* optimization for performance and so some paths that are in
* fact ovals can report false.
- bool isOval(SkRect* rect) const;
+ bool isOval(SkRect* rect) const { return fPathRef->isOval(rect); }
/** Clear any lines and curves from the path, making it empty. This frees up
internal storage associated with those segments.
enum SerializationOffsets {
+ kNewFormat2_SerializationShift = 29, // requires 1 bit
kNewFormat_SerializationShift = 28, // requires 1 bit
// rename to kUnused_SerializationShift
kOldIsFinite_SerializationShift = 25, // 1 bit
- kIsOval_SerializationShift = 24, // requires 1 bit
+ kOldIsOval_SerializationShift = 24, // requires 1 bit
kConvexity_SerializationShift = 16, // requires 8 bits
kFillType_SerializationShift = 8, // requires 8 bits
kSegmentMask_SerializationShift = 0 // requires 4 bits
uint8_t fSegmentMask;
mutable uint8_t fConvexity;
mutable uint8_t fDirection;
- mutable SkBool8 fIsOval;
const SkPath* fSourcePath;
friend class SkPathRef; // just for SerializationOffsets
friend class SkAutoPathBoundsUpdate;
* Holds the path verbs and points. It is versioned by a generation ID. None of its public methods
* modify the contents. To modify or append to the verbs/points wrap the SkPathRef in an
* SkPathRef::Editor object. Installing the editor resets the generation ID. It also performs
- * copy-on-write if the SkPathRef is shared by multipls SkPaths. The caller passes the Editor's
+ * copy-on-write if the SkPathRef is shared by multiple SkPaths. The caller passes the Editor's
* constructor a SkAutoTUnref, which may be updated to point to a new SkPathRef after the editor's
* constructor returns.
SkPathRef* pathRef() { return fPathRef; }
+ void setIsOval(bool isOval) { fPathRef->setIsOval(isOval); }
SkPathRef* fPathRef;
return SkToBool(fIsFinite);
+ /** Returns true if the path is an oval.
+ *
+ * @param rect returns the bounding rect of this oval. It's a circle
+ * if the height and width are the same.
+ *
+ * @return true if this path is an oval.
+ * Tracking whether a path is an oval is considered an
+ * optimization for performance and so some paths that are in
+ * fact ovals can report false.
+ */
+ bool isOval(SkRect* rect) const {
+ if (fIsOval && NULL != rect) {
+ *rect = getBounds();
+ }
+ return SkToBool(fIsOval);
+ }
bool hasComputedBounds() const {
return !fBoundsIsDirty;
const SkMatrix& matrix);
static SkPathRef* CreateFromBuffer(SkRBuffer* buffer
, bool newFormat, int32_t oldPacked
enum SerializationOffsets {
kIsFinite_SerializationShift = 25, // requires 1 bit
+ kIsOval_SerializationShift = 24, // requires 1 bit
SkPathRef() {
fPoints = NULL;
fFreeSpace = 0;
fGenerationID = kEmptyGenID;
+ fIsOval = false;
SkDEBUGCODE(fEditorsAttached = 0;)
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
fGenerationID = 0;
+ fIsOval = false;
size_t newSize = sizeof(uint8_t) * verbCount + sizeof(SkPoint) * pointCount;
size_t newReserve = sizeof(uint8_t) * reserveVerbs + sizeof(SkPoint) * reservePoints;
size_t minSize = newSize + newReserve;
static void CreateEmptyImpl(SkPathRef** empty);
+ void setIsOval(bool isOval) { fIsOval = isOval; }
enum {
kMinSize = 256,
mutable SkRect fBounds;
mutable uint8_t fBoundsIsDirty;
mutable SkBool8 fIsFinite; // only meaningful if bounds are valid
+ mutable SkBool8 fIsOval;
SkPoint* fPoints; // points to begining of the allocation
uint8_t* fVerbs; // points just past the end of the allocation (verbs grow backwards)
// parameterize blurs by sigma rather than radius
// V14: Add flags word to PathRef serialization
// V15: Remove A1 bitmpa config (and renumber remaining configs)
+ // V16: Move SkPath's isOval flag to SkPathRef
static const uint32_t PRIOR_PRIOR_PICTURE_VERSION = 12; // TODO: remove when .skps regenerated
static const uint32_t PRIOR_PICTURE_VERSION2 = 13; // TODO: remove when .skps regenerated
- static const uint32_t PICTURE_VERSION = 15;
+ static const uint32_t PRIOR_PICTURE_VERSION3 = 15; // TODO: remove when .skps regenerated
+ static const uint32_t PICTURE_VERSION = 16;
// fPlayback, fRecord, fWidth & fHeight are protected to allow derived classes to
// install their own SkPicturePlayback-derived players,SkPictureRecord-derived
return SkPath::kDone_Verb == iter.next(pts);
-class SkAutoDisableOvalCheck {
- SkAutoDisableOvalCheck(SkPath* path) : fPath(path) {
- fSaved = fPath->fIsOval;
- }
- ~SkAutoDisableOvalCheck() {
- fPath->fIsOval = fSaved;
- }
- SkPath* fPath;
- bool fSaved;
-#define SkAutoDisableOvalCheck(...) SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR(SkAutoDisableOvalCheck)
class SkAutoDisableDirectionCheck {
SkAutoDisableDirectionCheck(SkPath* path) : fPath(path) {
It also notes if the path was originally degenerate, and if so, sets
isConvex to true. Thus it can only be used if the contour being added is
- convex (which is always true since we only allow the addition of rects).
+ convex.
class SkAutoPathBoundsUpdate {
fSegmentMask = 0;
fConvexity = kUnknown_Convexity;
fDirection = kUnknown_Direction;
- fIsOval = false;
// We don't touch Android's fSourcePath. It's used to track texture garbage collection, so we
// don't want to muck with it if it's been set to something non-NULL.
fSegmentMask = that.fSegmentMask;
fConvexity = that.fConvexity;
fDirection = that.fDirection;
- fIsOval = that.fIsOval;
bool operator==(const SkPath& a, const SkPath& b) {
SkTSwap<uint8_t>(fSegmentMask, that.fSegmentMask);
SkTSwap<uint8_t>(fConvexity, that.fConvexity);
SkTSwap<uint8_t>(fDirection, that.fDirection);
- SkTSwap<SkBool8>(fIsOval, that.fIsOval);
SkTSwap<const SkPath*>(fSourcePath, that.fSourcePath);
if (count == 0) {
this->moveTo(x, y);
} else {
- fIsOval = false;
SkPathRef::Editor ed(&fPathRef);
ed.atPoint(count-1)->set(x, y);
do { \
fConvexity = kUnknown_Convexity; \
fDirection = kUnknown_Direction; \
- fIsOval = false; \
} while (0)
void SkPath::incReserve(U16CPU inc) {
We can't simply check isEmpty() in this case, as additional
moveTo() would mark the path non empty.
- fIsOval = hasOnlyMoveTos();
- if (fIsOval) {
+ bool isOval = hasOnlyMoveTos();
+ if (isOval) {
fDirection = dir;
} else {
fDirection = kUnknown_Direction;
- SkAutoDisableOvalCheck adoc(this);
SkAutoDisableDirectionCheck addc(this);
SkAutoPathBoundsUpdate apbu(this, oval);
this->quadTo( R, cy - sy, R, cy );
-bool SkPath::isOval(SkRect* rect) const {
- if (fIsOval && rect) {
- *rect = getBounds();
- }
+ SkPathRef::Editor ed(&fPathRef);
- return fIsOval;
+ ed.setIsOval(isOval);
void SkPath::addCircle(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar r, Direction dir) {
void SkPath::addPath(const SkPath& path, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkPathRef::Editor(&fPathRef, path.countVerbs(), path.countPoints());
- fIsOval = false;
RawIter iter(path);
SkPoint pts[4];
Verb verb;
SkPathRef::Editor(&fPathRef, vcount, path.countPoints());
- fIsOval = false;
const uint8_t* verbs = path.fPathRef->verbs();
const SkPoint* pts = path.fPathRef->points();
const SkScalar* conicWeights = path.fPathRef->conicWeights();
const uint8_t* verbsEnd = src.fPathRef->verbs(); // points just past the first verb
const SkScalar* conicWeights = src.fPathRef->conicWeightsEnd();
- fIsOval = false;
bool needMove = true;
bool needClose = false;
while (verbs < verbsEnd) {
- // It's an oval only if it stays a rect.
- dst->fIsOval = fIsOval && matrix.rectStaysRect();
SkWBuffer buffer(storage);
- int32_t packed = ((fIsOval & 1) << kIsOval_SerializationShift) |
- (fConvexity << kConvexity_SerializationShift) |
+ int32_t packed = (fConvexity << kConvexity_SerializationShift) |
(fFillType << kFillType_SerializationShift) |
(fSegmentMask << kSegmentMask_SerializationShift) |
(fDirection << kDirection_SerializationShift)
| (0x1 << kNewFormat_SerializationShift)
+ | (0x1 << kNewFormat2_SerializationShift)
return 0;
- fIsOval = (packed >> kIsOval_SerializationShift) & 1;
fConvexity = (packed >> kConvexity_SerializationShift) & 0xFF;
fFillType = (packed >> kFillType_SerializationShift) & 0xFF;
fSegmentMask = (packed >> kSegmentMask_SerializationShift) & 0xF;
fDirection = (packed >> kDirection_SerializationShift) & 0x3;
- bool newFormat = (packed >> kNewFormat_SerializationShift) & 1;
+ bool newFormat = (packed >> kNewFormat2_SerializationShift) & 1;
SkPathRef* pathRef = SkPathRef::CreateFromBuffer(&buffer
, newFormat, packed
fPathRef = *pathRef;
fPathRef->fGenerationID = 0;
+ fPathRef->fIsOval = false;
(*dst)->fBoundsIsDirty = true;
+ // It's an oval only if it stays a rect.
+ (*dst)->fIsOval = src.fIsOval && matrix.rectStaysRect();
SkPathRef* SkPathRef::CreateFromBuffer(SkRBuffer* buffer
, bool newFormat, int32_t oldPacked
) {
SkPathRef* ref = SkNEW(SkPathRef);
+ bool isOval;
+ int32_t packed;
+ if (!buffer->readS32(&packed)) {
+ SkDELETE(ref);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ref->fIsFinite = (packed >> kIsFinite_SerializationShift) & 1;
if (newFormat) {
- int32_t packed;
- if (!buffer->readS32(&packed)) {
- SkDELETE(ref);
- return NULL;
- }
- ref->fIsFinite = (packed >> kIsFinite_SerializationShift) & 1;
+ isOval = (packed >> kIsOval_SerializationShift) & 1;
} else {
- ref->fIsFinite = (oldPacked >> SkPath::kOldIsFinite_SerializationShift) & 1;
+ isOval = (oldPacked >> SkPath::kOldIsOval_SerializationShift) & 1;
return NULL;
ref->fBoundsIsDirty = false;
+ ref->fIsOval = isOval;
return ref;
(*pathRef)->fFreeSpace = (*pathRef)->currSize();
(*pathRef)->fGenerationID = 0;
+ (*pathRef)->fIsOval = false;
} else {
int oldVCnt = (*pathRef)->countVerbs();
// and fIsFinite are computed.
const SkRect& bounds = this->getBounds();
- int32_t packed = ((fIsFinite & 1) << kIsFinite_SerializationShift);
+ int32_t packed = ((fIsFinite & 1) << kIsFinite_SerializationShift) |
+ ((fIsOval & 1) << kIsOval_SerializationShift);
// TODO: write gen ID here. Problem: We don't know if we're cross process or not from
fBounds = ref.fBounds;
fIsFinite = ref.fIsFinite;
+ fIsOval = ref.fIsOval;
SkPoint* SkPathRef::growForVerb(int /* SkPath::Verb*/ verb) {
int pCnt;
+ bool dirtyAfterEdit = true;
switch (verb) {
case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
pCnt = 1;
+ dirtyAfterEdit = false;
case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
pCnt = 1;
case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
pCnt = 0;
+ dirtyAfterEdit = false;
case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
SkDEBUGFAIL("growForVerb called for kDone");
// fall through
SkDEBUGFAIL("default is not reached");
+ dirtyAfterEdit = false;
pCnt = 0;
size_t space = sizeof(uint8_t) + pCnt * sizeof (SkPoint);
fPointCnt += pCnt;
fFreeSpace -= space;
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
+ if (dirtyAfterEdit) {
+ fIsOval = false;
+ }
return ret;
// V14 is backwards compatible with V13
&& PRIOR_PICTURE_VERSION2 != info.fVersion // TODO: remove when .skps regenerated
+ // V16 is backwards compatible with V15
+ && PRIOR_PICTURE_VERSION3 != info.fVersion // TODO: remove when .skps regenerated
) {
return false;
const SkPath& path,
bool expectedCircle,
SkPath::Direction expectedDir) {
- SkRect rect;
+ SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, path.isOval(&rect) == expectedCircle);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, path.cheapIsDirection(expectedDir));