As specified in the MLIR language reference and rationale documents, `memref`
types should not be allowed to have `index` as element types. As observed in!msg/mlir/P49hVWqTMNc/nW89a4i_AgAJ
this restriction was lifted when canonicalization unit tests for affine
operations were introduced, without sufficient motivation to lift the
restriction itself. The test in question can be trivially rewritten (return
the value from a function instead of storing it to prevent DCE from removing
the producer operation) and the restriction put back in place.
If `memref<...x index>` is relevant for some use cases, the relaxation of the
type system can be implemented separately with appropriate modifications to the
Optional<Location> location) {
auto *context = elementType.getContext();
+ // Check that memref is formed from allowed types.
+ if (!elementType.isIntOrFloat() && !elementType.isa<VectorType>()) {
+ if (location)
+ emitError(*location, "invalid memref element type");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
for (int64_t s : shape) {
// Negative sizes are not allowed except for `-1` that means dynamic size.
if (s < -1) {
// CHECK-LABEL: func @partial_fold_map
-func @partial_fold_map(%arg0: memref<index>, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) {
+func @partial_fold_map(%arg1: index, %arg2: index) -> index {
// TODO: Constant fold one index into affine.apply
%c42 = constant 42 : index
%2 = affine.apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 - d1) (%arg1, %c42)
- store %2, %arg0[] : memref<index>
// CHECK: [[X:%[0-9]+]] = affine.apply [[MAP15]]()[%{{.*}}]
- // CHECK-NEXT: store [[X]], %{{.*}}
- return
+ return %2 : index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @symbolic_composition_a(%{{.*}}: index, %{{.*}}: index) -> index {
// -----
-// Everything is valid in a memref.
-func @indexmemref(memref<? x index>) -> ()
+func @indexmemref(memref<? x index>) -> () // expected-error {{invalid memref element type}}
// -----