-: enabled(true), hovered(false), longPress(false),
+: enabled(true), scrollGestureEnabled(true), hovered(false), longPress(false),
moved(false), stealMouse(false), doubleClick(false), preventStealing(false),
propagateComposedEvents(false), pressed(0)
+ \qmlproperty bool QtQuick::MouseArea::scrollGestureEnabled
+ This property controls whether this MouseArea responds to scroll gestures
+ from non-mouse devices, such as the 2-finger flick gesture on a trackpad.
+ If set to false, the \l wheel signal be emitted only when the wheel event
+ comes from an actual mouse with a wheel, while scroll gesture events will
+ pass through to any other Item that will handle them. For example, the user
+ might perform a flick gesture while the cursor is over an item containing a
+ MouseArea, intending to interact with a Flickable which is underneath.
+ Setting this property to false will allow the PinchArea to handle the mouse
+ wheel or the pinch gesture, while the Flickable handles the flick gesture.
+ By default, this property is true.
+bool QQuickMouseArea::isScrollGestureEnabled() const
+ Q_D(const QQuickMouseArea);
+ return d->scrollGestureEnabled;
+void QQuickMouseArea::setScrollGestureEnabled(bool e)
+ Q_D(QQuickMouseArea);
+ if (e != d->scrollGestureEnabled) {
+ d->scrollGestureEnabled = e;
+ emit scrollGestureEnabledChanged();
+ }
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick::MouseArea::preventStealing
This property holds whether the mouse events may be stolen from this
void QQuickMouseArea::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
- if (!d->enabled) {
+ if (!d->enabled || (!isScrollGestureEnabled() && event->source() != Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)) {
Q_PROPERTY(bool containsMouse READ hovered NOTIFY hoveredChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool pressed READ pressed NOTIFY pressedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ isEnabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool scrollGestureEnabled READ isScrollGestureEnabled WRITE setScrollGestureEnabled NOTIFY scrollGestureEnabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Qt::MouseButtons pressedButtons READ pressedButtons NOTIFY pressedButtonsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Qt::MouseButtons acceptedButtons READ acceptedButtons WRITE setAcceptedButtons NOTIFY acceptedButtonsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool hoverEnabled READ hoverEnabled WRITE setHoverEnabled NOTIFY hoverEnabledChanged)
bool isEnabled() const;
void setEnabled(bool);
+ bool isScrollGestureEnabled() const;
+ void setScrollGestureEnabled(bool);
bool hovered() const;
bool pressed() const;
bool containsPress() const;
void hoveredChanged();
void pressedChanged();
void enabledChanged();
+ void scrollGestureEnabledChanged();
void pressedButtonsChanged();
void acceptedButtonsChanged();
void hoverEnabledChanged();
if (item->contains(p)) {
QWheelEvent wheel(p, p, event->pixelDelta(), event->angleDelta(), event->delta(),
- event->orientation(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers(), event->phase());
+ event->orientation(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers(), event->phase(), event->source());
q->sendEvent(item, &wheel);
if (wheel.isAccepted()) {