+ "src/bailout-reason.cc",
+ "src/bailout-reason.h",
-void LChunkBuilder::Abort(BailoutReason reason) {
- info()->set_bailout_reason(reason);
- status_ = ABORTED;
LUnallocated* LChunkBuilder::ToUnallocated(Register reg) {
return new(zone()) LUnallocated(LUnallocated::FIXED_REGISTER,
} else {
spill_index = env_index - instr->environment()->first_local_index();
if (spill_index > LUnallocated::kMaxFixedSlotIndex) {
- Abort(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR);
+ Retry(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR);
spill_index = 0;
class LChunkBuilder FINAL : public LChunkBuilderBase {
LChunkBuilder(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph, LAllocator* allocator)
- : LChunkBuilderBase(graph->zone()),
- chunk_(NULL),
- info_(info),
- graph_(graph),
- status_(UNUSED),
+ : LChunkBuilderBase(info, graph),
- allocator_(allocator) { }
- Isolate* isolate() const { return graph_->isolate(); }
+ allocator_(allocator) {}
// Build the sequence for the graph.
LPlatformChunk* Build();
LInstruction* DoFlooringDivI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr);
- enum Status {
- };
- LPlatformChunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
- CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
- HGraph* graph() const { return graph_; }
- bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; }
- bool is_building() const { return status_ == BUILDING; }
- bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; }
- bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
- void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
// Methods for getting operands for Use / Define / Temp.
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(Register reg);
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(DoubleRegister reg);
LInstruction* DoArithmeticT(Token::Value op,
HBinaryOperation* instr);
- LPlatformChunk* chunk_;
- CompilationInfo* info_;
- HGraph* const graph_;
- Status status_;
HInstruction* current_instruction_;
HBasicBlock* current_block_;
HBasicBlock* next_block_;
#include "src/assembler.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/frames.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
-void LChunkBuilder::Abort(BailoutReason reason) {
- info()->set_bailout_reason(reason);
- status_ = ABORTED;
LUnallocated* LChunkBuilder::ToUnallocated(Register reg) {
return new(zone()) LUnallocated(LUnallocated::FIXED_REGISTER,
} else {
spill_index = env_index - instr->environment()->first_local_index();
if (spill_index > LUnallocated::kMaxFixedSlotIndex) {
- Abort(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR);
+ Retry(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR);
spill_index = 0;
class LChunkBuilder FINAL : public LChunkBuilderBase {
LChunkBuilder(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph, LAllocator* allocator)
- : LChunkBuilderBase(graph->zone()),
- chunk_(NULL),
- info_(info),
- graph_(graph),
- status_(UNUSED),
+ : LChunkBuilderBase(info, graph),
- allocator_(allocator) { }
+ allocator_(allocator) {}
// Build the sequence for the graph.
LPlatformChunk* Build();
static bool HasMagicNumberForDivision(int32_t divisor);
- enum Status {
- };
- HGraph* graph() const { return graph_; }
- Isolate* isolate() const { return info_->isolate(); }
- bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; }
- bool is_building() const { return status_ == BUILDING; }
- bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; }
- bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
- int argument_count() const { return argument_count_; }
- CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
- Heap* heap() const { return isolate()->heap(); }
- void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
// Methods for getting operands for Use / Define / Temp.
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(Register reg);
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(DoubleRegister reg);
LInstruction* DoArithmeticT(Token::Value op,
HBinaryOperation* instr);
- LPlatformChunk* chunk_;
- CompilationInfo* info_;
- HGraph* const graph_;
- Status status_;
HInstruction* current_instruction_;
HBasicBlock* current_block_;
LAllocator* allocator_;
#include <vector>
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/arm64/assembler-arm64-inl.h"
#include "src/assembler.h"
#include "src/ast-value-factory.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/feedback-slots.h"
#include "src/interface.h"
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
+#include "src/base/logging.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+const char* GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason reason) {
+ DCHECK(reason < kLastErrorMessage);
+ static const char* error_messages_[] = {
+ return error_messages_[reason];
+} // namespace v8::internal
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+ V(kNoReason, "no reason") \
+ \
+ V(k32BitValueInRegisterIsNotZeroExtended, \
+ "32 bit value in register is not zero-extended") \
+ V(kAlignmentMarkerExpected, "Alignment marker expected") \
+ V(kAllocationIsNotDoubleAligned, "Allocation is not double aligned") \
+ V(kAPICallReturnedInvalidObject, "API call returned invalid object") \
+ V(kArgumentsObjectValueInATestContext, \
+ "Arguments object value in a test context") \
+ V(kArrayBoilerplateCreationFailed, "Array boilerplate creation failed") \
+ V(kArrayIndexConstantValueTooBig, "Array index constant value too big") \
+ V(kAssignmentToArguments, "Assignment to arguments") \
+ V(kAssignmentToLetVariableBeforeInitialization, \
+ "Assignment to let variable before initialization") \
+ V(kAssignmentToLOOKUPVariable, "Assignment to LOOKUP variable") \
+ V(kAssignmentToParameterFunctionUsesArgumentsObject, \
+ "Assignment to parameter, function uses arguments object") \
+ V(kAssignmentToParameterInArgumentsObject, \
+ "Assignment to parameter in arguments object") \
+ V(kAttemptToUseUndefinedCache, "Attempt to use undefined cache") \
+ V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsObjectValue, \
+ "Bad value context for arguments object value") \
+ V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsValue, \
+ "Bad value context for arguments value") \
+ V(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange, "Bailed out due to dependency change") \
+ V(kBailoutWasNotPrepared, "Bailout was not prepared") \
+ V(kBinaryStubGenerateFloatingPointCode, \
+ "BinaryStub_GenerateFloatingPointCode") \
+ V(kBothRegistersWereSmisInSelectNonSmi, \
+ "Both registers were smis in SelectNonSmi") \
+ V(kCallToAJavaScriptRuntimeFunction, \
+ "Call to a JavaScript runtime function") \
+ V(kCannotTranslatePositionInChangedArea, \
+ "Cannot translate position in changed area") \
+ V(kClassLiteral, "Class literal") \
+ V(kCodeGenerationFailed, "Code generation failed") \
+ V(kCodeObjectNotProperlyPatched, "Code object not properly patched") \
+ V(kCompoundAssignmentToLookupSlot, "Compound assignment to lookup slot") \
+ V(kContextAllocatedArguments, "Context-allocated arguments") \
+ V(kCopyBuffersOverlap, "Copy buffers overlap") \
+ V(kCouldNotGenerateZero, "Could not generate +0.0") \
+ V(kCouldNotGenerateNegativeZero, "Could not generate -0.0") \
+ V(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints, "Debugger has break points") \
+ V(kDebuggerStatement, "DebuggerStatement") \
+ V(kDeclarationInCatchContext, "Declaration in catch context") \
+ V(kDeclarationInWithContext, "Declaration in with context") \
+ V(kDefaultNaNModeNotSet, "Default NaN mode not set") \
+ V(kDeleteWithGlobalVariable, "Delete with global variable") \
+ V(kDeleteWithNonGlobalVariable, "Delete with non-global variable") \
+ V(kDestinationOfCopyNotAligned, "Destination of copy not aligned") \
+ V(kDontDeleteCellsCannotContainTheHole, \
+ "DontDelete cells can't contain the hole") \
+ V(kDoPushArgumentNotImplementedForDoubleType, \
+ "DoPushArgument not implemented for double type") \
+ V(kEliminatedBoundsCheckFailed, "Eliminated bounds check failed") \
+ V(kEmitLoadRegisterUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, \
+ "EmitLoadRegister: Unsupported double immediate") \
+ V(kEval, "eval") \
+ V(kExpected0AsASmiSentinel, "Expected 0 as a Smi sentinel") \
+ V(kExpectedAlignmentMarker, "Expected alignment marker") \
+ V(kExpectedAllocationSite, "Expected allocation site") \
+ V(kExpectedFunctionObject, "Expected function object in register") \
+ V(kExpectedHeapNumber, "Expected HeapNumber") \
+ V(kExpectedNativeContext, "Expected native context") \
+ V(kExpectedNonIdenticalObjects, "Expected non-identical objects") \
+ V(kExpectedNonNullContext, "Expected non-null context") \
+ V(kExpectedPositiveZero, "Expected +0.0") \
+ V(kExpectedAllocationSiteInCell, "Expected AllocationSite in property cell") \
+ V(kExpectedFixedArrayInFeedbackVector, \
+ "Expected fixed array in feedback vector") \
+ V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterA2, "Expected fixed array in register a2") \
+ V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterEbx, "Expected fixed array in register ebx") \
+ V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterR2, "Expected fixed array in register r2") \
+ V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterRbx, "Expected fixed array in register rbx") \
+ V(kExpectedNewSpaceObject, "Expected new space object") \
+ V(kExpectedSmiOrHeapNumber, "Expected smi or HeapNumber") \
+ V(kExpectedUndefinedOrCell, "Expected undefined or cell in register") \
+ V(kExpectingAlignmentForCopyBytes, "Expecting alignment for CopyBytes") \
+ V(kExportDeclaration, "Export declaration") \
+ V(kExternalStringExpectedButNotFound, \
+ "External string expected, but not found") \
+ V(kFailedBailedOutLastTime, "Failed/bailed out last time") \
+ V(kForInStatementIsNotFastCase, "ForInStatement is not fast case") \
+ V(kForInStatementOptimizationIsDisabled, \
+ "ForInStatement optimization is disabled") \
+ V(kForInStatementWithNonLocalEachVariable, \
+ "ForInStatement with non-local each variable") \
+ V(kForOfStatement, "ForOfStatement") \
+ V(kFrameIsExpectedToBeAligned, "Frame is expected to be aligned") \
+ V(kFunctionCallsEval, "Function calls eval") \
+ V(kFunctionIsAGenerator, "Function is a generator") \
+ V(kFunctionWithIllegalRedeclaration, "Function with illegal redeclaration") \
+ V(kGeneratedCodeIsTooLarge, "Generated code is too large") \
+ V(kGeneratorFailedToResume, "Generator failed to resume") \
+ V(kGenerator, "Generator") \
+ V(kGlobalFunctionsMustHaveInitialMap, \
+ "Global functions must have initial map") \
+ V(kHeapNumberMapRegisterClobbered, "HeapNumberMap register clobbered") \
+ V(kHydrogenFilter, "Optimization disabled by filter") \
+ V(kImportDeclaration, "Import declaration") \
+ V(kImproperObjectOnPrototypeChainForStore, \
+ "Improper object on prototype chain for store") \
+ V(kIndexIsNegative, "Index is negative") \
+ V(kIndexIsTooLarge, "Index is too large") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionClassOf, "Inlined runtime function: ClassOf") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionFastOneByteArrayJoin, \
+ "Inlined runtime function: FastOneByteArrayJoin") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGeneratorNext, \
+ "Inlined runtime function: GeneratorNext") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGeneratorThrow, \
+ "Inlined runtime function: GeneratorThrow") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGetFromCache, \
+ "Inlined runtime function: GetFromCache") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionIsNonNegativeSmi, \
+ "Inlined runtime function: IsNonNegativeSmi") \
+ V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionIsStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf, \
+ "Inlined runtime function: IsStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf") \
+ V(kInliningBailedOut, "Inlining bailed out") \
+ V(kInputGPRIsExpectedToHaveUpper32Cleared, \
+ "Input GPR is expected to have upper32 cleared") \
+ V(kInputStringTooLong, "Input string too long") \
+ V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCheck, \
+ "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (check)") \
+ V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCmp1, \
+ "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (cmp 1)") \
+ V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCmp2, \
+ "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (cmp 2)") \
+ V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheMov, \
+ "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (mov)") \
+ V(kInteger32ToSmiFieldWritingToNonSmiLocation, \
+ "Integer32ToSmiField writing to non-smi location") \
+ V(kInvalidCaptureReferenced, "Invalid capture referenced") \
+ V(kInvalidElementsKindForInternalArrayOrInternalPackedArray, \
+ "Invalid ElementsKind for InternalArray or InternalPackedArray") \
+ V(kInvalidFullCodegenState, "invalid full-codegen state") \
+ V(kInvalidHandleScopeLevel, "Invalid HandleScope level") \
+ V(kInvalidLeftHandSideInAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment") \
+ V(kInvalidLhsInCompoundAssignment, "Invalid lhs in compound assignment") \
+ V(kInvalidLhsInCountOperation, "Invalid lhs in count operation") \
+ V(kInvalidMinLength, "Invalid min_length") \
+ V(kJSGlobalObjectNativeContextShouldBeANativeContext, \
+ "JSGlobalObject::native_context should be a native context") \
+ V(kJSGlobalProxyContextShouldNotBeNull, \
+ "JSGlobalProxy::context() should not be null") \
+ V(kJSObjectWithFastElementsMapHasSlowElements, \
+ "JSObject with fast elements map has slow elements") \
+ V(kLetBindingReInitialization, "Let binding re-initialization") \
+ V(kLhsHasBeenClobbered, "lhs has been clobbered") \
+ V(kLiveBytesCountOverflowChunkSize, "Live Bytes Count overflow chunk size") \
+ V(kLiveEdit, "LiveEdit") \
+ V(kLookupVariableInCountOperation, "Lookup variable in count operation") \
+ V(kMapBecameDeprecated, "Map became deprecated") \
+ V(kMapBecameUnstable, "Map became unstable") \
+ V(kMapIsNoLongerInEax, "Map is no longer in eax") \
+ V(kModuleDeclaration, "Module declaration") \
+ V(kModuleLiteral, "Module literal") \
+ V(kModulePath, "Module path") \
+ V(kModuleStatement, "Module statement") \
+ V(kModuleVariable, "Module variable") \
+ V(kModuleUrl, "Module url") \
+ V(kNativeFunctionLiteral, "Native function literal") \
+ V(kSuperReference, "Super reference") \
+ V(kNeedSmiLiteral, "Need a Smi literal here") \
+ V(kNoCasesLeft, "No cases left") \
+ V(kNoEmptyArraysHereInEmitFastOneByteArrayJoin, \
+ "No empty arrays here in EmitFastOneByteArrayJoin") \
+ V(kNonInitializerAssignmentToConst, "Non-initializer assignment to const") \
+ V(kNonSmiIndex, "Non-smi index") \
+ V(kNonSmiKeyInArrayLiteral, "Non-smi key in array literal") \
+ V(kNonSmiValue, "Non-smi value") \
+ V(kNonObject, "Non-object value") \
+ V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues, \
+ "Not enough virtual registers for values") \
+ V(kNotEnoughSpillSlotsForOsr, "Not enough spill slots for OSR") \
+ V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc, \
+ "Not enough virtual registers (regalloc)") \
+ V(kObjectFoundInSmiOnlyArray, "Object found in smi-only array") \
+ V(kObjectLiteralWithComplexProperty, "Object literal with complex property") \
+ V(kOddballInStringTableIsNotUndefinedOrTheHole, \
+ "Oddball in string table is not undefined or the hole") \
+ V(kOffsetOutOfRange, "Offset out of range") \
+ V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAName, "Operand is a smi and not a name") \
+ V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAString, "Operand is a smi and not a string") \
+ V(kOperandIsASmi, "Operand is a smi") \
+ V(kOperandIsNotAName, "Operand is not a name") \
+ V(kOperandIsNotANumber, "Operand is not a number") \
+ V(kOperandIsNotASmi, "Operand is not a smi") \
+ V(kOperandIsNotAString, "Operand is not a string") \
+ V(kOperandIsNotSmi, "Operand is not smi") \
+ V(kOperandNotANumber, "Operand not a number") \
+ V(kObjectTagged, "The object is tagged") \
+ V(kObjectNotTagged, "The object is not tagged") \
+ V(kOptimizationDisabled, "Optimization is disabled") \
+ V(kOptimizedTooManyTimes, "Optimized too many times") \
+ V(kOutOfVirtualRegistersWhileTryingToAllocateTempRegister, \
+ "Out of virtual registers while trying to allocate temp register") \
+ V(kParseScopeError, "Parse/scope error") \
+ V(kPossibleDirectCallToEval, "Possible direct call to eval") \
+ V(kPreconditionsWereNotMet, "Preconditions were not met") \
+ V(kPropertyAllocationCountFailed, "Property allocation count failed") \
+ V(kReceivedInvalidReturnAddress, "Received invalid return address") \
+ V(kReferenceToAVariableWhichRequiresDynamicLookup, \
+ "Reference to a variable which requires dynamic lookup") \
+ V(kReferenceToGlobalLexicalVariable, "Reference to global lexical variable") \
+ V(kReferenceToUninitializedVariable, "Reference to uninitialized variable") \
+ V(kRegisterDidNotMatchExpectedRoot, "Register did not match expected root") \
+ V(kRegisterWasClobbered, "Register was clobbered") \
+ V(kRememberedSetPointerInNewSpace, "Remembered set pointer is in new space") \
+ V(kReturnAddressNotFoundInFrame, "Return address not found in frame") \
+ V(kRhsHasBeenClobbered, "Rhs has been clobbered") \
+ V(kScopedBlock, "ScopedBlock") \
+ V(kSmiAdditionOverflow, "Smi addition overflow") \
+ V(kSmiSubtractionOverflow, "Smi subtraction overflow") \
+ V(kStackAccessBelowStackPointer, "Stack access below stack pointer") \
+ V(kStackFrameTypesMustMatch, "Stack frame types must match") \
+ V(kTheCurrentStackPointerIsBelowCsp, \
+ "The current stack pointer is below csp") \
+ V(kTheInstructionShouldBeALui, "The instruction should be a lui") \
+ V(kTheInstructionShouldBeAnOri, "The instruction should be an ori") \
+ V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeALoadFromConstantPool, \
+ "The instruction to patch should be a load from the constant pool") \
+ V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeAnLdrLiteral, \
+ "The instruction to patch should be a ldr literal") \
+ V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeALui, \
+ "The instruction to patch should be a lui") \
+ V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeAnOri, \
+ "The instruction to patch should be an ori") \
+ V(kTheSourceAndDestinationAreTheSame, \
+ "The source and destination are the same") \
+ V(kTheStackPointerIsNotAligned, "The stack pointer is not aligned.") \
+ V(kTheStackWasCorruptedByMacroAssemblerCall, \
+ "The stack was corrupted by MacroAssembler::Call()") \
+ V(kTooManyParametersLocals, "Too many parameters/locals") \
+ V(kTooManyParameters, "Too many parameters") \
+ V(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR, "Too many spill slots needed for OSR") \
+ V(kToOperand32UnsupportedImmediate, "ToOperand32 unsupported immediate.") \
+ V(kToOperandIsDoubleRegisterUnimplemented, \
+ "ToOperand IsDoubleRegister unimplemented") \
+ V(kToOperandUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, \
+ "ToOperand Unsupported double immediate") \
+ V(kTryCatchStatement, "TryCatchStatement") \
+ V(kTryFinallyStatement, "TryFinallyStatement") \
+ V(kUnableToEncodeValueAsSmi, "Unable to encode value as smi") \
+ V(kUnalignedAllocationInNewSpace, "Unaligned allocation in new space") \
+ V(kUnalignedCellInWriteBarrier, "Unaligned cell in write barrier") \
+ V(kUndefinedValueNotLoaded, "Undefined value not loaded") \
+ V(kUndoAllocationOfNonAllocatedMemory, \
+ "Undo allocation of non allocated memory") \
+ V(kUnexpectedAllocationTop, "Unexpected allocation top") \
+ V(kUnexpectedColorFound, "Unexpected color bit pattern found") \
+ V(kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor, \
+ "Unexpected ElementsKind in array constructor") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase, \
+ "Unexpected fallthrough from CharCodeAt slow case") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharFromCodeSlowCase, \
+ "Unexpected fallthrough from CharFromCode slow case") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFallThroughFromStringComparison, \
+ "Unexpected fall-through from string comparison") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFallThroughInBinaryStubGenerateFloatingPointCode, \
+ "Unexpected fall-through in BinaryStub_GenerateFloatingPointCode") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase, \
+ "Unexpected fallthrough to CharCodeAt slow case") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharFromCodeSlowCase, \
+ "Unexpected fallthrough to CharFromCode slow case") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFPUStackDepthAfterInstruction, \
+ "Unexpected FPU stack depth after instruction") \
+ V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction1, \
+ "Unexpected initial map for Array function (1)") \
+ V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction2, \
+ "Unexpected initial map for Array function (2)") \
+ V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction, \
+ "Unexpected initial map for Array function") \
+ V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForInternalArrayFunction, \
+ "Unexpected initial map for InternalArray function") \
+ V(kUnexpectedLevelAfterReturnFromApiCall, \
+ "Unexpected level after return from api call") \
+ V(kUnexpectedNegativeValue, "Unexpected negative value") \
+ V(kUnexpectedNumberOfPreAllocatedPropertyFields, \
+ "Unexpected number of pre-allocated property fields") \
+ V(kUnexpectedFPCRMode, "Unexpected FPCR mode.") \
+ V(kUnexpectedSmi, "Unexpected smi value") \
+ V(kUnexpectedStringFunction, "Unexpected String function") \
+ V(kUnexpectedStringType, "Unexpected string type") \
+ V(kUnexpectedStringWrapperInstanceSize, \
+ "Unexpected string wrapper instance size") \
+ V(kUnexpectedTypeForRegExpDataFixedArrayExpected, \
+ "Unexpected type for RegExp data, FixedArray expected") \
+ V(kUnexpectedValue, "Unexpected value") \
+ V(kUnexpectedUnusedPropertiesOfStringWrapper, \
+ "Unexpected unused properties of string wrapper") \
+ V(kUnimplemented, "unimplemented") \
+ V(kUninitializedKSmiConstantRegister, "Uninitialized kSmiConstantRegister") \
+ V(kUnknown, "Unknown") \
+ V(kUnsupportedConstCompoundAssignment, \
+ "Unsupported const compound assignment") \
+ V(kUnsupportedCountOperationWithConst, \
+ "Unsupported count operation with const") \
+ V(kUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, "Unsupported double immediate") \
+ V(kUnsupportedLetCompoundAssignment, "Unsupported let compound assignment") \
+ V(kUnsupportedLookupSlotInDeclaration, \
+ "Unsupported lookup slot in declaration") \
+ V(kUnsupportedNonPrimitiveCompare, "Unsupported non-primitive compare") \
+ V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfArguments, "Unsupported phi use of arguments") \
+ V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfConstVariable, \
+ "Unsupported phi use of const variable") \
+ V(kUnsupportedTaggedImmediate, "Unsupported tagged immediate") \
+ V(kVariableResolvedToWithContext, "Variable resolved to with context") \
+ V(kWeShouldNotHaveAnEmptyLexicalContext, \
+ "We should not have an empty lexical context") \
+ V(kWithStatement, "WithStatement") \
+ V(kWrongFunctionContext, "Wrong context passed to function") \
+ V(kWrongAddressOrValuePassedToRecordWrite, \
+ "Wrong address or value passed to RecordWrite") \
+ V(kYield, "Yield")
+enum BailoutReason {
+const char* GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason reason);
+} // namespace v8::internal
+#endif // V8_BAILOUT_REASON_H_
#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/code-stubs.h"
#include "src/field-index.h"
#include "src/hydrogen.h"
mode_ = mode;
- abort_due_to_dependency_ = false;
if (!script_.is_null() && script_->type()->value() == Script::TYPE_NATIVE) {
DCHECK(strict_mode() == SLOPPY);
- set_bailout_reason(kUnknown);
+ bailout_reason_ = kUnknown;
if (!shared_info().is_null() && shared_info()->is_compiled()) {
// We should initialize the CompilationInfo feedback vector from the
CompilationInfo::~CompilationInfo() {
+ if (GetFlag(kDisableFutureOptimization)) {
+ shared_info()->DisableOptimization(bailout_reason());
+ }
delete deferred_handles_;
delete no_frame_ranges_;
if (ast_value_factory_owned_) delete ast_value_factory_;
// Do not use crankshaft if we need to be able to set break points.
if (isolate()->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
- return AbortOptimization(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints);
+ return RetryOptimization(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints);
// Limit the number of times we re-compile a functions with
const int kMaxOptCount =
FLAG_deopt_every_n_times == 0 ? FLAG_max_opt_count : 1000;
if (info()->opt_count() > kMaxOptCount) {
- return AbortAndDisableOptimization(kOptimizedTooManyTimes);
+ return AbortOptimization(kOptimizedTooManyTimes);
// Due to an encoding limit on LUnallocated operands in the Lithium
const int parameter_limit = -LUnallocated::kMinFixedSlotIndex;
Scope* scope = info()->scope();
if ((scope->num_parameters() + 1) > parameter_limit) {
- return AbortAndDisableOptimization(kTooManyParameters);
+ return AbortOptimization(kTooManyParameters);
const int locals_limit = LUnallocated::kMaxFixedSlotIndex;
if (info()->is_osr() &&
scope->num_parameters() + 1 + scope->num_stack_slots() > locals_limit) {
- return AbortAndDisableOptimization(kTooManyParametersLocals);
+ return AbortOptimization(kTooManyParametersLocals);
if (scope->HasIllegalRedeclaration()) {
- return AbortAndDisableOptimization(kFunctionWithIllegalRedeclaration);
+ return AbortOptimization(kFunctionWithIllegalRedeclaration);
// Check the whitelist for Crankshaft.
return SetLastStatus(FAILED);
- // The function being compiled may have bailed out due to an inline
- // candidate bailing out. In such a case, we don't disable
- // optimization on the shared_info.
- DCHECK(!graph_builder_->inline_bailout() || graph_ == NULL);
- if (graph_ == NULL) {
- if (graph_builder_->inline_bailout()) {
- return AbortOptimization();
- } else {
- return AbortAndDisableOptimization();
- }
- }
+ if (graph_ == NULL) return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
if (info()->HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange()) {
- return AbortOptimization(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange);
+ // Dependency has changed during graph creation. Let's try again later.
+ return RetryOptimization(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange);
return SetLastStatus(SUCCEEDED);
- return AbortOptimization();
+ return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
Handle<Code> optimized_code = chunk_->Codegen();
if (optimized_code.is_null()) {
if (info()->bailout_reason() == kNoReason) {
- info_->set_bailout_reason(kCodeGenerationFailed);
- } else if (info()->bailout_reason() == kMapBecameDeprecated) {
- if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
- PrintF("[aborted optimizing ");
- info()->closure()->ShortPrint();
- PrintF(" because a map became deprecated]\n");
- }
- return AbortOptimization();
- } else if (info()->bailout_reason() == kMapBecameUnstable) {
- if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
- PrintF("[aborted optimizing ");
- info()->closure()->ShortPrint();
- PrintF(" because a map became unstable]\n");
- }
- return AbortOptimization();
+ return AbortOptimization(kCodeGenerationFailed);
- return AbortAndDisableOptimization();
+ return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
TimerEventScope<TimerEventRecompileSynchronous> timer(info->isolate());
OptimizedCompileJob job(info);
- if (job.CreateGraph() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) return false;
- if (job.OptimizeGraph() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) return false;
- if (job.GenerateCode() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) return false;
+ if (job.CreateGraph() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED ||
+ job.OptimizeGraph() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED ||
+ job.GenerateCode() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+ PrintF("[aborted optimizing ");
+ info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+ PrintF(" because: %s]\n", GetBailoutReason(info->bailout_reason()));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
// Success!
RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info,
+ if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+ PrintF("[completed optimizing ");
+ info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+ PrintF("]\n");
+ }
return true;
if (!isolate->optimizing_compiler_thread()->IsQueueAvailable()) {
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
PrintF(" ** Compilation queue full, will retry optimizing ");
- info->closure()->PrintName();
+ info->closure()->ShortPrint();
PrintF(" later.\n");
return false;
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
PrintF(" ** Queued ");
- info->closure()->PrintName();
+ info->closure()->ShortPrint();
if (info->is_osr()) {
PrintF(" for concurrent OSR at %d.\n", info->osr_ast_id().ToInt());
} else {
if (GetOptimizedCodeNow(info.get())) return info->code();
- // Failed.
- if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
- PrintF("[failed to optimize ");
- function->PrintName();
- PrintF(": %s]\n", GetBailoutReason(info->bailout_reason()));
- }
if (isolate->has_pending_exception()) isolate->clear_pending_exception();
return MaybeHandle<Code>();
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
- // 1) Optimization may have failed.
+ // 1) Optimization on the concurrent thread may have failed.
// 2) The function may have already been optimized by OSR. Simply continue.
// Except when OSR already disabled optimization for some reason.
// 3) The code may have already been invalidated due to dependency change.
// 4) Debugger may have been activated.
- if (job->last_status() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED ||
- shared->optimization_disabled() ||
- info->HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange() ||
- isolate->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
- return Handle<Code>::null();
- }
- if (job->GenerateCode() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
- return Handle<Code>::null();
- }
- RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info.get(), shared);
- if (info->shared_info()->SearchOptimizedCodeMap(
- info->context()->native_context(), info->osr_ast_id()) == -1) {
- InsertCodeIntoOptimizedCodeMap(info.get());
+ // 5) Code generation may have failed.
+ if (job->last_status() == OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
+ if (shared->optimization_disabled()) {
+ job->RetryOptimization(kOptimizationDisabled);
+ } else if (info->HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange()) {
+ job->RetryOptimization(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange);
+ } else if (isolate->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
+ job->RetryOptimization(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints);
+ } else if (job->GenerateCode() == OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
+ RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info.get(), shared);
+ if (info->shared_info()->SearchOptimizedCodeMap(
+ info->context()->native_context(), info->osr_ast_id()) == -1) {
+ InsertCodeIntoOptimizedCodeMap(info.get());
+ }
+ if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+ PrintF("[completed optimizing ");
+ info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+ PrintF("]\n");
+ }
+ return Handle<Code>(*info->code());
+ }
- if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
- PrintF(" ** Optimized code for ");
- info->closure()->PrintName();
- PrintF(" generated.\n");
+ DCHECK(job->last_status() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED);
+ if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+ PrintF("[aborted optimizing ");
+ info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+ PrintF(" because: %s]\n", GetBailoutReason(info->bailout_reason()));
- return Handle<Code>(*info->code());
+ return Handle<Code>::null();
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/ast.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
kSerializing = 1 << 15,
kContextSpecializing = 1 << 16,
kInliningEnabled = 1 << 17,
- kTypingEnabled = 1 << 18
+ kTypingEnabled = 1 << 18,
+ kDisableFutureOptimization = 1 << 19,
+ kAbortedDueToDependency = 1 << 20
CompilationInfo(Handle<JSFunction> closure, Zone* zone);
+ void AbortOptimization(BailoutReason reason) {
+ if (bailout_reason_ != kNoReason) bailout_reason_ = reason;
+ SetFlag(kDisableFutureOptimization);
+ }
+ void RetryOptimization(BailoutReason reason) {
+ if (bailout_reason_ != kNoReason) bailout_reason_ = reason;
+ }
BailoutReason bailout_reason() const { return bailout_reason_; }
- void set_bailout_reason(BailoutReason reason) { bailout_reason_ = reason; }
int prologue_offset() const {
DCHECK_NE(Code::kPrologueOffsetNotSet, prologue_offset_);
void AbortDueToDependencyChange() {
- abort_due_to_dependency_ = true;
+ SetFlag(kAbortedDueToDependency);
- bool HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange() {
+ bool HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange() const {
- return abort_due_to_dependency_;
+ return GetFlag(kAbortedDueToDependency);
bool HasSameOsrEntry(Handle<JSFunction> function, BailoutId osr_ast_id) {
// data. Keep track which code we patched.
Handle<Code> unoptimized_code_;
- // Flag whether compilation needs to be aborted due to dependency change.
- bool abort_due_to_dependency_;
// The zone from which the compilation pipeline working on this
// CompilationInfo allocates.
Zone* zone_;
CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
Isolate* isolate() const { return info()->isolate(); }
- MUST_USE_RESULT Status AbortOptimization(
- BailoutReason reason = kNoReason) {
- if (reason != kNoReason) info_->set_bailout_reason(reason);
+ Status RetryOptimization(BailoutReason reason) {
+ info_->RetryOptimization(reason);
return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
- MUST_USE_RESULT Status AbortAndDisableOptimization(
- BailoutReason reason = kNoReason) {
- if (reason != kNoReason) info_->set_bailout_reason(reason);
- // Reference to shared function info does not change between phases.
- AllowDeferredHandleDereference allow_handle_dereference;
- info_->shared_info()->DisableOptimization(info_->bailout_reason());
+ Status AbortOptimization(BailoutReason reason) {
+ info_->AbortOptimization(reason);
return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
int node_count = graph->NodeCount();
if (node_count > UnallocatedOperand::kMaxVirtualRegisters) {
- linkage->info()->set_bailout_reason(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues);
+ linkage->info()->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues);
return Handle<Code>::null();
RegisterAllocator allocator(&sequence);
if (!allocator.Allocate()) {
- linkage->info()->set_bailout_reason(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc);
+ linkage->info()->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc);
return Handle<Code>::null();
globals_(10, info->zone()),
- inline_bailout_(false),
osr_(new(info->zone()) HOsrBuilder(this)) {
// This is not initialized in the initializer list because the
// constructor for the initial state relies on function_state_ == NULL
void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::Bailout(BailoutReason reason) {
- current_info()->set_bailout_reason(reason);
+ current_info()->AbortOptimization(reason);
if (HasStackOverflow()) {
// Bail out if the inline function did, as we cannot residualize a call
- // instead.
+ // instead, but do not disable optimization for the outer function.
TraceInline(target, caller, "inline graph construction failed");
- inline_bailout_ = true;
+ current_info()->RetryOptimization(kInliningBailedOut);
delete target_state;
return true;
#include "src/accessors.h"
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/ast.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/compiler.h"
#include "src/hydrogen-instructions.h"
#include "src/scopes.h"
BreakAndContinueScope* break_scope() const { return break_scope_; }
void set_break_scope(BreakAndContinueScope* head) { break_scope_ = head; }
- bool inline_bailout() { return inline_bailout_; }
HValue* context() { return environment()->context(); }
HOsrBuilder* osr() const { return osr_; }
-void LChunkBuilder::Abort(BailoutReason reason) {
- info()->set_bailout_reason(reason);
- status_ = ABORTED;
LUnallocated* LChunkBuilder::ToUnallocated(Register reg) {
return new(zone()) LUnallocated(LUnallocated::FIXED_REGISTER,
} else {
spill_index = env_index - instr->environment()->first_local_index();
if (spill_index > LUnallocated::kMaxFixedSlotIndex) {
- Abort(kNotEnoughSpillSlotsForOsr);
+ Retry(kNotEnoughSpillSlotsForOsr);
spill_index = 0;
if (spill_index == 0) {
class LChunkBuilder FINAL : public LChunkBuilderBase {
LChunkBuilder(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph, LAllocator* allocator)
- : LChunkBuilderBase(graph->zone()),
- chunk_(NULL),
- info_(info),
- graph_(graph),
- status_(UNUSED),
+ : LChunkBuilderBase(info, graph),
- allocator_(allocator) { }
- Isolate* isolate() const { return graph_->isolate(); }
+ allocator_(allocator) {}
// Build the sequence for the graph.
LPlatformChunk* Build();
LInstruction* DoFlooringDivI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr);
- enum Status {
- };
- LPlatformChunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
- CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
- HGraph* graph() const { return graph_; }
- bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; }
- bool is_building() const { return status_ == BUILDING; }
- bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; }
- bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
- void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
// Methods for getting operands for Use / Define / Temp.
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(Register reg);
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(XMMRegister reg);
LOperand* GetStoreKeyedValueOperand(HStoreKeyed* instr);
- LPlatformChunk* chunk_;
- CompilationInfo* info_;
- HGraph* const graph_;
- Status status_;
HInstruction* current_instruction_;
HBasicBlock* current_block_;
HBasicBlock* next_block_;
#include "src/assembler.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/frames.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
void LCodeGenBase::Abort(BailoutReason reason) {
- info()->set_bailout_reason(reason);
+ info()->AbortOptimization(reason);
+ status_ = ABORTED;
+void LCodeGenBase::Retry(BailoutReason reason) {
+ info()->RetryOptimization(reason);
status_ = ABORTED;
void LCodeGenBase::AddDeprecationDependency(Handle<Map> map) {
- if (map->is_deprecated()) return Abort(kMapBecameDeprecated);
+ if (map->is_deprecated()) return Retry(kMapBecameDeprecated);
void LCodeGenBase::AddStabilityDependency(Handle<Map> map) {
- if (!map->is_stable()) return Abort(kMapBecameUnstable);
+ if (!map->is_stable()) return Retry(kMapBecameUnstable);
#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/compiler.h"
#include "src/deoptimizer.h"
bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
+ void Retry(BailoutReason reason);
// Methods for code dependencies.
void AddDeprecationDependency(Handle<Map> map);
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/lithium.h"
#include "src/v8.h"
-#include "src/lithium.h"
#include "src/scopes.h"
#include "src/serialize.h"
int values = graph->GetMaximumValueID();
CompilationInfo* info = graph->info();
if (values > LUnallocated::kMaxVirtualRegisters) {
- info->set_bailout_reason(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues);
+ info->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues);
return NULL;
LAllocator allocator(values, graph);
if (chunk == NULL) return NULL;
if (!allocator.Allocate(chunk)) {
- info->set_bailout_reason(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc);
+ info->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc);
return NULL;
+void LChunkBuilderBase::Abort(BailoutReason reason) {
+ info()->AbortOptimization(reason);
+ status_ = ABORTED;
+void LChunkBuilderBase::Retry(BailoutReason reason) {
+ info()->RetryOptimization(reason);
+ status_ = ABORTED;
LEnvironment* LChunkBuilderBase::CreateEnvironment(
HEnvironment* hydrogen_env, int* argument_index_accumulator,
ZoneList<HValue*>* objects_to_materialize) {
#include <set>
#include "src/allocation.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/hydrogen.h"
#include "src/safepoint-table.h"
#include "src/zone-allocator.h"
class LChunkBuilderBase BASE_EMBEDDED {
- explicit LChunkBuilderBase(Zone* zone)
+ explicit LChunkBuilderBase(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph)
: argument_count_(0),
- zone_(zone) { }
+ chunk_(NULL),
+ info_(info),
+ graph_(graph),
+ status_(UNUSED),
+ zone_(graph->zone()) {}
virtual ~LChunkBuilderBase() { }
+ void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
+ void Retry(BailoutReason reason);
+ LPlatformChunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
+ CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
+ HGraph* graph() const { return graph_; }
+ int argument_count() const { return argument_count_; }
+ Isolate* isolate() const { return graph_->isolate(); }
+ Heap* heap() const { return isolate()->heap(); }
+ bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; }
+ bool is_building() const { return status_ == BUILDING; }
+ bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; }
+ bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
// An input operand in register, stack slot or a constant operand.
// Will not be moved to a register even if one is freely available.
virtual MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseAny(HValue* value) = 0;
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
int argument_count_;
+ LPlatformChunk* chunk_;
+ CompilationInfo* info_;
+ HGraph* const graph_;
+ Status status_;
Zone* zone_;
#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/code-stubs.h"
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
PrintF(" ** Marking ");
- PrintName();
+ ShortPrint();
PrintF(" for concurrent recompilation.\n");
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
PrintF(" ** Queueing ");
- PrintName();
+ ShortPrint();
PrintF(" for concurrent recompilation.\n");
cell, info->zone());
-const char* GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason reason) {
- DCHECK(reason < kLastErrorMessage);
- static const char* error_messages_[] = {
- };
- return error_messages_[reason];
} } // namespace v8::internal
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/assert-scope.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/builtins.h"
#include "src/checks.h"
V(WeakHashTable) \
- V(kNoReason, "no reason") \
- \
- V(k32BitValueInRegisterIsNotZeroExtended, \
- "32 bit value in register is not zero-extended") \
- V(kAlignmentMarkerExpected, "Alignment marker expected") \
- V(kAllocationIsNotDoubleAligned, "Allocation is not double aligned") \
- V(kAPICallReturnedInvalidObject, "API call returned invalid object") \
- V(kArgumentsObjectValueInATestContext, \
- "Arguments object value in a test context") \
- V(kArrayBoilerplateCreationFailed, "Array boilerplate creation failed") \
- V(kArrayIndexConstantValueTooBig, "Array index constant value too big") \
- V(kAssignmentToArguments, "Assignment to arguments") \
- V(kAssignmentToLetVariableBeforeInitialization, \
- "Assignment to let variable before initialization") \
- V(kAssignmentToLOOKUPVariable, "Assignment to LOOKUP variable") \
- V(kAssignmentToParameterFunctionUsesArgumentsObject, \
- "Assignment to parameter, function uses arguments object") \
- V(kAssignmentToParameterInArgumentsObject, \
- "Assignment to parameter in arguments object") \
- V(kAttemptToUseUndefinedCache, "Attempt to use undefined cache") \
- V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsObjectValue, \
- "Bad value context for arguments object value") \
- V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsValue, \
- "Bad value context for arguments value") \
- V(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange, "Bailed out due to dependency change") \
- V(kBailoutWasNotPrepared, "Bailout was not prepared") \
- V(kBinaryStubGenerateFloatingPointCode, \
- "BinaryStub_GenerateFloatingPointCode") \
- V(kBothRegistersWereSmisInSelectNonSmi, \
- "Both registers were smis in SelectNonSmi") \
- V(kCallToAJavaScriptRuntimeFunction, \
- "Call to a JavaScript runtime function") \
- V(kCannotTranslatePositionInChangedArea, \
- "Cannot translate position in changed area") \
- V(kClassLiteral, "Class literal") \
- V(kCodeGenerationFailed, "Code generation failed") \
- V(kCodeObjectNotProperlyPatched, "Code object not properly patched") \
- V(kCompoundAssignmentToLookupSlot, "Compound assignment to lookup slot") \
- V(kContextAllocatedArguments, "Context-allocated arguments") \
- V(kCopyBuffersOverlap, "Copy buffers overlap") \
- V(kCouldNotGenerateZero, "Could not generate +0.0") \
- V(kCouldNotGenerateNegativeZero, "Could not generate -0.0") \
- V(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints, "Debugger has break points") \
- V(kDebuggerStatement, "DebuggerStatement") \
- V(kDeclarationInCatchContext, "Declaration in catch context") \
- V(kDeclarationInWithContext, "Declaration in with context") \
- V(kDefaultNaNModeNotSet, "Default NaN mode not set") \
- V(kDeleteWithGlobalVariable, "Delete with global variable") \
- V(kDeleteWithNonGlobalVariable, "Delete with non-global variable") \
- V(kDestinationOfCopyNotAligned, "Destination of copy not aligned") \
- V(kDontDeleteCellsCannotContainTheHole, \
- "DontDelete cells can't contain the hole") \
- V(kDoPushArgumentNotImplementedForDoubleType, \
- "DoPushArgument not implemented for double type") \
- V(kEliminatedBoundsCheckFailed, "Eliminated bounds check failed") \
- V(kEmitLoadRegisterUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, \
- "EmitLoadRegister: Unsupported double immediate") \
- V(kEval, "eval") \
- V(kExpected0AsASmiSentinel, "Expected 0 as a Smi sentinel") \
- V(kExpectedAlignmentMarker, "Expected alignment marker") \
- V(kExpectedAllocationSite, "Expected allocation site") \
- V(kExpectedFunctionObject, "Expected function object in register") \
- V(kExpectedHeapNumber, "Expected HeapNumber") \
- V(kExpectedNativeContext, "Expected native context") \
- V(kExpectedNonIdenticalObjects, "Expected non-identical objects") \
- V(kExpectedNonNullContext, "Expected non-null context") \
- V(kExpectedPositiveZero, "Expected +0.0") \
- V(kExpectedAllocationSiteInCell, "Expected AllocationSite in property cell") \
- V(kExpectedFixedArrayInFeedbackVector, \
- "Expected fixed array in feedback vector") \
- V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterA2, "Expected fixed array in register a2") \
- V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterEbx, "Expected fixed array in register ebx") \
- V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterR2, "Expected fixed array in register r2") \
- V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterRbx, "Expected fixed array in register rbx") \
- V(kExpectedNewSpaceObject, "Expected new space object") \
- V(kExpectedSmiOrHeapNumber, "Expected smi or HeapNumber") \
- V(kExpectedUndefinedOrCell, "Expected undefined or cell in register") \
- V(kExpectingAlignmentForCopyBytes, "Expecting alignment for CopyBytes") \
- V(kExportDeclaration, "Export declaration") \
- V(kExternalStringExpectedButNotFound, \
- "External string expected, but not found") \
- V(kFailedBailedOutLastTime, "Failed/bailed out last time") \
- V(kForInStatementIsNotFastCase, "ForInStatement is not fast case") \
- V(kForInStatementOptimizationIsDisabled, \
- "ForInStatement optimization is disabled") \
- V(kForInStatementWithNonLocalEachVariable, \
- "ForInStatement with non-local each variable") \
- V(kForOfStatement, "ForOfStatement") \
- V(kFrameIsExpectedToBeAligned, "Frame is expected to be aligned") \
- V(kFunctionCallsEval, "Function calls eval") \
- V(kFunctionIsAGenerator, "Function is a generator") \
- V(kFunctionWithIllegalRedeclaration, "Function with illegal redeclaration") \
- V(kGeneratedCodeIsTooLarge, "Generated code is too large") \
- V(kGeneratorFailedToResume, "Generator failed to resume") \
- V(kGenerator, "Generator") \
- V(kGlobalFunctionsMustHaveInitialMap, \
- "Global functions must have initial map") \
- V(kHeapNumberMapRegisterClobbered, "HeapNumberMap register clobbered") \
- V(kHydrogenFilter, "Optimization disabled by filter") \
- V(kImportDeclaration, "Import declaration") \
- V(kImproperObjectOnPrototypeChainForStore, \
- "Improper object on prototype chain for store") \
- V(kIndexIsNegative, "Index is negative") \
- V(kIndexIsTooLarge, "Index is too large") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionClassOf, "Inlined runtime function: ClassOf") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionFastOneByteArrayJoin, \
- "Inlined runtime function: FastOneByteArrayJoin") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGeneratorNext, \
- "Inlined runtime function: GeneratorNext") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGeneratorThrow, \
- "Inlined runtime function: GeneratorThrow") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGetFromCache, \
- "Inlined runtime function: GetFromCache") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionIsNonNegativeSmi, \
- "Inlined runtime function: IsNonNegativeSmi") \
- V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionIsStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf, \
- "Inlined runtime function: IsStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf") \
- V(kInliningBailedOut, "Inlining bailed out") \
- V(kInputGPRIsExpectedToHaveUpper32Cleared, \
- "Input GPR is expected to have upper32 cleared") \
- V(kInputStringTooLong, "Input string too long") \
- V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCheck, \
- "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (check)") \
- V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCmp1, \
- "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (cmp 1)") \
- V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCmp2, \
- "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (cmp 2)") \
- V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheMov, \
- "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (mov)") \
- V(kInteger32ToSmiFieldWritingToNonSmiLocation, \
- "Integer32ToSmiField writing to non-smi location") \
- V(kInvalidCaptureReferenced, "Invalid capture referenced") \
- V(kInvalidElementsKindForInternalArrayOrInternalPackedArray, \
- "Invalid ElementsKind for InternalArray or InternalPackedArray") \
- V(kInvalidFullCodegenState, "invalid full-codegen state") \
- V(kInvalidHandleScopeLevel, "Invalid HandleScope level") \
- V(kInvalidLeftHandSideInAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment") \
- V(kInvalidLhsInCompoundAssignment, "Invalid lhs in compound assignment") \
- V(kInvalidLhsInCountOperation, "Invalid lhs in count operation") \
- V(kInvalidMinLength, "Invalid min_length") \
- V(kJSGlobalObjectNativeContextShouldBeANativeContext, \
- "JSGlobalObject::native_context should be a native context") \
- V(kJSGlobalProxyContextShouldNotBeNull, \
- "JSGlobalProxy::context() should not be null") \
- V(kJSObjectWithFastElementsMapHasSlowElements, \
- "JSObject with fast elements map has slow elements") \
- V(kLetBindingReInitialization, "Let binding re-initialization") \
- V(kLhsHasBeenClobbered, "lhs has been clobbered") \
- V(kLiveBytesCountOverflowChunkSize, "Live Bytes Count overflow chunk size") \
- V(kLiveEdit, "LiveEdit") \
- V(kLookupVariableInCountOperation, "Lookup variable in count operation") \
- V(kMapBecameDeprecated, "Map became deprecated") \
- V(kMapBecameUnstable, "Map became unstable") \
- V(kMapIsNoLongerInEax, "Map is no longer in eax") \
- V(kModuleDeclaration, "Module declaration") \
- V(kModuleLiteral, "Module literal") \
- V(kModulePath, "Module path") \
- V(kModuleStatement, "Module statement") \
- V(kModuleVariable, "Module variable") \
- V(kModuleUrl, "Module url") \
- V(kNativeFunctionLiteral, "Native function literal") \
- V(kSuperReference, "Super reference") \
- V(kNeedSmiLiteral, "Need a Smi literal here") \
- V(kNoCasesLeft, "No cases left") \
- V(kNoEmptyArraysHereInEmitFastOneByteArrayJoin, \
- "No empty arrays here in EmitFastOneByteArrayJoin") \
- V(kNonInitializerAssignmentToConst, "Non-initializer assignment to const") \
- V(kNonSmiIndex, "Non-smi index") \
- V(kNonSmiKeyInArrayLiteral, "Non-smi key in array literal") \
- V(kNonSmiValue, "Non-smi value") \
- V(kNonObject, "Non-object value") \
- V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues, \
- "Not enough virtual registers for values") \
- V(kNotEnoughSpillSlotsForOsr, "Not enough spill slots for OSR") \
- V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc, \
- "Not enough virtual registers (regalloc)") \
- V(kObjectFoundInSmiOnlyArray, "Object found in smi-only array") \
- V(kObjectLiteralWithComplexProperty, "Object literal with complex property") \
- V(kOddballInStringTableIsNotUndefinedOrTheHole, \
- "Oddball in string table is not undefined or the hole") \
- V(kOffsetOutOfRange, "Offset out of range") \
- V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAName, "Operand is a smi and not a name") \
- V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAString, "Operand is a smi and not a string") \
- V(kOperandIsASmi, "Operand is a smi") \
- V(kOperandIsNotAName, "Operand is not a name") \
- V(kOperandIsNotANumber, "Operand is not a number") \
- V(kOperandIsNotASmi, "Operand is not a smi") \
- V(kOperandIsNotAString, "Operand is not a string") \
- V(kOperandIsNotSmi, "Operand is not smi") \
- V(kOperandNotANumber, "Operand not a number") \
- V(kObjectTagged, "The object is tagged") \
- V(kObjectNotTagged, "The object is not tagged") \
- V(kOptimizationDisabled, "Optimization is disabled") \
- V(kOptimizedTooManyTimes, "Optimized too many times") \
- V(kOutOfVirtualRegistersWhileTryingToAllocateTempRegister, \
- "Out of virtual registers while trying to allocate temp register") \
- V(kParseScopeError, "Parse/scope error") \
- V(kPossibleDirectCallToEval, "Possible direct call to eval") \
- V(kPreconditionsWereNotMet, "Preconditions were not met") \
- V(kPropertyAllocationCountFailed, "Property allocation count failed") \
- V(kReceivedInvalidReturnAddress, "Received invalid return address") \
- V(kReferenceToAVariableWhichRequiresDynamicLookup, \
- "Reference to a variable which requires dynamic lookup") \
- V(kReferenceToGlobalLexicalVariable, "Reference to global lexical variable") \
- V(kReferenceToUninitializedVariable, "Reference to uninitialized variable") \
- V(kRegisterDidNotMatchExpectedRoot, "Register did not match expected root") \
- V(kRegisterWasClobbered, "Register was clobbered") \
- V(kRememberedSetPointerInNewSpace, "Remembered set pointer is in new space") \
- V(kReturnAddressNotFoundInFrame, "Return address not found in frame") \
- V(kRhsHasBeenClobbered, "Rhs has been clobbered") \
- V(kScopedBlock, "ScopedBlock") \
- V(kSmiAdditionOverflow, "Smi addition overflow") \
- V(kSmiSubtractionOverflow, "Smi subtraction overflow") \
- V(kStackAccessBelowStackPointer, "Stack access below stack pointer") \
- V(kStackFrameTypesMustMatch, "Stack frame types must match") \
- V(kTheCurrentStackPointerIsBelowCsp, \
- "The current stack pointer is below csp") \
- V(kTheInstructionShouldBeALui, "The instruction should be a lui") \
- V(kTheInstructionShouldBeAnOri, "The instruction should be an ori") \
- V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeALoadFromConstantPool, \
- "The instruction to patch should be a load from the constant pool") \
- V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeAnLdrLiteral, \
- "The instruction to patch should be a ldr literal") \
- V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeALui, \
- "The instruction to patch should be a lui") \
- V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeAnOri, \
- "The instruction to patch should be an ori") \
- V(kTheSourceAndDestinationAreTheSame, \
- "The source and destination are the same") \
- V(kTheStackPointerIsNotAligned, "The stack pointer is not aligned.") \
- V(kTheStackWasCorruptedByMacroAssemblerCall, \
- "The stack was corrupted by MacroAssembler::Call()") \
- V(kTooManyParametersLocals, "Too many parameters/locals") \
- V(kTooManyParameters, "Too many parameters") \
- V(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR, "Too many spill slots needed for OSR") \
- V(kToOperand32UnsupportedImmediate, "ToOperand32 unsupported immediate.") \
- V(kToOperandIsDoubleRegisterUnimplemented, \
- "ToOperand IsDoubleRegister unimplemented") \
- V(kToOperandUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, \
- "ToOperand Unsupported double immediate") \
- V(kTryCatchStatement, "TryCatchStatement") \
- V(kTryFinallyStatement, "TryFinallyStatement") \
- V(kUnableToEncodeValueAsSmi, "Unable to encode value as smi") \
- V(kUnalignedAllocationInNewSpace, "Unaligned allocation in new space") \
- V(kUnalignedCellInWriteBarrier, "Unaligned cell in write barrier") \
- V(kUndefinedValueNotLoaded, "Undefined value not loaded") \
- V(kUndoAllocationOfNonAllocatedMemory, \
- "Undo allocation of non allocated memory") \
- V(kUnexpectedAllocationTop, "Unexpected allocation top") \
- V(kUnexpectedColorFound, "Unexpected color bit pattern found") \
- V(kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor, \
- "Unexpected ElementsKind in array constructor") \
- V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase, \
- "Unexpected fallthrough from CharCodeAt slow case") \
- V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharFromCodeSlowCase, \
- "Unexpected fallthrough from CharFromCode slow case") \
- V(kUnexpectedFallThroughFromStringComparison, \
- "Unexpected fall-through from string comparison") \
- V(kUnexpectedFallThroughInBinaryStubGenerateFloatingPointCode, \
- "Unexpected fall-through in BinaryStub_GenerateFloatingPointCode") \
- V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase, \
- "Unexpected fallthrough to CharCodeAt slow case") \
- V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharFromCodeSlowCase, \
- "Unexpected fallthrough to CharFromCode slow case") \
- V(kUnexpectedFPUStackDepthAfterInstruction, \
- "Unexpected FPU stack depth after instruction") \
- V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction1, \
- "Unexpected initial map for Array function (1)") \
- V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction2, \
- "Unexpected initial map for Array function (2)") \
- V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction, \
- "Unexpected initial map for Array function") \
- V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForInternalArrayFunction, \
- "Unexpected initial map for InternalArray function") \
- V(kUnexpectedLevelAfterReturnFromApiCall, \
- "Unexpected level after return from api call") \
- V(kUnexpectedNegativeValue, "Unexpected negative value") \
- V(kUnexpectedNumberOfPreAllocatedPropertyFields, \
- "Unexpected number of pre-allocated property fields") \
- V(kUnexpectedFPCRMode, "Unexpected FPCR mode.") \
- V(kUnexpectedSmi, "Unexpected smi value") \
- V(kUnexpectedStringFunction, "Unexpected String function") \
- V(kUnexpectedStringType, "Unexpected string type") \
- V(kUnexpectedStringWrapperInstanceSize, \
- "Unexpected string wrapper instance size") \
- V(kUnexpectedTypeForRegExpDataFixedArrayExpected, \
- "Unexpected type for RegExp data, FixedArray expected") \
- V(kUnexpectedValue, "Unexpected value") \
- V(kUnexpectedUnusedPropertiesOfStringWrapper, \
- "Unexpected unused properties of string wrapper") \
- V(kUnimplemented, "unimplemented") \
- V(kUninitializedKSmiConstantRegister, "Uninitialized kSmiConstantRegister") \
- V(kUnknown, "Unknown") \
- V(kUnsupportedConstCompoundAssignment, \
- "Unsupported const compound assignment") \
- V(kUnsupportedCountOperationWithConst, \
- "Unsupported count operation with const") \
- V(kUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, "Unsupported double immediate") \
- V(kUnsupportedLetCompoundAssignment, "Unsupported let compound assignment") \
- V(kUnsupportedLookupSlotInDeclaration, \
- "Unsupported lookup slot in declaration") \
- V(kUnsupportedNonPrimitiveCompare, "Unsupported non-primitive compare") \
- V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfArguments, "Unsupported phi use of arguments") \
- V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfConstVariable, \
- "Unsupported phi use of const variable") \
- V(kUnsupportedTaggedImmediate, "Unsupported tagged immediate") \
- V(kVariableResolvedToWithContext, "Variable resolved to with context") \
- V(kWeShouldNotHaveAnEmptyLexicalContext, \
- "We should not have an empty lexical context") \
- V(kWithStatement, "WithStatement") \
- V(kWrongFunctionContext, "Wrong context passed to function") \
- V(kWrongAddressOrValuePassedToRecordWrite, \
- "Wrong address or value passed to RecordWrite") \
- V(kYield, "Yield")
-enum BailoutReason {
- kLastErrorMessage
-const char* GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason reason);
// Object is the abstract superclass for all classes in the
// object hierarchy.
// Object does not use any virtual functions to avoid the
if (info->is_osr()) {
if (FLAG_trace_osr) {
PrintF("[COSR - ");
- info->closure()->PrintName();
+ function->ShortPrint();
PrintF(" is ready for install and entry at AST id %d]\n",
BackEdgeTable::RemoveStackCheck(code, offset);
} else {
if (function->IsOptimized()) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
+ PrintF(" ** Aborting compilation for ");
+ function->ShortPrint();
+ PrintF(" as it has already been optimized.\n");
+ }
DisposeOptimizedCompileJob(job, false);
} else {
Handle<Code> code = Compiler::GetConcurrentlyOptimizedCode(job);
#include "src/api.h"
#include "src/ast.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/char-predicates-inl.h"
#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/func-name-inferrer.h"
#include "src/hashmap.h"
#include "src/scanner.h"
#include "src/allocation-site-scopes.h"
#include "src/api.h"
#include "src/arguments.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/base/cpu.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
-void LChunkBuilder::Abort(BailoutReason reason) {
- info()->set_bailout_reason(reason);
- status_ = ABORTED;
LUnallocated* LChunkBuilder::ToUnallocated(Register reg) {
return new(zone()) LUnallocated(LUnallocated::FIXED_REGISTER,
} else {
spill_index = env_index - instr->environment()->first_local_index();
if (spill_index > LUnallocated::kMaxFixedSlotIndex) {
- Abort(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR);
+ Retry(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR);
spill_index = 0;
class LChunkBuilder FINAL : public LChunkBuilderBase {
LChunkBuilder(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph, LAllocator* allocator)
- : LChunkBuilderBase(graph->zone()),
- chunk_(NULL),
- info_(info),
- graph_(graph),
- status_(UNUSED),
+ : LChunkBuilderBase(info, graph),
- allocator_(allocator) { }
- Isolate* isolate() const { return graph_->isolate(); }
+ allocator_(allocator) {}
// Build the sequence for the graph.
LPlatformChunk* Build();
LInstruction* DoFlooringDivI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr);
- enum Status {
- };
- LPlatformChunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
- CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
- HGraph* graph() const { return graph_; }
- bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; }
- bool is_building() const { return status_ == BUILDING; }
- bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; }
- bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
- void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
// Methods for getting operands for Use / Define / Temp.
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(Register reg);
LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(XMMRegister reg);
HBinaryOperation* instr);
void FindDehoistedKeyDefinitions(HValue* candidate);
- LPlatformChunk* chunk_;
- CompilationInfo* info_;
- HGraph* const graph_;
- Status status_;
HInstruction* current_instruction_;
HBasicBlock* current_block_;
HBasicBlock* next_block_;
#define V8_X64_MACRO_ASSEMBLER_X64_H_
#include "src/assembler.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/frames.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
+ '../../src/bailout-reason.cc',
+ '../../src/bailout-reason.h',