Register argument = r2;
Label not_cached, argument_is_string;
- NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(
- masm,
- r0, // Input.
- argument, // Result.
- r3, // Scratch.
- r4, // Scratch.
- r5, // Scratch.
- ¬_cached);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(r0, // Input.
+ argument, // Result.
+ r3, // Scratch.
+ r4, // Scratch.
+ r5, // Scratch.
+ ¬_cached);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->string_ctor_cached_number(), 1, r3, r4);
__ bind(&argument_is_string);
-void NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register object,
- Register result,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Register scratch3,
- Label* not_found) {
- // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
- Register number_string_cache = result;
- Register mask = scratch3;
- // Load the number string cache.
- __ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);
- // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
- // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
- __ ldr(mask, FieldMemOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
- // Divide length by two (length is a smi).
- __ mov(mask, Operand(mask, ASR, kSmiTagSize + 1));
- __ sub(mask, mask, Operand(1)); // Make mask.
- // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
- // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
- // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
- // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
- Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
- Label is_smi;
- Label load_result_from_cache;
- __ JumpIfSmi(object, &is_smi);
- __ CheckMap(object,
- scratch1,
- Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex,
- not_found,
- STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
- __ add(scratch1,
- object,
- Operand(HeapNumber::kValueOffset - kHeapObjectTag));
- __ ldm(ia, scratch1, scratch1.bit() | scratch2.bit());
- __ eor(scratch1, scratch1, Operand(scratch2));
- __ and_(scratch1, scratch1, Operand(mask));
- // Calculate address of entry in string cache: each entry consists
- // of two pointer sized fields.
- __ add(scratch1,
- number_string_cache,
- Operand(scratch1, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
- Register probe = mask;
- __ ldr(probe,
- FieldMemOperand(scratch1, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
- __ sub(scratch2, object, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
- __ vldr(d0, scratch2, HeapNumber::kValueOffset);
- __ sub(probe, probe, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
- __ vldr(d1, probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset);
- __ VFPCompareAndSetFlags(d0, d1);
- __ b(ne, not_found); // The cache did not contain this value.
- __ b(&load_result_from_cache);
- __ bind(&is_smi);
- Register scratch = scratch1;
- __ and_(scratch, mask, Operand(object, ASR, 1));
- // Calculate address of entry in string cache: each entry consists
- // of two pointer sized fields.
- __ add(scratch,
- number_string_cache,
- Operand(scratch, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
- // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
- __ ldr(probe, FieldMemOperand(scratch, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ cmp(object, probe);
- __ b(ne, not_found);
- // Get the result from the cache.
- __ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
- __ ldr(result,
- FieldMemOperand(scratch, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
- __ IncrementCounter(isolate->counters()->number_to_string_native(),
- 1,
- scratch1,
- scratch2);
void NumberToStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label runtime;
__ ldr(r1, MemOperand(sp, 0));
// Generate code to lookup number in the number string cache.
- GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm, r1, r0, r2, r3, r4, &runtime);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(r1, r0, r2, r3, r4, &runtime);
__ add(sp, sp, Operand(1 * kPointerSize));
__ Ret();
// Check the number to string cache.
__ bind(¬_string);
// Puts the cached result into scratch1.
- NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm,
- arg,
- scratch1,
- scratch2,
- scratch3,
- scratch4,
- slow);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(arg, scratch1, scratch2, scratch3, scratch4, slow);
__ mov(arg, scratch1);
__ str(arg, MemOperand(sp, stack_offset));
__ bind(&done);
NumberToStringStub() { }
- // Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
- // the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
- // with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
- // can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
- // the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
- static void GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register object,
- Register result,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Register scratch3,
- Label* not_found);
Major MajorKey() { return NumberToString; }
int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+void MacroAssembler::LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
+ Register result,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Register scratch3,
+ Label* not_found) {
+ // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
+ Register number_string_cache = result;
+ Register mask = scratch3;
+ // Load the number string cache.
+ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);
+ // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
+ // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
+ ldr(mask, FieldMemOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
+ // Divide length by two (length is a smi).
+ mov(mask, Operand(mask, ASR, kSmiTagSize + 1));
+ sub(mask, mask, Operand(1)); // Make mask.
+ // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
+ // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
+ // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
+ // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
+ Label is_smi;
+ Label load_result_from_cache;
+ JumpIfSmi(object, &is_smi);
+ CheckMap(object,
+ scratch1,
+ Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex,
+ not_found,
+ STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
+ add(scratch1,
+ object,
+ Operand(HeapNumber::kValueOffset - kHeapObjectTag));
+ ldm(ia, scratch1, scratch1.bit() | scratch2.bit());
+ eor(scratch1, scratch1, Operand(scratch2));
+ and_(scratch1, scratch1, Operand(mask));
+ // Calculate address of entry in string cache: each entry consists
+ // of two pointer sized fields.
+ add(scratch1,
+ number_string_cache,
+ Operand(scratch1, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
+ Register probe = mask;
+ ldr(probe, FieldMemOperand(scratch1, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
+ sub(scratch2, object, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
+ vldr(d0, scratch2, HeapNumber::kValueOffset);
+ sub(probe, probe, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
+ vldr(d1, probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset);
+ VFPCompareAndSetFlags(d0, d1);
+ b(ne, not_found); // The cache did not contain this value.
+ b(&load_result_from_cache);
+ bind(&is_smi);
+ Register scratch = scratch1;
+ and_(scratch, mask, Operand(object, ASR, 1));
+ // Calculate address of entry in string cache: each entry consists
+ // of two pointer sized fields.
+ add(scratch,
+ number_string_cache,
+ Operand(scratch, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
+ // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
+ ldr(probe, FieldMemOperand(scratch, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ cmp(object, probe);
+ b(ne, not_found);
+ // Get the result from the cache.
+ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
+ ldr(result, FieldMemOperand(scratch, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
+ IncrementCounter(isolate()->counters()->number_to_string_native(),
+ 1,
+ scratch1,
+ scratch2);
void MacroAssembler::JumpIfNonSmisNotBothSequentialAsciiStrings(
Register first,
Register second,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String utilities
+ // Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
+ // the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
+ // with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
+ // can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
+ // the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
+ void LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
+ Register result,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Register scratch3,
+ Label* not_found);
// Checks if both objects are sequential ASCII strings and jumps to label
// if either is not. Assumes that neither object is a smi.
void JumpIfNonSmisNotBothSequentialAsciiStrings(Register object1,
// Lookup the argument in the number to string cache.
Label not_cached, argument_is_string;
- NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(
- masm,
- eax, // Input.
- ebx, // Result.
- ecx, // Scratch 1.
- edx, // Scratch 2.
- ¬_cached);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(eax, // Input.
+ ebx, // Result.
+ ecx, // Scratch 1.
+ edx, // Scratch 2.
+ ¬_cached);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->string_ctor_cached_number(), 1);
__ bind(&argument_is_string);
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
-void NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register object,
- Register result,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Label* not_found) {
- // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
- Register number_string_cache = result;
- Register mask = scratch1;
- Register scratch = scratch2;
- // Load the number string cache.
- __ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);
- // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
- // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
- __ mov(mask, FieldOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
- __ shr(mask, kSmiTagSize + 1); // Untag length and divide it by two.
- __ sub(mask, Immediate(1)); // Make mask.
- // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
- // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
- // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
- // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
- Label smi_hash_calculated;
- Label load_result_from_cache;
- Label not_smi;
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- __ JumpIfNotSmi(object, ¬_smi, Label::kNear);
- __ mov(scratch, object);
- __ SmiUntag(scratch);
- __ jmp(&smi_hash_calculated, Label::kNear);
- __ bind(¬_smi);
- __ cmp(FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
- masm->isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map());
- __ j(not_equal, not_found);
- STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
- __ mov(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ xor_(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset + 4));
- // Object is heap number and hash is now in scratch. Calculate cache index.
- __ and_(scratch, mask);
- Register index = scratch;
- Register probe = mask;
- __ mov(probe,
- FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
- index,
- times_twice_pointer_size,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
- if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE2)) {
- CpuFeatureScope fscope(masm, SSE2);
- __ movdbl(xmm0, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ movdbl(xmm1, FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1);
- } else {
- __ fld_d(FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ fld_d(FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ FCmp();
- }
- __ j(parity_even, not_found); // Bail out if NaN is involved.
- __ j(not_equal, not_found); // The cache did not contain this value.
- __ jmp(&load_result_from_cache, Label::kNear);
- __ bind(&smi_hash_calculated);
- // Object is smi and hash is now in scratch. Calculate cache index.
- __ and_(scratch, mask);
- // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
- __ cmp(object,
- FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
- index,
- times_twice_pointer_size,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ j(not_equal, not_found);
- // Get the result from the cache.
- __ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
- __ mov(result,
- FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
- index,
- times_twice_pointer_size,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
- Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->number_to_string_native(), 1);
void NumberToStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label runtime;
__ mov(ebx, Operand(esp, kPointerSize));
// Generate code to lookup number in the number string cache.
- GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm, ebx, eax, ecx, edx, &runtime);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(ebx, eax, ecx, edx, &runtime);
__ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&runtime);
// Check the number to string cache.
__ bind(¬_string);
// Puts the cached result into scratch1.
- NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm,
- arg,
- scratch1,
- scratch2,
- scratch3,
- slow);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(arg, scratch1, scratch2, scratch3, slow);
__ mov(arg, scratch1);
__ mov(Operand(esp, stack_offset), arg);
__ bind(&done);
NumberToStringStub() { }
- // Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
- // the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
- // with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
- // can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
- // the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
- static void GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register object,
- Register result,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Label* not_found);
Major MajorKey() { return NumberToString; }
int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+void MacroAssembler::LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
+ Register result,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Label* not_found) {
+ // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
+ Register number_string_cache = result;
+ Register mask = scratch1;
+ Register scratch = scratch2;
+ // Load the number string cache.
+ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);
+ // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
+ // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
+ mov(mask, FieldOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
+ shr(mask, kSmiTagSize + 1); // Untag length and divide it by two.
+ sub(mask, Immediate(1)); // Make mask.
+ // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
+ // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
+ // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
+ // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
+ Label smi_hash_calculated;
+ Label load_result_from_cache;
+ Label not_smi;
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
+ JumpIfNotSmi(object, ¬_smi, Label::kNear);
+ mov(scratch, object);
+ SmiUntag(scratch);
+ jmp(&smi_hash_calculated, Label::kNear);
+ bind(¬_smi);
+ cmp(FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
+ isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map());
+ j(not_equal, not_found);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
+ mov(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ xor_(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset + 4));
+ // Object is heap number and hash is now in scratch. Calculate cache index.
+ and_(scratch, mask);
+ Register index = scratch;
+ Register probe = mask;
+ mov(probe,
+ FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
+ index,
+ times_twice_pointer_size,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
+ if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE2)) {
+ CpuFeatureScope fscope(this, SSE2);
+ movdbl(xmm0, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ ucomisd(xmm0, FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ } else {
+ fld_d(FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ fld_d(FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ FCmp();
+ }
+ j(parity_even, not_found); // Bail out if NaN is involved.
+ j(not_equal, not_found); // The cache did not contain this value.
+ jmp(&load_result_from_cache, Label::kNear);
+ bind(&smi_hash_calculated);
+ // Object is smi and hash is now in scratch. Calculate cache index.
+ and_(scratch, mask);
+ // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
+ cmp(object,
+ FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
+ index,
+ times_twice_pointer_size,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ j(not_equal, not_found);
+ // Get the result from the cache.
+ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
+ mov(result,
+ FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
+ index,
+ times_twice_pointer_size,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
+ IncrementCounter(isolate()->counters()->number_to_string_native(), 1);
void MacroAssembler::JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialAscii(
Register instance_type,
Register scratch,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String utilities.
+ // Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
+ // the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
+ // with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
+ // can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
+ // the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
+ void LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
+ Register result,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Label* not_found);
// Check whether the instance type represents a flat ASCII string. Jump to the
// label if not. If the instance type can be scratched specify same register
// for both instance type and scratch.
// Lookup the argument in the number to string cache.
Label not_cached, argument_is_string;
- NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(
- masm,
- rax, // Input.
- rbx, // Result.
- rcx, // Scratch 1.
- rdx, // Scratch 2.
- ¬_cached);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(rax, // Input.
+ rbx, // Result.
+ rcx, // Scratch 1.
+ rdx, // Scratch 2.
+ ¬_cached);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->string_ctor_cached_number(), 1);
__ bind(&argument_is_string);
-void NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register object,
- Register result,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Label* not_found) {
- // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
- Register number_string_cache = result;
- Register mask = scratch1;
- Register scratch = scratch2;
- // Load the number string cache.
- __ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);
- // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
- // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
- __ SmiToInteger32(
- mask, FieldOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
- __ shrl(mask, Immediate(1));
- __ subq(mask, Immediate(1)); // Make mask.
- // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
- // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
- // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
- // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
- Label is_smi;
- Label load_result_from_cache;
- Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
- __ JumpIfSmi(object, &is_smi);
- __ CheckMap(object,
- factory->heap_number_map(),
- not_found,
- STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
- __ movl(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset + 4));
- __ xor_(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(masm, scratch, mask);
- Register index = scratch;
- Register probe = mask;
- __ movq(probe,
- FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
- index,
- times_1,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
- __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
- __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1);
- __ j(parity_even, not_found); // Bail out if NaN is involved.
- __ j(not_equal, not_found); // The cache did not contain this value.
- __ jmp(&load_result_from_cache);
- __ bind(&is_smi);
- __ SmiToInteger32(scratch, object);
- GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(masm, scratch, mask);
- // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
- __ cmpq(object,
- FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
- index,
- times_1,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ j(not_equal, not_found);
- // Get the result from the cache.
- __ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
- __ movq(result,
- FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
- index,
- times_1,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
- Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->number_to_string_native(), 1);
-void NumberToStringStub::GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register hash,
- Register mask) {
- __ and_(hash, mask);
- // Each entry in string cache consists of two pointer sized fields,
- // but times_twice_pointer_size (multiplication by 16) scale factor
- // is not supported by addrmode on x64 platform.
- // So we have to premultiply entry index before lookup.
- __ shl(hash, Immediate(kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
void NumberToStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label runtime;
__ movq(rbx, args.GetArgumentOperand(0));
// Generate code to lookup number in the number string cache.
- GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm, rbx, rax, r8, r9, &runtime);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(rbx, rax, r8, r9, &runtime);
__ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&runtime);
// Check the number to string cache.
__ bind(¬_string);
// Puts the cached result into scratch1.
- NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm,
- arg,
- scratch1,
- scratch2,
- scratch3,
- slow);
+ __ LookupNumberStringCache(arg, scratch1, scratch2, scratch3, slow);
__ movq(arg, scratch1);
__ movq(Operand(rsp, stack_offset), arg);
__ bind(&done);
NumberToStringStub() { }
- // Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
- // the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
- // with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
- // can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
- // the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
- static void GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register object,
- Register result,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Label* not_found);
- static void GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register hash,
- Register mask);
Major MajorKey() { return NumberToString; }
int MinorKey() { return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void MacroAssembler::LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
+ Register result,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Label* not_found) {
+ // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
+ Register number_string_cache = result;
+ Register mask = scratch1;
+ Register scratch = scratch2;
+ // Load the number string cache.
+ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);
+ // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
+ // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
+ SmiToInteger32(
+ mask, FieldOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
+ shrl(mask, Immediate(1));
+ subq(mask, Immediate(1)); // Make mask.
+ // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
+ // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
+ // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
+ // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
+ Label is_smi;
+ Label load_result_from_cache;
+ JumpIfSmi(object, &is_smi);
+ CheckMap(object,
+ isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map(),
+ not_found,
+ STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
+ movl(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset + 4));
+ xor_(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ and_(scratch, mask);
+ // Each entry in string cache consists of two pointer sized fields,
+ // but times_twice_pointer_size (multiplication by 16) scale factor
+ // is not supported by addrmode on x64 platform.
+ // So we have to premultiply entry index before lookup.
+ shl(scratch, Immediate(kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
+ Register index = scratch;
+ Register probe = mask;
+ movq(probe,
+ FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
+ index,
+ times_1,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
+ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ ucomisd(xmm0, FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ j(parity_even, not_found); // Bail out if NaN is involved.
+ j(not_equal, not_found); // The cache did not contain this value.
+ jmp(&load_result_from_cache);
+ bind(&is_smi);
+ SmiToInteger32(scratch, object);
+ and_(scratch, mask);
+ // Each entry in string cache consists of two pointer sized fields,
+ // but times_twice_pointer_size (multiplication by 16) scale factor
+ // is not supported by addrmode on x64 platform.
+ // So we have to premultiply entry index before lookup.
+ shl(scratch, Immediate(kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));
+ // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
+ cmpq(object,
+ FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
+ index,
+ times_1,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ j(not_equal, not_found);
+ // Get the result from the cache.
+ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
+ movq(result,
+ FieldOperand(number_string_cache,
+ index,
+ times_1,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
+ IncrementCounter(isolate()->counters()->number_to_string_native(), 1);
void MacroAssembler::JumpIfNotString(Register object,
Register object_map,
Label* not_string,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String macros.
+ // Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
+ // the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
+ // with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
+ // can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
+ // the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
+ void LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
+ Register result,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Label* not_found);
// If object is a string, its map is loaded into object_map.
void JumpIfNotString(Register object,
Register object_map,