// Try to be smart about what we write here. We can't write anything too
// large, so if we're going to go over the limit, truncate both the name
// and unique name by the same amount.
- uint32_t BytesLeft = IO.maxFieldLength();
+ size_t BytesLeft = IO.maxFieldLength();
if (HasUniqueName) {
- uint32_t BytesNeeded = Name.size() + UniqueName.size() + 2;
+ size_t BytesNeeded = Name.size() + UniqueName.size() + 2;
StringRef N = Name;
StringRef U = UniqueName;
if (BytesNeeded > BytesLeft) {
- uint32_t BytesToDrop = (BytesNeeded - BytesLeft);
- uint32_t DropN = std::min(N.size(), BytesToDrop / 2);
- uint32_t DropU = std::min(U.size(), BytesToDrop - DropN);
+ size_t BytesToDrop = (BytesNeeded - BytesLeft);
+ size_t DropN = std::min(N.size(), BytesToDrop / 2);
+ size_t DropU = std::min(U.size(), BytesToDrop - DropN);
N = N.drop_back(DropN);
U = U.drop_back(DropU);
} else {
- uint32_t BytesNeeded = Name.size() + 1;
+ size_t BytesNeeded = Name.size() + 1;
StringRef N = Name;
if (BytesNeeded > BytesLeft) {
- uint32_t BytesToDrop = std::min(N.size(), BytesToDrop);
+ size_t BytesToDrop = std::min(N.size(), BytesToDrop);
N = N.drop_back(BytesToDrop);