+2009-10-16: Version 1.3.16
+ X64: Convert smis to holding 32 bits of payload.
+ Introduce v8::Integer::NewFromUnsigned method.
+ Add missing null check in Context::GetCurrent.
+ Add trim, trimLeft and trimRight methods to String
+ Patch by Jan de Mooij <jandemooij@gmail.com>
+ Implement ES5 Array.isArray
+ Patch by Jan de Mooij <jandemooij@gmail.com>
+ Skip access checks for hidden properties.
+ Add String::Concat(Handle<String> left, Handle<String> right) to the V8 API.
+ Fix GYP-based builds of V8.
2009-10-07: Version 1.3.15
Expand the maximum size of the code space to 512MB for 64-bit mode.