(total_covered).rjust(8) + str(percent).rjust(6) + "%" + '\n'
+ )
+ OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n')
+ # Close logfile
+ if options.output:
+ OUTPUT.close()
+# Prints a small report to the standard output
+def print_summary(covdata):
+ lines_total = 0
+ lines_covered = 0
+ branches_total = 0
+ branches_covered = 0
+ keys = list(covdata.keys())
+ for key in keys:
+ options.show_branch = False
+ (t, n, txt) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ lines_total += t
+ lines_covered += n
+ options.show_branch = True
+ (t, n, txt) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ branches_total += t
+ branches_covered += n
+ percent = lines_total and (100.0 * lines_covered / lines_total)
+ percent_branches = branches_total and \
+ (100.0 * branches_covered / branches_total)
+ lines_out = "lines: %0.1f%% (%s out of %s)\n" % (
+ percent, lines_covered, lines_total
+ )
+ branches_out = "branches: %0.1f%% (%s out of %s)\n" % (
+ percent_branches, branches_covered, branches_total
+ )
+ sys.stdout.write(lines_out)
+ sys.stdout.write(branches_out)
+# CSS declarations for the HTML output
+css = Template('''
+ body
+ {
+ color: #000000;
+ background-color: #FFFFFF;
+ }
+ /* Link formats: use maroon w/underlines */
+ a:link
+ {
+ color: navy;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
+ a:visited
+ {
+ color: maroon;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
+ a:active
+ {
+ color: navy;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
+ /*** TD formats ***/
+ td
+ {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ }
+ td.title
+ {
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ font-size: 20pt;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ /* TD Header Information */
+ td.headerName
+ {
+ text-align: right;
+ color: black;
+ padding-right: 6px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+ td.headerValue
+ {
+ text-align: left;
+ color: blue;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+ td.headerTableEntry
+ {
+ text-align: right;
+ color: black;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ padding-left: 12px;
+ padding-right: 4px;
+ background-color: LightBlue;
+ }
+ td.headerValueLeg
+ {
+ text-align: left;
+ color: black;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+ padding-top: 2px;
+ }
+ /* Color of horizontal ruler */
+ td.hr
+ {
+ background-color: navy;
+ height:3px;
+ }
+ /* Footer format */
+ td.footer
+ {
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-top: 3px;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ }
+ /* Coverage Table */
+ td.coverTableHead
+ {
+ text-align: center;
+ color: white;
+ background-color: SteelBlue;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-size: 120%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ padding-right: 4px;
+ }
+ td.coverFile
+ {
+ text-align: left;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 20px;
+ color: black;
+ background-color: LightBlue;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 110%;
+ }
+ td.coverBar
+ {
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+ background-color: LightBlue;
+ }
+ td.coverBarOutline
+ {
+ background-color: white;
+ }
+ td.coverValue
+ {
+ padding-top: 2px;
+ text-align: right;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ /* Link Details */
+ a.detail:link
+ {
+ color: #B8D0FF;
+ font-size:80%;
+ }
+ a.detail:visited
+ {
+ color: #B8D0FF;
+ font-size:80%;
+ }
+ a.detail:active
+ {
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ font-size:80%;
+ }
+ .graphcont{
+ color:#000;
+ font-weight:700;
+ float:left
+ }
+ .graph{
+ float:left;
+ background-color: white;
+ position:relative;
+ width:280px;
+ padding:0
+ }
+ .graph .bar{
+ display:block;
+ position:relative;
+ border:black 1px solid;
+ text-align:center;
+ color:#fff;
+ height:10px;
+ font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
+ font-size:12px;
+ line-height:1.9em
+ }
+ .graph .bar span{
+ position:absolute;
+ left:1em
+ }
+ td.coveredLine,
+ span.coveredLine
+ {
+ background-color: ${covered_color}!important;
+ }
+ td.uncoveredLine,
+ span.uncoveredLine
+ {
+ background-color: ${uncovered_color}!important;
+ }
+ .linebranch, .linecount
+ {
+ border-right: 1px gray solid;
+ background-color: lightgray;
+ }
+ span.takenBranch
+ {
+ color: ${takenBranch_color}!important;
+ cursor: help;
+ }
+ span.notTakenBranch
+ {
+ color: ${notTakenBranch_color}!important;
+ cursor: help;
+ }
+ .src
+ {
+ padding-left: 12px;
+ }
+ .srcHeader,
+ span.takenBranch,
+ span.notTakenBranch
+ {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ pre
+ {
+ height : 15px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ .lineno
+ {
+ background-color: #EFE383;
+ border-right: 1px solid #BBB15F;
+ }
+# A string template for the root HTML output
+root_page = Template('''
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+ <title>${HEAD}</title>
+ <style media="screen" type="text/css">
+ ${CSS}
+ </style>
+ <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr><td class="title">GCC Code Coverage Report</td></tr>
+ <tr><td class="hr"></td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="100%">
+ <table cellpadding=1 border=0 width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="10%" class="headerName">Directory:</td>
+ <td width="35%" class="headerValue">${DIRECTORY}</td>
+ <td width="5%"></td>
+ <td width="15%"></td>
+ <td width="10%" class="headerValue" style="text-align:right;">Exec</td>
+ <td width="10%" class="headerValue" style="text-align:right;">Total</td>
+ <td width="15%" class="headerValue" style="text-align:right;">Coverage</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="headerName">Date:</td>
+ <td class="headerValue">${DATE}</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td class="headerName">Lines:</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${LINES_EXEC}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${LINES_TOTAL}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry" style="background-color:${LINES_COLOR}">${LINES_COVERAGE} %</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="headerName">Legend:</td>
+ <td class="headerValueLeg">
+ <span style="background-color:${low_color}">low: < ${COVERAGE_MED} %</span>
+ <span style="background-color:${medium_color}">medium: >= ${COVERAGE_MED} %</span>
+ <span style="background-color:${high_color}">high: >= ${COVERAGE_HIGH} %</span>
+ </td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td class="headerName">Branches:</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${BRANCHES_EXEC}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${BRANCHES_TOTAL}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry" style="background-color:${BRANCHES_COLOR}">${BRANCHES_COVERAGE} %</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td class="hr"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <center>
+ <table width="80%" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="44%"><br></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="coverTableHead">File</td>
+ <td class="coverTableHead" colspan=3>Lines</td>
+ <td class="coverTableHead" colspan=2>Branches</td>
+ </tr>
+ ${ROWS}
+ <tr>
+ <td width="44%"><br></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ <td width="8%"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </center>
+ <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr><td class="hr"><td></tr>
+ <tr><td class="footer">Generated by: <a href="http://gcovr.com">GCOVR (Version ${VERSION})</a></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <br>
+# A string template for the source file HTML output
+source_page = Template('''
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+ <title>${HEAD}</title>
+ <style media="screen" type="text/css">
+ ${CSS}
+ </style>
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr><td class="title">GCC Code Coverage Report</td></tr>
+ <tr><td class="hr"></td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="100%">
+ <table cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="10%" class="headerName">Directory:</td>
+ <td width="35%" class="headerValue">${DIRECTORY}</td>
+ <td width="5%"></td>
+ <td width="15%"></td>
+ <td width="10%" class="headerValue" style="text-align:right;">Exec</td>
+ <td width="10%" class="headerValue" style="text-align:right;">Total</td>
+ <td width="15%" class="headerValue" style="text-align:right;">Coverage</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="headerName">File:</td>
+ <td class="headerValue">${FILENAME}</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td class="headerName">Lines:</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${LINES_EXEC}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${LINES_TOTAL}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry" style="background-color:${LINES_COLOR}">${LINES_COVERAGE} %</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="headerName">Date:</td>
+ <td class="headerValue">${DATE}</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td class="headerName">Branches:</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${BRANCHES_EXEC}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry">${BRANCHES_TOTAL}</td>
+ <td class="headerTableEntry" style="background-color:${BRANCHES_COLOR}">${BRANCHES_COVERAGE} %</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td class="hr"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <br>
+ <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="5%" align="right" class="srcHeader">Line</td>
+ <td width="5%" align="right" class="srcHeader">Branch</td>
+ <td width="5%" align="right" class="srcHeader">Exec</td>
+ <td width="75%" align="left" class="srcHeader src">Source</td>
+ </tr>
+ ${ROWS}
+ </table>
+ <br>
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr><td class="hr"><td></tr>
+ <tr><td class="footer">Generated by: <a href="http://gcovr.com">GCOVR (Version ${VERSION})</a></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <br>
+def calculate_coverage(covered, total):
+ return 0.0 if total == 0 else round(100.0 * covered / total, 1)
+def coverage_to_color(coverage):
+ if coverage < medium_coverage:
+ return low_color
+ elif coverage < high_coverage:
+ return medium_color
+ else:
+ return high_color
+# Produce an HTML report
+def print_html_report(covdata, details):
+ def _num_uncovered(key):
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ return total - covered
+ def _percent_uncovered(key):
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ if covered:
+ return -1.0 * covered / total
+ else:
+ return total or 1e6
+ def _alpha(key):
+ return key
+ if options.output is None:
+ details = False
+ data = {}
+ data['HEAD'] = "Head"
+ data['VERSION'] = version_str()
+ data['TIME'] = str(int(time.time()))
+ data['DATE'] = datetime.date.today().isoformat()
+ data['ROWS'] = []
+ data['low_color'] = low_color
+ data['medium_color'] = medium_color
+ data['high_color'] = high_color
+ data['COVERAGE_MED'] = medium_coverage
+ data['COVERAGE_HIGH'] = high_coverage
+ data['CSS'] = css.substitute(low_color=low_color, medium_color=medium_color, high_color=high_color,
+ covered_color=covered_color, uncovered_color=uncovered_color,
+ takenBranch_color=takenBranch_color, notTakenBranch_color=notTakenBranch_color
+ )
+ data['DIRECTORY'] = ''
+ branchTotal = 0
+ branchCovered = 0
+ options.show_branch = True
+ for key in covdata.keys():
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ branchTotal += total
+ branchCovered += covered
+ data['BRANCHES_EXEC'] = str(branchCovered)
+ data['BRANCHES_TOTAL'] = str(branchTotal)
+ coverage = calculate_coverage(branchCovered, branchTotal)
+ data['BRANCHES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage)
+ data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = coverage_to_color(coverage)
+ lineTotal = 0
+ lineCovered = 0
+ options.show_branch = False
+ for key in covdata.keys():
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ lineTotal += total
+ lineCovered += covered
+ data['LINES_EXEC'] = str(lineCovered)
+ data['LINES_TOTAL'] = str(lineTotal)
+ coverage = calculate_coverage(lineCovered, lineTotal)
+ data['LINES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage)
+ data['LINES_COLOR'] = coverage_to_color(coverage)
+ # Generate the coverage output (on a per-package basis)
+ # source_dirs = set()
+ files = []
+ dirs = []
+ filtered_fname = ''
+ keys = list(covdata.keys())
+ keys.sort(
+ key=options.sort_uncovered and _num_uncovered or
+ options.sort_percent and _percent_uncovered or _alpha
+ )
+ for f in keys:
+ cdata = covdata[f]
+ filtered_fname = options.root_filter.sub('', f)
+ files.append(filtered_fname)
+ dirs.append(os.path.dirname(filtered_fname) + os.sep)
+ cdata._filename = filtered_fname
+ ttmp = os.path.abspath(options.output).split('.')
+ longname = cdata._filename.replace(os.sep, '_')
+ longname_hash = ""
+ while True:
+ if len(ttmp) > 1:
+ cdata._sourcefile = \
+ '.'.join(ttmp[:-1]) + \
+ '.' + longname + longname_hash + \
+ '.' + ttmp[-1]
+ else:
+ cdata._sourcefile = \
+ ttmp[0] + '.' + longname + longname_hash + '.html'
+ # we add a hash at the end and attempt to shorten the
+ # filename if it exceeds common filesystem limitations
+ if len(os.path.basename(cdata._sourcefile)) < 256:
+ break
+ longname_hash = "_" + hex(zlib.crc32(longname) & 0xffffffff)[2:]
+ longname = longname[(len(cdata._sourcefile) - len(longname_hash)):]
+ # Define the common root directory, which may differ from options.root
+ # when source files share a common prefix.
+ if len(files) > 1:
+ commondir = commonpath(files)
+ if commondir != '':
+ data['DIRECTORY'] = commondir
+ else:
+ dir_, file_ = os.path.split(filtered_fname)
+ if dir_ != '':
+ data['DIRECTORY'] = dir_ + os.sep
+ for f in keys:
+ cdata = covdata[f]
+ class_lines = 0
+ class_hits = 0
+ class_branches = 0
+ class_branch_hits = 0
+ for line in sorted(cdata.all_lines):
+ hits = cdata.covered.get(line, 0)
+ class_lines += 1
+ if hits > 0:
+ class_hits += 1
+ branches = cdata.branches.get(line)
+ if branches is None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ b_hits = 0
+ for v in branches.values():
+ if v > 0:
+ b_hits += 1
+ coverage = 100 * b_hits / len(branches)
+ class_branch_hits += b_hits
+ class_branches += len(branches)
+ lines_covered = 100.0 if class_lines == 0 else \
+ 100.0 * class_hits / class_lines
+ branches_covered = 100.0 if class_branches == 0 else \
+ 100.0 * class_branch_hits / class_branches
+ data['ROWS'].append(html_row(
+ details, cdata._sourcefile,
+ directory=data['DIRECTORY'],
+ filename=os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(cdata._filename), data['DIRECTORY']),
+ LinesExec=class_hits,
+ LinesTotal=class_lines,
+ LinesCoverage=lines_covered,
+ BranchesExec=class_branch_hits,
+ BranchesTotal=class_branches,
+ BranchesCoverage=branches_covered
+ ))
+ data['ROWS'] = '\n'.join(data['ROWS'])
+ if data['DIRECTORY'] == '':
+ data['DIRECTORY'] = "."
+ htmlString = root_page.substitute(**data)
+ if options.output is None:
+ sys.stdout.write(htmlString + '\n')
+ else:
+ OUTPUT = open(options.output, 'w')
+ OUTPUT.write(htmlString + '\n')
+ OUTPUT.close()
+ # Return, if no details are requested
+ if not details:
+ return
+ #
+ # Generate an HTML file for every source file
+ #
+ for f in keys:
+ cdata = covdata[f]
+ data['FILENAME'] = cdata._filename
+ data['ROWS'] = ''
+ options.show_branch = True
+ branchTotal, branchCovered, tmp = cdata.coverage()
+ data['BRANCHES_EXEC'] = str(branchCovered)
+ data['BRANCHES_TOTAL'] = str(branchTotal)
+ coverage = calculate_coverage(branchCovered, branchTotal)
+ data['BRANCHES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage)
+ data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = coverage_to_color(coverage)
+ options.show_branch = False
+ lineTotal, lineCovered, tmp = cdata.coverage()
+ data['LINES_EXEC'] = str(lineCovered)
+ data['LINES_TOTAL'] = str(lineTotal)
+ coverage = calculate_coverage(lineCovered, lineTotal)
+ data['LINES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage)
+ data['LINES_COLOR'] = coverage_to_color(coverage)
+ data['ROWS'] = []
+ currdir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(root_dir)
+ INPUT = open(data['FILENAME'], 'r')
+ ctr = 1
+ for line in INPUT:
+ data['ROWS'].append(
+ source_row(ctr, line.rstrip(), cdata)
+ )
+ ctr += 1
+ INPUT.close()
+ os.chdir(currdir)
+ data['ROWS'] = '\n'.join(data['ROWS'])
+ htmlString = source_page.substitute(**data)
+ OUTPUT = open(cdata._sourcefile, 'w')
+ OUTPUT.write(htmlString + '\n')
+ OUTPUT.close()
+def source_row(lineno, source, cdata):
+ rowstr = Template('''
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right" class="lineno"><pre>${lineno}</pre></td>
+ <td align="right" class="linebranch">${linebranch}</td>
+ <td align="right" class="linecount ${covclass}"><pre>${linecount}</pre></td>
+ <td align="left" class="src ${covclass}"><pre>${source}</pre></td>
+ </tr>''')
+ kwargs = {}
+ kwargs['lineno'] = str(lineno)
+ if lineno in cdata.covered:
+ kwargs['covclass'] = 'coveredLine'
+ kwargs['linebranch'] = ''
+ # If line has branches them show them with ticks or crosses
+ if lineno in cdata.branches.keys():
+ branches = cdata.branches.get(lineno)
+ branchcounter = 0
+ for branch in branches:
+ if branches[branch] > 0:
+ kwargs['linebranch'] += '<span class="takenBranch" title="Branch ' + str(branch) + ' taken ' + str(
+ branches[branch]) + ' times">✓</span>'
+ else:
+ kwargs['linebranch'] += '<span class="notTakenBranch" title="Branch ' + str(
+ branch) + ' not taken">✗</span>'
+ branchcounter += 1
+ # Wrap at 4 branches to avoid too wide column
+ if (branchcounter > 0) and ((branchcounter % 4) == 0):
+ kwargs['linebranch'] += '<br/>'
+ kwargs['linecount'] = str(cdata.covered.get(lineno, 0))
+ elif lineno in cdata.uncovered:
+ kwargs['covclass'] = 'uncoveredLine'
+ kwargs['linebranch'] = ''
+ kwargs['linecount'] = ''
+ else:
+ kwargs['covclass'] = ''
+ kwargs['linebranch'] = ''
+ kwargs['linecount'] = ''
+ kwargs['source'] = html.escape(source)
+ return rowstr.substitute(**kwargs)
+# Generate the table row for a single file
+nrows = 0
+def html_row(details, sourcefile, **kwargs):
+ if options.relative_anchors:
+ sourcefile = os.path.basename(sourcefile)
+ rowstr = Template('''
+ <tr>
+ <td class="coverFile" ${altstyle}>${filename}</td>
+ <td class="coverBar" align="center" ${altstyle}>
+ <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><tr><td class="coverBarOutline">
+ <div class="graph"><strong class="bar" style="width:${LinesCoverage}%; ${BarBorder}background-color:${LinesBar}"></strong></div>
+ </td></tr></table>
+ </td>
+ <td class="CoverValue" style="font-weight:bold; background-color:${LinesColor};">${LinesCoverage} %</td>
+ <td class="CoverValue" style="font-weight:bold; background-color:${LinesColor};">${LinesExec} / ${LinesTotal}</td>
+ <td class="CoverValue" style="background-color:${BranchesColor};">${BranchesCoverage} %</td>
+ <td class="CoverValue" style="background-color:${BranchesColor};">${BranchesExec} / ${BranchesTotal}</td>
+ </tr>
+ global nrows
+ nrows += 1
+ if nrows % 2 == 0:
+ kwargs['altstyle'] = 'style="background-color:LightSteelBlue"'
+ else:
+ kwargs['altstyle'] = ''
+ if details:
+ kwargs['filename'] = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
+ sourcefile, kwargs['filename']
+ )
+ kwargs['LinesCoverage'] = round(kwargs['LinesCoverage'], 1)
+ # Disable the border if the bar is too short to see the color
+ if kwargs['LinesCoverage'] < 1e-7:
+ kwargs['BarBorder'] = "border:white; "
+ else:
+ kwargs['BarBorder'] = ""
+ if kwargs['LinesCoverage'] < medium_coverage:
+ kwargs['LinesColor'] = low_color
+ kwargs['LinesBar'] = 'red'
+ elif kwargs['LinesCoverage'] < high_coverage:
+ kwargs['LinesColor'] = medium_color
+ kwargs['LinesBar'] = 'yellow'
+ else:
+ kwargs['LinesColor'] = high_color
+ kwargs['LinesBar'] = 'green'
+ kwargs['BranchesCoverage'] = round(kwargs['BranchesCoverage'], 1)
+ if kwargs['BranchesCoverage'] < medium_coverage:
+ kwargs['BranchesColor'] = low_color
+ kwargs['BranchesBar'] = 'red'
+ elif kwargs['BranchesCoverage'] < high_coverage:
+ kwargs['BranchesColor'] = medium_color
+ kwargs['BranchesBar'] = 'yellow'
+ else:
+ kwargs['BranchesColor'] = high_color
+ kwargs['BranchesBar'] = 'green'
+ return rowstr.substitute(**kwargs)
+# Produce an XML report in the Cobertura format
+def print_xml_report(covdata):
+ branchTotal = 0
+ branchCovered = 0
+ lineTotal = 0
+ lineCovered = 0
+ options.show_branch = True
+ for key in covdata.keys():
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ branchTotal += total
+ branchCovered += covered
+ options.show_branch = False
+ for key in covdata.keys():
+ (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage()
+ lineTotal += total
+ lineCovered += covered
+ impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
+ docType = impl.createDocumentType(
+ "coverage", None,
+ "http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-03.dtd"
+ )
+ doc = impl.createDocument(None, "coverage", docType)
+ root = doc.documentElement
+ root.setAttribute(
+ "line-rate", lineTotal == 0 and '0.0' or
+ str(float(lineCovered) / lineTotal)
+ )
+ root.setAttribute(
+ "branch-rate", branchTotal == 0 and '0.0' or
+ str(float(branchCovered) / branchTotal)
+ )
+ root.setAttribute(
+ "timestamp", str(int(time.time()))
+ )
+ root.setAttribute(
+ "version", "gcovr %s" % (version_str(),)
+ )
+ # Generate the <sources> element: this is either the root directory
+ # (specified by --root), or the CWD.
+ sources = doc.createElement("sources")
+ root.appendChild(sources)
+ # Generate the coverage output (on a per-package basis)
+ packageXml = doc.createElement("packages")
+ root.appendChild(packageXml)
+ packages = {}
+ source_dirs = set()
+ keys = list(covdata.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ for f in keys:
+ data = covdata[f]
+ directory = options.root_filter.sub('', f)
+ if f.endswith(directory):
+ src_path = f[:-1 * len(directory)]
+ if len(src_path) > 0:
+ while directory.startswith(os.path.sep):
+ src_path += os.path.sep
+ directory = directory[len(os.path.sep):]
+ source_dirs.add(src_path)
+ else:
+ # Do no truncation if the filter does not start matching at
+ # the beginning of the string
+ directory = f
+ directory, fname = os.path.split(directory)
+ package = packages.setdefault(
+ directory, [doc.createElement("package"), {}, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ )
+ c = doc.createElement("class")
+ # The Cobertura DTD requires a methods section, which isn't
+ # trivial to get from gcov (so we will leave it blank)
+ c.appendChild(doc.createElement("methods"))
+ lines = doc.createElement("lines")
+ c.appendChild(lines)
+ class_lines = 0
+ class_hits = 0
+ class_branches = 0
+ class_branch_hits = 0
+ for line in sorted(data.all_lines):
+ hits = data.covered.get(line, 0)
+ class_lines += 1
+ if hits > 0:
+ class_hits += 1
+ l = doc.createElement("line")
+ l.setAttribute("number", str(line))
+ l.setAttribute("hits", str(hits))
+ branches = data.branches.get(line)
+ if branches is None:
+ l.setAttribute("branch", "false")
+ else:
+ b_hits = 0
+ for v in branches.values():
+ if v > 0:
+ b_hits += 1
+ coverage = 100 * b_hits / len(branches)
+ l.setAttribute("branch", "true")
+ l.setAttribute(
+ "condition-coverage",
+ "%i%% (%i/%i)" % (coverage, b_hits, len(branches))
+ )
+ cond = doc.createElement('condition')
+ cond.setAttribute("number", "0")
+ cond.setAttribute("type", "jump")
+ cond.setAttribute("coverage", "%i%%" % (coverage))
+ class_branch_hits += b_hits
+ class_branches += float(len(branches))
+ conditions = doc.createElement("conditions")
+ conditions.appendChild(cond)
+ l.appendChild(conditions)
+ lines.appendChild(l)
+ className = fname.replace('.', '_')
+ c.setAttribute("name", className)
+ c.setAttribute("filename", os.path.join(directory, fname))
+ c.setAttribute(
+ "line-rate",
+ str(class_hits / (1.0 * class_lines or 1.0))
+ )
+ c.setAttribute(
+ "branch-rate",
+ str(class_branch_hits / (1.0 * class_branches or 1.0))
+ )
+ c.setAttribute("complexity", "0.0")
+ package[1][className] = c
+ package[2] += class_hits
+ package[3] += class_lines
+ package[4] += class_branch_hits
+ package[5] += class_branches
+ keys = list(packages.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ for packageName in keys:
+ packageData = packages[packageName]
+ package = packageData[0]
+ packageXml.appendChild(package)
+ classes = doc.createElement("classes")
+ package.appendChild(classes)
+ classNames = list(packageData[1].keys())
+ classNames.sort()
+ for className in classNames:
+ classes.appendChild(packageData[1][className])
+ package.setAttribute("name", packageName.replace(os.sep, '.'))
+ package.setAttribute(
+ "line-rate", str(packageData[2] / (1.0 * packageData[3] or 1.0))
+ )
+ package.setAttribute(
+ "branch-rate", str(packageData[4] / (1.0 * packageData[5] or 1.0))
+ )
+ package.setAttribute("complexity", "0.0")
+ # Populate the <sources> element: this is either the root directory
+ # (specified by --root), or relative directories based
+ # on the filter, or the CWD
+ if options.root is not None:
+ source = doc.createElement("source")
+ source.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(options.root.strip()))
+ sources.appendChild(source)
+ elif len(source_dirs) > 0:
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ for d in source_dirs:
+ source = doc.createElement("source")
+ if d.startswith(cwd):
+ reldir = d[len(cwd):].lstrip(os.path.sep)
+ elif cwd.startswith(d):
+ i = 1
+ while normpath(d) != \
+ normpath(os.path.join(*tuple([cwd] + ['..'] * i))):
+ i += 1
+ reldir = os.path.join(*tuple(['..'] * i))
+ else:
+ reldir = d
+ source.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(reldir.strip()))
+ sources.appendChild(source)
+ else:
+ source = doc.createElement("source")
+ source.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('.'))
+ sources.appendChild(source)
+ if options.prettyxml:
+ import textwrap
+ lines = doc.toprettyxml(" ").split('\n')
+ for i in xrange(len(lines)):
+ n = 0
+ while n < len(lines[i]) and lines[i][n] == " ":
+ n += 1
+ lines[i] = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(
+ lines[i], 78,
+ break_long_words=False,
+ break_on_hyphens=False,
+ subsequent_indent=" " + n * " "
+ ))
+ xmlString = "\n".join(lines)
+ # print textwrap.wrap(doc.toprettyxml(" "), 80)
+ else:
+ xmlString = doc.toprettyxml(indent="")
+ if options.output is None:
+ sys.stdout.write(xmlString + '\n')
+ else:
+ OUTPUT = open(options.output, 'w')
+ OUTPUT.write(xmlString + '\n')
+ OUTPUT.close()
+## MAIN
+# Create option parser
+parser = OptionParser()
+ "--version",
+ help="Print the version number, then exit",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="version",
+ default=False
+ "-v", "--verbose",
+ help="Print progress messages",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="verbose",
+ default=False
+ '--object-directory',
+ help="Specify the directory that contains the gcov data files. gcovr "
+ "must be able to identify the path between the *.gcda files and the "
+ "directory where gcc was originally run. Normally, gcovr can guess "
+ "correctly. This option overrides gcovr's normal path detection and "
+ "can specify either the path from gcc to the gcda file (i.e. what "
+ "was passed to gcc's '-o' option), or the path from the gcda file to "
+ "gcc's original working directory.",
+ action="store",
+ dest="objdir",
+ default=None
+ "-o", "--output",
+ help="Print output to this filename",
+ action="store",
+ dest="output",
+ default=None
+ "-k", "--keep",
+ help="Keep the temporary *.gcov files generated by gcov. "
+ "By default, these are deleted.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="keep",
+ default=False
+ "-d", "--delete",
+ help="Delete the coverage files after they are processed. "
+ "These are generated by the users's program, and by default gcovr "
+ "does not remove these files.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="delete",
+ default=False
+ "-f", "--filter",
+ help="Keep only the data files that match this regular expression",
+ action="append",
+ dest="filter",
+ default=[]
+ "-e", "--exclude",
+ help="Exclude data files that match this regular expression",
+ action="append",
+ dest="exclude",
+ default=[]
+ "--gcov-filter",
+ help="Keep only gcov data files that match this regular expression",
+ action="store",
+ dest="gcov_filter",
+ default=None
+ "--gcov-exclude",
+ help="Exclude gcov data files that match this regular expression",
+ action="append",
+ dest="gcov_exclude",
+ default=[]
+ "-r", "--root",
+ help="Defines the root directory for source files. "
+ "This is also used to filter the files, and to standardize "
+ "the output.",
+ action="store",
+ dest="root",
+ default=None
+ "-x", "--xml",
+ help="Generate XML instead of the normal tabular output.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="xml",
+ default=False
+ "--xml-pretty",
+ help="Generate pretty XML instead of the normal dense format.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="prettyxml",
+ default=False
+ "--html",
+ help="Generate HTML instead of the normal tabular output.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="html",
+ default=False
+ "--html-details",
+ help="Generate HTML output for source file coverage.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="html_details",
+ default=False
+ "--html-absolute-paths",
+ help="Set the paths in the HTML report to be absolute instead of relative",
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="relative_anchors",
+ default=True
+ "-b", "--branches",
+ help="Tabulate the branch coverage instead of the line coverage.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="show_branch",
+ default=None
+ "-u", "--sort-uncovered",
+ help="Sort entries by increasing number of uncovered lines.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="sort_uncovered",
+ default=None
+ "-p", "--sort-percentage",
+ help="Sort entries by decreasing percentage of covered lines.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="sort_percent",
+ default=None
+ "--gcov-executable",
+ help="Defines the name/path to the gcov executable [defaults to the "
+ "GCOV environment variable, if present; else 'gcov'].",
+ action="store",
+ dest="gcov_cmd",
+ default=os.environ.get('GCOV', 'gcov')
+ "--exclude-unreachable-branches",
+ help="Exclude from coverage branches which are marked to be excluded by "
+ "LCOV/GCOV markers or are determined to be from lines containing "
+ "only compiler-generated \"dead\" code.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="exclude_unreachable_branches",
+ default=False
+ "--exclude-directories",
+ help="Exclude directories from search path that match this regular expression",
+ action="append",
+ dest="exclude_dirs",
+ default=[]
+ "-g", "--use-gcov-files",
+ help="Use preprocessed gcov files for analysis.",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="gcov_files",
+ default=False
+ "-s", "--print-summary",
+ help="Prints a small report to stdout with line & branch "
+ "percentage coverage",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="print_summary",
+ default=False
+parser.usage = "gcovr [options]"
+parser.description = \
+ "A utility to run gcov and generate a simple report that summarizes " \
+ "the coverage"
+# Process options
+options, args = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv)
+if options.version:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "gcovr %s\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Copyright (2013) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract\n"
+ "DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government\n"
+ "retains certain rights in this software.\n"
+ % (version_str(),)
+ )
+ sys.exit(0)
+if options.objdir is not None:
+ if not options.objdir:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(ERROR) empty --object-directory option.\n"
+ "\tThis option specifies the path to the object file "
+ "directory of your project.\n"
+ "\tThis option cannot be an empty string.\n"
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ tmp = options.objdir.replace('/', os.sep).replace('\\', os.sep)
+ while os.sep + os.sep in tmp:
+ tmp = tmp.replace(os.sep + os.sep, os.sep)
+ if normpath(options.objdir) != tmp:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(WARNING) relative referencing in --object-directory.\n"
+ "\tthis could cause strange errors when gcovr attempts to\n"
+ "\tidentify the original gcc working directory.\n")
+ if not os.path.exists(normpath(options.objdir)):
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(ERROR) Bad --object-directory option.\n"
+ "\tThe specified directory does not exist.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if options.output is not None:
+ options.output = os.path.abspath(options.output)
+if options.root is not None:
+ if not options.root:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "(ERROR) empty --root option.\n"
+ "\tRoot specifies the path to the root "
+ "directory of your project.\n"
+ "\tThis option cannot be an empty string.\n"
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ root_dir = os.path.abspath(options.root)
+ root_dir = starting_dir
+# Setup filters
+options.root_filter = re.compile(re.escape(root_dir + os.sep))
+for i in range(0, len(options.exclude)):
+ options.exclude[i] = re.compile(options.exclude[i])
+if options.exclude_dirs is not None:
+ for i in range(0, len(options.exclude_dirs)):
+ options.exclude_dirs[i] = re.compile(options.exclude_dirs[i])
+for i in range(0, len(options.filter)):
+ options.filter[i] = re.compile(options.filter[i])
+if len(options.filter) == 0:
+ options.filter.append(options.root_filter)
+for i in range(0, len(options.gcov_exclude)):
+ options.gcov_exclude[i] = re.compile(options.gcov_exclude[i])
+if options.gcov_filter is not None:
+ options.gcov_filter = re.compile(options.gcov_filter)
+ options.gcov_filter = re.compile('')
+# Get data files
+if len(args) == 1:
+ if options.root is None:
+ search_paths = ["."]
+ else:
+ search_paths = [options.root]
+ if options.objdir is not None:
+ search_paths.append(options.objdir)
+ datafiles = get_datafiles(search_paths, options)
+ datafiles = get_datafiles(args[1:], options)
+# Get coverage data
+covdata = {}
+for file_ in datafiles:
+ if options.gcov_files:
+ process_existing_gcov_file(file_, covdata, options)
+ else:
+ process_datafile(file_, covdata, options)
+if options.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Gathered coveraged data for " + str(len(covdata)) + " files\n"
+ )
+# Print report
+if options.xml or options.prettyxml:
+ print_xml_report(covdata)
+elif options.html:
+ print_html_report(covdata, options.html_details)
+ print_text_report(covdata)
+if options.print_summary:
+ print_summary(covdata)
\ No newline at end of file